TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspcovfefe | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point |  Upon being elected Operator from 1:11:03AM to 1:11:19AM, GlassYuri immortalized his term with these words: “Do I have to give a fucking speech now?"
<SilverFox> I wonder how well the oculus and touch could port over to vive stuff
<kmath> YouTube - Is it still worth buying a Oculus Rift DK1? Hands on review and Setup
<SilverFox> this guy's voice is the sheer embodiment of creepy
<SilverFox> I wonder if the htc vive/oculus controllers and such saturate the USB3 connection
<inkpad> there are alot of opportunity costs associated with getting into VR. like loosing the ability to relate to real human beings
<SilverFox> humans suck tho
<SilverFox> assholes really
<SilverFox> its a win win
<SilverFox> TIL about screen door effect
<SilverFox> like, house screen door, not electronic screen
<SilverFox> when you put your face close to a set of pixels and you can see the lines which seperate the pixels, that's screen door
<SilverFox> because it looks like a screen door
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<Hyratel_> inkpad, [citation needed]
<SilverFox> where does a bald person's face end?
<SilverFox> how far up do they go for facewashing?
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<Glass|phone> when you finish an assignment before the teacher is done explaining it
<SilverFox> lel
<SilverFox> lets see the code
<Glass|phone> it is full of commented out shit from the previous assignment
<SilverFox> idc
<SilverFox> lemme see what you're working on, wanna see how close it is to my stuff
<Glass|phone> taking a png full of frames and displaying them one after another
<Glass|phone> literally 2dcg basics
<Glass|phone> this week we made a 4 frame walking animation with the 2nd and 4th frame identical and thus only once in the file
<Glass|phone> so it boils down to going from 0th to 2nd frame then going backwards to 0th
<SilverFox> so it's staggered
<darklight> 4 frame walking?
<SilverFox> middle leg, right leg, middle leg, left leg
<darklight> That might be ok in pokemon red
<SilverFox> it's good for the basis
<SilverFox> basics
<SilverFox> teaching the basics is what they should do
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<SilverFox> hey egg, the pimax 4k vr headset weighs 3 of you
<SilverFox> you are now a standard unit of measurement
<Glass|phone> "oh yeah don't have to charge my phone overnight because I can do that in school" forgets cable
<Glass|phone> I could just go to the convenience store and get another one but I have enough cables that areclikely repairable at home
<SilverFox> just buy another one dude
<SilverFox> oculus rift is on sale btw
<SilverFox> something like 399$ USD
<SilverFox> and 549$ CAD
<SilverFox> ;wa 399USD to CAD
<SilverFox> ?
<kmath> SilverFox: convert $399 (US dollars) to Canadian dollars: C$514.37 (Canadian dollars)
<SilverFox> yup that's about right
<SilverFox> not a bad rate at all
<SilverFox> "Sad , I have the pc to run it easily but cannot afford it . House needs new roof first . Gotta have priorities" "who needs a roof in virtual reality?"
<RandomJeb> I want a headset that does both VR and AR
<RandomJeb> with a 120 degree FoV or better
<SilverFox> good luck dude
<RandomJeb> I'm young, I've got time
<SilverFox> WHEW LADS
<SilverFox> "Migraine Simulator"
<inkpad> .tell Hyratel_ case in point
<kmath> YouTube - Streamer is virtually violated by a weird guy and his goon.
<SilverFox> inkpad stop using bad bots
<SilverFox> use !tell or ~tell
<SilverFox> also that tell wasnt saved anywhere, that reminds me, how long has it been since kountdown was here?
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<Hyratel_> SilverFox, I don't even know what point inkface is trying to make
<SilverFox> me neither
<SilverFox> but im at least going to help them try
<inkpad> christ
<inkpad> whatever
<SilverFox> are you one of them there CONSERVATEEVES?
<SilverFox> opposin the forward movement of our SOCIETAY
<kmath> YouTube - What Does a Migraine Feel Like? - The Excedrin® Migraine Experience
<SilverFox> fucking migraine simulator
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<darklight> Sf progress? "Most bestiality is legal, declares Canada's Supreme Court"
<SilverFox> links
<SilverFox> I dont believe this
<SilverFox> its independent in the uk
<SilverFox> reporting on canadian news
<SilverFox> get me a canadian news outlet
<SilverFox> because lord knows that every canadian outlet would report on this
<SilverFox> guys wait, I just realized, if I get a vr headset, I can watch VR porn
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<SilverFox> I just also realized, vr kpop
<SilverFox> cbc is canadian
<SilverFox> lol rekt
<SilverFox> holy shit
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<SilverFox> 7/10/2017 is a palindrome
<darklight> discord pic didn't work
<darklight> ~g pornhub dumb blonde fucks country
<darklight> Hehe, remoaners :P
<SilverFox> I wonder
<SilverFox> ~ph dumb blonde fucks country
<SilverFox> oh darn, my pornhub function isnt up
<SilverFox> lemme fix that real quick
<SilverFox> as this is purely unacceptable
<SilverFox> now time to test
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<SilverFox> ~ph dumb blonde fucks country
<SilverFox> nope
<SilverFox> ~ph dumb british blonde fucks 15 million people at once
<SilverFox> oh right
<SilverFox> the timeout
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<SilverFox> ~ph dumb british blonde fucks 15 million people at once
<Supernovy> PalinDrome: Two Alaskans enter, one Alaskan leaves.
<SilverFox> if this doesnt work then im removing the function
<SilverFox> ~ph dumb british blonde fucks 15 million people at once
<SilverFox> it nulls
<SilverFox> why
<SilverFox> ~ph dumb british blonde fucks 15 million people at once (nocache)
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<SilverFox> oh, the archaiec cache checking query system
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<SilverFox> ~ph dumb british blonde fucks 15 million people at once (nocache)
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<SilverFox> ~ph dumb british blonde fucks 15 million people at once
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<SilverFox> of course as soon as I set it to debug channel only it gets it right
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<SilverFox> darklight, now try the query
<darklight> You laugh but a transwoman won womens boxing i think
<darklight> ~ph my little pony episode 1
<darklight> nope
<darklight> gg ph search
<SilverFox> try it with google search
<darklight> ~g my little pony episode 1
<darklight> Are you fucking using google for this
<SilverFox> lel
<SilverFox> dont care for it
<SilverFox> you're entering ban territory
<darklight> I'm surprised you haven't blocked pony from the commands
<SilverFox> I could do that
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<SilverFox> so there's a new overwatch character called Doomfist
<SilverFox> everyone's memeing him with Terry Cruz
<kmath> YouTube - Doomfist Meta
<SilverFox> FSX in vr is gon be great
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<SilverFox> ummmmmmmmmmm
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<SilverFox> im watching this guy freak out in flight vr because he set on autopilot and after a while the autopilot started pitching up and up and up
<SilverFox> and all of a sudden he got spooked from the "tcktcktcktcktcktcktcktck" that the boeing makes when it approaches stall limits
<darklight> Headtracking exists for r/c
<SilverFox> yeah thats great and all
<SilverFox> but fuck rc
<SilverFox> this guy grips his flightstick by the very bottom
<SilverFox> this is very wrong
<SilverFox> and I will also make illegal in my country
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<SilverFox> think of the most hyped up review you've ever heard, and now multiply it by 12 and you have this guy:
<kmath> YouTube - Oculus Rift: Robo Recall Preview
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<TheKosmonaut> Glsfrg2|phone: Shibuya smells terrible
<TheKosmonaut> I remember why I never go there
<SilverFox> ooh a place, tell me about this place
<TheKosmonaut> Like piss and homeless ballsweat
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: it's a major train station and part of the city.
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: you know the pics you always see of the diagonal crosswalks?
<Glsfrg2|phone> I hate the crowding there
<Glsfrg2|phone> also what I love about Shibuya is the contrast between the shopping district and the massive construction work
<Glsfrg2|phone> I assume jr east is trying to rebuild every single fucking station in time for the olympics?
<SilverFox> yeah ive seen diagonal crosswalks
<SilverFox> pretty damn great if you ask me
<SilverFox> there are way too many times I have to wait for 2 lights on a busy intersection to get to where I want to go
<Glsfrg2|phone> so anyway once nothing remains of the old jr layout and the overground toukyuu stations shibuya will probably be bland as fuck
<TheKosmonaut> Glsfrg2|phone: yeah. It's like they're rushing all the shit to get done.
<Glsfrg2|phone> they demolished sendagaya to the point where it's just a platform and some construction fencing
<Glsfrg2|phone> the new station plan looks great though, completely overblown for a local station
<Glsfrg2|phone> they probably did that just because there's some olympic venues in the area, fucking ridiculous
<Glsfrg2|phone> TheKosmonaut: btw I cannot avoid learning mandarin anymore
<SilverFox> why
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: he's a maoboo
<SilverFox> ahh
<TheKosmonaut> He wants to make (East) Germany great again
<SilverFox> MEGGA
<Glsfrg2|phone> TheKosmonaut: if I liked languages for the government associated with them, whould I be fucking here?
<SilverFox> I wouldnt be here
<TheKosmonaut> Glsfrg2|phone: yes because you're a nationalist and want to invade Korea
<TheKosmonaut> Duh
<TheKosmonaut> P R O S P E R I T Y. S P H E R E.
<SilverFox> so what is the ghetto neighborhood of tokyosphere?
<Glsfrg2|phone> what if I'm a 反日 and want to prepare an invasion
<TheKosmonaut> MMEGA
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<Glsfrg2|phone> TheKosmonaut: anyway the reason why I have to learn mandarin is chinese vocaloid and chinese mutual twitter followers
<SilverFox> seriously Glsfrg2|phone, why cant you avoid mandarin?
<SilverFox> so music and twitter followers?
<SilverFox> that's pretty shit reason
<SilverFox> but you do you
<SilverFox> xiao mao xiau
<Glsfrg2|phone> you learned korean because you were brainwashed by maj
<SilverFox> yeah it was against my will
<SilverFox> I was M A N I P U L A T E D
<SilverFox> the only thing china has going for it right now was that booty contest
<SilverFox> some nice booty
<SilverFox> "1998 vintage steak"
<Glsfrg2|phone> unity renders colors with a negative alpha value
<SilverFox> of course it would
<SilverFox> because alphas can totally be negative
<darklight> Home
<SilverFox> that's conceptually sound
<SilverFox> is there such thing as unsigned float?
<darklight> It is only 1 bit long
<SilverFox> not for bit saving
<SilverFox> for things like preventing negative alpha values
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<SilverFox> fuck you
<darklight> Also from imgur, was just going through it for a bit, saw this
<darklight> That is literally the same gps/autosteer thing I use, but we don't have it hooked into anything like a sprayer
<darklight> Don't use the fieldiq part.
<Greys> SilverFox, so some people'
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> same
<Greys> s DNA says to have a different number of muscles in their left arm?
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> if there was a "universal" plan, it'd be like pulling from a github repository
<Greys> I thought DNA had a symmetry mode
<SilverFox> whereas in reality, it's like files are modified and stored locally, and then passed via floppy discs
<SilverFox> symmetry mode?
<Greys> like ksp
<SilverFox> idk what you're on about
<SilverFox> like, I know what it is in ksp
<SilverFox> but I dont get how that applies to dna
<SilverFox> dna is a double helix
<Greys> ok, take the thing in KSP, DNA says how to make the part, then symmetry mode
<SilverFox> so you're saying dna says "make the same thing for both arms"?
<Greys> it makes sense
<SilverFox> dont think so
<SilverFox> there are people with extra thumbs and shit on one hand rather than both
<Greys> and I would argue that the fault was not their DNA but the construction process
<Greys> their body built itself wrong
<SilverFox> that is a possibility
<Greys> yea, there's all that bullshit about "this energy drink may cause birth defects in california"
<SilverFox> that there was something amidst the translation and transcription process
<Greys> I find it way more likely that the palmaris longus muscle/tendon kit varies not because the DNA is unstable but because it's coded in a fault likely way
<SilverFox> okay wait up
<SilverFox> define "unstable" vs "fault"
<Greys> unrelated terms
<Greys> I will define them both
<Greys> unstable DNA within a population is DNA that has a high variance
<SilverFox> high mutation rate?
<Greys> faults are when things are made wrong
<SilverFox> hrmmm
<Greys> like when you're 3D printing a thing you got off thingaverse and there's a bunch of slightly different variants
<SilverFox> well, technically they are the same in terms of dna
<Greys> vs when you're 3D printing a thing and it goes to shit
<SilverFox> yes, there are times when it goes wrong in the transcription process, but more likely to happen is during dna re-formation when things are inserted, deleted, or replaced with the other stuff
<darklight> I can insert things
<SilverFox> things aren't really ever made "wrong", in the same way a computer "doesnt do the thing I want it to"
<SilverFox> the computer does as its told
<SilverFox> that's the transcription process, and it's pretty accurate
<darklight> 3D printers can totally go haywire though?
<Greys> so the palmaris longus muscle/tendon varies in that it may be entirely missing, it may have a muscle, the muscle may be suspended between two tendons or anchored near the elbow, and it may be two muscles in parallel
<Greys> this does not sound like a set of mutations among the population
<Greys> this sounds like a feature which the body is a bit confused about how to make
<SilverFox> the likeliness of a fault during the transcription process is rather low, compared to the likeliness of a fault during recombining in dna
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<SilverFox> it's not necessarily confused, it's just "not the normal way"
<SilverFox> but it doesnt see it differently
<SilverFox> it's just coded weird
<Greys> it's coded in a way that's ambiguous
<SilverFox> like UGA-CGA-AUG becomes AGA-CGA-AUG and that's a completely different protein
<SilverFox> with a very different function
<Greys> like lego instructions to build a house where things can turn out different based on initial conditions and biases
<SilverFox> sort of, I guess
<Greys> take a thousand people with the same lego instructions, get about 30 different categories of results
<SilverFox> its like "hammer the nail into <precise location which is off by 2">" and you're like "hm, okay" and you do it, and the two boards aren't aligned, and that section of structure falls apart
<SilverFox> that'd be the cell dying, or protein malfunctioning
<SilverFox> I digress now that I'm getting off track
<SilverFox> so anyways, I know not of a "symmetry mode" and I doubt it exists, highly doubt it
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<Greys> so the left and write pinky fingers have entirely unique sets of DNA prescribing their growth
<SilverFox> I'd say so, yup
<SilverFox> they are also of different lengths sometimes too
<Greys> the cells in the left pinky know they're in the left pinky because of protien shit, and thus they know what to make there
<SilverFox> at a basic level yeah
<Greys> it seems like as well the left pinky knows that it's left of the left pointer, so it builds it's features "facing" that direction, making it symmetric to the right pinky doing the same
<SilverFox> "hey im in the place I need to be, what do I do next?"
<Greys> so maybe the specification that the palmus longus is where it is, is relatively easy to invalidate
<SilverFox> I think it's as that paragraphcomment says, in that it doesnt really "know" it just reacts to stimulus, and that stimulus is what tells it how to be
<Greys> the muscles that should say "MMkay, I'm <that>" are have a likelihood to always get distracted with something else
<SilverFox> distracted is a bad term, moreso "influenced"
<SilverFox> because fetal growth is rather intriquete and happens rather quickly
<SilverFox> it's rather spectacular
<SilverFox> however there are more likely many processes going on which are managing growth
<Greys> so yea, DNA prescribes mostly-once, outside of the torso, and generally symmetry is a result of following multiple instructions
<Greys> make this muscle, make it when you are in this situation, make it "facing" based on this logic
<Greys> symmetry mode is an adequate laymans abstraction
<Greys> btw, the palmus longus is so unnecessary that it is regularly scavanged for tendon repairs elsewhere
<Greys> it's the appendix of tendons
<SilverFox> Greys, how do you eat corn on the cob, horizontally, or vertically?
<Greys> unfortunately I have not eaten corn on the cob in 15 years
<SilverFox> how would you eat it if you had some
<Greys> horizontally probably?
<SilverFox> okay
<SilverFox> also I'm probably getting an oculus rift sometime soon, what are some neat VR ideas you've had?
<Greys> higher resolution screens
<SilverFox> I mean things I could do with it
<Greys> build an IP binocular turret
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<SilverFox> oh right
<SilverFox> brush me up on that again
<Greys> find some mountable binoculars ( ), mount webcams in their optics, build a gimbal, and attach a servo to the zoom wheels (and focus wheels if applicable)
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<Greys> then make a machine of any description which will control all of this, and expose it over the network
<Greys> then make a program which will let you access the streams and controls via your oculus, and control the gimbal via head tracking
<SilverFox> so that last part sounds like a job for unity
<SilverFox> gimbal nad motor control can be done via the raspi
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<Greys> I recommend starting with a small, low zoom factor pair of binoculars, because of pricing but also the higher your zoom the more angular accuracy is super duper important
<SilverFox> whats up with you and longe range weaponry lately?
<SilverFox> artillery game, turret with binoculars
<Greys> fixed zoom, "auto focus"
<Greys> really it focuses by having optics that don't care about focus so your eyes are in charge
<Greys> also, relatively cheap
<Greys> thirdly, that's a really good spread for hyperparallax and webcam attachment
<Greys> I have a 4x9-32mm scope that I use as a spyglass , 7x is not all that much, so you should have big margines of errors
<Greys> I am a bit confused by the controls of this one, it's got a toggle along the bridge which might be a spread lock, and the right eyepiece is marked as +/-
<SilverFox> Greys, what's the name of that walking accessory for VR?
<Greys> what's diopter
<Greys> omni..... something
<Greys> omni?
<SilverFox> omni, right
<SilverFox> well there's another one
<SilverFox> Cyberith
<Greys> there have been several but most were crap
<SilverFox> and this one allows for crouching
<Greys> so what's diopter
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<kmath> YouTube - GTA 5 in VR Cyberith VIRTUALIZER + Oculus RIFT Part 1: The Police Chase
<SilverFox> it's like an upside down delta printer
<Greys> that's not crouching, that's sitting
<SilverFox> he can crough
<SilverFox> crouch
<SilverFox> and sit
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<Greys> neat idea, but the sit feature makes me unwilling to believe that it's build well enough to support the weight of typical people
<Greys> this guy is light
<SilverFox> well you're a fucking giant, so we'd have to make it out of titanium and steel 35 or whatever
<Greys> it's not a matter of materials
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<Greys> the design of that structure is really bad for supporting weight
<Greys> the towers are presumibly not screwed into the floor, and they'd need to be lag screws ideally into cement; so the angled supports to the ring will make the weight apply into the pillars as an almost entirely outward force trying to tip them from about a foot off the ground
<Greys> this joint is itself extremely unideal and is likely to snap at both the pillar and the ring
<SilverFox> duct tape
<SilverFox> done
<Greys> conversation over, fine
<SilverFox> mkay
<Greys> also if the guy actually fell forwards, which is likely, he would impart a twisting motion of the ring binding two pilars and snapping the third from an unsupported height
<Greys> this would be great for women under 90lbs and children
<Greys> normal people are going to have lots of damage fast
<SilverFox> KatVR
<SilverFox> ~g KatVR
<SilverFox> that's the hanging chair
<SilverFox> completely useless
<Greys> why have a hanging chair?
<SilverFox> idk
<Greys> this system is generally better but their imagery does represent a worrying amount of bending
<SilverFox> that's not the default thing though
<Greys> I would like to see more support where the pillar attaches, but I may be underestimating the materials
<Greys> there is no design reason this wouldn't be entirely stable
<SilverFox> they're going to make it "smaller and lighter" which doesnt sound good to me
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<Greys> there's no good reason to make a stationary fixture lighter, you're only making it weaker
<SilverFox> thats my thought
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<Greys> the omni also looks pretty easily damaged but those risers could be quite strong and there could be a full metal skeleton hidden under the plastic
<Greys> ok so diopter is basically focus
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<Greys> but you should only have to set the diopter focus of the binoculars once
<SilverFox> cyberith dude is talking about how he's making it
<Greys> and?
<SilverFox> ima check out weight limits
<SilverFox> it supports weight up to 120kg
<SilverFox> which is about 250-260lbs?
<Greys> ;wa 120kg to lbs
<kmath> Greys: convert 120 kg (kilograms) to pounds: 264.6 lb (pounds)264 pounds 8.875 ounces
<Greys> also, "he claims" it supports
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<SilverFox> dont be an ass like that, they probably tested it
<SilverFox> that number seems reasonable
<SilverFox> ~g infinideck
<kmath> YouTube - Palmer Luckey takes the Infinadeck for a spin
<SilverFox> this one is a 360 degree treadmill
<SilverFox> and holy fuck is it big
<Greys> that's a very interesting way to cheat
<SilverFox> indeed
<SilverFox> wait
<SilverFox> it isnt 360 degree
<SilverFox> its standard
<SilverFox> it doesnt move along the horizontal
<Greys> structurally these members seem up to snuff, but the mountings between them look pretty weak
<Greys> what are you talking about
<SilverFox> the treadmill there
<SilverFox> it's a standard treadmill underneath
<SilverFox> only goes two ways
<SilverFox> rather than 360 degrees
<SilverFox> ~yt rovr
<kmath> YouTube - WizDish Rovr VR Gaming Treadmill - Review
<SilverFox> this one is shit
<Greys> no
<Greys> it' can move in two axis at the same time
<Greys> when you do that, you get diagonal motion of an angle determined by the rate ratio
<SilverFox> I watched the dude walk across it and it didnt move, but it moved when he walked along it
<Greys> giving you 360 movement
<Greys> each green belt is a treadmill
<SilverFox> oh
<Greys> interesting way to cheat
<SilverFox> indeed
<kmath> YouTube - Axon VR Exosuit - Feel and Move in VR
<SilverFox> fucking iron man VR
<Greys> the only problem with that machine is that the construction of it's overhead system is not great
<Greys> wizdish looks entirely acceptable for hiking simulators
<Greys> trying to run on it would probably feel really weird, I see a few hip frames and they look fine
<Greys> axon is a scam
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<SilverFox> yup
<SilverFox> it tries to do too much at once
<Greys> they don't have any physical progress that remotely resembles the product they claim to have
<Greys> blob:
<Greys> this is what actually exists
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> they made a walking suit
<Greys> a legs only massive clusterfuck of experimental bullshit
<Greys> and btw, nothing about makes enough sense to actually be anything
<SilverFox> have you heard about the axon before?
<Greys> it makes enough sense to maybe be real, but a props department could fake this up in three days
<darklight> I never heard of axon
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<SilverFox> why is it that people always let go of their legs when they do rollercoaster vr?
<SilverFox> they always end up sliding on their asses
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<Greys> I don't know what you're talking about
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<SilverFox> literally the first one
<SilverFox> holy fuck, watching a video of ksp back in 2014
<SilverFox> fuckin b9 aerospace pack
<SilverFox> aw shit
<SilverFox> google earth vr
egg is now known as egg|afk|egg
<SilverFox> darklight, there is a vr game for ark; Ark Park
<darklight> I've seen sargon use it
<darklight> Limits your FOV
<darklight> So it's more for an.... experience I guess
<SilverFox> I'd play more ark if I could VR it
<kmath> YouTube - The American Dream Teaser
<darklight> Oh I haven't fed anything in ages
<darklight> Also the server doesn't auto update and I really should fix that
* darklight restarts to update it
<SilverFox> what the hell do we do after VR?
<SilverFox> what's next?
<Greys> neurotap
<SilverFox> what other amazing technologies await
<Greys> direct experience artificial reality
<Greys> DEAR
<Greys> I accidentally a word
<SilverFox> i dont think we could get a neuro device working well enough that isnt intrusive
<darklight> CelestAI
<darklight> That's what's next.
<Greys> oh no don't you bring that up
<SilverFox> #unbanTAY
<darklight> But you will be satisfied by friendship and ponies.
<SilverFox> BAN
<SilverFox> B&
<Greys> Dwayne The Rock Johnson, whose first middle name is literally The, might be our next president
<darklight> *And friendship
<SilverFox> I support this
<SilverFox> you have Canada's support
<darklight> Kayne2020
<SilverFox> Cain
<darklight> Err
<darklight> I can't spell
<darklight> We all know this
<SilverFox> Kanye?
<Greys> I know two facts about Dwayne outside of his acting
<darklight> I joke
<Greys> #1, he plays D&D
<Greys> #2, he's cool a shit
<SilverFox> 2: he's black
<Greys> .... iiiis heeeee...
<SilverFox> maybe
<SilverFox> you never know
<Greys> I think he's samoan
<SilverFox> he also builds his own PC's
<Greys> if we could have Dwayne Johnson, Vin Diesel, or Deadmouse as president, that'd be great
<SilverFox> Terry Cruz also does this
<SilverFox> Deadmau5?
<Greys> Dwayne Johnson is a canadian citizen.
<Greys> Dwayne Johnson is an american citizen.
<SilverFox> dual citizenship, nice
<SilverFox> was he born in america?
<Greys> america's first canadian president
<SilverFox> is he really though?
<Greys> yes, born in califnoria
<SilverFox> good
<SilverFox> is he over 35?
<Greys> his dad's name was Rocky
<SilverFox> nice
<Greys> born 1966
<SilverFox> definitely over 35
<SilverFox> so those are the requirements for being president
<SilverFox> which is funny because it doesnt state human
<Greys> 50... 56?
<SilverFox> a turtle could legally run for president
<Greys> ;wa 2017-1966
<kmath> Greys: 2017 - 1966 = 51
<Greys> 51
<darklight> Greys: I have a problem with vin diesel though
<Greys> wow, he's not young
<Greys> vin diesel also plays D&D, so he's good
<SilverFox> holy shit
<SilverFox> they're gonna larp the white house
<darklight> Greys: No, he said these words
<kmath> YouTube - Only pussies run nitrometh - YOU LOOKED UNDER MY HOOD?
<darklight> I know it's a movie
<darklight> But I think he should have quit on principle
<Greys> acting never counts
<Greys> you can't judge an entertainer for for the script
<darklight> If I paid you 5 dollars to say "I voted for donald trump" in video would you?
<darklight> :P
<Greys> that's not being an entertainer
<SilverFox> thats being "scum"
<Greys> if I had a career of being in things where I'm paid to say stuff, and everybody knew that it was fiction (ok most people knew), and me saying that was part of a greater work, then depending on context, maybe
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<Greys> it gets better
<SilverFox> Greys, VR japanese girlfriend simulator
<SilverFox> guess what it devolves into, almost immediately
<darklight> Greys: Like big man tyrone
<darklight> I don't think you could pull off big man tyrone
<darklight> SilverFox: Is that like a visual novel but with a fleshlight attachment?
<SilverFox> no, that's VR porn
<darklight> What's the difference?
<Greys> Dwayne The Rock Johnson is the son of canadian pro wrestler Rocky Johnson, and person wikipedia doesn't know about Ata Maivia; presumibly one of the two is a woman. He was born in california and holds american citizenship; I don't know his living situation but assuming his home has been in america for the last 3 years he will qualify; and be america's first new zealandese president
<Greys> take that australi
<Greys> a
<SilverFox> "how did you ever reach puberty being this stupid?"
<Greys> god I hate this keyboard
<Greys> born in california, raised in new zealand, then hawaii, then miami
<darklight> It will never be as bad as the samsung default keyboard though
<Greys> also is canadian
<SilverFox> so we got three shit here
<SilverFox> multi-cultural
<SilverFox> nice
<Greys> four if you count florida
<SilverFox> right
<Greys> and yes, he's samoan
<SilverFox> whats that
<Greys> his ethnicity is from samoa
<SilverFox> where the fuck is that
<SilverFox> ;wa where the fuck is samoa
<kmath> SilverFox: Samoa->location:
<Greys> I win
<SilverFox> eopseo
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<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, what does Kanojo mean?
<SilverFox> its the name of this vr girlfriend simulator
<Greys> girlfriend?
<Greys> kano I think is girl
<SilverFox> "VR kanojo"
<Greys> there's a lot of words for very slightly different contexts of the same thing
<Greys> shoujo is also girl
<Greys> I think shoujo denotes a childness and kano is more youth
<Greys> VR girlfriend makes sense
<SilverFox> it does
<Greys> also there's the anime about the girl with the telepathic spit
<Greys> Nazo no Kanojo X
<Greys> mysterious girlfriend X
<SilverFox> there we go
<Greys> and Kare Kano, his & hers
<SilverFox> might as well be "VR Hentai"
<SilverFox> in the more nipponese meaning of the word
<Greys> is it a western production?
<Greys> uh....
<Greys> the nipponese meaning of the word is SUBSTANTIALLY LESS PORNOGRAPHIC than the western meaning of the word
<SilverFox> indeed
<Greys> so, it's weird?
<SilverFox> it's perverted
<SilverFox> severely perverted
<SilverFox> lemony snicket's series of perverted events
<darklight> SilverFox: I just looked that up on youtube and I am incredibly disappointed
<kmath> YouTube - VR kanojo - (Japanese Girlfriend Simulator ?) Oculus Rift & Touch
<Greys> so you don't mean the japanese meaning of hentai
<Greys> you mean the western meaning of hentai
<SilverFox> the western meaning is porn
<Greys> yep
<SilverFox> japanese porn
<SilverFox> this isnt porn
<SilverFox> it's just extremely perverted
<Greys> hentai in japanese doesn't mean porn
<SilverFox> i know
<Greys> H means porn
<Greys> "ecchi"
<SilverFox> how does a single letter mean porn?
<SilverFox> that's pretty efficient
<SilverFox> ecchi sounds familiar
<Greys> ecchi in western usage means softcore
<Greys> like pinups and shit
<SilverFox> yeah but that also has a pornographic undertone to it
<SilverFox> this is just perverted events
<SilverFox> like, climbing a ladder to do a thing
<Greys> in japan, fucking is ecchi
<Greys> if someone was being a pervert at you, that's ecchi
<SilverFox> okay
<Greys> you go to the store and adults only manga is marked as H
<SilverFox> is it really "H" or a character that looks like "H"?
<Greys> literally H
<SilverFox> okay neat
<SilverFox> I'll keep that in mind
<Greys> if you google "manga H", everything you get is porn
<Greys> including one titled "Let's Make Babies"
<SilverFox> bumbledickle cuntmerpatch!
<Greys> I like that joke, and you just ruined it
<Greys> now we have to kill him
<SilverFox> I merely exclaimed his name
<SilverFox> brambleback coppernickle
<Greys> that's better
<Greys> now he can live
<Greys> also, bramblepelt
<SilverFox> in my country, it is I L L E G A L to say his name the same twice in the same contextual speaking time
<SilverFox> it must be different every time
<kmath> YouTube - MBMBaM - Warrior Cats
<SilverFox> like, in this game, you are given a fucking hitachi wand at one point
<SilverFox> and her vagina lights up blue
<darklight> Why not get a real girlfriend?
<Greys> that's actually realistic
<SilverFox> because these ones wont wake up one morning and tell you they dont love you anymore
<SilverFox> what about elbows, shoulders, and tits; individually?
<Greys> this is one of the most worrying humans I'm aware of
<SilverFox> this girl?
<SilverFox> why so?
<Greys> I could fit my fist between her legs, with her knees touching, and only touch her panties
<SilverFox> you have giant hands
<Greys> I could touch my thumbs and index fingers with her waist in the middle
<SilverFox> has uhhhhh las lindas gotten an update?
<Greys> I could slap her arms off
<SilverFox> im not seeing any tumblr activity for the past month
<Greys> her implants are as big as my head
<SilverFox> you're a fucking giant tho
<SilverFox> you're like, 6'5
<Greys> 6'1
<Greys> also you don't know what that means
<SilverFox> same thing
<Greys> yea it's been updating but I haven't read a page in a while
<Greys> I bet if this woman leaned over, she'd snap in half
<SilverFox> has it updated in the past month?
<Greys> this is why she's always holding her hips
<SilverFox> I've seen people more malnutritioned
<Greys> that also have massive implants?
<Greys> btw the glowy thing is called a hikaru skirt, and the next thing it's inventor made was this
<Greys> kantai collection is becoming real
<SilverFox> add artillery pls
<Greys> it's not artillery when it's on a boat
<Greys> cuuuuuuuuuz
<SilverFox> is that true?
<SilverFox> Rokker pls confirm this idiocy
<SilverFox> there's this whole "these companies test on animals" meme going on now
<SilverFox> because peta are a bunch of laughable idiots
<darklight> I have a question
<darklight> What is a hot pocket?
<SilverFox> wait
<SilverFox> they're microwavable pizza pockets
<SilverFox> dough that is shaped like a pocket
<SilverFox> and there's pizza meltings inside
<darklight> So like a sausage roll but not a sausage roll
<darklight> Looks like a little bundle of america
<SilverFox> we have em too
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<kmath> <Q57OUPrpy8OZaWt> 魚の生命力が凄い
<Greys> why do you fucks get cheap freezer pasties?
<SilverFox> those are pizza pops
<Rokker> SilverFox: eh, it's true, it's typically called a gun if it's on a boat
<SilverFox> that's fucking stupid and you should feel bad
<Rokker> SilverFox: HOWEVEE
<Rokker> Greys: is a fucking idiot
<Rokker> because when being used against land or aircraft
<Rokker> artillery is applicable
<SilverFox> artillery is always artillery regardless of what it's being used against
<SilverFox> either it is or isnt
<Rokker> nope
<SilverFox> yup
<darklight> How the fuck would you artillery a plane
<Greys> not against, from
<Rokker> darklight: do you know what AAA stands for
<Greys> big artillery size guns on a boat are not artillery
<Rokker> shut the fuck up greys
<Greys> if you shoot a boat with artillery on land, yes, that's artillery
<Rokker> no
<Rokker> fuck off
<darklight> Rokker: I just mean like normal cannon things
<Greys> darklight, anti-air is sometimes considered artillery
<Rokker> SilverFox: naval guns can be referred to as artillery
<Rokker> it's just less common
<Rokker> darklight: answer the question
<Greys> and as far as artillery guns on a plane, C-130 spectre
<SilverFox> Greys, you are triggering rokker so hard, it's great
<darklight> Rokker: I've never seen the abbreviation
<darklight> I thought missiles were more of a way of taking down aircraft
<SilverFox> he's devolved into ad hominems
<Rokker> god damn
<SilverFox> T R I G G E R E D
<SilverFox> "55 year old Fort Erie man dead after his motorcycle struck an air matress on Hwy 406"
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<Greys> I think this is based on the interpretation that artillery munitions are, in some military organizations, any munitions that have features beyond mass
<SilverFox> "Pooh, what makes the world go 'round?" Asked Piglett. "Fat bottomed girls" Replied Pooh.
<Greys> so flak shells are artillery munitions, and thus the gun that shoots them is artillery
<Greys> you could also argue that early flak shells were huge, and thus required a very large gun to shoot them
<SilverFox> does the artillery on a ship fire all four shots at once, or 4 in succession?
<SilverFox> asking for a friend
<Greys> up to the gunmen
<Rokker> SilverFox: >4
<Rokker> where the fuck are u getting the number 4
<Greys> if you shoot all the guns on the ship at once it's kinda hard on eeeerythang, and can shift the boat by more than a meter
<Greys> but broadsides have been done
<Greys> imagine if you were on a boat and then all the boat parts of the boat were a meter in a direction
<Greys> not a fun time!
<SilverFox> that one has three
<Greys> it has 3 turrets, each of which has 3 guns
<SilverFox> im tired
<SilverFox> pls advise
<Rokker> SilverFox: I have never seen a ship turret with 4 guns
<Rokker> only 2 or 3
<Greys> btw the guns can be aimed individually to an extent
<SilverFox> aim the three turrets to have their shells collide midair
<darklight> Greys: Iirc they fire one after the other but are aimed differently so they all hit at once
<Greys> one plan might be to fire 3 shells with different arcs and different propellant loads, so that they have different times to slightly different targets, and will then hit the target in succcession as it moves
<SilverFox> 4
<Rokker> darklight: you can fire all at once
<Greys> yep
<SilverFox> rokker said a ship can't have 4
<SilverFox> suck it rokker
<Greys> but if you don't shoot them at exactly the same time, even a slight delay will significantly weaken the force on the turret, mounting, and boat
<Rokker> SilverFox: I didn't say that
<Rokker> I said no real ship has em
<Rokker> and the British navy isn't real
<Rokker> because it's gay
<Greys> I think I've seen 5, but generally speaking the turrets fall within a small range, so more guns = smaller guns
<SilverFox> more 4
<SilverFox> oh right, my threading for foxbot and reminder scheduling, I keep forgetting about it
<Rokker> now that's just silly
<Rokker> anyways
<SilverFox> everytime I try to sleep, this feature for foxbot gets in my head
<Rokker> 4 is by far the least common
<SilverFox> and it keeps me up for an hour
<Greys> if you're going to do reminders you should just integrate with a task management service
<Greys> gtasks for example
<SilverFox> naw
<SilverFox> wanted to write it myself
<Greys> consider it training in integration
<SilverFox> be like ~reminder -t 0700 "suck my dick" and then it tells me to suck my dick in 7 hours
<Greys> btw, did you know that america has naval railguns in the field
<Greys> 0700 is a designation of absolute time
<SilverFox> or be like ~reminder -y 2018 -m 1 -d 1 "happy new year faggot"
<Rokker> no it fucking doesnt
<Rokker> its still testing them
<Rokker> learn the definition of field
<SilverFox> wow Greys, that's neat
<Greys> 4 digits is zulu time, 3 digits is relative minutes
<SilverFox> I was going to do date and time, but I thought you'd bitch if you couldnt do it in "time from now" format
<Greys> so you're saying remind me at 7am UTC
<SilverFox> no
<Greys> yeeeeef
<SilverFox> 7 hours time
<SilverFox> it's like t-7 hours
<SilverFox> but doing -t- would be weird
<Greys> so say 7 hours
<Greys> don't use existing formats incorrectly
<Greys> it makes you look like a dick
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> u
<Greys> yeeep
<SilverFox> I'll do it however I want
<Greys> sure and you'll look like a dick
<SilverFox> maybe I'll just make it an absolute time
<SilverFox> -d -h -m and be done
<Greys> btw, zulu time, the default, is defined as UTC+/-00:00
<Greys> Whiskey Time is UTC-10:00
<SilverFox> this means nothing to me
<Rokker> SilverFox: do it how you want
<SilverFox> I'm going to sleep
<SilverFox> stfu Rokker
<Greys> it's always whiskey time somewhere
<Rokker> the only one that will look like a dick here is the one insisting you do things "the right way"
<Rokker> and bitching about minor shit
<Rokker> like me or greys
<SilverFox> you get used to it
<Greys> btw googling for 5 turret guns is infuriating because 5" is a typical size of gun
<SilverFox> try searching for a song lyric with just "oh" and "ah" to go off of
<Greys> worse, 5" guns are typically individuals
<Greys> ;wa current time in detroit
<kmath> Greys: current time in Detroit, Michigan: 6:21:12 am EDT -> Tuesday, July 11, 2017
<Rokker> ew
<Greys> ;wa current time UTC
<kmath> Greys: current time in UTC: 10:21:26 am UTC -> Tuesday, July 11, 2017
<Rokker> greys is in detroit?
<Greys> ;wa 6-10
<kmath> Greys: 6 - 10 = -4
<Greys> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmbop
<Greys> so I'm currently in delta time
<Rokker> Greys: you stay the fuck away from me and toledo
<Greys> delta is one of my favorite words
<Greys> no wait, damn it
<Greys> that's +
<darklight> TIL greys wants to beat up customers
<Rokker> SilverFox: tell greys to stay the fuck away
<Greys> fuck you canada
<Greys> -4 is quebec time
<Greys> darklight, I do, but why didn't you know this
<darklight> I am glad I don't work in the service industry
<darklight> What an empty husk of a job
<Greys> I don't anymore
<Greys> what are you talking about
<darklight> The same thing
<darklight> No customers, no hateing people :D
<Greys> could you pretend that you didn't initiate a conversation and just started saying things from the later half of a conversation that didn't happen
<Greys> because that's what you did
<darklight> I thought you worked at a horribly spelt majiir, and you hated people there :P
<Greys> I left meijer in 2015
<Greys> worked in a machine shop for a year and a half
<Greys> and now I'm tech support/security
<darklight> You hated working in the machine shop?
<Greys> I was not-fired by the forman because he didn't like people being aware that he was shitty
<darklight> I thought they moved shop and fucked everything up, also you couldn't work for a while iirc
<Greys> on no less than five occasions he calculated my paycheck wrong and I got paid like 5 dollars more
<Greys> also he couldn't spell
<Greys> and wasn't aware of basic words like spigot
<darklight> You don't need to spell to use a lathe :P
<Greys> yes, but there was a box in the shop labeled layth pedles
<darklight> At work there is a powerpoint labelled "Air compressure"
<Greys> a presentation or a socket
<darklight> The outlet
<darklight> So I guess what you call a socket?
<darklight> Oh
<Greys> a socket is an outlet that's attached to a place
<darklight> I can't read now apparently >.<
<Greys> so an extension cord has an outlet
<Greys> you should tweet that label btw, I'm sure it'll go viral
<darklight> Eh, glass houses and all that
<Greys> yea but you'd literally be throwing a stone at your own glass house
<Greys> in which case the metaphor has odd implications
<darklight> I didn't write it
<darklight> Otherwise I would take a pic as I am shameless
<Greys> yea but it's your house
<Greys> literally?
<Greys> does this structure belong to your immediate family
<darklight> The thing about dignity is that it slowly builds up with time and you have to get rid of it occassionally
<darklight> My boss is my uncle
<Greys> does the structure belong to your uncle
<darklight> No, grandparents, but he wrote it :P
<darklight> It's a 20A outlet
<Greys> we're talking about the "house" not the.......
<Greys> I think grandparents are more immediate family than uncles so yes, this is your glass literal house
<darklight> We are talking about a powerbox under a pole near the house
<Greys> feel free to throw stones
<darklight> Fair enough
<darklight> I'll take a pic tomorrow if you like
<darklight> But I will always resist tweeting, it ia getting harder though
<Greys> the glass house metaphor normally means that if you throw stones you can expect to recieve stones so if your house is glass (easily damaged), you shouldn't invoke revenge
<darklight> I'm aware of the concept, and my ability to form anything coherent on irc has taken a nosedive over the... time I have been on irc pretty much
<kmath> <HarmfulOpinions> Nuke Kekistan
<Truga> how is that a harmful opinion
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: kanojo can mean "she" or "girlfriend"
<TheKosmonaut> Depending on context
<TheKosmonaut> Same for kare , it can mean "he" or "boyfriend"
<TheKosmonaut> 彼の彼氏は
<TheKosmonaut> 辛いカレーが嫌い
<Greys> btw the actual title uses kareshi
<darklight> Truga thats his youtube channel name, I watch the guy sometimes but is by no means my favourite
<Truga> カレー lol
<TheKosmonaut> Greys: yes but you can get away with either
<darklight> TK don't click his link
<darklight> It appears to be creep simulator.
<Truga> creep simulators own
<Truga> (what's a creep simulator?)
<TheKosmonaut> In that Japanese I wrote above, it phonetically is: "kare no kareshi ha karai karē kirai "
<TheKosmonaut> Karē ga*
<TheKosmonaut> Translation: his boyfriend hates spicy curry
<kmath> YouTube - VR kanojo - (Japanese Girlfriend Simulator ?) Oculus Rift & Touch
<darklight> Truga, pure cancer is what it is
<Truga> oh that thing owns
<darklight> Secondary link if you want to laugh
<kmath> <IsisDidThat> This was not what we expected. @steam_games we please have money back?
<kmath> <realDonaldTrump> Sadly, the overwhelming amount of violent crime in our major cities is committed by blacks and hispanics-a tough subject-must be discussed.
<darklight> I come across retweets occasionally
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<Greys> I just used one of those 7$ headlamp grinding kits, I bought it for my previous car before I realized that the headlamps weren't dim because they were fogged up, they were dim because they suck
<Greys> but my truck's headlamps were like white chocolate
<Greys> shit fuckin worked
<Greys> headlamps are now so clear that I can see the microfissures where the beam goes through and heat stresses the plastic
<Greys> and maybe just as an effect of my headlamps being shitty and 16 years old, it took less than an hour, and used a miniscule portion of the supplies
<Greys> like, it's a 4 stage process, 500 grit, 800 grit, unspecified foam pad, fluid grit; and each of the grits has 4 disks, I used 1 500 grit disk, 2 800 grit disks because I felt like it was working too well
<Greys> now I gotta wait for night fall to actually see how much of a difference that made
<Greys> ;wa 16 gauge to mm
<kmath> Greys: convert AWG #16 (American wire gauge)->copper->diameter to millimeters: 1.29 mm (millimeters)
<Greys> ;wa 0.0598 inch to mm
<kmath> Greys: convert 0.0598 inches to millimeters: 1.519 mm (millimeters)
<Greys> even better!
<Greys> somebody should go back in time and make it illegal to have so many kinds of "gage"
<Greys> (btw, shotgun gauge is "the diameter of a sphere made by 1/nth of a pound of lead"
<Greys> )
<Greys> 16 gauge, 16th of a pound of lead, 12 gauge, 12th of a pound of lead, higher your number more it's going to hurt
<Greys> lower*
<Greys> what is wrong with this face...
<Truga> your face is wrong
<Greys> I don't see how that's relevant
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<Greys> "how to protect heat to your home"
<Greys> what?
<Greys> ;wa 7 hours to minutes
<kmath> Greys: convert 7 hours to minutes: 420 minutes
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<Greys> btw, weird face girl turns into a dragon when she's horny
<Greys> and she's always horny
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<Greys> quite technical dive into the actual differences in practice
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<kmath> YouTube - Arrays vs Linked Lists - Computerphile
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<Greys> and to excentuate the differences, also remove some optimization factors, he runs it on an atari
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<Greys> 8MHz clock speed, iterating over 125,000 entries takes 166 clock ticks, I feel like I've misunderstood
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<Greys> 200 clock ticks per second
<Greys> ;wa 8MHz/200Hz
<kmath> Greys: (8 MHz (megahertz))/(200 Hz (hertz)): 40000
<Greys> so 40k cycles per clock tick
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<Greys> can you foreach backwards?
<Thomas> not directly, but you can reverse a list
<Greys> yea but you must do that
<Greys> so, his result is "CPU design is substantially more impactful", but he's comparing 3 wildly different archetectures
<Greys> between two intel processors of the same design, and two intel processors of different designs but the same x86 architecture, how much variance would you expect to see?
<Greys> say, sandybridge i5 vs sandybridge xeon, with the same specs; and then sandybridge i5 vs kaybe lake with closest specs
<Greys> SilverFox, I assume you've seen this basically all of your technology fetishes
<kmath> YouTube - 3D printed 6 axis stepper motor robot - Gen2
<Greys> this guy could really benefit from a liquid fill process for rigidificating 3D prints
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<SilverFox> Greys, I'd need to see a tech demo of this liquid fill process
<SilverFox> because I dont think it could penetrate market as well as you hope
<Greys> imagine that it works on a vacuum bag process
<SilverFox> im not going to imagine anything, I want to see it working
<Greys> imagine two pickles, rubbing together slowly
<SilverFox> and I want to see what kind of improvements it can make real world
<SilverFox> and the cost of making it, and what mass it would add to the gantry
<Greys> gantry?
<SilverFox> yes, the gantry
<SilverFox> the thing upon which the printhead is mounted
<Greys> what gantry
<Greys> this is the secondary process thing, it happens entirely outside the printer
<Greys> you don't need to change the printer in any way
<SilverFox> well that's a good start
<SilverFox> TFW 468B steam patch
<SilverFox> nice one VR minigames
<pizzaway> Greys: That robot video is worth it just for the sound effects.
pizzaway is now known as pizzaoverhead
<Greys> who the fuck gets subscription underwear
<Greys> who needs a new set of underwear every week
<Greys> month
<Greys> oh god, it's worse
<Greys> a new pair every month
<Greys> every pair is 20$
<Greys> I get a pack for like 12$
<SilverFox> Now, I used to run a 3d printing company, and our mascot was printed, and I used only 10% infill, and I got all the strongest people I knew (military), gave them all one to try and crush, and they couldnt do it, some made a small crack sound, but still held up to the torture
<SilverFox> 10% solid and the things withstood military level squeezing
<Greys> how big
<SilverFox> the size of an apple in the hand
<Greys> the shape of an apple?
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> the height of an apple
<Greys> give me an image from google images that is similar
<SilverFox> okay
<Greys> bonus points if it has a non zero non two quantity of boobs
<Greys> mmkay
<SilverFox> I mean, it does have a non-zero non-two quantity of boobs
<Greys> so basically a cylinder
<SilverFox> a weird ass cylinder at best
<SilverFox> but it was honeycomb inside so it was nice and strong
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<Greys> consider an object less concentrated and stable
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<SilverFox> less concentrated and less stable?
<Greys> like that robot
<Greys> I bet he's got shitloads of infill
<SilverFox> I still want to see this liquid process working
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<SilverFox> because I still dont think it'll get the attention you might want
<SilverFox> it'll get some, that's guaranteed, things always do
<Greys> do you have a working 3D printer and some filament you can waste?
<SilverFox> Im not going to be the brunt of this though
<SilverFox> so no and no
<Greys> yea well I don't
<SilverFox> and barely to the first
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<SilverFox> aw sweet, I thought of a great idea
<Greys> so conceptuallize visually as if you had: print a thing that would be structurally weak regardless of fill, like a hook hand, and then fill it with water, ideally via submerging but maybe it's waterproof si design in some options
<Greys> then put it in the freezer
<Greys> now, your hook hand is going to explode.
<SilverFox> VR sculpting/modelling app that then gets hooked into a slicer and then can 3d print the object you made
<Greys> if that doesn't exist already humanity has failed
<SilverFox> well, in one of the VR apps I saw it had shapeways support
<SilverFox> but that doesnt really count
<Greys> VR simulation of a 3D printer that can take real gcode and create in game models
<SilverFox> hrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
<Greys> so you can pretend to print
<SilverFox> now that's a neat idea
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<Greys> and if it works in VR you try it in reality
<SilverFox> interesting
<SilverFox> half the battle of 3d printing is the first layer sticking
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<SilverFox> HA
<SilverFox> what a quit message
<SilverFox> ~tell inkers nice quit message
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox: Will do!~
<Greys> if you make the simulation real enough people could build profiles for real printers and features and have adjustments for wrongitude like varying the inaccuracy of your bed level, and see what do
<SilverFox> one thing simulation cant account for is the ambient temp changes and air currents
<SilverFox> things like that
<SilverFox> and those have a play
<SilverFox> which is why you have enclosures for ABS printing
egg|afk|egg is now known as egg
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<SilverFox> Greys, is it confirmed that geeku really likes sex?
<SilverFox> also, Russia is now in on trying to sign into my email
<SilverFox> wow, Gangnam Style is no longer the most watched youtube video
<SilverFox> whiz kalifa's See You Again, from Fast and Furious 7, is
egg is now known as egg|nomz|egg
<Hyratel> thaaat's shooped
<kmath> YouTube - WW2 Spongebob Meme (re-upload)
egg|nomz|egg is now known as egg
<kmath> YouTube - Countryballs Animated #4 - America's Obsession
<SilverFox> if I was country, I would into space
<SilverFox> and then replace old american flag with new canadian flag
<SilverFox> the future is now old man
<Greys> it's not illegal for a canadian citizen to go to the moon on their own dime and fuck with objects there
<SilverFox> I know
<SilverFox> but would it start a war?
<Greys> it would take a lot for america to go to war with canada
<Greys> everyone is more canada's ally than ours
<SilverFox> haHAA
<Greys> if america tried to nuke canada
<Greys> that is the only time north korea could nuke us and get away with it
<SilverFox> probably
<SilverFox> the next big war will involve nukes tho
<Greys> so....
<Greys> I googled: wtf is yoga
<Greys> aaaaaand the first result
<Greys> "Should Christians Do Yoga"
<SilverFox> an excuse to show off your assets behind the facade of being healthy
<Greys> I'm looking for active shit to do on my weight training off days
<SilverFox> yoga and stretching are nice
<SilverFox> poutine is better
<Greys> poutine, is not a physical activity
<SilverFox> that's where you're wrong
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<Greys> my life has developed a need for a seconds clock
<Greys> just, seconds
<SilverFox> why
<SilverFox> just remove the minute and hour hands from a clock
<Greys> right but digital
<SilverFox> you have an android phone right?
<Greys> that I'm using
<SilverFox> what if I wrote you an app that did that
<SilverFox> call it
<SilverFox> Just Seconds
<Greys> it'd be easier if it was a discrete object
<SilverFox> TIL that undereye fat is a thing
<Greys> TIL downward facing dog is hard in the same way as planks, but it's not nearly as hard, while also being more stable and stretching the muscles on the back of the leg
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<Greys> in addition to my universal socks and healthcare plan, in transoviet greymeristan every tax paying household shall randomly recieve 3x 1 gallon jars of pickles during each fiscal year
<G-Mobile> And 1 in 7 billion tax paying households shall recieve a 3kilotonne nuclear warhead, per year
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Thomas is now known as Thomas|AWAY
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<SilverFox> jesus christ
<SilverFox> yeah my country has a ban on owning nuclear warheads
<SilverFox> just ordered the oculus rift from the site, lets see how fast it gets here
<G-Mobile> ;wa 5 micromillenia to days
<kmath> G-Mobile: convert 5 μ millennia (micro millennia) to days: 1.826 days1 day 19 hours 49 minutes 44.76 seconds
<G-Mobile> ;wa 7 days to micromillenia
<kmath> G-Mobile: convert 7 days to micro millennia: 19.17 μ millennia (micro millennia)
<G-Mobile> this is the best unit ever
<SilverFox> why is that a unit
<G-Mobile> because wra doesnt know to limit the use of SI prefixes
<G-Mobile> ;wa mass of 97 kiloearths
<kmath> G-Mobile: Earth->weight->97 kg (kilograms) (mass): 951 N (newtons)
<G-Mobile> ....
<kmath> <Q57OUPrpy8OZaWt> 魚の生命力が凄い
<G-Mobile> I dont speak this
<SilverFox> but you can use your eyeballs
<G-Mobile> My eyeballs dont read at all
<SilverFox> shut up and watch the thing
<G-Mobile> watch.... text
<G-Mobile> you kids and your drugs
<SilverFox> nigga it's a video
<SilverFox> godamn why you gotta be like this all the time
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<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, what is irasai?
<SilverFox> I just heard it as an exclamation
<SilverFox> also what is onegai
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<Hyratel> ;wa mass of earth * 97000
<kmath> Hyratel: Earth->mass×97000: 5.7930326×10^29 kg (kilograms)
<Hyratel> Greys,
<Glass|phone> SilverFox: ~dictionaries~
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> i dont know the japanese alphabets
<SilverFox> let alone make them on the ime
<SilverFox> Greys, remember infinite boob-space sphere logic?
Snoozee is now known as Majiir
<SilverFox> Majiir pls
<Majiir> Which G is Greys right now
<SilverFox> mobile
<Majiir> G-Mobile, usually HTTP or messaging systems, but sometimes databases or other varieties of datastore
<Majiir> My current project is blowing up my SMS system into a bazillion components for cloudification
<Majiir> Most communication between the components is by message queue (each component connects to the queue broker to exchange messages)
<SilverFox> why do you need to make it into so much stuff for cloudification?
egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
<Majiir> SilverFox, so you can scale stuff independently, and so you can take advantage of robust message queues, and so you can use different technologies within the same system (though we're not really doing that one)
<SilverFox> fair enough, makes sense
<SilverFox> did you get all those tells?
<Majiir> It tends to make each piece easier to deploy and manage
<Majiir> For example, the bit that actually sends the SMS no longer needs to talk to a database at all
<Majiir> I did, but G-Mobile's was more interesting
<SilverFox> intersesting
<SilverFox> well, how was it more interesting than female dargon in a new drama
<Majiir> That one wasn't a link
<SilverFox> well its on dramafever
<SilverFox> also new WJSN teaser out
<SilverFox> go on about that messaging system though
<Majiir> Uh
<Majiir> Like how
<SilverFox> like how it doesnt need the database anymore
<Majiir> It talks with queues
<SilverFox> was it replaced with the message queueing system, or another mechanic?
<Majiir> Queues in, queues out
<Majiir> Different components talk to the database
<SilverFox> okay
<Majiir> and then talk to the queues
<SilverFox> oh, I found a koreabox that ships to me
<SilverFox> it shipped me these super fucking hot ramen
<SilverFox> its like the hottest ramyeon sold or something
<Majiir> Do you know what would redeem your country?
<Majiir> Kimchi poutine
<Majiir> Just replace the gravy
<SilverFox> idk if that would go well
<SilverFox> fries cheese and kimchi?
<Majiir> Yes that would go great
<SilverFox> I'd have to try it
<Majiir> also bruh are you not even Canadian
<Majiir> Poutine is cheese curds
<SilverFox> I said cheese
<SilverFox> mate it doesnt matter
<Majiir> Fried != curdled
<SilverFox> it used to be shredded cheese back when curds were for the bourgeois
<Majiir> m8 we got curds even in not-Canada
<SilverFox> yeah we have curds too
<SilverFox> but they used to be extremely expensive
<Majiir> Weird
<SilverFox> so we had to use shredded
<SilverFox> and now we're on the curd system
<Majiir> Cheese curds are basically discards in 'Merica
<SilverFox> oh yeah, I watched an animated series of countryballs
<SilverFox> one episode called "america's obsession"
<SilverFox> ~yt country balls America's obsession
<kmath> YouTube - Countryballs Animated #4 - America's Obsession
<SilverFox> this one
<SilverFox> it's pretty nice
<Majiir> I will never get that minute back
<SilverFox> do you want it back though?
<Majiir> Yes
<SilverFox> Why?
<SilverFox> merica hears oil, raids country, gets oil
<SilverFox> oh, also I'm getting an oculus rift and I came up with a great idea
<SilverFox> kpop vr
<SilverFox> so like, 360 cameras at different points of the stage during performances and stuff
<SilverFox> just the first idea that comes up
<Majiir> Time to go look up the 4minute VR vid
<Majiir> or the Stellar VR stuff
<Majiir> Or any of the other failed attempts at kpop VR
<Majiir> Yes
<Majiir> Well, 360 anyway
<SilverFox> WA
<Majiir> Not 3D I don't think
<SilverFox> seulma!
<Majiir> no
<Majiir> no
<Majiir> daebak
<Majiir> or maybe the more rare but certainly more eloquent "huh I didn't know they did that, I'll look up the video"
<SilverFox> wa jinjja daebak, keuraejyo
<Majiir> I don't know what you're trying to say
<SilverFox> sucks to sucks
<Majiir> I don't know much Korean and I know even less Koreaboo
<SilverFox> there's no real point in me looking up the video now, since I can't really experience it in 360
<SilverFox> unless I use my phone
<SilverFox> but im not that desperate
<SilverFox> hyo eun can wait for me
<SilverFox> wow, 그래죠 is harder to translate accurately than I thought
<SilverFox> it's basically "like that" with the ji particle of "seeking affirmation in question form" sorta deal, like the canadian particle; eh
<SilverFox> "it's like that eh?" kinda sorta
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<SilverFox> Sting is by far my favourite Stellar song
<SilverFox> not because of vr, but because its just a great song
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