guy built a very pretty wooden speedboat, sank it, played with sonar for a while looking for it on the bottom of a very deep lake, fished it out and rebuilt it
that's dedication
the tricky part was that he kept finding *other* sunken boats of a similar size
apparently there are quite a few down there
The ocean floor is littered with boats...
and lakes even more
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* darsie
flew his 4 tourist Minmus/Mun landing mission yesterday with the gravity turn kos script.
.mission kos
You implement a recursive program in kOS.
.mission kos
You implement a recursive program in kOS.
.mission kos
You implement a recursive program in kOS.
.outcome kos
TheKosmonaut deletes your recently added ;outcome due to your bad grammar.
.outcome kos
TheKosmonaut deletes your recently added ;outcome due to your bad grammar.
.outcome kos
TheKosmonaut's feelings are hurt.
.outcome kos
You accidentally unleash kOS-powered self-replicators on Kerbin.
.outcome kos
TheKosmonaut's feelings are hurt.
.mission add You write a kOS script that plays KSP from start till it completes the tech tree and fully upgrades all buildings.
Added mission: You write a kOS script that plays KSP from start till it completes the tech tree and fully upgrades all buildings.
kOS != KoS
one has weird syntax, the other means Kill on Sight
Someone found it odd to end commands with ., IIRC. OTOH c and others end commands with ;.
I wonder what the most extreme definition of "completion" would be
full tech tree, building upgrades, full science from every biome
is it possible to complete all missions?
presumably they're combinatorial so there's a finite if extremely large number
Only counting achievements that are recorded by the game, so "walk on every square metre of terrain" is out
Would a K1 civ suffice, or would we need a K2 or K3?
if mission locations are randomly selected there'd be a very impossibly large number of them
FLHerne: I think the regular missions can be completed.
Those by the record keeping society?
I was thinking the "in flight at blah height at location" ones
not sure if it keeps giving you those endlessly
I intentionally exhausted those for the Kerbin system, IIRC.
I think those are random
Maybe the rewards, but not the goals.
I've made so many "Position a satellite wit xyz in orbit at" missions, I'm pretty sure they are procedural generated
I think we're talking about those with a round seal, e.g. 'Rendezvous two spaceships in orbit of Minmus.'
Those are from the "Record bla bla" company
I wonder where in the game files those missions are hidden
"Progression // World First Contracts and Milestones" in Contracts.cfg
but that's it. They have hidden those contracts somewhere else
and the problem is the shape can be silly. once i had to take a long solid booster from the moon. was trouble enough
I once had an engine on Gilly. Wanted to use it for propulsion, got there with 5 or 6 engineers to carry it, but it's not an EVA construction part.
So I went there, Klawed it and managed to get the rocket upright.
I guess that Okto2 would explode, maybe via conduction from the heat shield.
With RW between it might work.
Ok, I forgot a chute :).
I'm surprised a drogue chute isn't enough.
Mat2ch: Wanna bring back a 6 ton object? :)
No, just wanna go back with a three-Kerbal capsule
that used to be so hard because it was heacy
once i did it just for the challenge of it
but if i remember correctly it bacme lighter
ahhhh, my disk is full ...
Althego: I can make rockets that can get up easily. What I'm having trouble with is getting them down and refueling them...
that would explain the 0b images
Mat2ch: Aerobrake to low orbit, then entry burn?
although ... aerobraking at Eve is tedious.
26 G freed
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darsie: My contraptions always flip on reentry
you need to put the inflatable shields on *both* ends ;)
then it flies sideways!
and yes, I've tried a ball once. And it still exploded.
Because the ball tends to start spinning and really fast
I think you've seen my pictures of inflatable shield re-entry, but same again - the mass needs to cuddle up against the shield, with a big draggy tail behind
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So looking like a whale
I think with at least some craft I'd have an Apollo-style dock-and-rotate before hitting Eve atmosphere to get the mass where I wanted it.
you can do stuff like having radial-mounted NERVs tucked up next to the heatshield, with fuel draining forward
so the tail is just empty tankage by the time you arrive
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Your space station's only operational drinking fountain suddenly goes out-of-order. Lead bursts from every wall, pillar and floorboard.