TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspcovfefe | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point |  Upon being elected Operator from 1:11:03AM to 1:11:19AM, GlassYuri immortalized his term with these words: “Do I have to give a fucking speech now?"
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<Glass|phone> so I think my usb cable might be so loose on the micro side that the phone vibrating when you plug it in causes it to dislocate then fall in place again
<Glass|phone> making the vibrator go off at about 200~300 rounds per minute
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<Glass|phone> it also fires in bursts of varying length
<kmath> <Delafina777> STOP US BEFORE WE KILL AGAIN
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<Troublez> In need of help. asap.
<darklight> You may be lucky
<darklight> I'm at work atn
<darklight> *atm, busy :P
<SilverFox> Troublez
<SilverFox> ~kspm
<FoxBot9000> If you haven't already, you can try asking the question in #kspmodding for a more related/accurate response.
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<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, what do you guys call motorcycles?
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: baiku
<TheKosmonaut> Or otobai
<SilverFox> otobai?
<SilverFox> the fuck is this?
<TheKosmonaut> Oto = auto
<TheKosmonaut> Bai short for baiku
<SilverFox> an autobike?
<SilverFox> o..okay
<TheKosmonaut> Yeh
<SilverFox> dude says he needs help asap
<SilverFox> never messages past that
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<SilverFox> Glass|phone, what classes you got today?
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<kmath> <PrisonPlanet> One of the best I've seen. Want to win 20 grand? I'm judging this contest:
<darklight> Silverfox, this is your moment
<SilverFox> darklight, i am but a mere merchant
<darklight> I also lack the memes of production
<darklight> At work, had a tyre blow out :<
<SilverFox> a tire?
<darklight> Other than that though the day is going pretty good
<darklight> A tyre, yes.
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<SilverFox> darklight, a tire?
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<darklight> Yes, a tyre
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<SilverFox> Greys, you should get a game from the Fable series
<GlassYuri> SilverFox, about my classes, I had unreal classes, now I'm home, have a language class in the evening
<SilverFox> nice
<SilverFox> im over halfway to greenland
<SilverFox> darklight, a tire?
<SilverFox> next stop is iceland
<kmath> YouTube - 【洛天依.言和原創曲】Kill My Justice (Kill my系列之五.負能量)
<SilverFox> GlassYuri,
<kmath> YouTube - 【MeseMoa.】Shadow Kiss【1st album】
<darklight> Sf, yes, a tyre
<darklight> tired is something you become, tyred is something your dogs become.
<inktop> *full disclosure to silver fox* yes im drunk fuck you
<inktop> thing im more wondering about is how the dprk goes about sourcing the propellant for this icbm to get it right
<darklight> They get from water throgh electrolysis! :P
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<inktop> -_-
<inktop> its a solid propellant
<inktop> .tell samog yospos is full of berniestans these days. ripe fruit for radicalization
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<darklight> GlassYuri, iceland is very green. greenland is full of a-holes.
<SilverFox> inktop go to bed
<SilverFox> you just tried to use a bot that doesnt exist
<inktop> shut the fuck up
<SilverFox> no u
<SilverFox> darklight, a tire?
<darklight> yes, a tyre.
<SilverFox> a tire?
<SilverFox> attire?
<SilverFox> Greys, I landed in Greenland, where the fuck was that iceland airport?
<darklight> no, not attire
<SilverFox> a fire?
<darklight> Made it britian. aaaaahhhhhh.
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<narwhalz0111> o/
<narwhalz0111> Hey, I need to load a save via a plugin.
<narwhalz0111> I've checked the docs, QuickSaveLoad in particular, but can't seem to find anything.
<narwhalz0111> Google is singularly unhelpful, yielding only solutions involving the keyboard.
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<Greys> SilverFox, were you aware of Ontario, CA, US
<darklight> narwhalz I think I do that
<narwhalz0111> :D
<narwhalz0111> Thank you.
<narwhalz0111> Which class would that be?
<darklight> You can always look in Assembly-CSharp with some type of assembly browser
<narwhalz0111> Is HighLogic the class with which I want to interface, then?
<darklight> I know some other people use a "start game instantly" mod to make modding bareable
<darklight> HighLogic is a good place to start
<narwhalz0111> I'd like to know what the name of that mod is.
<darklight> GamePersistence looks like another good candidatr
<narwhalz0111> GamePersistence.LoadGame
<narwhalz0111> :D
<narwhalz0111> Thank you!
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<kmath> <BabyRu_Bombata_> Never a dull day shadowing in the ER. ?
<narwhalz0111> I wouldn't suppose you guys have any tricks to reload just a plugin, would you?
<darklight> narwhalz nope, gotta restart
<darklight> Once .NET loads a dll it can't be unloaded (without appdomains afaik)
<darklight> Glass|phone: Do I want to take this and superimpose CNN on it?
<kmath> YouTube - Business Ethics - Billy Madison
<Glass|phone> darklight: do I give a fuck about the whole thing?
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<kmath> YouTube - CNN explains journalistic ethics
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<VITAS> G20 Madness!
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<VITAS> also: theres a space engineer server on now (i use to play when i have time)
<darklight> VITAS I hear you have a commie problem :P
<VITAS> yes trump is in town
<VITAS> and his buddy valimir
<VITAS> l-a
<VITAS> +d
<VITAS> and so on
<VITAS> i looked like 911 yesterday. theres a skyscraper next to the place where they hang out
<VITAS> and it was covered in thick smoke
<VITAS> because the porters where burning cars and so on
<Truga> good
<VITAS> not good. you each country please take back their crazy people
<VITAS> like now
<VITAS> theyre your problem :/
<Truga> no they're your problem right now
<VITAS> i wasnt asked :(
<VITAS> they stopped doing that after they where all pumped up about applying for the olympics
<VITAS> and then the majority of the citizens said please no
<darklight> Antifa peoples really hate garbage cans
<VITAS> yes i dont get them
<darklight> Commies :P
<VITAS> i would have gone to a demo if i would have expected what happened
<darklight> One US state literally declared them domestic terrorists
<VITAS> it ends in chaos after 300m with cars burning
<VITAS> ppl fighting and water throwers coming in
<darklight> They do nothing to destroy
<Greys> you can't trust things US states do
<darklight> Gotta destroy that fascism :P
<VITAS> if i could at least order a flavour in advance
<VITAS> like "so you have strawberry flavour for your water?"
<darklight> I saw a bit of it from twitter and on the news
<VITAS> its constant sirenes and helicopters
<VITAS> and in the middle of it all is the building where the spacedock server rack is :D
<VITAS> i moved everything important off it but i dont want the servers to be damaged :/
<darklight> Geez
<VITAS> isnt commi the short form of communicator aka smart phone? :D
<darklight> We call those walkie talkies
<darklight> The uhf radios
<darklight> I just mean communists :P
<VITAS> i call them "pocket ferraris" and most ppl here call them handys because theyre iodiots :D
<darklight> I think specifically, anarcho communists
<Greys> yanno what's really weird, USPS priority delivery timelines
<Greys> yanno what's entirely too weird
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<SilverFox> apparently this is a thing
<SilverFox> in which certain pieces of evidence are not allowed to be shown or brought up. "The accused will be prohibited from introducing sexually explicit texts or emails in court unless a judge rules them to be admissable"
<SilverFox> mmmmboy do I love me some 8s ping
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egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
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<darklight> Sf not as bad as america
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<SilverFox> how so?
<SilverFox> in america you can at least put evidence forth of your innocence
<SilverFox> ~c 1149 * 1.13
<FoxBot9000> SilverFox, 1298.37
<SilverFox> htc vive costs 1300$
<SilverFox> mmmmmboy
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, do you have a hanko?
<SilverFox> why use a fuckin stamp?
<SilverFox> it can get stolen
<SilverFox> signatures are harder to steal
<SilverFox> "Alexa, turn on CNN. I want to hear the news" "You'll have to pick one or the other"
<darklight> Oh, I read that wrong - it sounded like americas "you can't bring up info from their past" law
<darklight> SF did you review my video
<SilverFox> was it MLP related?
<SilverFox> because that's automatic disqualification
<kmath> YouTube - CNN explains journalistic ethics
<SilverFox> not worthy
<SilverFox> I can sum up the video already
<SilverFox> ~yt trump wrong
<kmath> YouTube - Donald Trump saying "Wrong"
<darklight> Did I harvest my meme crop too early?
<SilverFox> you didnt even plant it mate
<SilverFox> you found some leaf that blew onto your field and claimed that as crop
<darklight> That did take me like 2 hours :P
* darklight needs to learn pixel tracking
<SilverFox> #canadianproblems "I don't know if I should wear winter clothes for the morning or summer clothes for the afternoon
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<SilverFox> "Pretty much anything in the world can be solved with money" yup, definitely a korean drama
<kmath> <RealKraut> #Hamburg #G20 #welcometohell "I will start a revolution of the common people by setting fire to the cars of the com…
<SilverFox> what the fuck is up with the central and western halves of the world and not knowing how to fucking protest properly?
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<SilverFox> like fucklesticks, it's not that hard
<SilverFox> it's less work to protest properly than it is to go raiding and setting fire to shit
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<VITAS> darklight, thats whyt im trying to tell you all for some time now
<VITAS> its war here
<VITAS> and its where my server rack is located
<SilverFox> nice
<VITAS> so im nervous
<SilverFox> great long-term investment skills
<SilverFox> thumbsup.jpg
<VITAS> whos?
<SilverFox> whois?
<VITAS> <SilverFox> great long-term investment skills <-whos
<SilverFox> it was a joke about how you invested in a server rack in a location of war
<SilverFox> "war"
<VITAS> hmm cant laugh at the moment
<VITAS> at least i dont own a car :/
<VITAS> and i moved spacedock off them before it started
<SilverFox> laugh.exe is not responding
<VITAS> i also hope that writing "ccc" on it helps if they decide to storm that building
<SilverFox> "please enter the road in the three o
<SilverFox> clock direction
<SilverFox> the fuck is this
<VITAS> btw i can see everything from here. my balcony has a skyline view of hamburg
<SilverFox> nice
<SilverFox> post pics
<VITAS> ive no camera
<SilverFox> bullshit
<VITAS> why?
<SilverFox> everyone does
<VITAS> seems like im not everyone
<SilverFox> how do you not have a smartphone?
<VITAS> by not buying one
<VITAS> ive a flipphone
<SilverFox> welp, now I know who to contact if I want drugs
<VITAS> and like to be undisturbed while on the go
<VITAS> yes a smartphone user
<VITAS> because im convinced its an addiction
<SilverFox> all drug dealers have flip phones
<SilverFox> "Why do humans need money so badly?" "Because money means happiness"
<VITAS> ive enough money to be happy
<VITAS> but im not happy because money doesnt make you happy on its own
<SilverFox> im not happy because i have crippling depression
<SilverFox> but hey, you do you
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<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: I fucking hate Inkan/Hanko
<TheKosmonaut> They're a pain in the ass
<TheKosmonaut> Mine is custom made, so it's pretty hard to steal. But if you have a generic japanese name (Tanaka or Ishida or whatever) then it's pretty easy to just steal your signature.
<TheKosmonaut> Especially if you're a lazy person that just bought a stamp from the Daiso.
<Greys> signitures in japan are bullshit
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, but its a stamp, it's a physical object
<SilverFox> if you got mugged, you could have it stolen
<SilverFox> this is the downfall of using physical objects for important things
<Greys> that's probably a huge crime
<SilverFox> yeah so is child porn, child molestation, smoking weed, and murder
<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: I dont know anyone who knows anyone that's been mugged. But you're right.
<TheKosmonaut> They are fucking stupid.
<TheKosmonaut> And in a lot of cases, banks wont even accept signatures, only stamps.
<Greys> it's probably the kind of huge like stealing someone's passport and putting your picture in it
<SilverFox> also, I was watching this video about "15 things that japan does that annoys me"
<SilverFox> and one of the things was that fee you pay in restaurants for sitting
<SilverFox> i forget what it's called, but they charge you it at the beginning and compensate you with a dish you never ordered
<SilverFox> like some tiny bowl of salad or some shit
<Greys> makes sense
<Greys> in america you get bread
<Greys> everywhere you go, bread
<SilverFox> yeah but that's free
<SilverFox> imagine if you went to a restaurant and they charged you for something you didnt order
<SilverFox> people would be flipping tables
<Greys> sure, but what if cafes did it, and you had to pay a dollar for the seat
<SilverFox> even though its like, 3 bucks
<Greys> dollar for the seat, unlimited bread
<SilverFox> that wouldnt be a bad introduction to it
<Greys> do you realize how many people just go to cafes and do't buy anything
<SilverFox> but it would still be met with lots of resistence
<SilverFox> probs a decent chunk
<Greys> CGP Grey does most of his work in cafes, hour and a half to two hours at a time, and then goes to another cafe
<SilverFox> 10-20% realistically
<Greys> how much coffee can you drink
<SilverFox> 0
<Greys> he probably doesn't get a coffee at every place, but I bet he gets something, because he's a good person
<SilverFox> that would drive up cost of development/production a lot
<SilverFox> also I got a baconator + bacon poutine from wendys
<SilverFox> bacon is love
<SilverFox> bacon is life
<SilverFox> mainly because PETA made a tweet about bacon and got laughed at by everyone
<Greys> you could probably get it in under 10$ a day but that's 300ish$ a month
<SilverFox> yup
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, does the whole "one size fits all" trend bother you at all?
<TheKosmonaut> whut
<SilverFox> that was also mentioned in the video because her body type isnt the same as some smol japs'
<SilverFox> so she goes to a store and they give her a shirt and say "it fits all people" or "its one size"
<kmath> YouTube - 15 Annoying Things about Japan.. (sorry but not sorry)
<TheKosmonaut> >opens video
<TheKosmonaut> >heard voice
<TheKosmonaut> >close video
<SilverFox> yeah
<SilverFox> i was like "15 annoying things; number 1, your voice"
<Greys> SilverFox, you should watch more anime, how do you feel about crying
<SilverFox> i do it a lot
<SilverFox> hit me with it fam
<kmath> YouTube - Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 Opening
<SilverFox> I bet this was met with shaking reviews
<SilverFox> no anime has ever made me cry
<SilverFox> also youtube is asking me to activate adobe flash
<SilverFox> wtf
<Greys> how many have you watched
<VITAS> it send waves trough the audience
<Greys> why do you have flash installed?
<SilverFox> Greys, idk
<SilverFox> but now im getting "an error occured"
<SilverFox> fuck m8
<Greys> if you wanna cry we can get you that
<SilverFox> sure m8
<Greys> tokyo 8.0 is a good start, random explosions, ano natsu and ano hana will probably do it
<Greys> Haibane Renmei
<SilverFox> did these make you cry?
<Greys> Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto Natsu no Sora
<SilverFox> I just remembered that Majiir still has this vision of you as being some emotionless husk of a human being
<Greys> hard to say, tokyo 8.0 yes
<SilverFox> doesnt see you as being able to cry
<Greys> it's been so long since good anime came out
<SilverFox> so did you cry because it was sad, or because it was finally a good anime?
<Greys> if you're a romantic, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
<SilverFox> ;wa lept
<kmath> SilverFox: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<SilverFox> no that looks wrong
<SilverFox> it is leapt
<Greys> most of these came out in roughly the same period
<SilverFox> why is that pronounced lept and not leaped?
<Greys> Haibane is considerably older
<Greys> Usagi Drop, or Ashiteru ze Baby
<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, there is a thing called "Japanology"
<Greys> I guess you could watch both, but you probably don't need to
<SilverFox> Greys, the last anime I watched was kemono friends, and watched that because it was a growing meme
<Greys> what did you watch before that
<SilverFox> wait I lied
<SilverFox> I watched 1 episode of JoJo's and stopped
<SilverFox> because he killed a doggo
<SilverFox> out of spite
<SilverFox> first he beat the shit out of it
<SilverFox> then later, he locked it in a box in the incinerator
<Greys> I'm not entirely convinced jojo qualifies as anything other than jojo
<SilverFox> like, how fucking cruel
<Greys> you'd probably like Flying Witch
<Greys> it's about a number of sexy sexy bitches doing as close to nothing as could be achieved
<SilverFox> this sounds like an accurate representation of my life
<SilverFox> I will watch this
<SilverFox> after im done watching habaek
<Greys> youtube is racist against modern anime because reasons so I can't give you an op for that
<Greys> instead have this
<kmath> YouTube - Flying Witch - Chinatsu's meets Harbinger
<SilverFox> while you're at it, can you recommend some good high capacity battery banks?
<Greys> nope
<SilverFox> okay cool
<Greys> I bought PNY, they've never performed at or below expectation