TheKosmonaut changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Welcome to #kspcovfefe | <Majiir> egg is pretty much just a chickenfetus until you start talking about floating point |  Upon being elected Operator from 1:11:03AM to 1:11:19AM, GlassYuri immortalized his term with these words: “Do I have to give a fucking speech now?"
<SilverFox> there's a guy streaming himself sleeping with some sort of waifu pillow under the "mukbang" category (eating and streaming)
GlassYuri has joined #kspmodders
<SilverFox> GlassYuri, how do you feel about sexually harassing women at the gym?
<GlassYuri> ...why the fuck are you asking that
<kmath> YouTube - J.Y. Park(박진영) "Who's your mama?(어머님이 누구니) (feat. Jessi)" M/V
<GlassYuri> if you're thinking about doing that yourself, don't
<SilverFox> watch this mv
<SilverFox> you made the exact same thing you did before, kudos
<Hyratel> no, just linking it again
<SilverFox> i know
<SilverFox> it was a joke
<Greys> seriously, how does a 2 core hyperthreaded machine get 730.3% utilization
<Greys> on a single process
<SilverFox> that's impressive
<Greys> Hyratel, why did you make a utility knife?
<Hyratel> because a year or more ago we bought a pack of blades for a boxcutter but they were the wrong size
<Hyratel> and I've been hyperproductive today
<SilverFox> sounds like too much productive, we're gonna need you to tone the fuck down
<SilverFox> is pagefiling bad for an SSD?
egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
<SilverFox> because my laptop is pagefiling like, a lot of the time
<Greys> probably
<SilverFox> I figured as much
<SilverFox> SSDs usually dont just die in one go right?
<SilverFox> like, a sector will fail or some shit?
<Greys> the cells have limited read/write cycles, particularly the write part yea
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<SilverFox> because I dont keep constant backups
<SilverFox> and it'd be nice to know when im about to blow so I can backup
<linuxgurugamer> Hi all. Can someone help me with a simple (I thought) problem? How can I make a complete copy of
<SilverFox> if you dont find help here, I also suggest moving to #kspmodding and asking there
<Greys> I think we need to put up a sign
<SilverFox> Greys, on that already
<Greys> no you're not
<linuxgurugamer> and I just moved over there, thanks @Greys
<SilverFox> nigga
<Greys> I ain't did a thing
<SilverFox> W H E W L A D S
<Greys> egg, please prepend "we can't help you" to the topic
<SilverFox> naw I got it
<Greys> you ain't capable of got
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<SilverFox> there, new function added
<Greys> ;wa 30/12
<kmath> Greys: 30/12 = 5/2
<SilverFox> why
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<Greys> youfuck.exjif
<SilverFox> WHY
<SilverFox> HOW
<Greys> ;c 30/12
<kmath> Greys: 2.5
<SilverFox> you do this like, every time
<SilverFox> and you are surprised, every time
<Greys> I forget absurd things yes
<SilverFox> like, you do this at least once every 2 weeks
<Greys> they're unworthy of remembrant
<SilverFox> ~kspm
<FoxBot9000> If you haven't already, you can try asking the question in #kspmodding for a more related/accurate response.
<SilverFox> too polite?
<Greys> this is the most antipatter solution you've ever invented
<SilverFox> should I change it to "Fuck off and go to #kspmodding?"
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<Greys> you should turn it off
<SilverFox> no
<SilverFox> it's permanent, sorry
<Greys> the solution is to put a notice in the topic
<SilverFox> that no one reads
<SilverFox> that's like putting it in the ToS
<SilverFox> good fucking luck with that
<SilverFox> welp, he asked in modding and then left after 7 minutes
<Greys> this is why we don't help wibblers
<SilverFox> I want to make foxbot more programmable from IRC
<SilverFox> but I'd have to write an interpreter
<SilverFox> oh shit, Greys, what are the perfect breasts, to you?
<SilverFox> and why, because I know you're gonna have something like "they're the perfect mix of aerodynamic and utility" or some shit
<Greys> uh......
<Greys> the assertion that there is a singular ideal is incorrect
<SilverFox> yeah yeah now what are the perfect breasts, to you?
<darklight> Muhahaha, my nitro plane is ready to make divots in the ground
<darklight> About to go fly it :3
<Greys> invalid
<SilverFox> hence why I added the last part, as a personal opinion piece
<SilverFox> it's not invalid, I could answer it
<Greys> you are assuming that my statement was outside of your context
<Greys> it is not
<SilverFox> you're just being stubborn
<Greys> within the context of my opinion, there is no singular ideal
<SilverFox> alright, then what are the ideals you have?
<Greys> pretty much all of them
<SilverFox> you know that from the beginning you could've just said "I dont want to answer this question" right?
<Greys> I don't not want to, but you asked a question with a bad context
<SilverFox> then I will answer the question myself to show you it can be done
<Greys> you will of course be stubborn and incorrect
<Greys> ;wa 220km/60mph
<kmath> Greys: (220 km (kilometers))/(60 mph (miles per hour)): 2.278 hours
<Greys> ;wa distance to proxima centauri
<kmath> Greys: Proxima Centauri->distance from Earth: 4.218 ly (light years)
<Greys> ;c 4.218/2.278
<kmath> Greys: 1.851624231782265
<Greys> no, units
<Greys> ;wa 4.218 lightyears to light hours
<kmath> Greys: convert 4.218 ly (light years) to light hours: 36975 light hours
<Greys> ;c 36975/2.278
<kmath> Greys: 16231.34328358209
<SilverFox> "The perfect breasts to me would be something that I could rest my head on comfortably, but not so much so I get lost in them. Too big can result in major back pain and spine deformation and that's not attractive to anyone. on the other side, I dont want too small because they wont be comfortable to lay on and it could feel like im buying lingerie for a teenager and that makes me uncomfortable. a perfect size would be anywhere
<SilverFox> from a commonly perceived C34 to something like a D34"
<SilverFox> see, not hard
<SilverFox> and you can't say it's incorrect either because it's my opinion
<Greys> so in Cody'slab's recent astronomic scale video, if he was travelling at 60mph, which is a common highway speed, his scale speed would be more than 16.2k c
<Greys> except your opinion is also not a singular ideal, so no, that is not represititive of your actual thoughts on the matter
<SilverFox> except fuck you it is
<SilverFox> if it isn't, then what are my "actual" thoughts on the matter?
<Greys> I don't know, they're your thoughts, and they're complicated
<SilverFox> they aren't complicated
<SilverFox> im fucking mentally retarded, no thought I have is complex
<Greys> go have your dumb thoughts at darkbutt
<SilverFox> fuck you too m8
<Greys> ;wa 208km/60mph
<kmath> Greys: (208 km (kilometers))/(60 mph (miles per hour)): 2.154 hours
<Greys> ;c 36975/2.154
<kmath> Greys: 17165.73816155989
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<SilverFox> I just managed to fuse two tabs in firefox to be one
<Greys> that sounds incredibly dangerous
<Greys> just think about the nuclear radiation
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<SilverFox> unfusing them crashed firefox
<SilverFox> but a fused tab is stable
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<Greys> so what does a fused tab actually
<SilverFox> it acts like the first tab
<SilverFox> and it wants to stay fused
<SilverFox> it's not easy to unfuse them
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<Greys> ~g glass dildo camera
<SilverFox> "real normal girl"
<SilverFox> kek
<Greys> I was hoping for more of a dildo lense kind of thing
<Supernovy> fake abnormal girl
<Greys> the new manga from yoshitoshi abe
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<Greys> it's hard to find blue LED lightbulbs that are actually blue LEDs and not white LEDs in a blue filter bubble
<SilverFox> I have this kpop song stuck in my head, but the entire song is basically just "oh" and "ah" 's
<SilverFox> this is what hell feels like
<Greys> that's basically all of them
<SilverFox> exactly
<SilverFox> I know it's sung by a girl group
<SilverFox> and it's a sort of sexy tone song
<Greys> that's basically all of them
<SilverFox> that's basically all-1 of them
<Greys> ;c 84/16.4*9
<kmath> Greys: 46.09756097560976
<Greys> so blue LED strip lighting would be relatively cheap
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<Greys> what's the typical width of LED strips? 1cm?
<Greys> if so then to get a bunch of acrylic rod, probably looking at about teh same cost; so 100$ plus power supply to install diffused blue LED lighting along the edge of the ceiling in this room; that's entirely reasonable
<Greys> of course, I'd need access to a tablesaw
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<Greys> misfile is still going?
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<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, 수고이데스~
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<TheKosmonaut> SilverFox: 何言ってるの、お前?
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<TheKosmonaut> すごいです〜〜って
<SilverFox> はい
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<SilverFox> goddamn I am so sick of this shit internet
<GlsFrg|phone> do you mean your internet connection, the state of internet culture, or the concept of the internet in general?
<SilverFox> my connection
<Supernovy> shiternet
<SilverFox> my fucking parents are sleeping with their internet tv going and they get pissed if I try and touch it
<SilverFox> and they keep saying the most triggering words ever
<SilverFox> "It works fine for me"
<kmath> <GRC_Ninja> My sister understands my sick humor... I LOL'd so hard!
<SilverFox> but the fuckers can talk directly to the router since they have better router placement compared to me, since I am all the way across the house, I need a range extender, which adds a step and I think lowers my priority
<SilverFox> so anytime they use the internet, my experience gets shitty
<SilverFox> so I've been trying to fucking ddos their damn tv box to get it to slow the fuck down so that they'll get better fucking internet
<SilverFox> and then I wont have these damn problems because this is bullshit:
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<SilverFox> wtf is this
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<Glass|phone> who the fuck ends their sentences in kouji (construction work)
<SilverFox> the fuck does it say?
<Glass|phone> just fantasy words
<SilverFox> like, bullshit meaningless shit?
<Glass|phone> wrzdtfyuguh tdyrugkghg tdyfjgjv
<SilverFox> yeah mkay, figured
<kmath> YouTube - Glowspin's first flight
<SilverFox> man sure wish I could watch this
<darklight> You totally can
<darklight> And you will laugh
<SilverFox> nice meme
<darklight> I put tailspin up as well, I'm processing that video now, it's just this is the start of it (I like testing with a bit of footage first) :P
<SilverFox> terrible plane
<darklight> Yeah I got it from bearing tbh
<darklight> Black and white, enya that shit
<darklight> :P
<darklight> I'm glad youtube hasn't audio matched it
<kmath> YouTube - Old Commercials That Would Be "Politically Incorrect" Today
<darklight> SilverFox: The disney anti-nazi propaganda was very amusing :P
<kmath> YouTube - LOONEY TUNES (Looney Toons): Tokio Jokio (WW2) (1943) (Remastered) (HD 1080p)
<SilverFox> Winston cigarettes was a big sponsor of the flintstones apparently
<SilverFox> "this coffee tastes like shit"
<SilverFox> if the husband says it's salty, it's salty
<darklight> There's a few of them :P
<kmath> YouTube - Donald Duck Nazi Episode with Prologue Speech (der Fuehrer's Face 1943)
<StatutoryApe> ~~~~~~~~~
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<Greys> Hyratel, why does 208v exist
<Hyratel> 240V single phase is obtained by taking a single leg of three-phase power.
<Hyratel> 208V three phase is obtained by taking two legs of three-phase power.
<Hyratel> 208v is the maximum wave-to-wave difference between two phases
<Hyratel> rather, the RMS of same
<Greys> oh
<Greys> so what do you get when you take all three live legs and the ground, 240v three phase?
<Hyratel> multiple legs are rarely conne cted to the same resistive load
<Hyratel> a 2 phase residential dryer is 2 separate loads
<Hyratel> motor and all support electic logic (timer, buzzer etc) are one one phase
<Hyratel> heating element(s) are on the other
<Greys> remember I used to work in a machine shop, not really the normal situation and almost everything is inductive load
<Hyratel> 2 and 3 phase motors are the only case I KNOW of where multiple phases go into one load
<Greys> our entire system was 4 legs including the ground
<Hyratel> i did not know that
<Greys> airquotes 240v
<Hyratel> re machine shop
<Greys> you used to, we've talked shop before
<Hyratel> my memory is garbage
<Greys> anyway, we had a big shitty idle generator to convert 2x single phase 120v breakers into 1x 3 phase 240v breaker
<Hyratel> it was probably a 120/208 split phase supply
<Greys> smother that in airquotes
<Hyratel> you know Delta vs Wye?
<Hyratel> rotary phase converter motor-generators
<Greys> I've heard of wye, and delta is one of my favorite words, I would guess they have to do with wiring diagrams but I don't remember
<Hyratel> a split 120/208 will look like a Wye Minus One
<Greys> in practice is the flow actually static like described, or does the "red" connection move around ?
<Hyratel> what
<Greys> the delta is kind of like a bridge rectifier, very big stretch but whatever, where the red terminal serves a different purpose than the black and blue terminals; I'm having a lot of thoughts and they're getting muddy
<Hyratel> no
<Greys> it seems as if two of the AC wave forms are doing work and the other one is behaving like a ground
<Hyratel> it's three otherwise-identical phases. the difference is only "which one are you using"
<Greys> otherwise than the phase offset?
<Hyratel> exactly
<Greys> mmkay
<Greys> so what do you mean by "using"
<Greys> my understanding was that we had 3 phase motors, so each phase out of the idle generator was going to a phase on the motors in the machine, and that would result in a more ideal torque situation with the magnetic fields pulling the rotor around
<Hyratel> yes
<Greys> so for a given phase on the motor, one of the phases off the idle generator would be "red", ignoring that the colors actually represent wire coloring
<Hyratel> you get a torque pull every 1/(120*3) of a second instead of every 1/120
<Hyratel> what
<Hyratel> that doens't make sense to me
<Greys> and that torque pull is at 120 degrees instead of 180
<Hyratel> degrees is timing
<Hyratel> oh god phasors
<Hyratel> you're going to make me dig out my "Distribution electricity" textbook if you keep this up
<Greys> when I say "red" I'm referencing the image you linked and how it draws the red tap differently
<Hyratel> I don't know why it's done like that
<Greys> then I'll ignore it
<Hyratel> oh I see what's going on
<Hyratel> a lot of US residential is 2/3 phase
<Greys> is that dryer socket 3 phase?
<Hyratel> so it only has two hot phases coming from the pole, but internally the power transformer is 3ph
<Hyratel> so the third is left unconnected on the pole
<Hyratel> this is where you get 120/208 residential
<Greys> btw this machine shop was in the owner's garage
<Greys> at his house
<Hyratel> so he probably had Reisdential 120/208
<Greys> everything was bullshit, even the way they fired/didn'tfire me
<Hyratel> eeeeh
<Greys> the whole shop was illegal
<Hyratel> 208 is two hots and ground
<Hyratel> 120 is 1 hot, 1 neutral, 1 ground
<Hyratel> 120/208 is 2 hots, neutral, ground
<Greys> 2 hots into an idle generator that creates the phase offset and results in a third hot
<Greys> you're basically running a 3 phase motor with no load and only 2 live coils, then you can get out 3 properly unaligned legs
<Hyratel> weird
<Greys> it's cheating but it works; usually it's used by shops that are geographically located where it's unreasonable to get 3 phase native power installed
<Hyratel> if you're wired for 120/208 fromt he pole, and all your infrastructure is 120 and 120/208, it'd be $expensive to get a whole new drop, meter and panel
<Greys> the part I never quite got is that an x horsepower idle generator (rotory phase generator, etc) can start a motor up to 2x horsepower, and can run up to 3x horsepower worth of separate motors as long as they don't spin up or incur full load at the same time
<Hyratel> *shrug*
<Greys> also our machines errored out all the fucking time because teh amera seiki had something like a 90 horse motor, the nova had a 40 horse, the mills were each 20 horse, the hyundai was totally fucking unknown, and that leaves out several machines; on a 60 horse phase converter
<Greys> fuckin' bullshit
<Hyratel> so the converter was constantly "fuck this noise"
<Greys> so glad I don't have to deal with those racist hicks anymore
<Greys> I am a bit sad that I don't get to play with their toys anymore, but I'm making a lot more money, and I get to keep it
<Hyratel> that is good to hear
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<Greys> now I have to go finish writing up an intro to huge jupiter before I get entirely distracted
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<Hyratel> ... yeah
<Greys> ;wa 40 stories to feet
<kmath> Greys: convert 40 stories to feet: (320 to 400) feet
<Greys> ;wa 20ft to meters
<kmath> Greys: convert 20 feet to meters: 6.096 meters
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<darklight> Oooh, star delta
<darklight> G-Mobile: In three phase, the distance between the two phases is sqrt(3) * single phase voltage to neutral
<darklight> ;c sqrt(3) * 110
<kmath> darklight: 190.5255888325765
<darklight> Err
Iskierka has joined #kspmodders
<Greys> ;c sqrt(3)
<kmath> Greys: 1.7320508075688772
<Hyratel> ;c sqrt(3) * 120
<kmath> Hyratel: 207.84609690826525
<Greys> mmkay
<darklight> Obviously two phase will be double voltage if they are 180 degrees out instead of 120 degrees
<darklight> So that's how you guys get 220v
<Greys> 240v
<Greys> my brain just discovered that "twenty" is the result of trying to pronounce two and ten at the same time, and then suffix teen onto it but abort
<Greys> I'm glad twenteen isn't a word
<Hyratel> two-ten-tee(n)
<Greys> use the same t for both two and ten
<Greys> twen
<darklight> Greys:
<darklight> star (wye)/delta
<darklight> Not exactly sure why there is neutral current, maybe the way falastad does lamps, but you can leave it off
<Hyratel> use the HTML5 falstad
<Greys> some billionare needs to drop a jizzload of dollars on developing an easy to use and reasonably functional circuit builder/simulator
<darklight> crocodile clips was nice, yenka is an evolution of it
<darklight> But it is time restricted
<Greys> just viewing that raised my CPU temp by like 15F, and it couldn't maintain the same framerate for two frames in a row
<darklight> Does it help with understanding at all, the lights in delta get:
<darklight> ;c sqrt(3) * 5
<kmath> darklight: 8.660254037844386
<darklight> 8.6v, while the star only get 5
<Greys> yea, the charge goes in a loop
<darklight> (star/single phase is essentially the same really, as a star load will have that neutral point)
<darklight> Also if you see that rotation, that's why 3 phase motors don't need capacitors :P
<Greys> well, they don't need caps because the torque angle isn't 180
<Hyratel> 180 = top dead center
<Greys> the magnetic force isn't trying to pull the rotor through it's center of rotation
<Hyratel> it's the same reason you see two-piston steam engines 90 degrees out of phase
<darklight> Also if you break a wire you'll see why only two phases is called single phasing :P
<Greys> yea but you also see two piston engines with the pistons 180 degrees out of phase, because entirely mechanical combustion/steam engines can more reasonably have the crank designed so that the piston "fires" when the cylinder is not inline with the crank.... handle
<darklight> (on the delta)
<Hyratel> also ignoring mechanical inertia
<darklight> Also I should actually check my motor is alright... :P
<Greys> with a purely electromagnetic system it's complicated to delay the commutation, because you have to cut power to the live coil as the rotor moves past it or you're inducing drag; and then you need a neutral period
<Greys> that said, I'm pretty sure every motor in all those machines was a servo, even the lathe spindle drive motors
<Greys> I'm just going to assume I don't understand servos well enough to say anything about how they work, especially at high speed
<Greys> like, how even does a servo go 2k RPMs?
<Hyratel> they were probably CRS
<Hyratel> continuous rotation servos
<Greys> does that by any chance mean that they can operate like normal motors at high speeds, and like steppers at low speeds?
<Hyratel> yes, or nearly
<Hyratel> servo means it can go-to-and-hold at a specific location repeatably
<xShadowx> why couldnt arduino be made with analog outputs too >.>
<Hyratel> using a 'spin' class motor
<Hyratel> a stepper is not a spin motor
<xShadowx> digital pins are I/O, analog pins coulda been I/O too :(
<Greys> yea I'm reading up
<Greys> so a CRS has precision rate control instead of precision position awareness
<Hyratel> whynotboth
<Greys> certainly you can get both trivially
<kmath> YouTube - High speed servo motor demo 2.
<Greys> but a stepper moves discrete distances on command, where CRS seems like the distance is up to you controlling it well
<Hyratel> a stepper can't operate in RPM mode
<Hyratel> a CRS can operate in both positional and velocity modes simultaneously
<Greys> oh CRS can do both
<Hyratel> encoded spindle position
<Greys> that demo is cool, but they should get a more interesting sketch
<Hyratel> it's a demo of the high speed
<Greys> you saying it can't high speed something more interesting?
<Hyratel> that was probably a demo whipped up in 2 minutes as proof otf action
<Greys> wouldn't it have been cooler if in the same timespan it drew like, the american flag, or megaman lineart
<Hyratel> a stepper is a subset of brushless DC, but is designed for high torque Hold and incrementation
<Hyratel> if you try to run a stepper too fast, it has a tendency to skip steps
<Greys> why are people making 3D printed fancyass motors
<Hyratel> why not?
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<Greys> see that's a bit concerning, because hold is probably the second most important feature of a CNC, especially one that weighs more than 5 tons
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Dazzyp is now known as Daz
<Greys> why not: because thermal performance; anyway you might enjoy it
<kmath> YouTube - 3d-printed Halbach Motor - Building Instructions
<Hyratel> I mean if you're running a mill, you want Hold
<Greys> also if you're running a lathe
<Hyratel> but for a plotter or knife plotter where the resistance is low, it's less important
<Greys> oh yea
<Hyratel> I mean i don't pretend to know all the ins and outs of the philosophy
<Hyratel> but your 3/4 ton CNC already uses AC motors for the axes
<Greys> with a lathe you've got the spindle drive, the 2D movement of the turret, and the turret rotation, though turret rotation is frequently hydraulic
<Hyratel> the one Jake von Slatt had to re-logic ran on... AC 90v phase RPM
<Hyratel> turret?
<Hyratel> tool post and compound?
<Greys> tool posts are on the turret, most CNC lathes don't have compounds
<Hyratel> oh
<Hyratel> I was out of my contexts
<Greys> I don't know if you need a servo for the turret rotation, because it's rigidly aligned, but using a servo will probably make the alignment plates survive longer, which may be irrelevant
<Greys> like so; if the alignment plate doesn't have to shift the turret head as much, it'll wear less
<Hyratel> not sure what I'm looking at here
<Greys> the axle of the turret head, the head shifts forwards and the spur gear top left rotates it, then it shifts back to engage with the flat gear
<darklight> It is :3
<darklight> Despite the wonderful "flight" :P
<xShadowx> its weird seeing only one side of a convo. on another note, my cnc router i finished building and works great :D
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<Greys> ... amazon has a category for pneumatically powered air compressors
<Greys> how bad can a 90$ 2 gallon air air compressor be
<Greys> /air
<Greys> darklight, I desire to have an air compressor because it would be convenient for some things, not because I need it for any kind of money making task, do you think a cheapo air compressor would be sufficiently bad to be unsuitable for that?
<darklight> To be honest, I'd cheap out too
<darklight> if it works it works
<Hyratel> be aware, you get what you pay for
<Greys> yea, I mainly want to blow out my keyboard
<Hyratel> the cheap pancake compressor is the same crap whether you get it from Sears or harbor fright
<Greys> how much do I have to pay for it to be capable of blowing out a keyboard effectively
<Greys> btw, 'round here sears and harbor freight are on a similar level of quality-respect
<Hyratel> if that's all you're doing, get an airbrush compressor
<Hyratel> tankless
<Greys> is that going to have enough volume?
<Hyratel> IDK what kind of budget you've got
<xShadowx> i shoulda built this sooner, woulda saved me a lot of work over the years :(
<Greys> looks like airbrush compressors generally run at 50ish psi
<Greys> which is not really adequate to dislodge dust from a surface
<xShadowx> if poor, craigslist generally has a few of those low end compressors, prolly get one for $20-30
<Greys> they're running 60~80$ without much kit; the 90$ "speedway" brand compressor can do 100psi and because it has the tank it can sustain volume for longer
<Greys> though I would want to pick up a dryer too
<Greys> I don't know how west you are, but here speedway is a brand of gas station
<xShadowx> so 3d printhead works, now when is GRBL going to allow both router + 3d printing modes in one.......
<darklight> SilverFox: hahaha north korea
<darklight> I love their "drone"
<darklight> Cute.
<Greys> there's a solid parts list and you can probably guess at it's construction from photos, build a replica
<Greys> wait, so the south korean military is suggesting that the best north korea could do is mace people with a drone
<darklight> Their drone is something I'd be completely capable of building
<Greys> I wouldn't have suggested it if I didn't know you to have twice the competency of the entire country
<darklight> The reporting is inaccurate
<darklight> I saw "500cc" and thought that's total horseshit
<Greys> you should tweet about how they're fake news
<darklight> It's just an error
<darklight> Fake news is different :P
<darklight> Yeah, I fly with 2.5cc :P
<darklight> I *might* be able to build north korea's drone for 1000 bucks
<Greys> don't forget to build yours so it doesn't crash
<darklight> Not sure why they went v-tail but whatever
<darklight> Did you not see my latest video?
<Greys> you video?
<darklight> I promise the first 30 seconds are worth it
<kmath> YouTube - A normal R/C day where absolutely nothing goes wrong.
<Greys> you sound too young
<darklight> Someone else stops to watch, skip to about 6 minutes if you want to hear me talking
<Greys> that wasn't you at the start?
<darklight> It was
<darklight> But I talk talk during the last flight in that video
<Greys> game gramps may or may not be starting a podcast
<Greys> they've made an episode, you can never tell when they're doing a joke
<Greys> there needs to be a dictionary of excercises; but like, it's a program, where you're given a person, and you pose them, then make them move, and it tells you what that is
<Greys> "what do you call it when I move my arm from pointing down to pointing horizontal by swinging it on plane with the back while the torso is upright and maybe I'm holding a weight
<Greys> "
<Greys> like, a lot of laying-on-the-ground-and-moving-your-legs exercises come in two versions, words, and prone words, and prone means you're laying face down and doing the same thing with your leg in world coordinates
<Greys> but then what do you call it when you lay on your side and use your leg without bending the knee to move your foot up
<Greys> side foot up goers?
<darklight> "Presenting"? :P
<Greys> and how do you distinguist that from the same thing but the other foot
<darklight> I'm not sure people care which leg you lift?
<darklight> :P
<Greys> lay on your side, lift the top foot, then lift the bottom foot, and tell me those are at all similar
<Greys> I might buy one of those stupid foam tubes just for that one motion because I cannot make a good angle happen flat on the ground, and if you're not moving a decent angle, it's substantially less exercise
<teabot> Moteaon.
<darklight> "The vise of knowledge"
<Greys> use the foam tube to get the hip off the ground 8 inches, so there's further downward to go and I'm nearly doubling the tranversement angle
<Greys> or that fucking bench I was talking about that doesn't exist
<darklight> Is this bench buildable?
<Greys> entirely, but I don't have the budget for the tools
<Glass|phone> things that break human brains: reflections in two windows behind each other
<Greys> btw, my new apathy metal band; Metal'n'Shit
<Greys> where do you buy an exercise butler?
<Greys> there are so many fuckin weird wrist exercise machines
<darklight> colin furze and tom scott? :D
<kmath> YouTube - Colin Furze's Jet Ski Whale
<Greys> darklight, speaking of beastiality for children, have you watched kemono friends yet?
<darklight> No
<Greys> it's better than season 2 of the pony show
<darklight> Nor do I intend to :P
<darklight> If I get convinced I may
<darklight> But I will feel bad
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<Greys> welp, can't use imgur anymore
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<kmath> YouTube - Discord and Spike (Rick and Morty)
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<darklight> Greys: What's wrong with imgur?
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<Greys> there is no longer a way to directly view an image
<Greys> that link should be just an image
<Greys> now it's this
<darklight> Oh they broke it
<darklight> Hrmmm... I'm really starting to get worried about america's anti-semitic landscape
<Greys> they did what we call in the industry, pulled a photobucket
<darklight> Another channel I'm in seems to use
<Greys> what do you call those things on a tarp, where it's like two metal rings of formed sheetmetal, and you stamp them together through the tarp to reinforce it?
<Greys> they're like rivets, but bigger and circular
<Supernovy> Grommet
<Supernovy> or eyelet
<Greys> no wonder I couldn't remember it, that's a very odd word
<Greys> somebody should make aclear zelda knockoff where everything's excessively badass and manley
<Greys> instead of the temple of fire, there'd be the temple of explosions
<Greys> temple of water becomes "temple of fuckin hurricanes and tornados and shit"
<Greys> I don't even remember what the other two are
<Greys> forest temple and temple of time?
<darklight> Whats the desert one?
<Greys> "temple of snakes and bitches
<darklight> Also yeah, temple of poisonous everything
<Greys> I think you mean australia
<Greys> one of the temples will just be australia
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<darklight> I forget if they had an upside down anything
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<Greys> I don't think nintendo was doing anything interesting with gravity until mario galaxy
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<GlassYuri> why does aliexpress log you out if you sneeze
<Greys> it's got a germ phobia
<Greys> kinda like Monk
<Greys> SilverFox, look at this fucking storm above michigan, how dare this storm not hit me
<Greys> also I have to believe that butterfly mouth near kincardine is the result of american radar coverage
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<kmath> YouTube - BLACKPINK - '마지막처럼 (AS IF IT'S YOUR LAST)' M/V
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<TheKosmonaut> This feels like k/jpop i would hear when I was little
<TheKosmonaut> This had to have been a 2ne1 song that they just never picked up
<GlassYuri> TheKosmonaut, btw I saw another van stop near my house, the yakuza are definitely onto me
<TheKosmonaut> GlassYuri: rip
<GlassYuri> I just confused z and y despite not having used a qwertz in two years
<GlassYuri> yeah I actually had my keyboard set up with only japanese input for over half a year while I still was in germany
<GlassYuri> because I was so fucking edgy
<TheKosmonaut> S O 内人
<TheKosmonaut> お箸上手だね〜〜〜(^ ^)
<TheKosmonaut> ナチュラルなエクスパート
<GlassYuri> ナチュラルなエクスパート sounds like something a japanese person would say though
<Greys> ;wa 1 million hours to years
<kmath> Greys: convert 1000000 hours to years: 114.2 years
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<SilverFox> TheKosmonaut, it's not a bad song
<SilverFox> it's got a fun vibe to it
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<SilverFox> are the yakuza the japanese mafia??
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<Tank2333> Kinda
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<VITAS> i wonder if there is a german mafia...wait theyre called NSDAP :P
<Tank2333> We have mafia here
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<Tank2333> There was a meat mafia doing criminal stuff
<VITAS> tank mafia
<VITAS> russian mafia
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<TheKosmonaut> VITAS: German mafia had the best clothes
<SilverFox> Greys, remember that youtube era around 2010-2014 where people abused the fuck out of annotations?
<kmath> YouTube - Rurima Prepare Rurima
<SilverFox> Are you guys prepared for maximum cringe?
<kmath> YouTube - Oblivion NPC Dialogue
<SilverFox> I just ordered a new one after this shattered it
<SilverFox> well today is a rather sad day, Choa has decided to leave AoA due to inner demons
<SilverFox> !tell Majiir ChoA has decided to leave AoA due to inner demons.
<Qboid> SilverFox: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
<VITAS> Agents of America? ;)
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<SilverFox> "1rst"
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