raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Δv is real, and will hurt you
<funkenstein> ah
<funkenstein> at that point I had read the whole wiki page for the MPL and I might have skimmed for a yes or no
<funkenstein> also, to be fair, I was on my 22nd hour of consciousness...
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> You mutter something about "chargin mah lazer" and stand with an open mouth. Your dual-fusion 1500-megawatt heavy-duty super-colliding pneumatic-diversified quantum space tape untangler fails.
<funkenstein> lolo.lol
<funkenstein> that is not a link it is a typo
<SporkWitch> lame, lolo.lol is just being squatted right now, nothing entertaining on it
<funkenstein> oh wow it actually led to something
<SporkWitch> anything that's a logical typo is likely to be owned
<funkenstein> makes sense lol
<funkenstein> makes... sen.se ?
<funkenstein> HA
<SporkWitch> go home, dad, you're drunk lol
<funkenstein> I'm rolling
<SporkWitch> you know the origin of that meme, right? lol
<funkenstein> I just heard it a lot in middle school
<SporkWitch> it was a photo of some bathroom stall grafiti. Someone had written "I [Fornicated Under Consent of the King]ed your mother" and someone else wrote underneath it "go home, Dad, you're drunk"
<funkenstein> Beautiful. I just read the whole thing on know your meme
<funkenstein> I read the page for the P.E.C.S. and I still don't know which tab it's on
<SporkWitch> heh, one of the podcasts i follow is talking about orbital solar farms transmitting power planetside right now lol
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<funkenstein> ugh
<funkenstein> ;outcome add A miscalculated leap for the hatch lands you squarely on your solar panels, snapping them off.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: A miscalculated leap for the hatch lands you squarely on your solar panels, snapping them off.
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> You try a twelve-degree approach to land at Island Runway 09. The job of killing all kerbals is given over to robots.
* raptop eyes that number with suspicion
<funkenstein> I'm walking, 60 meters above any sort of ground
<raptop> Ah, the shuttle's glide ratio during approach and landing was 4.5:1, which is about 12 degrees
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<funkenstein> has anyone else encountered a floating kerbal glitch
<raptop> I want to say it's shown up on some youtube vids, but that's not very helpful
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<funkenstein> ;mission add You fornicate without the consent of the Kraken.
<LunchBot> Added mission: You fornicate without the consent of the Kraken.
<funkenstein> I wish there were a small but heavy part that could be used as ballast for rovers
<XXCoder> isnt RNGs heavy
<funkenstein> I don't have those unlocked ye
<funkenstein> which is what the rover was supposed to simplify.
<funkenstein> what spring/damper strength would be best for a rover going over rough terrain
<funkenstein> not massive hills, just very bumpy land
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<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> You launch a rescue mission. In theory, the mission is a complete success!
<funkenstein> yaay
<darsie> .
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> You spread the flu. Your ship is crushed into a small 1:4:9 rectangular prism.
<funkenstein> my rovers are so frickin' wiggly
<funkenstein> what is so wrong
<Izaya> needs more autostrut
<funkenstein> every part has autostrut
<Izaya> needs more normal strut
<funkenstein> rigid attachment fixed it, but now it rolls on turns over 25m/s
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<Guest31193> Hello
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<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> You confuse kilobytes and trilobites. Your rocket sinks the recovery barge.
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<Izaya> Too heavy on landing.
<Althego> improvised anti ship missle
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<Althego> stream on
<Mat2ch> veeeerrrrrryyyy foggy.
<Althego> raindrops on camera
<Althego> what is that stick rotating under the camera?
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<Althego> wind turbine blades?
<Mat2ch> that was a wind turbine, yes
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<SporkWitch> Althego: they didn't show deployment again :P
<Althego> kind of a new thing
<SporkWitch> i'm telling you, they almost never do and I've never seen them show it
<SporkWitch> (would have commented sooner but spent the last couple hours doing maintenance on this thing; windows decided to corrupt itself and was failing to boot 9/10 times; FINALLY got it to boot so I could use DISM and SFC to repair it)
<Althego> for such cases you have irc client on the phone :)
<Mat2ch> They did it for a long time. But then a solar wind threw a whole batch back into the atmosphere. So now they deploy when they're high up enough.
<SporkWitch> i've been too lazy to set up the port forwarding to my bouncer lol
<Mat2ch> And they just cut the stream
<Mat2ch> *And now
<SporkWitch> not space, but still geeky and cool lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFsiydplCtw
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<Althego> supposedly it works technically, but the ocean is not salty enough for it to be practicakl
<SporkWitch> basically my first thought when they were pouring the salt in, heh. "shouldn't we be getting the salinity right? this doesn't seem very scientific..."
<Mat2ch> Interesting
<Althego> hehe looks so kerbal
<Althego> but it is great
<Althego> smooth hover
<Mat2ch> At the end they could've let it throttle down a little bit to get back into the ropes
<Mat2ch> and not just switch it off
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<FLHerne> ;mission add Granny Kerman asks you what an error message on her computer means. You read it to her verbatim and she understands immediately.
<LunchBot> Added mission: Granny Kerman asks you what an error message on her computer means. You read it to her verbatim and she understands immediately.
<FLHerne> That's a very nice demo
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]