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<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> You tire of rockets, and decide to launch craft into space with a giant gun. Firefox eats all your RAM before you can complete your mission.
<SporkWitch> but it's chrome that's known for being RAM-hungry, not firefox...
<SporkWitch> also, people have made physics guns in KSP that can get things into orbit lol
<raptop> Yeah, firefox isn't so bad these days
<SporkWitch> i've been using it since it was still just called "mozilla," it's never been RAM-hungry compared to Chrome; it's one of the reasons it never really got a particularly good tab suspension plugin, there was just no need (whereas the Great Suspender was basically mandatory -- arguably still is, but they broke it / it was compromised, so now there's just nothing, chrome just eats your RAM)
<SporkWitch> only complaint with firefox is from a few years ago when they made it so you couldn't hide the tab bar at the top anymore, so it's some wasted screen real estate, since, like any sane person, i use treestyle tabs
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<Althego> guh
<funkenstein> ;mission add Your mother said "to get things done, you'd better not mess with Major Tom."
<LunchBot> Added mission: Your mother said "to get things done, you'd better not mess with Major Tom."
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> You replace the Drill-O-Mattic excavator with Pabodie's most ingeneous drilling apparatus. Your craft is fed to an irascible and hungry UmbralRaptor.
<XXCoder> its on me, because I thought crafts made from food was good idea.
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<SporkWitch> the trick is balance. normally the kraken scares the raptor off, you want just enough sacrifices that he sticks around but doesn't attack; too many and he takes a nap, and the raptor comes out to play
<Izaya> SporkWitch: you can use userchrome.css to hide the tab bar
<SporkWitch> Izaya: in firefox?
<Izaya> alas, there's no good TST plugin for Firefox now that they killed Firefox addons
<Izaya> yup
<SporkWitch> also, huh? TreeStyle Tab is still here and great... they just don't let it automatically hide the stock tab bar anymore since, i think, when they switched to "Quantum"
<Izaya> it's lost a bunch of features I made heavy use of, it has to live in the bookmark column now
<Izaya> you have to use userchrome.css to implement show-on-hover now, for example >.>
<Izaya> #TabsToolbar { visibility: collapse; }
<SporkWitch> i actually kind of liked that change putting it in the bookmark tab; what features were removed? I probably never used any of the fancy.
<Izaya> you used to be able to have it hidden by default unless you either moved the cursor to the side of the window or held Ctrl
<Izaya> that needs userchrome.css abuse now
<SporkWitch> ah, yeah, i'd never use that lol; i don't like things that cause resizing
<Izaya> ah, but it didn't!
<Izaya> it covered the page without resizing
<SporkWitch> i swear i tried it once and stopped for exactly that reason. Also same reason I stopped hiding the taskbar when I grew up and practicality > eyecandy
<SporkWitch> (the advent of borderless fullscreen helped, too)
<Izaya> it does now because the sidebar resizes the viewing area
<Izaya> before they killed Firefox addons off it was fairly simple for the addon to implement itself but now it takes ~25 lines in userChrome.css and the addon itself can't do it
<Izaya> plus I'm pretty sure you're not meant to use userChrome.css any more
<SporkWitch> probably not, heh
<Izaya> Why would the user EVER want to customise their experience? They just want Chrome, don't they?
<Izaya> >.>
<SporkWitch> still better than what you have to do with chrome; it literally creates a separate WINDOW and does a really jacked up window tiling implementation
<Izaya> But yeah, TST being worse on portrait displays is why I switched to Waterfox Classic for years
<SporkWitch> makes sense
<Izaya> I still miss the real FF verison of TST, but with enough CSS abuse it's an acceptable approxamation
<SporkWitch> ... when you're watching info videos on X4 while flying through semi-hostile space and the callouts and explosions make you think you're being shot...
<Izaya> but yeah, popover tab tree is comfy https://shadowkat.net/tmp/f54d.jpg
<Izaya> old TST also had an option to make it semitransparent which was sort of nice, haven't felt an actual need for it so I haven't looked into it
<Izaya> Another Firefox addon I miss is the restart button, though I guess a bookmark attached to my menu bar works well enough, it's an extra button to press and I have to close the tab myself afterwards but >.>
<SporkWitch> oh, convenient timing, i arrived just in time for the Tide hehe (the new areas in X4's Tides of Avarice DLC are really awesome)
<SporkWitch> not famliiar with that one
<Izaya> was just a button that would restart the browser, did it once a day to make sure it cleaned up
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<Althego> hah, i finally unraveled the mystery! windows not turning off the monitor was because of the logitech extreme 3d pro joystick. probably it has some tiny amount of input even when there is no force on it, and that is interpreted as user activity, so the monitor is not turned off, just needed to unplug it
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<Mat2ch> Althego: you could use a tool to see if it really drifts
<Althego> it always does
<Mat2ch> Yours or in general?
<Althego> this one for sure
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<darsie> 1337
<Althego> leet time
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> :)
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<SporkWitch> Althego: that's almost any peripheral in windows. It also ignores the "allow device to wake from sleep" setting. Heck, I've even seen external HDDs wake it up. Basically, it's the standard quality and reliability we expect from Microsoft, which is to say, none. I gave up long ago and just resigned myself to toggling the monitor to an unused input so it goes to sleep.
<SporkWitch> as to constant input, pedals are even worse, since flight pedals output a constant 50% input when neutral/idle. Lots of RPGmaker games that read this in and make themselves unplayable because the dev didn't hit the checkbox to make the "toggle gamepad" setting show in the menu; even more annoying when it's a non-RPGmaker game and took some real effort to put together and it still has the same
<SporkWitch> issue. One game in my library even took it a step further in the screwup: when exporting/publishing from unity, he left in VR support, but didn't properly add the launch toggles, so if it detects a VR HMD it force-loads into VR mode... he hasn't implemented VR mode, it just renders the game completely unplayable...
<Althego> it can be the rudder or the throttle then
<Althego> anyway doesnt matter, now i unplugged it
<Althego> will plug it back when i need it
<SporkWitch> there's a commandlet in powershell that'll tell you what triggered the most recent wake from sleep, though i can't remember off the top of my head
<Althego> it doesnt wake up. it never reaches that point
<SporkWitch> (that's how I knew my external HDD was the cause at one point)
<SporkWitch> oh, you don't explicitly tell it to sleep when you're done? I used to, so it would tell me why it was woken up
<Althego> no, no sleep
<Althego> i trun that off on everything
<Althego> i dont need bugs
<Althego> that thing never works
<Althego> i always see people struggle with tit
<Althego> either it is on or off
<Althego> but maybe 2 times a week i would like the screen to turn off, when i am not there for a few minutes
<SporkWitch> standard sleep is generally fine; hibernation is what acts up (or as Windows 8 and later call it "power off" lol). "standard" sleep is a suspend-to-RAM; basically just spins down the HDDs and throttles the CPU extensively, turns off the screens.
<Althego> you can turn that off after a few cvlicks and then power off is power off agaiun
<Althego> hirys
<Mat2ch> just get a USB-Adapter with a switch on it. Or fix the drifting potentiometer ;)
<Althego> as it was mentioned preciously it may be windwos itself
<Althego> as some of the inputs are not totally zero even in steady state
<Althego> at least the rudder is on 50%
<Althego> and that will never go away
<Mat2ch> it is possible that the USB device doesn't want to be set into standby
<Mat2ch> and since not all devices went into standby Windows itself doesn't go there
<Mat2ch> this would be a firmware bug of the device then
<Althego> you dont need to send an input device to standby
<Pinkbeast> I've got a CH yoke etc which has a horrible but functional interface for presenting controllers to the OS made out of arbitary combinations of (and arithmetic on) the real inputs & one thing I can do is have a profile that makes them all disappear.
<Pinkbeast> Or plug them all into my monitor and turn that off at the mains :-)
<SporkWitch> Mat2ch: windows literally has a setting for whether to allow a device to wake from sleep; it doesn't work, because microsoft
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<Althego> yes but if i turn off the monitor by hand i already did what i wanted to achieve. so it is pointless. i want the machine to shut it down
<Mat2ch> Well, then: Use a switch :D
<Pinkbeast> Sure, wasn't suggesting the second option to you (or the first, presuming you don't have CH sticks), just talking about it
<Mat2ch> Reminds me of old desk lamps :D
<SporkWitch> Pinkbeast: i had to do similar to that for SWG heh. It reads in all "gamepads" simultaneously, but treats them all as one. had to create a profile in TARGET and map everything there (TM's TARGET software replaces the discrete devices used in a profile with a single virtual device -- and the limits for total buttons / axes that a single DirectInput device has -- thus making it so when I map one
<SporkWitch> device to pitch/roll, it doesn't simultaneously read the same axes on the other devices at the same time as the same input)
<SporkWitch> Mat2ch: the other issue with that solution is that windows can decide to "number" the device differently when you unplug/replug or use a physical switch like that, thus breaking all your mappings (though luckily some games, like X4, let you renumber the devices, so you at least don't have to completely remap everything, just figure out which input number each device is now and reassign the devices
<SporkWitch> themselves in-game)
<Althego> meanwhile ubuntu 22.04 was released with a qt6 that just dies when you have more than 1 keyboard layout
<Mat2ch> I love linux and udev then. Just write a short script with the usb id and product id and tell it what to do...
<Mat2ch> always works
<SporkWitch> don't even get me started on the direction of the *buntus. KDE's been going downhill for several years as well, between removing the ability to manually adjust formats (date, time, currency, etc.), and the intentional crippling of virtual desktops to encourage the use of the terrible "Activity" feature (same guy that came up with Activities is in charge of the virual desktop support; the reason
<Althego> but at least lennart poettering went from redhat to ms
<SporkWitch> they removed functionality from virtual desktops was publicly stated to be literally "people are using virtual desktops how we see Acitvities being intended," so to encourage you to use the buggy, poorly-performing, and unnecessary new thing, they removed functionality from virtual desktops so only Acitivities have it now)
<Althego> people used kde?
<Althego> i stopped that like 8 years ago
<SporkWitch> KDE is still extremely popular, yes; not everyone likes how restrictive and difficult to modify gnome is. Even with the bad decisions the last several years, KDE is still my go-to, I just resign myself to date formats not being quite how I want them since my choice is either not-quite-right (EN_GB) or correct-but-wrong-language (DE). They replaced granular settings with having to pick a locale
<SporkWitch> and it just using the format from that locale. So if I want proper date formats, I have to pick German, but because it's set to German, it also replaces the month and day names with German. It's the dumbest thing, in the name of "making things easier"
<Althego> i leave everything on en us, because that is what works :)
<Althego> obvoisuly american date format is the dumberst ever invented
<Althego> but it is so rare that it appears, it doesnt really matter
<SporkWitch> On the upside, my healthy skepticism of Microsoft has been justified. I'd been waiting for the other shoe to drop with all the seemingly FOSS- and Linux-friendly moves Microsoft has been making the last several years. Now we see where it was leading: purchase of github -> autopilot to destroy FOSS by stealing code without attribution, the new terms in the windows store to prohibit monetization
<SporkWitch> of FOSS software
<Mat2ch> Well, if you can't fight it, assimilate it. The Borg are doing this pretty well.
<SporkWitch> Mat2ch: literally Microsoft's strategy when it comes to anything they don't own, for decades: Embrace, Extend, Extinguish
<Althego> yes that is well known
<Pinkbeast> I was pretty amused when gameport joysticks went away and someone was rightly complaining that to play Microsoft Mechwarrior N with their Microsoft Sidewinder joystick they had to use, er, Linux.
<SporkWitch> lol
<Althego> hehe
<Pinkbeast> American date formats are nothing on American timezones coupled with their persistent inability to get them right
<Althego> timezones are horrible things
<SporkWitch> time zones are just dumb, but the US's are pretty normal. Now Australian time zones? Those are FUBAR lol
<SporkWitch> they have some that are only 35 minute adjustments!
<Althego> not even quarter hour? that is the stupidest one yet
<raptop> the formats aren't so much terrible as the high probability of interacting with someone who doesn't understand DST
<SporkWitch> that too
<Pinkbeast> A stunning number of Americans think they're in, eg, EST right now.
<SporkWitch> drives me up a wall when I see notes in tickets saying "EST" when it's EDT
<SporkWitch> I ALWAYS include the UTC offset for exactly this reason, even if I got the time zone name wrong (I don't, but if) I have the offset right so anyone reading can adjust without needing to look up the time zone
<SporkWitch> on a related note, some of our server logs are in EST/EDT (depending on time of the year), and some are (correctly) in UTC >_<
<raptop> aaaaaaa
<Pinkbeast> And, I mean, this is a surprising proportion of the ones I interact with in contexts where they're using timezones with people from all around the world.
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<SporkWitch> Pinkbeast: in fairness, the american education system has been systemically destroyed to create mindless zealots who believe a warped an ahistorical version of reality, as well as being completely incapable of critical thought. "Institutional learning facility" couldn't be more right, they're basically indoctrination camps. You're certainly not going to learn anything practical, and it's so
<SporkWitch> severe that even the universities (which really aren't much better, and take the ideological indoctrination to a whole new extreme) are basically high schools now, as they have to offer remedial courses to even present the appearance of teaching advanced subjects, because students never learned the stuff in high school
<SporkWitch> s/systemically/systematically/
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<Neal> I wonder what's going on with ksp2. I bet they got overambitious and had to scale back features because of performance constraints.
<Neal> side from the team change
<Mat2ch> We have no idea
<Mat2ch> They don't tell us about their struggles
<Mat2ch> and someone probably thought they could get out of floating point hell
<Althego> there are articles about interesting future features
<Mat2ch> !outcome add The floating point gods throw you in jitter hell.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: The floating point gods throw you in jitter hell.
<SporkWitch> hehe
<Althego> it is better to delay than to do an other unfinished release
<SporkWitch> ^
<SporkWitch> why i usually try not to follow pre-release stuff too much, that's how people get angry and disappointed. I have no major issues with Cyberpunk for this reason: i actively DIDN"T pay attention to its development, "pre-ordered" 6 hours before the release, and got the game, the pre-order bonuses, and a few hundred hours of great fun
<Althego> so many unfinished games today, because of the interent. thy knw they can patch later
<SporkWitch> the google model of game development: everything is permanent beta
<Pinkbeast> As opposed to the 80s when games were unfinished because...
<SporkWitch> stuff might get cut, but what you got was a finished, functional product (and if it wasn't, they were rightly torn apart, since there was no good way to fix it). There's no denying that ubiquitous fast internet access has resulted in a massive and rapid decline in QA standards for a release for the simple fact that they can ship it on time and continue bugfixing knowing they'll have a 20GB patch
<SporkWitch> on launch day
<Althego> about let's not talk about the forced online games, which fail because the servers cant take the load. a useless load because there shouldnt be mandatory online single player at all
<Neal> how do I actually open up a steam workshop vehicle? https://i.imgur.com/KKWTvgf.jpg
<Neal> it's subscribed but there's no button to open it
<Rokker> Pinkbeast: oi
<Rokker> bike
<Rokker> hold on. slow upload
<SporkWitch> Althego: remember when blizzard said "just play something else" when asked about the always-online requirement of Diablo 3 in the context of a plane flight? lol
<SporkWitch> actiblizzion REALLY hates their customers, and they keep showing it more and more lol
<Althego> also: you have phones
<NGC3982> this is what happens when your game company goes full on EA
<Althego> but it seems even though everybody is hating on diablo immortal, it generates 1 million usd per day income
<NGC3982> sadly, anti consumer products still make money
<Pinkbeast> Oooh. In KSP I am circumnavigating Eve. I'm taking a polar route since that way I can stay on land. I landed on the equator and headed... well, I'm on an expodition to the North Pole.
<Pinkbeast> Presence of tigers, bears of very little brain, piglets etc as yet unconfirmed.
<SporkWitch> Halo is praised and very popular; doesn't change that it's a mediocre generic scifi FPS that's a hollow shell of what Bungie demoed at MacWorld prior to being purchased by Microsoft (not to mention its popularity being responsible for the worst mechanics to become ubiquitous in FPS games, most especially regenerating health).
<SporkWitch> See also: WoW, another mediocre game that did nothing original (though it did combine things other games did better, all in one place), and whose popularity in spite of that resulted in the entire genre ruining itself to copy it. Gone was depth, in was instant gratification and mindless repeition of a rotation you could just automate
<sandbox> never played either
<sandbox> I played Warcraft 1, 2, and 3, and Diablo 1 and 2
<sandbox> after that, I was done
<Althego> you know what, i never liked anything what blizzard made, except blackthorne
<Althego> but that is so old people wouldnt even know the name
<sandbox> my neighbour had Rock n' Roll Racing
<sandbox> that was from before Silicon & Synapse changed their name to Blizzard
<Althego> console stuff, no wonder i have never heard of it
<sandbox> it's a shame they stopped making games after those ;p
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