TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspcovfefe | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point |  Upon being elected Operator from 1:11:03AM to 1:11:19AM, GlassYuri immortalized his term with these words: “Do I have to give a fucking speech now?"
<G-Mobile> You linked that already
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> it's great either way
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<SilverFox> G-Mobile, you reviewed the list of things kanna ate I sent you?
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<lpghatguy> there are no reasons to pick Comcast internet if you have the choice, are there
<xShadowx> lpghatguy: speed
<xShadowx> can also drop local phone, and get phone+tv through cable
<lpghatguy> their contract language makes me angry
<xShadowx> they watch what you use the net for, and the speed is divided to everyone on your road
<xShadowx> and bad ping stability for gaming
<xShadowx> but if all you use it for is video chat / netflix its prolly great :P
<lpghatguy> until you hit 1 TB of data usage
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<Greys> lpghatguy unfortunately there are
<Greys> comcast's network is substantially faster and more stable than smaller companies
<Greys> around here we have Wide Open West, AT&T DSL, sometimes Verison, and some satelite providers
<Greys> AT&T requires a whole lot of infrastructure and associated services; not bundles, required. Verison cannot be counted on to exist even when it does.
<Greys> Wide Open West is great for parents, people who don't care how their internet works just that it does and can handle the occasional youtube video
<Greys> they're cheap, respectful, slow
<Greys> my mom uses WOW, and for her needs they're absolutely perfect
<Greys> I however appreciate speed and reliability
<Greys> who certifies yoga instructors
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<darklight> Certified yoga instructors?
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<darklight> "No amount of regulations gonna fix stupid"
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<VITAS> darklight, but taking off all those "attention hot coffee" stickers and warnings might help
<Greys> apparently, being a certified yoga instruction requires obtaining some degree of the yoga alliance's RYT certification, which is backed by the American Council on Exercise
<Greys> although AFPA also exists; and their certification comes in levels instead of degrees
<Greys> level one is 415$
<VITAS> becoming a certified spacedock supporter is way cheaper :P
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<MobileFox> My computer isnt booting properly now
<MobileFox> This is not fun
<darklight> VITAS, was watching xjet, that new zealand guy who doesn't pull his punches with rc stuff :P
<Greys> my phone has promised me another 3 hours of batter life
<VITAS> MobileFox, after messing with your cpu?
<darklight> How did my idea work out for calculating the line difference?
<VITAS> what does is tsay/do?
<Greys> MobileFox, challenge, inward facing 360 camera system
<VITAS> darklight my bos insists on useing line interpolation and his way of doing things
<VITAS> so he lectured me for hours on how i have to do it
<MobileFox> Vitas, cant mess with the cpu, it's locked by hp
<darklight> My way did interpolate, that the first step in order to get the differences :P
<MobileFox> My computer is just notorious for being a cunt when booting
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<VITAS> and it includes getting thousands of rows (like all of them) from the db each time someone clicks "the button"
<VITAS> im quite unhappy
<darklight> But I'm sure he knows what he is doing
* darklight laughs :P
<MobileFox> Greys, i have a blistering headache, no brainpower for challenges
<VITAS> MobileFox, so what signes does it give now? beeping? messages?
<MobileFox> No, it can boot
<VITAS> darklight, he has a phd in forrestry
<MobileFox> Just things dont startup
<VITAS> so no he isnt
<Greys> MobileFox, this will take time, just note it down on a small piece of yellow paper
<MobileFox> I'll pass
<MobileFox> Doesn't interest me anyways
<VITAS> MobileFox, i would normaly expect beep codes, blinking or some error message
<VITAS> if it does nothing it should be a power issue
<Greys> you'd be able to watch a 3D printer in VR
<VITAS> aka PSU or some cable
<MobileFox> Im rather sure your computer wouldn't beep because hexchat doesn't startup when desktop does
<darklight> Vitas I'm pretty sure I only barely passed high school math, but thats because intergrals and logrithms threw me and I never had an intuative understanding of attacking things :P
<VITAS> and the school system isnt a metrec for abilities
<VITAS> at least to me
<VITAS> MobileFox, you didnt say what its failing at but i suspected it wasnt turning on at all because you said it does nothing at all
<MobileFox> I really need an ssd on this thing
<MobileFox> I cant open up task manager to see what's going on
<darklight> Also how much data are you talking?
<VITAS> darklight what would you think is better to do: precalc 1 step increments or exporting all datatsets from the db at runntime and calcing the needed ones then?
<darklight> You might be able to do a "lower resolution lookup" if that makes sense
<darklight> Calculating them at run time would probably be faster, rather than fetching however many objects from the db all at once
<VITAS> im eating now but ill upload a sample dataset when im finished so you know what im on about
<VITAS> i would have to fetch all existing ones if i calc them
<VITAS> or sift trough a million or more precalc interpolation ones to get the ones i want
<VITAS> and im unsure if large tables and HWERE clauses on them are slower than SELECT all from a smaller table and do linear interpolation on them afterwards
<darklight> If you're dealing with a lot of data I'd probably optimise it first by calculating sharp peaks and troughs and storing those
<VITAS> even if that makes a realy large table?
<VITAS> like millions of rows?
<VITAS> what bugs me most is: whatever i do it will get relay slow the more datasets people upload
<darklight> Could be a secondary table, but I only bring this up if you have to match against tens of thousands of things. If that's not the case dw about it until things get too slow :P
<VITAS> i was hoping to do all of tha stuff in the db but there arent build in functions for linear interpolation and i think there isnt a speed advantage using regular arithmetic functions
<VITAS> yes i did a _calc table for them
<darklight> I doubt you could do curve matching in a db :P
<VITAS> what i have is: about 100 models
<VITAS> containing about 5 columns
<VITAS> for two types
<VITAS> with about 30 rows each
<VITAS> so 100*5*2*30 ive to go trough now
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<darklight> But if you put something simple about the graph inside the table like "this has a really sharp peak at 400nm" and do a "where 380 < peaks < 420" type of thing
<VITAS> x axis range is about 1000
<darklight> That can help optimise when you need it
<VITAS> so precalcing interpolation would cause 1000*5*2*100 rows
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<darklight> Yeah, don't do that :P
<VITAS> yes i thought so
<VITAS> my boss came up with that idea stating that "back when i had my only job we had realy big databases that fileld racks and mysqwl was fast"
<VITAS> i replyed "do you have racks of servers i can use?"
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<darklight> I think it'd be more efficent and cheaper if you got your boss to put a pile of cash on the floor and do it some other way
<darklight> :P
<darklight> *cash on the floor and burn it
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<VITAS> so thats what they call one model
<VITAS> it has something to do with messuring reflections at different wavelength
<VITAS> sp the most left colum is the wavelength of light
<VITAS> there are two tables to each model
<VITAS> excitation and emission
<VITAS> each table has columns called components
<VITAS> theyre numbert C1 to Cn
<darklight> Err, it's a text file?
<VITAS> (the amount of components per model isnt fixed but depends on the model
<VITAS> yes
<VITAS> i parse it and import it into the db
<Greys> SilverFox, how many monitors do you have
<darklight> Imma chuck this in openoffice calc just to give me something workable
<VITAS> the values in thos component columns are intensety
<VITAS> its a double float
<VITAS> ive about 100 of these modles aka text files atm in the db
<VITAS> because the wavelength arent in a fixed pattern ive to norm them first
<VITAS> the increments to use are determend by the model i want to compare to the others
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<VITAS> so if the one i posted is the one i want to find similar ones to ive to use its wavelength
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<GlassYuri> darklight,
<VITAS> so ive to calculated the intensety at those wavelength from all other models stored in the db
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<VITAS> once i have those ive to cycle trough those and do a tuckers conguence coefficiant on them (
<VITAS> it basicly calculates a z-value of similarity relative to the rest
<MobileFox> I can't ctrl alt delete anymore ughhh
<VITAS> so a value from 0-1 showing how similar a component is
<Greys> nobody needs that anyways
<Greys> darklight, nice data, whats it about?
<VITAS> MobileFox, screen keyboard?
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<MobileFox> Physical
<VITAS> darklight, i hope you understand :)
<darklight> Greys: You'd know if you unblocked vitas :P
<VITAS> yes i made a website with charting to show that
<Greys> yes but then I would suffer until I blocked him again
<VITAS> darklight, like a teaser: if you subscribe to VITAS you get the rest
<VITAS> i even forgot why he blocked me
<darklight> Here's a question... I can see component[n], and I see methods, what's the bet that this data isn't going to have all the same methods all the time... :P
<VITAS> btw im writing the site in mariadb and php so youre welcome to do some php :D
<VITAS> method?
<darklight> I assume component[n] matches the methods field
<VITAS> still dont know what you call method here
<darklight> Does "methods Instrument spectral bias correction: Ex,Instrument spectral bias correction: Em,Inner filter effect correction: absorbance method, Internal calibration: Raman Peak area" match the 4 fields of data you have?
<VITAS> no
<VITAS> i ignore metadata
* darklight just realised there is 5 fields
<VITAS> its just gibberish i show in the details of each model on the site
<darklight> If this is all coming from the 1 scanner that's ok as all those columns of data will be there
<darklight> Because you're playing with 5 sets of data :P
<Greys> so's I've blanked and installed the SD card from my old phone into my new phone, doubling the capacity to theoretically 128GB but probably less; and because android no longer lets anything use the SD card for safety reasons I've use androids fancy new "orphan" system to mount the SD card as an expansion to the internal volume; which turns out to be odd
<VITAS> some models can contain more or less than 5
<Greys> my phone now believes it has slightly less intermal storage, and no SD card
<VITAS> but its ok because whe look at the columns aka components individualy
<Greys> I believe it will dynamically "find" SD card space as the internal volume overflows
<VITAS> so what i need to do is to comapre each component (column) of each model against the columsn (components) of one column
<VITAS> and do that for ex and em
<darklight> What I'm getting at is that you need to make sure column 3 in this dataset is the same column 3 from one with 5 sets or something along those lines :P
<Greys> I'd of course prefer to hard point my bulk data apps, like podcasts and audiobooks, at the SD card, but whatever
<VITAS> since ive to do that the column count doesnt matter (they have no relation apart from beeing in the same model)
<VITAS> yes and no
<VITAS> ive to check if one of the columns (aomponents) is similar to the interpolated values of any other column in any other model
<Greys> some day, when I'm emperor of amerada, I shall require every household to contain a lathe
<VITAS> components
<SilverFox> computer can now boot properly after I disconnected the rift stuff and did a full shutdown instead of holding the power button
<SilverFox> ima defrag the drive to see if that helps at all
<VITAS> SilverFox, hurray :)
<Greys> it shouldn't
<darklight> Fair enough, I guess I'm not understand what each of these components are though
<darklight> *understand
<darklight> ing
<VITAS> i dont either
<darklight> I'd be wanting a clarification on that :P
<VITAS> components seem to be measurments of intensety at different light wavelength
<VITAS> so e.g. 0.3242345 intensety at 262.2 nm
<darklight> Well in the example they all seem to be offset by a random number of wavelengths
<VITAS> yes thats the problem
<darklight> Yeah but wavelength is down the side
<VITAS> i dont know why that is but its that way always
<Greys> SilverFox, defragging only impacts performance, not functional concerns
<VITAS> yes wavelength is on the left
<VITAS> and because theyre at seemingly random wavelength
<VITAS> ive to interpolate the same wavelength for all other models and columns
<VITAS> so e.g. ive 260.1 nm in the model i want to compare
<VITAS> and 265.7 in one i want to compare it to
<VITAS> ive toi interpolate 260.1 in that one so i can comapre them
<VITAS> and thats where ive to do linear interpolation
<VITAS> the actual comparing comes after that
<VITAS> i need scott manley!
<VITAS> im sure he did similar things many times
<SilverFox> he never comes around anymore
<VITAS> yes and he does less and less ksp
<SilverFox> indeed
<VITAS> but i can understand why
<VITAS> at least hes donating 1$ to spacedock each month :)
<SilverFox> lol
<VITAS> yes but it at least shows that he somewhat cares
<VITAS> but he doesnt care enough to say its name in videos when he uses it
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<VITAS> off topic: im stillt hinking about renting an replacement for the current main spacedock server
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<VITAS> do i want to pay 12€ more for 64Gb instead of 32GB of ram?
<VITAS> the current one is from 2011 so i wont switch servers that often on that one
<darklight> VITAS: Trying to find some data on the actual "Fluoromax-2"
<darklight> Looks like a pretty old machine :P
<darklight> I can't shake the feeling that those components are important and mean something
<VITAS> darklight, might be some of that data is quite old too
<VITAS> they are interresting to humans but not to the math
<VITAS> so after they found similar measurements humans can decide if its usefull
<VITAS> btw its an rewrite of an existing software
<VITAS> and my boss did that in java and cant even get it to compile now
<VITAS> so im rewriting it
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<VITAS> i could post my problem on the forums hoping for soem brains to make some suggestions
<Greys> "200 pounds of copper pennies"
<Greys> 1$
<SilverFox> sounds like an easy way to make money
<Greys> nah, craigslist bullshit
<SilverFox> how many pennies is 200lbs?
<Greys> ;wa diameter of a penny
<kmath> Greys: US 1 penny->diameter: 19.1 mm (millimeters)
<Greys> ;wa thickness of a penny
<kmath> Greys: US 1 penny->thickness: 2 mm (millimeters)
<SilverFox> ;wa weight of a penny
<kmath> SilverFox: US 1 penny->mass: 2.5 grams
<Greys> ;wa volume of a penny
<kmath> Greys: US 1 penny->volume: 441.8 mm^3 (cubic millimeters)
<Greys> ;wa density of copper
<kmath> Greys: copper->density: 8.96 g/cm^3 (grams per cubic centimeter)
<SilverFox> sweet jesus greys
<Greys> ;wa 8.96 g/cm^3 * 441.8mm^3
<kmath> Greys: 8.96 g/cm^3 (grams per cubic centimeter)×441.8 mm^3 (cubic millimeters): 3.959 grams
<Greys> see.
<SilverFox> I just did what you were trying to do in one fucking query
<Greys> MODERN pennies are not made of copper
<darklight> VITAS: Can't find any info about these components....
<Greys> ;wa density of zinc
<kmath> Greys: zinc->density: 7.14 g/cm^3 (grams per cubic centimeter)
<Greys> ;wa 7.14 g/cm^3 * 441.8mm^3
<kmath> Greys: 7.14 g/cm^3 (grams per cubic centimeter)×441.8 mm^3 (cubic millimeters): 3.154 grams
<Greys> probably some air bubbles in there
<SilverFox> ;wa 200lbs / 2.5g
<kmath> SilverFox: (200 lb (pounds))/(2.5 grams): 36300 kg/kg (kilograms per kilogram), 36300, 3.63×10^6%
<Greys> SilverFox, did you not read any of those results?
<SilverFox> 36,300 pennies
<Greys> nope
<SilverFox> 363$ worth of pennies, neat
<Greys> ;wa 200lbs / 3.959 grams
<kmath> Greys: (200 lb (pounds))/(3.959 grams): 22914 kg/kg (kilograms per kilogram), 22914, 2.2914×10^6%
<darklight> Also GlassYuri I think there's a difference between white nationalists and nazi's, but I'm sure there's a lot of common ground
<Greys> see what you get for not paying attention?
<VITAS> darklight, why is it important?
<SilverFox> you mean not giving a shit?
<SilverFox> because frankly, i dont care
<darklight> VITAS: I can't shake the feeling that trying to match these things without understanding what the fields actually mean is going to give you false matches, or worse, nothing will match as it will all be offset
<darklight> I want to know why this one sample has offset data :P
<Greys> "uncirculated copper pennies weigh about 3.11g each, uncirculated zinc pennies weigh about 2.5g each
<VITAS> darklight, ive clear instructions on how to match them
<Greys> this craigslist is specifically 200lbs of copper pennies
<VITAS> so it doesnt matter if i know the devices
<darklight> "match any field to any other field" doesn't sound right to me, so *shrugs* :P
<SilverFox> my drive was 22% fragmented, that's pretty bad
<VITAS> the only question is: how to best implement it
<SilverFox> so im now 82% the way of optimizing it
<SilverFox> 85% now
<VITAS> darklight, im not simply mathich one field to another
<Greys> and what is it you think optimization is going to fix?
<darklight> Do you have another similar but different sample that looks right?
<VITAS> but in order to do anything ive to estimate their values at the wavelnegth ive data for in the model i want to compare them to
<VITAS> yes
<VITAS> ive 100 of them :D
<VITAS> and theyre all correct and real world
<VITAS> ill past you another
<darklight> ty
<SilverFox> oh fuck, it was only relocating, it wasnt doing the actual defrag fuuuck now I have to wait for this shit
<VITAS> darklight, there you go
<VITAS> i devided them by ----------------------
<darklight> spaces were fine
<VITAS> as you can see the amount of rows and wavelneght are diofferent
<darklight> I just hit "space" and "merge delimiters"
<darklight> Err, you didn't paste anything :P
<VITAS> if you imagine the first beeing the one i want to find similarities to
<VITAS> in thath text pad thing
<VITAS> its etherpad
<VITAS> if you imagine the first beeing the one i want to find similarities to
<darklight> Oh ok
<VITAS> its the one that defines the wavelengths i need to have values for in the other models
<VITAS> so ive to estemate them by linear interpolation
<VITAS> and as i wrote the actual comparing is more than simply comparing values but another mathematical process on its own
<VITAS> but we get to that once ive those values
<VITAS> aka we interpolated them
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<Greys> when I'm emperor, it'd probably be good for everyone to own a breathalyzer
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<darklight> They both have those offset peaks
<darklight> But it's peaking in a different order?
* darklight realised what he has done with the range on the data
<VITAS> sec
<darklight> I kinda have to go to bed, I was only expecting to match one curve up against another one, as that'd be easy :P
<Greys> which one of you drinks
<darklight> I wouldn't be storing interpolated data, I'd be storing peak wavelengths as an optimisation thing as it's pretty easy to find, and then loading the dataset from anything close and creating an interpolated set against what you're trying to match (as that probably won't happen all that often I guess?)
<VITAS> ok now
<Greys> darklight, is delrin lower friction than nylon?
<VITAS> darklight, it doesnt have to be solved now
<VITAS> and you dont have to help me
<darklight> It's all good, it's just this is a big issue you'll want to tackle first as you might have to do something to the data in order to even begin thinking about matching it. That being said making a matching function for an individual curve would be easy :P
<VITAS> but if you like to i would be happy for you to write some php code that goes trough db resultsets and interpolates them to the right x values
<VITAS> and stores them in some array for the actual compairson
<VITAS> i can then adapt that code to my project
<VITAS> but only if you want :)
<VITAS> also: good night
<VITAS> in other news: i just wrote arumba on reddit offering him some beefy server for a massive factorio session
<darklight> I'll give it a quick little go, it looks like both 'e' sets match so I'll quickly write a comparey-thing
<VITAS> dont compare values
<VITAS> i only need the interpolation part first
<VITAS> if youre interrested on helping me with that we should have soem sort of audio conversation sometime
<VITAS> because i think you didnt comply udnerstand what i need :)
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<Greys> amazing
<Greys> true astonishment
<Greys> a grandeur I cannot comprehend, except that I understand it perfectly
<Greys> my battery pack causes my phone to draw more power
<Greys> on battery alone, at idle, the phone draws 280mA
<Greys> an absolute measure of -280mA positive rate
<Greys> with the battery plugged in the phone experiences a positive rate of -480mA
<Greys> the software, as I see it, is aware that it is plugged in, but does not behave with consideration to the magnetude of charge being recieved; as such the phone steps up into a higher activity level, that entirely dwarfs the provision of the battery pack
<Greys> when plugged into a USB 3.0 jack on my sevenish year old motherboard, the phone has a positive rate of 220mA
<Greys> ;wa 100c to f
<kmath> Greys: convert 100 °C (degrees Celsius) to degrees Fahrenheit: 212 °F (degrees Fahrenheit)
<Greys> ;wa 100C to f
<kmath> Greys: convert 100 °C (degrees Celsius) to degrees Fahrenheit: 212 °F (degrees Fahrenheit)
<Greys> darn
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<darklight> VITAS:
<darklight> lol, accidently included lock files, one sec
<darklight> Try now
<darklight> adata/bdata is the 5th column from the 1st and 3rd set of data in that thing (the em data), just in csv format. The php file generates an interpolated set with keys that match A, so you can compare A and BGEN's data values directly, which I put in the chart in the ods file
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<darklight> updated again with difference data
<VITAS> good work
<VITAS> it might need some failsaves
<darklight> I'm done for tonight, 10pm and I need to work tomorrow
<darklight> I know I'll stay up for a little later, but you can read the code in the php file and you should gather how it works :P
<VITAS> thx and i did tell you you dont have to do it now
<VITAS> :)
<darklight> Yeah, but fun little challange :P
<VITAS> ill see if it fails and maybe find ways to make it faster or more compact
<VITAS> next challange is comparing but thats for another day
<darklight> Look in the ods file (redownload if the diff data isn't in the ods)
<darklight> Might not need to do that area stuff, just difference the points (but you
<darklight> (you'll need to bin it into areas otherwise it won't be a fair comparison)
<VITAS> comparing wont be as simple as substracting or something
<darklight> Actually...
<darklight> It might be
<VITAS> butt sleep now :D
<VITAS> it wont
<darklight> error = abs(a-b) / total points comparing
<VITAS> not now :)
<darklight> So that way something with 500 points doesn't have 5x the error compared to 100 points :P
<darklight> anyways
<VITAS> sleep
* VITAS looks for wooden hammer
<darklight> I'm off the pc now
<darklight> I'll still be up for another half hour or hour though
<darklight> If you have any questions feel free to ask, iter is iterator btw. I have horrible variable naming skills :P
<Greys> yanno what would be nice; a digitally operated analog kitchen scale
<Greys> hardly anybody has need for the precision of digitals, and analog interfaces with shift markers permit for easier repeatability
<Greys> just a digital scale but instead of a digital display it operates a needle meter, two if you really need the precision
<Greys> Chinese Jesus Fucking America-chan, this is the worst thought we've ever imported
<SilverFox> Greys, that helmet looks heavy as fuck
<Greys> SilverFox, my first thought is CRT, so it may be twice as heavy as fuck
<SilverFox> ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
<SilverFox> that should be illegal
<Greys> CRT HMDs?
<Greys> yes
<Greys> the horrible terrible no good dogfood coffee scale?
<Greys> yes
<Greys> so I'm thinking about getting an analog kitchen scale, gutting it, replacing it's mechanism with a load cell, but driving the output is a bit problematic
<SilverFox> magnet coil
<SilverFox> and spring
<Greys> certainly I could operate it with servos and calibrate the display with hall effect sensors, and make it all work good
<Greys> but how would I made an ardunio run on a single battery for five years
<SilverFox> mnagnet coil and spring would be cheaper
<SilverFox> for driving a needle?
<Greys> for driving this needle
<SilverFox> why not?
<Greys> too many degrees
<Greys> these things go all the way around you know
<SilverFox> yeah?
<Greys> if I was building it from scratch a voice coil needle would be sufficient, but I like the form of these things
<Greys> if I was using one of these things a coil needle would probably be workable
<SilverFox> echo arena is still by far the most fun I've had in vr
<darklight> Go full 21st century and draw an analog face on a digital screen
<Greys> is this tron?
<Greys> darklight, that's certainly a functional possiblity but battery concerns are already dominant
<Greys> at least with a servo I don't have to power anything when the display is stationary
<SilverFox> ooh wait, I know the best way to save on battery
<SilverFox> not have one at all
<Greys> hmmm
<SilverFox> if springs wear out, you can use gears
<SilverFox> also yes, Echo (X) is tron
<Greys> how much power can you get out of those things where you push a bar, it runs through a transmission and clutch, spins up a flywheel, and then the flywheel dumps through a dynamo into a capacitor
<SilverFox> Echo Alone or whatever it's called is also tron
<SilverFox> that sounds very fucking wasteful and stupid
<Greys> the design of these scales is suitable for being the bar you push, if I could run the unit for several minutes off one good spinup, that's workable
<SilverFox> how about you wind it up like an old pocketwatch?
<SilverFox> "hold up sweetie, I have to wind up the kitchen scale"
<Greys> old pocket watches rely on the clockworks being extremely efficient to use very small amounts of energy metered out regularly
<Greys> you're not going to get electricity out of that
<SilverFox> nono
<SilverFox> not power it from it
<Greys> then you're speaking dumb
<SilverFox> get power from wall
<SilverFox> easy peasy
<Greys> unacceptable
<SilverFox> make it rechargeable
<SilverFox> usb micro
<Greys> I hardly have any outlets and they're all taken
<SilverFox> solar powered
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<Greys> what light do you think there is in my kitchen, in the back of my apartment, in the center of my building
<SilverFox> bitch idk where you live
<SilverFox> damn
<SilverFox> jeezers
<RandomJeb> mirrors and lenses
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<SilverFox> ye
<Greys> if you can think of how to operate a load cell and one or two servos on less than a tenth of a pound of lithium for two years, then we're good
<SilverFox> why does it have to be light
<Greys> that's not light
<SilverFox> servos is where you're killing it
<Greys> ;wa .1lb to grams
<kmath> Greys: convert 0.1 lb (pounds) to grams: 45.4 grams
<SilverFox> how is that not light?
<SilverFox> that's like, half an apple
<SilverFox> half a newton
<Greys> ;wa .3oz to grams
<kmath> Greys: convert 0.3 oz (ounces) to grams: 8.5 grams
<Greys> that's the weight of a digital kitchen scale
<Greys> the entire scale
<Greys> see, they're mostly plastic, sometimes some sheetmetal, a little LCD, and one or two button cell batteries
<SilverFox> right
<SilverFox> because that design is efficient
<Greys> yep
<Greys> now these spring loaded scales, they already weight quite a lot, so we can't go adding all that much weight
<Greys> we'll drop some with the springs gone, the load cell is aluminum, it'll probably weigh less
<Greys> if I can tap a value out of the digital scale's circuitry without having to interpret the display, that'll stay light, then just need to turn that value into a value for the needle driver
<SilverFox> greys, what about magnet coil?
<SilverFox> you can go linear gear to round gear
<SilverFox> should weigh less than a couple servos
<darklight> I'm nor understanding the point of making a analog kitchen scale with a digital load cell
<SilverFox> darklight, she does weird shit, you just gotta accept it
<darklight> I am also not understanding the point of not using a digital scale like a sane person
<SilverFox> she doesnt have outlets
<SilverFox> cavepeople cant use powerbars yet
<Greys> because I don't care what the number is after I've decided on it
<Greys> I just want the number to repeat with a reasonable amount of accuracy
<Greys> I want to decide "this much steak", position the pointer at the needle, and then move the needle back to the pointer N times by piling on steak and then shuffling it off
<Greys> analog displays are good at exactly two things, removing unnecessary context; and conveying rate & scale
<darklight> Maybe put the entire analog scale on a digital one and have an led bar with a set button
<Greys> LEDs draw too much power
<darklight> Don't need to power them if there is no weight
<Greys> SilverFox, can you make a voice coil that stays where you put it without the input of power
<SilverFox> probably not, but you can do other things to circumvent this
<SilverFox> such as a lock pin
<SilverFox> adds a feature as well
<Greys> this has become too complicated
<SilverFox> usually what happens with your ideas
<Greys> servos are simple
<SilverFox> but draw power
<darklight> Servos may not give enough accuracy
<SilverFox> im suggesting gears
<Greys> gears are fine
<darklight> They have a pretty large deadband
<SilverFox> which will give plenty of accuracy
<darklight> You still need a potentiometer behind the needle
<SilverFox> thats what the coil is
<Greys> why do I need a potentiometer
<SilverFox> variac ftw
<darklight> So you know where the needle is so you can move it?
<Greys> nah
<Greys> just home it, with hall effect sensors
<SilverFox> hall effect sensors draw power
<Greys> only when needed
<Greys> and not much
<SilverFox> a physical home would be better
<SilverFox> if you want this to last years, every little bit of energy matters
<darklight> I am going to bed, this is above my pay grade :P
<Greys> good limit switches are too expensive for my shit giving
<SilverFox> so use contact switches
<SilverFox> a simple conducting sheet
<Greys> they wear out real quick
<SilverFox> springs
<SilverFox> wait
<SilverFox> carbon foam
<Greys> the bane of accuracy
<darklight> potentiometerrrr, and you can cut power to the motor so you aren't using power moving the neeeedle
<SilverFox> the carbon foam will change resistance when squished lots
<Greys> the carbon fiber will drift over time
<SilverFox> wut
<darklight> SF is talking about cremated bread
<SilverFox> no
<darklight> sf is a siy
<darklight> *silly
<SilverFox> its like a sponge
<SilverFox> but carbon
<Greys> I hate receipt language
<Greys> wtf is a henkel lct epx
<Greys> or a prest antifree
<SilverFox> prestine antifreeze
<Greys> good call, I did buy that
<Greys> found my radiator half empty
<SilverFox> you're welcome
<Greys> so what's henkel lct epx
<SilverFox> uhmmmmmmmmmm
<SilverFox> a printer?
<SilverFox> espon x?
<SilverFox> epson x
<SilverFox> wait
<SilverFox> epoxy?
<Greys> loctite
<Greys> 2 part epoxy, in a syringe
<SilverFox> ayyyyyyyy
<SilverFox> I got it
<Greys> I think we've proven my point
<SilverFox> naw I was just being stupid
<SilverFox> as if you'd buy a printer
<Greys> there are uses for printers that I've wished I'd have
<Greys> I've even traced things off my screen before
<SilverFox> lol
<Greys> but a decent printer in my eyes needs to be able to print ledger size, and have a flatbed scanner that is larger than letter size
<Greys> and, critically, cost 80$ or less
<Greys> 140$ if laser
<SilverFox> 1.90GB out of 5.1GB mmmboy
<SilverFox> robo recall better be worth it
<SilverFox> not porn
<SilverFox> reported
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<Greys> this is the problem with the printer industry
<Greys> printers aren't valued at their cost
<SilverFox> its not porn?
<Greys> what I would want would easily cost 150$ for the lesser machine were I to try and buy one
<SilverFox> feelsbadman
<SilverFox> C A P I T A L I S M
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<Greys> yea but we're basically in agreement about this
<Greys> printers aren't worth what they cost, and they're worth less as time goes on; so probably a few years from now, what I want will cost what I pay
<Greys> and it'll be shit
<Greys> and the ink will cost five times more
<SilverFox> same with my computer parts
<Greys> well that's more the industry's fault
<Greys> they stopped making things better, and then got mad when people were less willing to pay
<Greys> you might notice, the cost of GPUs has scarcely been higher
<SilverFox> I wonder if supersampling affects cpu performance
<SilverFox> if not, I can totes crank that shit
<SilverFox> if it does have decent impact, then I'll have to undersample
<Greys> supersampling increases the number of pixels being rendered, and adds teh downsampling step; however downsampling as an approximation of free
<Greys> so the portion of the render chain should scale linearly with the increase in pixels
<SilverFox> its gonna take me for forever to get my parts upgraded
<SilverFox> thinking of either 1300x or 1400 ryzen cpu
<Greys> it's like taking a render with raycasting and increasing the number of rays in the render
<Greys> I'm in much the same issue there
<SilverFox> yeah but raycasting is hella cpu expensive
<Greys> for CPU based raycasters yes
<Greys> GPUs are a lot better at raycasting
<SilverFox> wowzers
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<SilverFox> anyways, I need a new cpu, mobo, and ram
<SilverFox> and its not like I can replace one at a time
<Greys> I bet you could get by without new ram, unless you want more
<SilverFox> i have DDR3
<Greys> yep
<SilverFox> so unless DDR4 somehow becomes backwards compatible
<Greys> DDR4 is not meaningfully better than DDR3 except in certain kinds of high end physics simulation
<SilverFox> except in when the mobos that exist only support ddr4
<SilverFox> such as ryzen mobos
<Greys> surely somebody makes a DDR3 ryzen morble
<SilverFox> in microATX formfactor
<SilverFox> that isnt 200$
<SilverFox> going cheapo on this still costs me 500$
<Greys> I don't understand small computers
<Greys> I even own a particularly large phone
<SilverFox> transport
<SilverFox> and there's no reason to go full atx size when you wont even use that space
<Greys> given the components I'd gladly build a full height rack as a single PC
<SilverFox> ideally I'd love to go miniITX
<SilverFox> but I'd need to buy a new case for that
<Greys> you could build one
<Greys> cases are easy
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<SilverFox> or I could not and use the case I already have and save moneyu
<Greys> you could
<Greys> you watch out for good shit on craigslist right?
<SilverFox> no
<Greys> around here there's a bunch of dell servers, complete, for 50~200$
<SilverFox> craiglist is like, barely here
<SilverFox> craiglist is like, an american thing
<Greys> give it a shot, go on, search for server
<SilverFox> we have kijiji here
<Greys> then try that
<SilverFox> naw
<Greys> those xeons probably have 8 threads
<SilverFox> im not looking at american links
<SilverFox> someone's selling a macintosh plus
<Greys> plus?
<SilverFox> think that'll run vr?
<Greys> I think it'll run in VR
<Greys> I wonder if that exists, VR emulations of old computer systems
<Greys> there's VR arcades
<Greys> I wonder how many ITX systems you could fit in two U
<SilverFox> Greys, while I could go on ebay and look at processors, I have to debate whether that upgrade would be better than getting a ryzen cpu
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<SilverFox> also I want to stay at or under 65W TDP
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<SilverFox> I can get a ryzen 1400 for 205$
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<SilverFox> which is still less expensive than an i5-6400
<SilverFox> by 30$
<SilverFox> even a 4590 on ebay is more expensive than the 1400
<SilverFox> oh wait, the 1300x and 1200 get released tomorrow
<SilverFox> ;wa 129USD to CAD
<kmath> SilverFox: convert $129 (US dollars) to Canadian dollars: C$161.50 (Canadian dollars)
<SilverFox> so it'll probably be 179.99
<SilverFox> for the 1300x
<SilverFox> 4 core 4 thread
<SilverFox> ;wa 109USD to CAD
<kmath> SilverFox: convert $109 (US dollars) to Canadian dollars: C$136.41 (Canadian dollars)
<SilverFox> 149.99
<SilverFox> I could save money and get the 1200 and then just overclock it
<SilverFox> the 1300x shows to be better than the 4590 which is recommended minimum
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<SilverFox> Best Bench: "3.3Ghz base, 3.7Ghz turbo" Worst bench: "3.3Ghz base, 0.45Ghz turbo" the i5 there is doing great
<SilverFox> a whole 450Mhz clock
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<kmath> YouTube - Adam Savage Meets Richard Browning's Flight Suit!
<Greys> jet on his back, two jets on each hand, and it works; near the ground
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<SilverFox> amazon is now sending me emails about LED headlamps like wtf
<VITAS> ebay is sending my company mails about living room furniture
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<xShadowx> "11 year old girl gets pregnant, and father declares miracle and seeks sanctuary with the church"
<xShadowx> ya.......miracle.....riiiiiight
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<SilverFox> lpghatguy, robo recall is alright, kinda stressful tho
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<SilverFox> Greys, what do you think of the anime kiniro mosaic?
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