TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspcovfefe | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point |  Upon being elected Operator from 1:11:03AM to 1:11:19AM, GlassYuri immortalized his term with these words: “Do I have to give a fucking speech now?"
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<SilverFox> ~c 219.99 * 1.13 + 8.60
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 257.1887
<SilverFox> ~c 428.99 * 1.13
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 484.7587
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<SilverFox> ;wa 1CAD to USD
<kmath> SilverFox: convert C$1 (Canadian dollar) to US dollars: $0.78 (US dollars)
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<SilverFox> ~FoxTime KST
<FoxBot9000> Sun Jul 09 01:46:50 GMT 2017
<SilverFox> neato
<SilverFox> still unreliable
<SilverFox> ;wa time in korea
<kmath> SilverFox: current time in South Korea: 10:47:24 am KST -> Sunday, July 9, 2017
<SilverFox> 1 more hour
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<kmath> <ridgelinelabs> Apparently dinosaurs like to play fetch too! #madeWithUnity #VR #gamedev #indiedev
<SilverFox> wholesome vr game
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<darklight> Silverfox that is the first dog I have seen that has brought something back
<SilverFox> my dog does
<SilverFox> because she's smart af
<SilverFox> but also fat
<darklight> Our dog would mostly bring it back but stop about 5 metres away
<darklight> Also she's 16
<SilverFox> jesus
<SilverFox> that's like, 130
<darklight> She has this cough, we do have a medicine to treat that, but it aint cheap
<darklight> Heart disease I thinks
<darklight> Probably mitral valve disease or whatever it is, we've had the dog since I was in early high school
<darklight> And she was like 2 then
<SilverFox> i wonder how long the human brain can last
<SilverFox> like, given a mechanical heart and lungs and such
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<darklight> "Chilling picture shows female Isil fighter holding child moments before detonating suicide vest"
<SilverFox> ok
<kmath> YouTube - Red Velvet 레드벨벳_빨간 맛 (Red Flavor)_Music Video
<Qboid> SilverFox: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<GlassYuri> darklight, at least we got some good footage from it
<darklight> I'm not really into watching people die, tis a bit morbid for me
<GlassYuri> namely, 1) the black bloc extremist in women's underwear
<darklight> Oh, hamburg
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<GlassYuri> 2) riot police and protestors fighting by writing messages on the ground with chalk
<GlassYuri> 3) paramedic punching riot police guy who's standing in the way
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<SilverFox> lnks
<SilverFox> links
<GlassYuri> 4) child asking "is that our car burning" with dad calmly responding "no, ours is burning over there"
<darklight> Silverfox recht
<darklight> Ha
<SilverFox> reicht
<darklight> Sf did you see the video I linked yesterday?
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> was it pony related?
<SilverFox> anything pony related is immediately disqualified
<kmath> YouTube - Antifa: Fascists in All But Name
<darklight> It seems like they outdid berkley
<SilverFox> oh fuck this is 12 minutes long
<darklight> I laughed for a good minute or two when I found out that ancoms existed
<SilverFox> ancoms?
<darklight> Like a few months ago
<darklight> anarcho communist
<darklight> "Everything belongs to the state but there is no state"
<kmath> <DFakeNews> Auch die Spitzenunterwäsche wog die mangelhafte Körperhaltung nicht auf. Note 6! #Antifa #SchwarzerBlock…
<darklight> Glass to be fair they are radical leftists
<SilverFox> did they just steal a fence?
<darklight> All they do is destroy
<darklight> Especially garbage cans, they really hate garbage
<GlassYuri> can't find the other images
<SilverFox> i dont like garbage either
<SilverFox> am I antifa?
<darklight> Turns out they hate cars too, obviously only the bourgeoisie can afford vw's and volvos :P
<SilverFox> aw shit
<SilverFox> the ikea
<SilverFox> they're gonna raid idea
<GlassYuri> SilverFox, do you like violence and hate nazis?
<SilverFox> I like doing the latter
<SilverFox> I dislike the nazi ideology
<darklight> *fascists
<darklight> Also, keep in mind they think trump is a fascist
<SilverFox> trump is a facist?
<darklight> Nom
<GlassYuri> to be fair, he is close
<darklight> *no
<darklight> No he fucking isn't
<SilverFox> holy shit
<SilverFox> the name "antifa" has become the new "feminism"
<darklight> These people would literally have no problems killing republicans
<darklight> They would be morally justified in doing so, which is the worst kind of justification
<darklight> At least normal criminals know what they are doing is wrong, but these people don't see it at all
<darklight> "Murder is wrong but lets kill trump guys"
<darklight> Brilliant
<SilverFox> now you see, this shit they are doing is vandalism, and is illegal
<SilverFox> also, I'd illegalize random ass protests
<darklight> They burnt buildings to the ground man
<SilverFox> protests can be submitted and planned via a system for it
<darklight> We're past "vandalism"
<SilverFox> that way you dont get unplanned congestion of traffic and shit
<GlassYuri> darklight, where did they burn buildings?
<darklight> Maybe all the muzzies they let in can use some trucks of peace to clear the road :^)
<darklight> </joke>
<darklight> I think they burnt down an IKEA
<darklight> But I'd need to source that properly
<darklight> I think I retract my ikea claim
<SilverFox> in that video linked I think that montreal restaurant was burned because the food was too expensive for his tastes
<SilverFox> it looked really black
<darklight> There is this though
<kmath> YouTube - Black Block Riots in Hamburg breaking into a IKEA Store
<darklight> I think burning heaps of cars is also a bit past vandalism too :P
<SilverFox> arsen
<darklight> I see some fire on the ikea
<kmath> YouTube - G20 Antifa destroys shops in Hamburg
<SilverFox> oh also, in my country thing, the ideals and such of the country must not undergo complete change or regression, otherwise the country is not the country anymore. Example, canada gets flooded by muslims, and then canadian laws and social things are replaced by muslim ones, like sharia law and such, because if canada loses its values, its no longer canada, it's some new country.
<SilverFox> I like my canadian values and would not like to see them destroyed.
<SilverFox> if you come to canada, you cannot come here and make gay marriage illegal again
<SilverFox> you cannot come here and kill gays because that's your religion
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<darklight> But isis diddun do nothin, they were trying to stop a gay guy from committing suicide!
<darklight> :P
<SilverFox> its "dindu nuffin"
<SilverFox> get it right
<SilverFox> dont care about your memery, im making a serious set of rules first before a complete collapse-worthy meme one
<darklight> Was in reference to this
<SilverFox> this sargon of akkad video about antifa is funny
<SilverFox> the fuckin black bloc people regressed to 1950's style with men outside honing their weapon skills and women in the kitchens making molotovs, and this pisses the feminists off in the black bloc
<SilverFox> so then you get internal struggle and debate
<darklight> One us state has listed them as domestic terrorists :3
<darklight> Canada is on fire?
<SilverFox> aw fuck all the snow's gonna melt
<Supernovy> is fort mcmurray still going?
<SilverFox> i dont know
<SilverFox> id be surprised if it is
<SilverFox> like, several months of burning is too much
<darklight> >fire station catches fire in tasmania, queensland
<darklight> "Beer can regatta"
<SilverFox> "show me what a police state looks like" "This is what a police state looks like"
<SilverFox> this whole jingle has quite the ring to it
<darklight> "It continues to smoulder, and may not be fully extinguished until the spring of 2017" wat
<SilverFox> oh they're probs talking about canadian spring
<SilverFox> that'll be in a few weeks
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<kmath> YouTube - Just Animu Things 2
<SilverFox> also GlassYuri
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<SilverFox> "Well son, it's only a prank if you do it to someone else, otherwise it's just a fetish"
<darklight> Remove anime
<SilverFox> she even looks like a cunt when she's young
<SilverFox> one-up sally
<SilverFox> "When your girlfriend has a twin sister and you get confused so you have sex with her dad"
<darklight> That's definitely on the list of tweets that didn't age well
<SilverFox> they classify Mrs. Doubtfire as "hatespeech"
<SilverFox> this is too far
<SilverFox> no one shits on Robin Williams
<SilverFox> that's it, im making a new law, it is illegal to defame/disgrace the great Robin Williams
<darklight> I wonder how much shit george calin would cop these days
<kmath> YouTube - George Carlin - They are only WORDS!
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<SilverFox> this case from coolermaster looks nice
<SilverFox> does it have watercooling support?
<SilverFox> ew it's 160$
<darklight> I brought it many years ago
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<darklight> Society is at the end of its rope, this is not a drill, I repeat, this is not a drill
<Supernovy> fidget driller
<Supernovy> trepanning is all the rage with the kids these days
<kmath> YouTube - Choa Song
<kmath> YouTube - 【洛天依 Luo Tianyi】一半一半 Half and Half 【オリジナル曲 PV付】
<GlassYuri> thought you could link a song without consequences SilverFox?
<darklight> Oh my fucking kek
<darklight> Wonderful message guys
<GlassYuri> "at least we're not *literally* psycho"
* darklight talks in bernie voice
<darklight> Single payah healthcare
<darklight> I don't think trump is psycho either... He's just a narcissist
<darklight> The most grating thing about the trump administration is the "globalist" neocons. It was hilarious seeing mattis trying to explain how destabilising the middle east was putting america first
<SilverFox> Greys, who would run america better, trump or me?
<SilverFox> i took a civics and politics class once
<Rokker> SilverFox: not you
<Rokker> you took a Canadian politics class
<SilverFox> i didnt ask you
<Rokker> they prolly taught you that hate speech is illegal and so is misgendering
<SilverFox> go jerk off to that HENTAI you watch so religiously
<Rokker> bitch
<SilverFox> cunt
<Rokker> I'll fuck u up
<SilverFox> no u
<darklight> I don't actually think rokker is into anime, unless that is a deep dark secret
<darklight> Anthro planes though, yes.
<SilverFox> he brags about it all the time
<GlassYuri> darklight, trump is showing symptoms of several disorders, including alzheimer's
<GlassYuri> of course we won't know for sure unless he is actually examined by someone
<darklight> Glass I also agree 70 is too old
<Rokker> GlassYuri: bullshit
<darklight> So bernie and hillary should also go
<Rokker> you can't just webmd your way around a diagnosis like that
<Rokker> "oh has showing what might be a symptom of a disorder that can also be pretty fuckin common in people without said disorder"
<GlassYuri> Rokker, I fucking said we can't know for sure without an actual diagnosis
<darklight> Rokker it is a common thing for politicians to have, they say something in the election campaign and then forget everything when elected (but trump has made a good effort)
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<GlassYuri> but the symptoms like that his ability to form a coherent sentence has tanked compared to twenty years ago are clear as fuck
<Rokker> GlassYuri: but to say it and act like it's a valid point in any way shape or form is misleading
<darklight> His sentances are pretty clear
<GlassYuri> it's a valid point in favor of mandatory psychological examination before becoming the fucking president
<darklight> "We need a build a wall, and it has to be built quickly"
<darklight> Although he talks so slowly :(
<Rokker> GlassYuri: who decides what is and isn't mentally fit
<GlassYuri> ideally, voters
<SilverFox> and guess what
<SilverFox> they did
<GlassYuri> yeah
<GlassYuri> they said hillary
<darklight> HA
<Rokker> GlassYuri: cute
<darklight> The electoral college is pretty fucking strange, I'll give you that
<Rokker> darklight: nah
<SilverFox> rokker you're fucked if you think the electoral college is sound
<Rokker> it makes sense when you look at America's history and our govt setup
<darklight> I understand why it exists
<Rokker> SilverFox: I think it needs tweaking, but I prefer it to popular vote
<darklight> The popular vote normally decides the winner iirc anyway
<GlassYuri> Rokker, tell me why the candidate with less votes should win
<GlassYuri> (under certain circumstances)
<darklight> In australia we kinda have something similar with seats
<darklight> America badly needs preferential voting though
<Rokker> GlassYuri: right now?
<Rokker> cause I'm kinda busy playing video ganws
<Rokker> games
<darklight> Like that is the biggest thing that would make it reflect peoples choices
<GlassYuri> I don't actually care, I just didn't want your statement to go uncontested
<darklight> So you can vote green/libetarian without "throwing your vote away"
<Rokker> GlassYuri: personally id choose to ban unfaithful electors
<GlassYuri> Rokker, the thing is that a presidential election is by it's nature only about a single fucking seat and thus can never be representative
<Rokker> but over all i think it is a good method to balance out power
<Rokker> among the voter bases
<darklight> It would stop them from being harassed
<GlassYuri> the real importance should rest on parliamentary elections
<Rokker> GlassYuri: of course it cant be representative, so why are you arguing for the most representative method?
<GlassYuri> why have it worse when you can have it bad?
<Rokker> electoral college is much less susceptible to fraud and recounts. encourages the president to try to seek support from much more of america than without it. voters at least in swing states are much more likely to listen to the candidates and not just vote on their party
<GlassYuri> yeah, and those not in swing states are just fucked
<Rokker> no, not really
<darklight> I think you are also missing a big point
<darklight> With respect to democrats blocking single payer "Renton himself has accepted over $100,000 in donations from pharmaceutical companies with another $50,000 from major health insurance companies"
<Rokker> GlassYuri: simple majority silences the minority, friendo
<darklight> Rokker, how long until california goes red? :3
<Rokker> darklight: they used to be pretty damn red
<Rokker> darklight: comparatively
<darklight> >supermajority >no single payah
<darklight> Obama is a fraud
<Rokker> race war now
<SilverFox> race war?
<SilverFox> nascar sucks
<Rokker> eh
<Rokker> i like nascar
<Rokker> indycar is bae
<SilverFox> fucking redneck hillbilly
<darklight> You people watch drivers go round a small track for hours?
<Rokker> SilverFox: yeah, and?
<Rokker> darklight: hey
<Rokker> not only do i watch it
<Rokker> im playing a video game about it right now
<Rokker> darklight:
<SilverFox> Rokker, look at me, I can drive a car and turn left
<SilverFox> where's my money?
<SilverFox> pay me pls
<Rokker> bet you couldnt do it
<darklight> I am disappoint rokker. You probably indicate while overtaking too.
<Rokker> shits intense bitch
<darklight> An intense 80km/h
<SilverFox> lol
<GlassYuri> I have personally driven at slightly over 130
<SilverFox> the highest I've gone is 100
<SilverFox> in a 90 zone
<SilverFox> I felt bad
<darklight> I once was driving on a long straight backroad, then-gf was looking at her phone so I decided to see how fast I could go without her realising
<Rokker> use real units, faggots
<darklight> The answer was 150km/h
<SilverFox> fuck you commie faggot
<SilverFox> that's a lot
<SilverFox> she must've been retarded
<darklight> My car is speed limited at 180km/h I *think*
<darklight> It is a supra but without a hair dryer
<SilverFox> lol a hair dryer
<darklight> Dad said it definitely gets to that
<SilverFox> is that what you call turbo?
<darklight> Am I wrong?
<SilverFox> no lol
<darklight> Whenever I tell anyone they are all like "hurr durr supras should have turbos"
<darklight> And I just can't justify spending shekels on making it speed up faster, I'd rather avoid the problems that come with having a turbo
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<GlassYuri> so apparently tools made from cardboard don't last
<darklight> I've also called it "a riceburner without a burner"
<SilverFox> WOW
<GlassYuri> the issue is that they don't even last through the process of making them
<SilverFox> welcome to the ricefields motherfucker
<darklight> Glass that's incredibly offensive to silverfox :P
<SilverFox> yeah dude
<GlassYuri> y
<SilverFox> why make tools out of cardboard?
<GlassYuri> because they might not be sold here and cost too much for something I can make myself
<GlassYuri> if I had access to non-overpriced 3d printing this wouldn't be an issue
<SilverFox> you can get a 3d printer for 300-400$
<GlassYuri> if cardboard really doesn't work I have enough styrene laying around
<darklight> I'm eventually going to go halves with my sister in buying one
<darklight> She wants to print arty horn things, I want to make motor mounts and brackets for r/c
<darklight> She is thinking the cr-10, but then they released a maxi version
<darklight> 500*500*600 iirc
<GlassYuri> SilverFox, home printers neither have the accuracy nor the bed size for my applications
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<darklight> SF I know you warned about creatly? creality?
<SilverFox> anything looking dinky with a handle on top
<darklight> She's seen enough videos that seem to hold them as "the best printer in its price range"
<SilverFox> it's shit design
<SilverFox> cr-10 maybe
<SilverFox> but not the one I got
<SilverFox> holy fuck
<darklight> Ah, you have a cr10?
<SilverFox> trying to balance a bed with 3 screws is not fun
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> dinky one wth a handle on top
<darklight> Should make up a balancing jig with a runout guage
<darklight> Or do they do it some other way?
<SilverFox> what you mean?
<darklight> I am unsure how to balance ;)
<darklight> Not had any experience yet obviously
<SilverFox> thumbscrews
<SilverFox> and a paper
<darklight> I am kinda surprised the cr10 can print something that spins at 40k rippums
<darklight> wat
<SilverFox> and hte printhead
<darklight> Imma look at a video
<SilverFox> watch a video dude
<SilverFox> anything can print a thing that spins at 40k rpms
<GlassYuri> wouldn't the actual spinning be done by the cheapest ball bearing you could find on amazon or aliexpress?
<SilverFox> if you're an autistic screecher yes
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<SilverFox> Rokker, do your job and find me that meme where they're like "cant believe what I found in my chicken nuggets" but it's a gun
<Rokker> SilverFox: wat
<SilverFox> yes
<darklight> was this
<kmath> YouTube - 3D Printed Turbine Rotary Tool - CR10 3D Printer
<SilverFox> the cr10 I've been hearing a lot about
<GlassYuri> so the cardboard tool is done but took at least two hours
<SilverFox> nice
<darklight> This better be the best damn cardboard tool ever, considering it is german engineering
<SilverFox> holy fuck
<darklight> For reference, it has to be better than this
<darklight> The lemme smash crows did make me laugh
<kmath> YouTube - Lemme Smash - Pony Edition
<GlassYuri> darklight, well it is meant to ensure the track gauge for self-made model track
<GlassYuri> and for a bunch of cardboard pieces glued together while half distracted, the dimensional accuracy seems absurd
<GlassYuri> no wiggle at all
<darklight> But wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah?
<GlassYuri> literally zero
<GlassYuri> maybe .1mm if used incorrectly
<GlassYuri> wonder how long it will last
<GlassYuri> also still don't have a rail bender so I can't actually make anything useful yet
<darklight> Wat
<darklight> Also wow I have not seen an oil pressure gauge in ages
<darklight> Also that rpm thing makes me laugh, mine has a similar rpm range but 100km/h is about 2700rpm
<GlassYuri> darklight, why is that image on wikimedia
<darklight> Ignore all the rules is a wikipedia policy
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<GlassYuri> darklight, that's only meant to reduce bureaucratic overreach though
<darklight> I have an obvious problem with wikipedia, but meh
<kmath> <realJuniorPardo> Why are you proud to be an American? #QuestionOfTheDay
<GlassYuri> "and when I see the flag, I think of kim jong-un, and I like him"
<darklight> I think you're required by law to like him but whatever :P
<darklight> Hrmmm.... what is the major beef with G20 again, I just read that protesting is common?
<GlassYuri> it's really just the black bloc as far as I know
<darklight> I mean, I get it is kinda "globalisty"
<darklight> But these people hate borders anyway?
<GlassYuri> of course all protesters are going to be there including the right-wing ones, but every time these summits happen in germany the black bloc tries to smash shit
<darklight> Like I find it amusing, australia is hoping to sign a free trade deal with the EU in 2019
<GlassYuri> and despite everyone with a brain knowing this the dumbfucks in power decided to hold it right inside a city, in a left leaning district no less
<darklight> >implying there will even be an eu in 2019
<darklight> :P
<GlassYuri> also 300 policemen from berlin were sent back before it even started
<darklight> Also I get being "small government", but anarchy? I think a large part of them are deluded
<darklight> They had a police presence of 20k from what I read
<VITAS> 22k
<GlassYuri> they reportedly urinated on the streets, banged at the fence of their camp, and a policewoman danced on a table wearing only a tower and a firearm
<VITAS> and hamburg has 2million residents
<GlassYuri> *towel
<VITAS> they had mass amounts of mobile toilets
<GlassYuri> darklight, people who set the cars of the elderly care service on fire to protest against putin are deluded, no fucking way
<VITAS> and show me a video of that police women :D
<darklight> I guess I just don't understand exactly what motivates these people :-/
<VITAS> wat motivates any deumb fuck to go out and hurt others?
<GlassYuri> really the black bloc is too dumb to argue with, which is why they should have chosen a location where they can't smash shit
<VITAS> i dont knwo. ask the millitary for that one
<GlassYuri> bundeswehr would never hurt anyone
<GlassYuri> they don't even have the capability to do so
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<VITAS> wat motivates any deumb fuck to go out and hurt others? <- aka millitary
* VITAS wont explain his joke futher
<darklight> They are anarchists and communists combined, which seems to be a contradiction :P
<GlassYuri> darklight, ehm communism is anarchy
<darklight> But they are also against nazis, hrmm
<VITAS> no theyre idiots and small penises combinde
<VITAS> and that goes well together
<GlassYuri> in a perfect communist world there is no money and no government
<darklight> I see communism as requiring a government superstructure to run their planned economy ;)
<VITAS> look at the us or the russian presidents
<GlassYuri> for how that is supposed to work read the communist manifesto, but tldr it doesn't
<VITAS> you mean to ruin their economy :D
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<darklight> "Poverty for the many, not the few!"
<GlassYuri> darklight, the dictatorship and planned economy is a transition stage that is supposed to abolish any authority, including itself (if I understood correctly)
<GlassYuri> if that all sounds incredibly fucking stupid then that's because it is
<darklight> You don't have to tell me communism is stupid
<VITAS> darklight?
<VITAS> communism is stupid
<darklight> I am here vitas :P
<GlassYuri> I was more concerned that you wouldn't believe what I told you because it's so beyond stupid
<darklight> I am well aware
<VITAS> :>
<darklight> "See venezuala? lets have some of that!"
<VITAS> i wonder if i should drive over to the area where the cars burned and take a look
<darklight> I think I'm more interested in the radicalisation process
<VITAS> but knowing germany its propably nothing left to see
<GlassYuri> darklight, also IIRC anarchy is not complete chaos but the most minimal form of government possible
<darklight> I'm willing to bet these people have never held jobs
<darklight> Do I have to link you some ancap memes?
<VITAS> i know some of them and youre right for most of them
<VITAS> they have a confused picture of reality thats for sure
<darklight> That kinda explains the communist bit, but the hatred of authority is kinda different and trickier
<GlassYuri> the thing with any form of government other than democracy is that we went through everything through human history and only democracy and dictatorships have survived
<GlassYuri> and dictatorships love to pretend they were democratic
<darklight> I assume you classify monarchy under dictator?
<GlassYuri> a monarchy either incorporates democratic elements or doesn't
<GlassYuri> well in reality they do to varying degrees
<darklight> Like, the only thing I can think of that could cause anarchy is living under a repressive society and revolting against it...
<darklight> I kinda think were heading in the wrong direction with "too many rules" ;)
<GlassYuri> like revolutionary armies ever created military dictatorships
<darklight> But a full rejection of authority/govt?
<GlassYuri> except that you literally need a rule for everything that can go wrong
<darklight> I am referring to rules for victimless crimes
<darklight> Like "no more than 4 fingers in the butt"
<darklight> And of course, speech laws :P
<darklight> Ooh ooh, or even really dumb ones like "lets ban math" (encryption)
* darklight wonders if antifa deconversion stories exist
<GlassYuri> encryption harms spies
<GlassYuri> banning fingers in the anus stimulates the huge dildo economy
<darklight> Can confirm
<darklight> :P
<darklight> I also like how antifa pretend to not know why nationalism had a bit of a wave. Nationalism is a symptom, not a cause :P
<darklight> (And to a lesser extent, actual nazis I guess)
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<G-Mobile> you can download swift?
<G-Mobile> darklight: is interacting with networks usually OS specific or do the libraries normally abstract all of that away?
<G-Mobile> basically, if I write a program in a modern language, testing it on windows, will it's netcode need to change to run on linux, or will the linux compile be set
<G-Mobile> what's the typical server one might use to host a service that interacts almost entirely via webhooks, and has nothing to do with php
<G-Mobile> ;tell majiir how do you typically communicate between nodes in a cloud?
<kmath> G-Mobile: I'll let majiir know when I see them
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<darklight> Greys, c# abstracts that away
<darklight> Also, python/flask
<G-Mobile> Grrrrt
<G-Mobile> is C# officially crossplartform yet or is that still considered third party support
<darklight> It runs perfectly fine for me
<G-Mobile> Thats amazingly irrelevant
<darklight> Anyway, going to bed. it'll be fine , but remember linux is case sensitive
<darklight> (filesystem wise)
<GlassYuri> don't be so sensitive
<GlassYuri> dude watch your legs
<kmath> YouTube - 15up Karachi Express
<Thomas> G-Mobile: Yes, .NET Core has a release
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<GlassYuri> so the vatican and saudi-arabia are the only countries without a parliament
<Greys> for definitions of parliament that include non-parliament systems such as congresses and senates with presidents
<Greys> that said, I bet if we swapped the senate for a parlaiment, along with the house of representitives and the president, so we had both presidents and ministers, we'd have a truely astounding fuckpile
<Greys> guys. I have a problem
<Greys> is 133$ too much to pay someone else to clean your home
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<RandomJeb> Greys: depends on what goes into cleaning your home
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<RandomJeb> for 133 dollars I'd expect a full cleaning service, from taking out the trash to washing the ceiling and windows
<RandomJeb> but it also depends on how big your place is
<RandomJeb> I have a housekeeper that washes about 650 square feet of floors and shines up my living room, kitchen and bathroom twice monthly for 70 dollars
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<SilverFox> neato, I can find HTC vive sets on ebay for less than 1200$
<SilverFox> why can I buy 5 HTC Vive headsets with no display?
<SilverFox> oh yeah, darklight, in my country, shit like "Woman aquitted after having sex with 14yo because he 'looked mature'" wouldnt happen. She'd be on the registry and in prison.
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<SilverFox> "somebody tried to stump this squid by putting it in front of a background that its camouflage mechanism could never hope to imitate... so it turned itself transparent"
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<SilverFox> Hey Greys, google made a cool VR 3D modelling program called Blocks
<SilverFox> it isnt for pros, really, moreso consumer and maybe prosumer at best
<SilverFox> but it's really capable and gorgeous
<SilverFox> I just watched someone build a city and whew lads it was beautiful
<SilverFox> its pretty much a dumbed down vr blender
<kmath> YouTube - Made With Blocks: Bowl
<SilverFox> some black makes a bowl
<SilverFox> black dude*
<kmath> YouTube - Google Blocksで遊んでみた
<SilverFox> watch a japanese guy struggle to comprehend english
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<SilverFox> hrmm, the oculus rift is only 680$
<SilverFox> however, how does the touch sensor stuff work? is it a super poopy version of the htc methods?
<SilverFox> is there a way of copying a bootable C drive from a windows machine to an empty, new HDD and have that drive be bootable also?
<SilverFox> so i just realized I had a "cheap vr" buildlist on newegg, and I updated it and it comes to 608.93$ before taxes and shipping
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<SilverFox> I wonder if flying over countries requires a passport, like if quebec turned out to be its own country, would a flight across the country require a passport?
<Supernovy> I think it doesn't. Do you need one to go from the continental US to Alaska? Or from Moscow to Kaliningrad?
<SilverFox> I dont know how it works for US to alaska
<SilverFox> that's why im asking
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