TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspcovfefe | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point |  Upon being elected Operator from 1:11:03AM to 1:11:19AM, GlassYuri immortalized his term with these words: “Do I have to give a fucking speech now?"
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<lpghatguy> SilverFox: you have to have oculus home open iirc
<lpghatguy> I had some issues with SteamVR at first too, but I fiddled with it enough and it all... worked?
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<lpghatguy> lol, "Gladimhere, Putitin"
<GlassYuri> lol
<darklight> I don't think I would be able to fap to that as I'd die of hysterical laughter
<darklight> Speaking of hysterical laughter
<kmath> <wiltshirepolice> You can't hide from us if your spewing abuse from behind a computer screen. Our boys & gals in blue will find you ? ?#999WhatsYourEmergency
<darklight> I hope they are trolled until they delete their account
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<SilverFox> lpghatguy, I tried that, but how do I have the oculus enabled without it opening up that vr environment?
<SilverFox> lpghatguy, what did you do to get it to work?
<SilverFox> I dont have the oculus default path set to my c drive, and I think that might be causing issues?
<SilverFox> omg pls no, I don't want to have to redownload that 1.71GB setup tool
<darklight> You sound like you must use your google fu
<SilverFox> stfu
<SilverFox> I have been for the past 7 hours
<lpghatguy> yep, unknown sources is a must
<SilverFox> listen, I've done all the regular shit, this is some superfucked shit
<SilverFox> like I said, I've been doing it for the past half dozen hours
<SilverFox> anything that says it'll work out automatically is bullshit
<lpghatguy> hmmm
<SilverFox> I've moved the oculus installation to my c drive, still isnt working, I'll see if it's needed elsewhere
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<SilverFox> my vr paths in steamvr dont mention openvr tho
<lpghatguy> SilverFox: did you get the Oculus games working?
<SilverFox> yes, all the oculus stuff works
<lpghatguy> okay, this is good
<SilverFox> and I really need a third sensor
<lpghatguy> then you open oculus, then open steam, then press the 'VR' button?
<SilverFox> wait
<SilverFox> it senses my shit NOW?!
<SilverFox> afndsjkafphbduiabvcrujewqbaiqk;cvdera
<lpghatguy> SteamVR is kinda finnicky
<SilverFox> fucking 7 hours of this bullshit and it works now
<SilverFox> again, how do I get it to not launch into that resource-using home environment?
<lpghatguy> what's wrong with home?
<SilverFox> hopefully that doesnt run when I run steamvr games
<lpghatguy> It goes away after you go into a game
<SilverFox> GOOD
<lpghatguy> well no, of course it doesn't, VR headsets are exclusive
<SilverFox> time for some minecraft
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<darklight> Silverfox, I found the perfect flag for a country
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<SilverFox> im not even going to click that
<SilverFox> that source is tainted and unpure
<SilverFox> and should be burned with fire
<darklight> This is probably more depressing :P
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<GlassYuri> how to youtube: "
<GlassYuri> Nightcore - Boobs
<GlassYuri> "
<SilverFox> GlassYuri, pretty much
<SilverFox> is the song even called "Boobs"?
<SilverFox> if not then that's just bullshit
<darklight> "Embarrasing background tabs" it gets worse than that kiddo
<SilverFox> next thing you know your ex is scrolling through your immense trap collection
<SilverFox> to which you proceed to logically assert that it is not gay
<SilverFox> lpghatguy, any good apps for watching 360 youtube videos?
<GlassYuri> darklight, there recently was an incident where a former governor of tokyo posted a screenshot that had an xvideos bookmark
<darklight> Glass it was hentai
<GlassYuri> and all the replies were people politely telling him that pornhub is better
<darklight> I'm referring to kurt eichenwald
<darklight> And when I say the story goes deeper
<darklight> Silverfox, seriously, delete your google browser history and disable it if you haven't. I told you that story :P
<darklight> *search history
<SilverFox> i dont search porn on my phone
<darklight> Its a google account thing
<SilverFox> neat
<SilverFox> it shouldnt save it for private browsing
<darklight> It would if you were logged in :P
<SilverFox> why do you log in in private browsing?
<SilverFox> you;re asking for it if you log into google while private browsing
<darklight> I have done it before because I didn't want to log out of my main account
<Greys> ferram left
<Greys> ;tell ferram1 firefox has decided that downloads of old versions of FAR are a scam
<kmath> Greys: I'll let ferram1 know when I see them
<Greys> anybody know what the most advanced version of EL for 23.5 is?
<Greys> EL is on github but there's no versions, just commits, and they're not listed with any description
<Greys> (they do actually have a basic description but not in list view, only in individual)
<SilverFox> yeah ferram is gone
<SilverFox> they're just in different channels now
<Greys> and?
<SilverFox> I can relay the message for you if you want
<Greys> I already sent a tell
<SilverFox> it might be a while
<lpghatguy> SilverFox: no idea
<SilverFox> like sending scott manley a tell
<Greys> do you understand the concept of tell?
<SilverFox> oh shut up
<Greys> imagine I had written the message on paper, and wrapped the paper in other paper, and told a box on the street to take it to bob dole; I would not then expect bob dole to see the message immediately, the message will be there for him when he's ready
<SilverFox> lpghatguy, I really need a third sensor, this two sensor isnt cutting it
<lpghatguy> whaat
<lpghatguy> how?
<lpghatguy> are you getting disoriented in VR?
<SilverFox> Greys, dont care what patronizing bullshit you have to say
<SilverFox> lpghatguy, it "works"
<SilverFox> and it's fine, but there are some rough spots
<lpghatguy> interesting
<lpghatguy> I have issues when I accidentally go behind my steering wheel, but in games like Robo Recall I can stay facing forward just fine
<SilverFox> a third sensor could cover those rough spots nicely
<SilverFox> my facing forward isnt facing a single sensor
<SilverFox> because of how the living room is
<lpghatguy> how far apart are your sensors
<SilverFox> uhhhhhhh a lot
<lpghatguy> because they're not supposed to be more than... 6 feet apart ideally?
<SilverFox> like 10ft?
<lpghatguy> mine are about 4 feet apart
<SilverFox> yeah well 6ft is stupid for 360
<SilverFox> room scale
<lpghatguy> you don't do 360 with two sensors
<lpghatguy> you need three if you want "room scale", but for standing and light movement, 2 is fine
<SilverFox> well, im doing room scale with 2
<lpghatguy> I had better luck with both sensors in front vs. one in front and one in back when I only had two
<SilverFox> i imagine itd get occluded easily
<SilverFox> also I keep getting this dissociation feeling when im out of vr, like im suddenly in vr again
<lpghatguy> I have that happen sometimes too, it's weird
<lpghatguy> didn't start til I played Echo Arena
<SilverFox> im downloading echo arena right now actually
<lpghatguy> well I'm going to sleep for now
<lpghatguy> good luck with your oculus
<lpghatguy> we should play rec room some time
<SilverFox> im also downloading that everyday golf vr game
<SilverFox> perhaps
<SilverFox> i have it downloaded
<Greys> ;wa how many ounces in a centimeter
<kmath> Greys: convert 1 cmHg (centimeter of mercury) to ounces‐force per square inch: 3.094 ozf/in^2 (ounces‐force per square inch)
<Greys> wow
<Greys> WRA and google both have answers for this stupid question
<SilverFox> wouldnt you have to go into fluid ounces?
<SilverFox> and then do the ml conversion and assume water to get any rational answer?
<Greys> it's a stupid question from the dwayne johnson siri commercial
<Greys> he asks siri to do that, siri assumes he means centilitre
<darklight> I guess fl oz makes sense
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<kmath> YouTube - Yan He - Rain of Dreams (English Sub)
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<SilverFox> lpghatguy, the sensor can sense my rift from like, 10ft away perfectly, while laying down, I fell asleep with it on because of the calming noises of the home
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<VITAS> does anyone know that "Arumba" guy thats playing factorio and other strategy games on youtube?
<VITAS> (like in: can get a message to him)
<xShadowx> you can message people on youtube
<VITAS> if you have any google account
<VITAS> and if they read it and take you serious
<VITAS> i saw his "massive factorio mp sessions" videos
<VITAS> and was thinking i could help im out by providing a real beefy factory server for such sessions :)
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<SilverFox> Man, echo arena is probably the most fun I've had in vr yet
<SilverFox> it makes you work up a sweat too
<SilverFox> although, I keep having ping issues, probably because my cpu is being stressed the fuck out
<SilverFox> but I dont get motion sick at all
<SilverFox> now, I'm trying to overclock my cpu, but using amd overdrive, it wont let me
<SilverFox> the software gives me the option to set the multiplier to 3.7 instead of 3.2, but it just changes it back to 3.2 everytime I hit apply
<lpghatguy> hm
<VITAS> slave to the machine
<lpghatguy> you need to make sure your chipset is capable of overclocking
<SilverFox> like, my CPU under 100% load maxes out at 50C
<lpghatguy> I don't really understand how you could fall asleep with the headset on
<SilverFox> it was calming
<lpghatguy> neat
<lpghatguy> did you try slamming into walls at high speed in echo arena?
<SilverFox> ye
<lpghatguy> It's when I get going backwards/sideways and then suddenly stop that it gets me
<SilverFox> naw, doesnt get me
<SilverFox> it's all fun and shit
<SilverFox> but I would be okay pumping my cpu until it's either at 4.0ghz or it hits 70c
<lpghatguy> Depends on your voltage
<SilverFox> 1.25v currently
<SilverFox> although it can be like, 1.235v easily
<SilverFox> my cpu is an AMD A8-5500
<SilverFox> ancient thing
<SilverFox> also an APU
<VITAS> was that handed down trough the generations?
<SilverFox> pretty much
<SilverFox> my great-great grandfather found the chip in a bin for 20 buck and passed it down the family
<VITAS> and he swapped it for his pocketwatch :D
<VITAS> im sure its power by the gohst of some indians
<SilverFox> probablu
<SilverFox> holy fuck oculus fuck off
<SilverFox> it keeps opening
<VITAS> maybe some facetube zuckerzwerg trojan
<SilverFox> fuck it
<SilverFox> hp doesnt allow overclocking on their OEM boards
<SilverFox> so im stuck with this shit until I get the moneys for a ryzen board and chip and ram
<VITAS> maybe the pencil trick is still working :D
<SilverFox> back when you could double your clock speeed
<VITAS> hmm im still debating what to buy in terms of cpu arround christmas
<SilverFox> lpghatguy, I could probably benefit from like, a 3ft extension or so, but I dont need much of an extension it seems
<SilverFox> ryzen is pretty hot shit, but depends on your budget
<VITAS> hmm or that threaddipthing
<lpghatguy> I like my 1700x a lot
<SilverFox> threadripper?
<lpghatguy> that being said, I did buy my SO a 7700k and it seems to be working just fine too
<SilverFox> buy me 1300x pls
<VITAS> the buget depends on my feeling that dumping mass amounts of money in a pc is a usefull thing
<VITAS> SilverFox, that one
<SilverFox> threadripper is like, thousands of dollars
<SilverFox> ;wa 1cad to euro
<lpghatguy> nah
<kmath> SilverFox: convert C$1 (Canadian dollar) to euros: €0.69 (euros)
<SilverFox> euro is still worth more
<VITAS> i can get the money back from tax returns over 3 years
<VITAS> but yes im prepared to sink quite a bit of money into the system
<VITAS> if i feel that its worth the investment
<lpghatguy> I think you're better off finding the 'sweet spot' in the price curve for each component
<VITAS> might be
<VITAS> but my current pc lasted me from 2011 till now
<VITAS> (and its still working great)
<lpghatguy> that's when I built my previous one too, it only just got replaced\
* VITAS is looking to replace his 2700k i7 32gb ram with 640gtx with something that is comapreable over the top by todays standart :)
<VITAS> and i want to go uATX this time
<SilverFox> tahts about the time I had this pc bought as well
<lpghatguy> damn, just a GPU bump would be good enough for you I bet
<VITAS> should be but then again: i get my money back
<VITAS> and i only have a small ssd
<lpghatguy> but how
<VITAS> so ssd would be a good idea so m2 pcie raid0 is my aim
<SilverFox> ugh right, I need to transfer my shit to an ssd so that my pc can boot faster
<VITAS> yes im using intel rapid store caching foo atm
<VITAS> because the ssd is only 64gb
<lpghatguy> I dumped all the money I saved on storage into a sweet monitor
<xShadowx> VITAS: i7-6950x, 128gb ram, 512gb m2 ssd :)
<VITAS> your dream?
<xShadowx> my have
<xShadowx> 64gb is set to be a ram drive
<lpghatguy> 6950x would be a tame dream with what's out now
<xShadowx> ya got it 8 months ago XD
<VITAS> hmm i never used ramdisks much
<VITAS> only when battlefield 2 was hip
<lpghatguy> I don't see the point with an m2 ssd, lol
<xShadowx> ram is faster
<VITAS> you could span faster if your storage system was faster than everyone elses
<xShadowx> nothing will ever beat ram
<lpghatguy> M.2 drives are within an order of magnitude of the speed of RAM
<VITAS> so i used ram disks and could spawn 60s or mroe earlier
<lpghatguy> new ones are like 3000 MB/s
<VITAS> yes and i was looking to do a raid0 setup with them
<lpghatguy> lool, those were the days
<VITAS> so 5ishGB/s
<lpghatguy> RAID 0 is kind of a PITA though
<VITAS> and im planing to install dual 10gbase-T
<lpghatguy> Two of my friends now have had RAID setups with Intel's RAID controllers that have failed and become unrecoverable :/
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<VITAS> np if it does
<xShadowx> i dont raid inside pc, just on my nas, figure the ram is fast enough
<VITAS> i will isntall at least one classic hd
<VITAS> for storage
<lpghatguy> why bother, you can just do SATA SSDs for that
<VITAS> ssds are only for software and os
<xShadowx> nas 4x 4tb in raid6, 7tb storage to put scifi shows on :D
<lpghatguy> two M.2 might be difficult because a lot of boards disable PCIe lanes when the M.2 slots are in use
<VITAS> ive 6tb now and its full of crap
<lpghatguy> geez
<lpghatguy> you guys make my hoarding look tame
<VITAS> i definitly do
<xShadowx> no crap here, finely sorted scifi shows, music, pics :P
<VITAS> i had a 4TB RAID 5 back in 2003
<VITAS> as home server
<lpghatguy> that was a *ton* of storage back then
<VITAS> and it was full with movies and crap
<lpghatguy> all my storage is movies and steam games and I only just hit 3 TB
<VITAS> yes a crapton of 250gb maxtor drives
<VITAS> i dont even count my external disks and stuff
<VITAS> but yeah im a collector
<VITAS> but also im messy
<VITAS> so my drive is filled with a bunch of stuff i could delete if i took the time to sivt trough it
<SilverFox> how many years into the future until there's a rasp that can run today's level of VR?
<SilverFox> raspberry pi*
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<lpghatguy> 20 years
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<SilverFox> that seems reasonable
<SilverFox> lpghatguy, holy fuck im dissociating into real life vr rather often now
<SilverFox> my laptop screen isnt real anymore
<kmath> YouTube - illuminati Easter Egg - Battlefield 4 Secret Camo
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<SilverFox> neat
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<kmath> YouTube - IT'S JAPANESE COMMERCIAL TIME!! | VOL. 166
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<SilverFox> lpghatguy, have you ever tried to open a door using oculus grip motions? I have
<SilverFox> when was the civil war?
<SilverFox> ;wa when was the civil war
<kmath> SilverFox: United States Civil War->date: Friday, April 12, 1861 to Sunday, April 9, 1865
<SilverFox> neat
<SilverFox> A1 steak sauce was established during the civil war
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<lpghatguy> SilverFox: not that I remember
<lpghatguy> what doors did you open?
<SilverFox> none, you cant open doors with oculus grip
<lpghatguy> wait are you talking about real doors
<lpghatguy> are you okay
<SilverFox> yeah real doors
<SilverFox> Greys,
<kmath> YouTube - Kanna goes Pomf =3