TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspcovfefe | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point |  Upon being elected Operator from 1:11:03AM to 1:11:19AM, GlassYuri immortalized his term with these words: “Do I have to give a fucking speech now?"
Supernovy has joined #kspmodders
<G-Mobile> SilverFox: pixel density isnt there yet
<SilverFox> not commercially, but I see what you mean
<SilverFox> what do you think would be acceptable?
<SilverFox> currently the vive and occulus are at 441ppi
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<G-Mobile> You have to be able to match the monitors people already have
<G-Mobile> its not a matter of ppi, but angular pixel size
<SilverFox> I'll be testing out VR VNC when I get my occulus, so I'll be able to give it a shot and I'll let you know how well that goes and how bad screen door is, since I found out im rather susceptible to it
<SilverFox> anyways, what's this "angular pixel" you're on about?
<G-Mobile> ~w angular size
<G-Mobile> perspective is king
<SilverFox> apparently reducing field of view or cutting out the peripheral vision helps prevent motion sickness
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<SilverFox> fuck, my bot got netsplit
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<Greys> tldr, because the pixels of an HMD are so close to the eye, they're angular size is fucking huge compared to like, a phone of the same size and resolution, which it might literally be
<SilverFox> fair enough
<Greys> it's part of why we see phone resolutions shooting up faster than monitor resolutions faster than TV resolutions
<Greys> phones get more value out of higher resolutions
<Greys> in terms of the experience....
<Greys> usefulness and practicality is another matter
<SilverFox> indeed
<SilverFox> a 4k phone would suuuuuck for battery
<SilverFox> also fun fact, koreans call laptops notebooks, and notebooks are called notes
<SilverFox> I wonder what notes are called
<Greys> but you need an HMD that can match the angular pixel size of the monitors it would be replacing
<Greys> 4k phones exist
<SilverFox> and is their battery life like, 2 hours?
<SilverFox> oh wait
<Greys> fuck you samsung
<SilverFox> there's a HMD that can do 4k
<SilverFox> pimax
<Greys> you can't just take quad HD, add a + to it, and make it 2k
<Greys> "" 5.8" Quad HD+ Super AMOLED (2960x1440)
<Greys> 570 ppi
<SilverFox> 570ppi is pretty good
<Greys> quad HD MEANS UHD
<SilverFox> so what's quad HD+?
<Greys> literally 4 1080s
<SilverFox> UHD Deluxe?
<SilverFox> I thought HD was 720?
<Greys> it's a complicated termscape of nonsense
<SilverFox> youtube calls 720p HD so
<Greys> hd is 720 but never in the definition of another thing
<Greys> so the S8 is QHD-, 570ppi, typical viewing distance of 2~3 feet
<Greys> ;c 2960*1440/5.8
<kmath_> Greys: 734896.551724138
<Greys> hmmm
<Greys> ;c 5.8/(2960*1440)
<kmath_> Greys: 1.3607357357357357e-06
<Greys> yea that looks right
<SilverFox> that's a very small number
<SilverFox> what unit are you trying to get?
<Greys> so that's how big the pixel is, we're not cancelling out the aspect ratio so that should be dirty square inches
<Greys> ;c sqrt(1.36e-6)
<kmath_> Greys: 0.00116619037896906
<Greys> so each pixel is like a thou
<SilverFox> whats that in microns?
<Greys> ;wa 1.1 thou to microns
<kmath_> Greys: convert 1.1 thous to microns: 27.9 microns
<Greys> it's a shitload of pixels in a small space
<SilverFox> 1/4 the z res of a 3D printer
<Greys> ;wa angular width of 0.0011 inch at 2 feet
<kmath_> Greys: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<Greys> ;wa angular diameter of 0.0011 inch at 2 feet
<kmath_> Greys: angular diameter-> , distance to center of object->0.0011 inches, diameter->2 feetangular diameter->3.141 radians, = 180° (degrees), = 179 degrees 59 arc minutes 22.18 arc seconds
<Greys> ;wa angular diameter of 2ft at 0.0011 inch
<kmath_> Greys: angular diameter-> , distance to center of object->2 feet, diameter->0.0011 inchesangular diameter->45.83 µrad (microradians), = 0.002626° (degrees), = 0.1576' (arc minutes)
<Greys> ;wa .1576 arc minutes to arc seconds
<kmath_> Greys: convert 0.1576' (arc minutes) to arc seconds: 9.456" (arc seconds)
<Greys> ;wa angular diameter of 3ft at 0.0011 inch
<kmath_> Greys: angular diameter-> , distance to center of object->3 feet, diameter->0.0011 inchesangular diameter->30.56 µrad (microradians), = 0.001751° (degrees), = 0.105' (arc minutes)
<Greys> so you can see, this is a problem
<SilverFox> i really dont
<Greys> the typical human is expected to be able to resolve objects down to 1 arc minute
<SilverFox> these numbers mean nothing to me
<SilverFox> this is a tenth of an arc minute, what's the problem?
<Greys> it's extremely wasteful
<Greys> ;wa angular diameter of 2 inch at 0.0011 inch
<kmath_> Greys: angular diameter-> , distance to center of object->2 inches, diameter->0.0011 inchesangular diameter->550 µrad (microradians), = 0.03151° (degrees), = 1.891' (arc minutes)
<Greys> that's approximately the experience of the samsung gear vr
Snoozee is now known as Majiir
<SilverFox> so it could be improved by double
<SilverFox> MAJUU
<Greys> makes sense, your phone is designed to be used as a headset
<SilverFox> I have very important tells for you
<Greys> ;wa angular diameter of 3 inch at 0.0011 inch
<kmath_> Greys: angular diameter-> , distance to center of object->3 inches, diameter->0.0011 inchesangular diameter->366.7 µrad (microradians), = 0.02101° (degrees), = 1.261' (arc minutes)
<Greys> the specifics are very important
Majiir is now known as Soozoo
<Soozoo> it safe?
<SilverFox> yes
<Greys> safe?
<SilverFox> SNSD making a comeback this summer
<Soozoo> There are always landmines in here
<Soozoo> I don't live under a fucking rock
<Soozoo> You always spam me with tells about crap I already know
<Soozoo> You are a good five days slower than my Koreaboo friend
<SilverFox> oh well
<Greys> silver is trying to start conversations with you not teach you world happens
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: yeah I like black pink. But I didn't realize they were the de facto replacement for 2NE1
<TheKosmonaut> Which makes a ton of sense
<TheKosmonaut> Because their latest song was meant for them iirc
<SilverFox> was their song labelled "yes I am"?
<Soozoo> Their style is super similar
<SilverFox> there was a fucktone of comebacks at that time of release, so the name escapes me
<TheKosmonaut> Soozoo: no like. As if it's your last was written for 2NE1
<Greys> ;c sqrt(27/(2560*1440))
<kmath_> Greys: 0.002706329386826371
<TheKosmonaut> But since they fucked off, YG told BP to do it.
<Soozoo> Makes sense. They're pretty interchangeable.
<Greys> ;wa angular diameter of 30 inchs at 0.0027 inch
<kmath_> Greys: angular diameter-> , distance to center of object->30 inches, diameter->0.0027 inchesangular diameter->90 µrad (microradians), = 0.005157° (degrees), = 0.3094' (arc minutes)
<TheKosmonaut> Which is why it has a different vibe from like... boombayah or whistle
<Greys> that's a 2k 24" monitor at normal desk viewing distance
<SilverFox> fuck i dont think I have whistle on my kpop playlist
<Greys> not 4k
<Greys> not 5
<Greys> 2k
<Soozoo> I should put together playlists
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox I'm partying with some Korean friends tonight
<SilverFox> nice
<Greys> it's a fifth of best case HMD experience
<Soozoo> I did a Toronto kpop roadtrip and had to keep picking songs
<Greys> also let's just asume my methodology is wrong so the numbers don't individually matter but the relative does
<SilverFox> Greys, so like, a 1080p monitor?
<Greys> 1080 is 1k
<Greys> 1080 is a vertically measured resolution
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> 1920*1080
<Greys> 1k
<Greys> these aren't numbers on a number line
<Greys> they're marketing terms
<SilverFox> isnt the whole k thing horizontal resolution?
<Greys> no, they're marketing terms
<Greys> defined by the marketing people
<SilverFox> hey Majiir, guess what the korean word for a wall socket is
<Greys> fuckhole
<SilverFox> close
<Greys> uHz?
<Greys> ;wa 2440uHz to Hz
<kmath_> Greys: convert 2440 µHz (microhertz) to hertz: 0.00244 Hz (hertz)
<Greys> what?
<SilverFox> thats pretty slow
<Greys> wtf is this marketing wank
<SilverFox> Majiir, it's "Consent"
<Soozoo> ;wa 1 / (0.00244 Hz)
<kmath_> Soozoo: 1/(0.00244 Hz (hertz)): 409.8/Hz (reciprocal hertz)
<Soozoo> goddammit kmath that isn't how units work
<SilverFox> that's their word for a wall socket; Consent
<SilverFox> fucking stupid
<Greys> so silfy, you can see that HMDs need to double their resolution before they're fit to replace 1080p screens
<Greys> which is great, I use those, and that's gonna happen
<SilverFox> hrmm
<Greys> I'm a cheap bitch, so I'll be able to use a VR desktop like first thing next gen
<SilverFox> oh yeah, speaking of cheap, Majiir, you should get the oculus rift
<SilverFox> it's on sale for pennies to you
<Greys> don't he has it?
<SilverFox> i've never heard him mention it
<Soozoo> I do not has
<Soozoo> I got my new sunglasses today
<Greys> HAZ DAM U?
<Soozoo> These things are great
<SilverFox> what style are they?
<SilverFox> are they gunners?
<SilverFox> I bet they're gunners, cause you would
<Greys> I had gunnars and they were both uncomfortable and unuseable
<Soozoo> No, I really wouldn't
<Soozoo> They're Ray Bans
<Greys> is that impressive?
<SilverFox> fun fact, the word for "black" in korean sounds a lot like the english word "common"
<Soozoo> Blue mirror lens with my prescription
<SilverFox> sounds equally douchey
<Soozoo> Greys, it's neither impressive nor crappy, I think
<Greys> like seriously I've had a look at glasses and there were a lot of those, it seemed like I was supposed to be impressed
<Soozoo> They are nice glasses
<Soozoo> The style is far more noticeable than the brand
<Soozoo> Oakleys seem to be all about the brand
<Soozoo> I didn't like their look though
<Greys> I like a very specific niche style that broadly doesn't exist
<SilverFox> hey Snoozoo, did you do the toronto thing yet/
<Greys> does that make me picky or a hipster
<SilverFox> Greys, yes
<Soozoo> Greys, it probably makes you picky, since your style likely exists but not at most optometrists
<Soozoo> I couldn't find anything remotely like what I wanted at my optometrist so I took the prescription and ran
<Soozoo> Fox, yes I did
<Soozoo> Last weekend
<SilverFox> was fun?
<Greys> I like square wide rim matte black hornrims that are flat along the top vertically and on the forward surface
<SilverFox> how did you enjoy canada?
<Soozoo> You want more square lens right?
<Soozoo> and less bling?
<Greys> pretty much
<Soozoo> So like a hornrim version of my regular glasses
<Greys> I've had exactly one pair of sunglasses meeting my desires, they were Wrangler brand
<Soozoo> There's very likely what you want out there, but the frames that are like $10 with the $2/mo insurance plans are not gonna be that
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<Soozoo> SilverFox, Canada was neat, but poorly laid out, and I say that as a Bostonian
<SilverFox> GlassYuri, I gots a question
<SilverFox> Snoozer, you should see ottawa
<Soozoo> Your Monopoly money is not as well designed as it could be too
<GlassYuri> SilverFox, that's not a rare occurence
<SilverFox> half is always under construction
<Soozoo> They need to make it so when you have all the different denominations, you can line them up and the transparent window bit makes a combined image
<SilverFox> GlassYuri, in youth/young adult fashion, how popular are chokers in japan?
<Soozoo> As it is, they're all just the same image??? lame
<SilverFox> did you scratch and sniff it for maple syrup?
<Soozoo> Poutine has way too much gravy and needs to be spicy instead
<SilverFox> hrmmm
<SilverFox> what if we added kimchi?
<Soozoo> The 401 needs to be bulldozed
<SilverFox> lol
<Soozoo> Yes I said before that it needs kimchi
<SilverFox> that's the joke
<Soozoo> Also need more alcohol
<Soozoo> That said the prices were decent
<SilverFox> yeah its not bad
<Soozoo> Everything was pretty cheap in funny money
<kmath_> YouTube - too many bricks!
<SilverFox> Greys, this channel is dedicated to putting bricks in washing machines
<SilverFox> Soozoo, anything you particularly liked about canada?
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<Greys> mmmmm
<SilverFox> also, what was the worst thing about canada from your trip?
<Greys> "being near you"
<SilverFox> nice
<Soozoo> I liked our waitress
<Soozoo> I did not like customs lines
<SilverFox> Greys, this machine shook itself so hard, that the motor cables got severed from how intensely the machine was smashing against them
<Greys> they're designed to do that
<SilverFox> he got it working again
Soozoo is now known as Snoozee
<G-Mobile> SilverFox: why dont you start a koreabooing with majiir sometimes subreddit
<SilverFox> it'd be as barron as fuck
<G-Mobile> Thats your fault
<SilverFox> naw
<G-Mobile> but youd basically fill it with tells
<SilverFox> cant koreaboo when they aint here the other 29 days of the month
<G-Mobile> hes been around a lot for a while
<G-Mobile> just not individually for long
<SilverFox> was he here yesterday?
<SilverFox> dont think he was
<SilverFox> maybe the day before that, but not the day before that
<SilverFox> and then after that it was forever
<G-Mobile> He talked about cloud stuff
<G-Mobile> he was here like every day last week
<SilverFox> no he wasnt
<G-Mobile> Totes and messenger bags
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<SilverFox> yanno, nintendo and their 2/3DS line is like skyrim at this point
<SilverFox> they cant stop talking about it and they keep trying to make it new again
<SilverFox> darklight, fresh off the presses:
<kmath_> YouTube - Stop Bullying Me!
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<SilverFox> Greys, what price would attract you to VR?
<darklight> SF even laci says traps are gay
<kmath_> <gogreen18> my controversial opinions 2k17: words have definitions female is sex same sex attraction is gay death comes to all pineapple pizza is trash
<SilverFox> wtf is this shitspew of a tweet?
<SilverFox> the word "pulp" doesnt exist in england
<Supernovy> caulk does though
<SilverFox> they call it "bits" as in "no bits" vs "juicy bits"
<G-Mobile> Pretty sure thats a thinly veiled "death to gays"
<G-Mobile> So theres this chubby kid with a black voice, the world is falling apart
<SilverFox> didnt know manga had audio to it
<SilverFox> neat
<G-Mobile> ~g lukas grahm 7 years old
<SilverFox> this song made me cry once I think
<G-Mobile> I aint gonna say it's great, but it feels classic
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<SilverFox> oh boy
<i_rinix> Hi, SilverFox
<SilverFox> cool gif I guess
<i_rinix> oh boy what?
<SilverFox> some rando just came in here and posted a link, that's what "oh boy"
<G-Mobile> I like that as a named vocalist act he puts the effort in his music videos to glorify his instrumentalists
<i_rinix> It's a part I'm working on.
<SilverFox> irinix, that's uhhh differential shit yeah?
<G-Mobile> Its a spinny thing
<i_rinix> A sort of cheaty power generator, that generates as much power as your ship is drawing but gains mass where M=E/C^2
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<SilverFox> interesting balance mechanic
<SilverFox> G-Mobile, why does this song only have 0.5mill views?
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<i_rinix> SilverFox, Thank you. I thought so as well.
<SilverFox> it introduces extra thought into how you should manage your power
<SilverFox> "if I have this antennae on, I might not make it to where I want to go"
<SilverFox> what's its size and base mass?
<i_rinix> it's a 1.25m part
<G-Mobile> Because you aint suckn herd eloaf
<i_rinix> haven't decided on a base mass yet, but I'm thinking 150kg?
<i_rinix> G-Mobile, huh?
<SilverFox> do some testing and such
<SilverFox> remember that you're balancing against other power providers
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<i_rinix> What do you mean against other power providers? You mean like Solar Panels?
<SilverFox> and RTG
<i_rinix> Anyone here good at Blender?
<SilverFox> and engines
<SilverFox> oh yeah, if you're going to ask about modding stuff,
<SilverFox> ~kspm
<FoxBot9000> If you haven't already, you can try asking the question in #kspmodding for a more related/accurate response.
<i_rinix> Trying to figure out why this blend won't animate in the way I desire.
<SilverFox> yeah try that in modding
<SilverFox> I know there are blender peoples there
<SilverFox> G-Mobile, whats your opinion on Happy Tree Friends?
<i_rinix> I miss HTF
<SilverFox> you're weird
<SilverFox> you'll fit right in
<i_rinix> ? Why am I weird?
<SilverFox> who would miss a show about a bunch of animals getting gored
<SilverFox> ;wa how many deaths occured on happy tree friends?
<kmath_> SilverFox: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<darklight> Over 9000?
<SilverFox> 672
<SilverFox> some korean streamer was playing "careless whisper" on stream
<SilverFox> not as a meme
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<SilverFox> Yes I Am is a pretty damn good song
<SilverFox> ~yt Yes I am
<kmath_> YouTube - [Comeback Stage] MAMAMOO - Yes I am, 마마무 - 나로 말할 것 같으면 Show Music core 20170624
<SilverFox> aw fuck no
<SilverFox> ~yt Yes I Am MV
<kmath_> YouTube - [MV] 마마무(MAMAMOO) - '나로 말할 것 같으면(Yes I am)'
<SilverFox> anyone who says otherwise is a heretic
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<G-Mobile> Touch it touch it touch it touch it
<SilverFox> what?
<darklight> Wait, the KSP forums don't have https?
<G-Mobile> Of quartz not
<G-Mobile> SilverFox: lyrics from that one kpop song
<SilverFox> the one I linked?
<G-Mobile> Statistically unlikely
<SilverFox> im trying to think of which is like that
<G-Mobile> By t
<G-Mobile> hat group
<G-Mobile> with pants
<SilverFox> what group?
<G-Mobile> theres a bunch of girl people
<G-Mobile> they might be guys, its hard to say
<SilverFox> hey greys
<SilverFox> Jump into my core ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
<G-Mobile> can your core launch fighter craft?
<SilverFox> ~yt SNSD Visual Dreams
<kmath_> YouTube - [Full HD] SNSD - Visual Dreams (Intel Collaboration Song) MV
<SilverFox> listen to this
<SilverFox> more innuendo in a commercial than stellar could dream of
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<G-Mobile> Best idea
<G-Mobile> fantasy truck simulator
<SilverFox> ~yt nerdcubed plays eurotruck simulatvr
<SilverFox> bot you better get your shit together
<SilverFox> ~yt eurotruck simulator
<kmath_> YouTube - Euro truck simulator multiplayer - road rage, bad drivers
<SilverFox> oh
<SilverFox> Greys,
<SilverFox> ~yt Carmeldansen
<kmath_> YouTube - carmel dansen
<SilverFox> this streamer is playing a bunch of memer musc
<SilverFox> like, attack on titan op
<SilverFox> also, how many of you H E A T H E N S pronounce it caramel as 2 syllables?
<G-Mobile> fantasy truck simulator
<SilverFox> in vr?
<G-Mobile> dont care
<SilverFox> better have vr support
<G-Mobile> i dont
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<darklight> How do you say caramel with two syllables
<Supernovy> car mel, I presume
<darklight> But thats a name
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<i_rinix> Got it!
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<G-Mobile> car mul
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<G-Mobile> caerm'l, car mul, care a mel
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<SilverFox> the last is the only acceptably pronounciation
<SilverFox> three syllables only
<SilverFox> it is illegal otherwise
<SilverFox> also, the selling of items that are meant to be paired, but are sold in unmatching numbers is also illegal
<SilverFox> no more 6 buns with 8 hotdogs
* darklight is going through updating all his mods that he has forgotten about
<i_rinix> darklight, didn't they ban you or BuildTheWall?
<G-Mobile> and the barn
<SilverFox> Greys, remember DYJ?
<G-Mobile> oh, he's gone ain'e
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> he ded
<darklight> i_rinix: It was removed by pro kexican forum moderators
<SilverFox> he went to china and died
* darklight has to check nyancat now
<SilverFox> them kuslims
<G-Mobile> why doesnt beamng handle auio stretching due to time dilation
<SilverFox> are you watching a video of it, or did you buy it?
<SilverFox> this is beam n.g drive right?
<darklight> Now I need to build a bloody plane
<SilverFox> stock
<darklight> Not sure if they are fast enough
<darklight> Just made a simple one
<darklight> Lost the landing gear on takeoff but that is no problem
<darklight> Helps if I actually install the mod I am testing
<darklight> All my little mods are now updated
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<GlassYuri> SilverFox, that's basically shinjuku
<GlassYuri> except that in my experience you just *take the exit* before you notice that there are 200 of them and the one you took is on the wrong side
<SilverFox> nice
<SilverFox> now answer my question about chokers
<SilverFox> are they fashionable in japan?
<G-Mobile> In lolita fashion for sure
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<GlassYuri> SilverFox, ...I don't think so
<GlassYuri> I don't remember ever seeing any but it's not like I care
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<SilverFox> you know what's great about breakfast foods? They can all be mushed into one food and still taste good
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<lpghatguy> that's actually most foods
<SilverFox> I disagree
egg|zzz|egg is now known as egg|afk|egg
<G-Mobile> darklight: whats the wattage of a hot wire foam cutter look like
<G-Mobile> And I need it to be a high speed foam cutter
<G-Mobile> precision be damned
<G-Mobile> ;wa 1.18e-7 ohm meters * 18 inches
<kmath_> G-Mobile: 1.18×10^(-7) Ω m (ohm meters)×18 inches: 5.395×10^-8 Ω m^2 (ohm square meters)
<G-Mobile> ;wa 1.18e-7 ohms per meter * 18 inch
<kmath_> G-Mobile: 1.18×10^(-7) Ω/m (ohms per meter)×18 inches: 5.395×10^-8 Ω (ohms)
<G-Mobile> ;wa 1e-8 ohms
<kmath_> G-Mobile: 1×10^(-8) Ω (ohms): 10 nΩ (nanoohms)0.01 μΩ (microohms)1.113×10^-20 statΩ (statohms), (unit officially deprecated)1.113×10^-20 esus of resistance, (unit officially deprecated)10 abΩ (abohms), (unit off -- this crap is too long.
<G-Mobile> oh
<G-Mobile> ;wa 1.18e-7 ohm meters * .254mm
<kmath_> G-Mobile: 1.18×10^(-7) Ω m (ohm meters)×0.254 mm (millimeters): 2.997×10^-11 Ω m^2 (ohm square meters)
<G-Mobile> Ok not oh
<G-Mobile> how do I take that, apply a thickness, apply a length, and have the ohms of the length
<G-Mobile> which do yalls think would matter most for speed, diameter, blade depth, or temperature
<G-Mobile> I can get nichrome wire or ribbon
<G-Mobile> ;c 1/11*18
<kmath_> G-Mobile: 1.6363636363636365
<G-Mobile> ;wa 2.5711ohms * 1.6363
<kmath_> G-Mobile: 2.5711 Ω (ohms)×1.6363: 4.207 Ω (ohms)
<G-Mobile> Hmmm, 34w
<G-Mobile> darklight: I need a rechargable pack that can supply 12V and up to 3 amps for an hour
<G-Mobile> solve for lowest weight
<SilverFox> the thing that will bottleneck you depends on what bottlenecks you
<SilverFox> like
<SilverFox> if you have thicker wire, you need more current to keep it hotter
<SilverFox> but if you cant supply that current then you cant use thicker wire
<SilverFox> if you dont have the torque to push heavier wire that'll be harder
<SilverFox> donknow what blade depth is tho
<VITAS> if anyone is interrested
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<G-Mobile> The distance from front to back
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<G-Mobile> a . Vs a |
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<SilverFox> the fuck is front to back here
<SilverFox> isnt that the length of the foam?
<SilverFox> you would not believe Bill Nye
<SilverFox> if ten million Science Guys
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<SilverFox> "Body positivity is great and all, but not when it's ignoring health concerns"
<SilverFox> darklight, we've come full circle
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<SilverFox> >hi-res
<SilverFox> >jpg
<SilverFox> !tell Majiir Become enlightened, as have I:
<Qboid> SilverFox: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<G-Mobile> SilverFox: let me introduce you to the new king of whydeas
<G-Mobile> it is an IoT
<G-Mobile> Wifi Enabled
<SilverFox> of course
<G-Mobile> Rechargable
<G-Mobile> 9 volt battery
<SilverFox> that's good
<G-Mobile> .
<SilverFox> odd but rechargeable
<SilverFox> go on
<G-Mobile> Tassit
<SilverFox> wait
<G-Mobile> theres no more
<SilverFox> wait
<G-Mobile> its a wifi battery
<SilverFox> wifi batteries shouldnt exist
<SilverFox> I will make them illegal
<G-Mobile> ;g rooster smart battery
<SilverFox> why
<G-Mobile> whateverpI cant see
<G-Mobile> fucking battery
<G-Mobile> because smoke alarms take 9v batteries
<SilverFox> great, lemme just hack this safety device real quick
<G-Mobile> you put this fucking wifi battery in your smoke detector, and get a txt when its low
<G-Mobile> wait
<G-Mobile> Wait
<G-Mobile> its not rechargable
<G-Mobile> 35$
<SilverFox> but you're supposed to change the batteries every month anyways
<SilverFox> 1-3 months
<G-Mobile> Lasts 5 years
<SilverFox> this battery lasts 5 years?
<G-Mobile> it has a removable custom lithium cell that they havent started selling replacements for yet
<SilverFox> I need a NAS ahhhhhhhhhhh
<G-Mobile> yanno whats crazy expensive
<G-Mobile> drive bays
<SilverFox> nas
<G-Mobile> a three drive hotswap housing is 100$
<SilverFox> all I need is just a thing I can attach a bunch of drives to
<G-Mobile> I seriously think the cost of drive bays is the most ineffective cost of consumer NAS
<G-Mobile> And shitty cases tend to have at best one empty drive position
<SilverFox> now, speed isnt of serious concern to me
<G-Mobile> I can build a shitty computer for less than the cost of a consumer NAS, but a case that fits six drives, even if it doesnt fit anything else, now it costs more
<SilverFox> what I'd want to use it for is storing the mass amount of kpop pictures I have accumulating
<SilverFox> just sticky tape the drives ontop of eachother in the case
<G-Mobile> doesnt majiir offer that as a service?
<SilverFox> is down
<SilverFox> so im making my own
<SilverFox> plus I'll be able to categorize it and such
<SilverFox> idk if Majiir's shit is even categorized
<SilverFox> it better be
<SilverFox> by band and member
<G-Mobile> He did OCR to locate the girls he likes
<SilverFox> yeah I know
<SilverFox> I want that tech
<SilverFox> he also cheated
<SilverFox> and just scraped from a site that posted pure pictures
<darklight> Greys no idea, I've never hot wire cut foam
<darklight> Greys, a 3Ah 12V pack, lowest weight would be lipo 3s, cheapest probably those sealed ups style batteries
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<G-Mobile> SilverFox: serious idea, if you get a proof of concept on the market that will sell and then you can roll it into a studio and eventually sell it for millions
<G-Mobile> an app that does meal planning, and then looks at your calendar to determine the meals you'll eat, and the constructs a shopping list with price estimates, for the week
<SilverFox> im pretty sure that already exists
<SilverFox> t sounds super generc
<G-Mobile> Every part of that exists and they're all sandboxed in defensive marketing shells that prohibit interaction
<G-Mobile> I want to set up the meal plans, input prices, and then have it use the calendar I have to make it stupid easy to buy the right stuff
<GlassYuri> a non-chinese songs for those not-racists who cannot stand the chinese language
<G-Mobile> I'd love IFTTT support so I can link in meal making, taking, and shoping into my task manager
<kmath_> YouTube - 《Song For You》by YanHe
<G-Mobile> Also a lot of meal planning apps are actually recipe books, or an AI that tells you what to eat to meet generic goals
<G-Mobile> I want, minimum, I describe the content of the recipes, assign recipes to days, based on that it creates a shoping list
<G-Mobile> one step up, it keeps track of what I have and takes out of that, and when I'm running out it adds that to the list
<G-Mobile> so olive oil isnt on there all the time
<G-Mobile> one step up, the calendar integration, this recipe occurs N times for calendar events matching a search in the next week
<G-Mobile> last step up, iftt integration so I can do whatever
<G-Mobile> anyway, every app of these sorts gets used, put it up for free, no ads, and build out the other features, you'll have an offer within two years
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<G-Mobile> I want somebody to redo verunca salt's song in charlue and the chocolate factory to be a slightly better song, sung by a good jazz lady, in the format of james bond opening songs
<SilverFox> yanno what sucks?
<SilverFox> how realistic dreams can be
<G-Mobile> yanno what sucks
<G-Mobile> engineering doesnt broadly apply to videogames
<SilverFox> I dreamt last morn that I went to a school, back in time, to like, 90-95 era, and I could tell immediately by the hairstyles and clothes, so I was telling everyone about all the great stuff about the future and they were all excited and stuff
<SilverFox> although I lied and said I was from 2018
<GlassYuri> G-Mobile, you're dealing with computers and bullshit, so it's pretty much the same thing
<SilverFox> but then shit got twisted
<G-Mobile> I dont have access to enough fingers to count how many games I have tried to ram a thing with a car and the car just stopped on impact
<GlassYuri> have you ever dreamt that you were summarily executed in a dictatorship
<SilverFox> nope
<SilverFox> but I have dreamt of having a gun to my head
<SilverFox> same dream actually
<SilverFox> school bell rings and everyone is out leaving and im leaving and then there's a dude in a car
<G-Mobile> why did teachers have the authority to override the class change bell
<SilverFox> im forced into the car, and I try and get out, and do so before he locks it, but then he gets out as well, and I start calling out for help, there's a car in front of us, blocking the way
<G-Mobile> they should have just installed a subtle lamp facing the teacher on thier desk
<SilverFox> I call out to them but they just stare at me
<SilverFox> G-Mobile, they never had such authority
<SilverFox> it was a facade
<G-Mobile> the existence of the bell teaches that there is regularity to proccesses
<G-Mobile> Teachers refuting the authority of the bell teaches students not to trust and that authority is bullshit
<G-Mobile> Teachers keeping class past the bell teaches students to doubt and question insignificant things
<SilverFox> anyways, im then grabbed by the man, whom is taller than me, and much stronger, and am being taken back into the schoolyard and through the processes of the school
<SilverFox> he doesnt cover my mouth, so im still calling out for help, but everyone just nods at him and watches
<G-Mobile> If instead the teacher was keeping time, the bell wouldnt be needed, and the concept of authority figures would be preserved
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<SilverFox> im dragged into this concrete hell of a basement, behind some jail looking cell door thing, to which im thrown into, and stripped of my clothing
<G-Mobile> authority figures disrespecting authority figures just creates strife, stress, and rebellion
<SilverFox> the obvious occurs, and I wake up halfway through it
<SilverFox> ah right, I forgot the part where I managed to escape his clutches and we had a gun battle of sorts, but because im not trained in weaponry, I was a terrible shot
<SilverFox> but it was a good 5-10 minutes of chasing me around this unfamiliar school
<SilverFox> probably one of the schools I went to when I was in band touring the town
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<G-Mobile> So dream
<G-Mobile> very clap
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<darklight> SilverFox:
<kmath_> YouTube - This man has -1000 respect for women and the reason why might SHOCK you
<darklight> You might like this one
<G-Mobile> All negative authority values are equal to -1
<G-Mobile> And mean unlimited
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<G-Mobile> Gettin my tire replaced
<G-Mobile> this place has 4 registers, and theyre all full, and three people have instead of a line arranged themselves into a binary tree
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<G-Mobile> Then a fourth person arrived and non-Po2 ruined it
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<i_rinix> Progress is being made
<Greys> looks like a dress turned coffee table
<i_rinix> Looks like your face
<Greys> my face is hexagonal
<i_rinix> My logic is superior, you cannot compute!
<Greys> no logic has been posed in this conversement
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<SilverFox> Greys, D&D: "I cut the dick off a bandit, put it on a crossbow bolt and fired it at their leader to "send a message" rolled high and ended up firing it down his throat during his monologue. DM gave him choking damage each round he failed strength check to remove"
<Greys> mmkay
<Greys> that's disgusting
<SilverFox> "used magic hand to try and jerk off an angry wolf"
<kmath_> <GaggingGarrett> IVE HAD IT WITH TRAPS AND ANIME
<SilverFox> my fav so far
<SilverFox> peak performance
<SilverFox> "Mouths don't have a gender, you faggot!!"
<Greys> ;wa 1m to ft
<kmath_> Greys: convert 1 meter to feet: 3.281 feet3' 3.37"
<darklight> SF, thats real and I linked the video before
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<MobileFox> Greys, before I forget, my car makes this jarring clunk when it switches from park to reverse after starting it
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<Greys> ;tell silverfox GOOD TO KNOW
<kmath_> Greys: I'll let silverfox know when I see them
<Greys> graphs gone wrong
<Greys> ;wa 5Gb/s to Mb/s
<kmath_> Greys: convert 5 GB/s (gigabytes per second) to megabits per second: 40000 Mb/s (megabits per second)
<Greys> ;wa 5Gbit/s to Mb/s
<kmath_> Greys: convert 5 Gb/s (gigabits per second) to megabits per second: 5000 Mb/s (megabits per second)
<darklight> Greys its not the size that matters its how you use it
<Greys> about 10x
<darklight> more dots more better
<Greys> the engrish is strang
<darklight> That's so much marketing wank I feel like I'm in the centre of a bukkake
<Greys> does that graphic even remotely represent a USB 3.x cable?
<darklight> No idea, I chopped up a 2 cable and it had smaller white/green data lines compared to the power onex
<darklight> ones
<darklight> Not that ratio though, but usb 3 is more power iirc
<Greys> a lot more power
<Greys> I think 3 spec is several times more, and C spec is 100w
<Greys> what's something I can buy on amazon for 5$
<Greys> replacement battery terminals
<Greys> I just realized it's the equivalent of 2am
<Greys> oh well, had to purchase USB-C cables to update my life to my new phone
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<G-Mobile> Dark, if I wanted to build a simple clock circuit thats super efficient and human-accurate within two minute periods, ticking on schmeconds, how small can we get this, and how long will it run on a AAA
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<MobileFox> Rokker, what's that vtol aircraft the military uses? Herring?
<Rokker> which one
<Rokker> harrier?
<Rokker> f-35?
<Rokker> osprey?
<MobileFox> Harrier, that's it
<Rokker> MobileFox: filthy marine craft
<Rokker> MobileFox: designed by the brits
<Rokker> crashes far more than any fighter should
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<MobileFox> Apparently a company here was contracted to build some of its parts
<Rokker> for who
<MobileFox> Idk
<Rokker> there are like... 2 or 3 different companies that produce it
<MobileFox> Military probably
<MobileFox> Magellan aerospace?
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<Rokker> MobileFox: Magellan makes a fuckton of shit
<MobileFox> Yeah
<MobileFox> My grandmother works there
<Rokker> they make parts for 787s, f-35s, A380s, all of the bombardiers, fuck
<Rokker> I think they even make parts for the Abrams tank
<Rokker> because why the hell not
<MobileFox> Nice
<Rokker> MobileFox: they have an office here in dayton because... well, every aerospace company has an office in dayton
<MobileFox> Cool
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