UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> … one of the other grad students just compared me to nomal O_o | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
<egg|phone|egg> Whitequark: rattleback
<UmbralRaptor> Ooh, those. You can totally make one out of a metal spoon.
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<UmbralRaptor> bofh: Like shrimp/crabs, or is this a 10x kotya?
<kmath> <bofh453> OH: "депакотя"
<whitequark> UmbralRaptor: it's a pun on depakine, a bipolar disorder med that we all take
<UmbralRaptor> Ah.
<bofh> whitequark: well, except for myself.
<kmath> <bofh453> In type-I superconducting Nb, but still very cool due to spintronics applications. Also very cool due to Nb's T_c o…
<kmath> <JPMajor> Saturn had secrets. You revealed them, one by one. Well done, little friend. #CassiniInspires #haiku
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<SnoopJeDi> ahhh that haiku
* UmbralRaptor goes to check on incomplete code.
<UmbralRaptor> … wait, why is this running successfully?
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<kmath> <Alex_Parker> So, the time has come. Everything is in place. Saturn can't dodge now. I want to tell you all a little story.
<SnoopJeDi> LOL
<bofh> this thread is *amazing*
<SnoopJeDi> Alex Parker never disappoints
<SnoopJeDi> !wpn -add:wpn SPANG
<Qboid> SnoopJeDi: Weapon added!
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a squeeze astronomer-like gluon
<kmath> <PAYOLETTER> rt if you think this cat is doing an amazing job
* UmbralRaptor pokes sleep with a cot.
<egg|phone|egg> !Wpn whitequark and котя
* Qboid gives whitequark and котя a sectoral graph which vaguely resembles a pharmacology
<bofh> !wpn egg|phone|egg
* Qboid gives egg|phone|egg a slow pump
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<egg|zzz|egg> whitequark: well it's an antiepileptic too
<egg|zzz|egg> whitequark: does котя also take depakine?
<whitequark> nooo
<kmath> <barrelshifter> @FioraAeterna oh so you got a smol boy........
* egg|zzz|egg stabs the [ key
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<UmbralRaptor> synapsid (via @mcclure111)
<kmath> <nisimawari> 抱きワニ #ibispaint
<UmbralRaptor> Er, diapsid also.
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<bofh> egg|work|egg_: wow now it's *really* turning into Hurricane Where-the-hell-is-Bermuda
<egg|work|egg_> yup
egg|work|egg_ is now known as egg|work|egg
<Iskierka> bofh: since I don't get many notifications whenever I've been reading tweetdeck feeds near them I just see that cat staring at me, for the past two days
<SnoopJeDi> is it me or is this a particularly scientist-y violation of DRY?
<SnoopJeDi> (inasmuch as you could clip the value when it's assigned and simplify the branching)
<bofh> Iskierka: which cat?
<bofh> SnoopJeDi: wow, that is astounding
<bofh> sec
<SnoopJeDi> As I think about it, I have less issues with the violation of DRY than I do with the "this garbage is way harder to read than it should be"
<SnoopJeDi> I guess the one influences the other though
<SnoopJeDi> at least the code in question *works*
<kmath> <elakdawalla> @JuleahKaliski Today's Saturn-themed T-shirt is "Caturn", from @ChokeShirtCo
<SnoopJeDi> that is a good fluffy kitter
* SnoopJeDi sneezes
<UmbralRaptor> Are you me?
<SnoopJeDi> my seasonal allergies seem particularly strong this year
<SnoopJeDi> and perhaps even a picture of a cat can induce a psychosomatic sneeze
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<SnoopJeDi> "And after [Juno's end of mission], Earth won’t have a single emissary to the outer planets."
<SnoopJeDi> thanks a LOT fivethirtyeight, real shot in the arm
<UmbralRaptor> ='(
<egg|work|egg> JUICE launch in 2022
<bofh> SnoopJeDi: yeah I'm really bitter about the lack of launches to the outer planets.
<bofh> like ice giant orbiter when, ffs?
<UmbralRaptor> RIP JIMO
<bofh> unrelated but I am so so so tempted to get the Caturn shirt.
<Iskierka> hopefully the dragonfly and any supporting mission will be selected and launched by then, even if it only focusses on the most interesting moon
<kmath> <mikamckinnon> "Many of our models are too simple or just out & out wrong." Nothing makes a scientist happier than finding out model are wrong. -Spilker
<soundnfury> SnoopJeDi: unless you count 2014 MU₆₉ as a planet... it's pretty 'outer' after all ;)
<SnoopJeDi> bofh, my favorite from that thread for sure. We don't talk about the scientific value of being dead wrong nearly enough
<SnoopJeDi> soundnfury, a lovely silver lining!
<soundnfury> SnoopJeDi: NH probe best probe
<SnoopJeDi> I think bofh may take umbrage with you, there ;P
<SnoopJeDi> ...huh. I'd never considered it, but "umbrage" is a slightly bizarre word.
<soundnfury> casting shade?
<soundnfury> umbrageraptor?
<bofh> ehh, 2014 MU₆₉ is a worthy target (and maybe it'll get a proper name finally)
<bofh> like I'm as curious as anyone else is about KBOs since we know so little about them.
<SnoopJeDi> yea the original meaning is clear enough, it's just a bit interesting that it's wandered into offense (as suspicion of slight)
<SnoopJeDi> but >expecting language to make sense ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<bofh> yeah, indeed. like I interpreted it as "disagreement" tbh, but like I'm not a IAU board member so I don't care.
<bofh> it's in space, it's a thing, therefore it's interesting :P
<soundnfury> so bofh what do you think is best probe then, if not NH stronk?
<bofh> OH WOW take a look at this recent SOHO coronagraph video
<bofh> the X8.28 flare
<bofh> the X8.28 flare's CME hit it directly
<bofh> those noisy specks are all protons hitting the camera sensor
<SnoopJeDi> O.O
<SnoopJeDi> (200 MB btw)
<SnoopJeDi> thank
<SnoopJeDi> WOW
<bofh> I like how the noise is still kind of elevated now.
<SnoopJeDi> bofh, any idea what that dark stripe is?
<soundnfury> yeah that's indeed wow
<bofh> SnoopJeDi: oh, it's apparently the support beam for the occulting disk in front of the sun.
<SnoopJeDi> makes sense, the asymmetry suggested instrumentation to me but I'm not familiar with SOHO beyond its existence
<bofh> also while searching I found this great image
<SnoopJeDi> huh, I didn't realize the Navy had a direct interest in SOHO, that's awesome
<bofh> yeah neither did I, really surprised.
<egg|zzz|egg> !u ₆₉
<Qboid> U+2086 SUBSCRIPT SIX (₆)
<Qboid> U+2089 SUBSCRIPT NINE (₉)
<SnoopJeDi> wow the Pleiades in that image ?
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: ᴺⁱᶜᵉ?
<Iskierka> the internet introduces you to strange people. Like this person who thinks you can, from only the angle a balance scale sits at and one of the weights, determine the other, with no attempt to, you know, balance it
<SnoopJeDi> sounds like confusion between balance and spring scales, some kind of mental hybrid
<Iskierka> Except he thinks *only* this info, no knowledge of the scale, so no knowledge of spring used either
<bofh> egg|zzz|egg: LOL
<soundnfury> Iskierka: if you _did_ know stuff about the balance scale you could do it - its mass and how far below the pivot point its com is...
<Iskierka> having just written out the equations you need the distance between the horizontal and the pivot point, and the half-length of the horizontal
<SnoopJeDi> I had to disquality a science olympiad team for such a configuration
<SnoopJeDi> They made a very clever deflection device...for a task where the stated requirement was a balance.
<Iskierka> having this info is all fine and dandy, but it's not as precise as "are these weights perfectly calibrated, and is that perfectly level?)
<Iskierka> also, in typical kitchen balance scales, you're more likely to have one based on an internal mechanism that makes both sides stay vertical
<bofh> LOL
<UmbralRaptor> hah
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<kmath> <xdroop> Waiting for Nathan because Granddad won't let me bite him
<soundnfury> SnoopJeDi: nice :D
<kmath> <Bodegacats_>
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<kmath> <MicroSFF> The first astronauts on Mars found a dead body in a cave, and four words written in blood:
<kmath> <rqou_> @whitequark lolol I want a picture of the cat and pillow fort
<SnoopJeDi> Iskierka, "whoa, Mars has caves?"
<kmath> YouTube - Visualizing Cassini's Campaign Around Saturn
<Iskierka> that also works
<kmath> <EricHolthaus> same
<SnoopJeDi> LOL
<kmath> <HoagML> @EricHolthaus 100+ mph winds and doing donuts in the parking lot.
<icefire> lol
<bofh> oh man this reminds me of the time I got demodulation of my old university's campus police radio trunk going. anyway, one night there was a complaint about "students doing donuts in one of the parking lots"
<bofh> fastforward a few weeks later and I'm mentioning this offhand to someone I know and a friend of his drops by mid-convo and goes "DONUTS IN THAT PARKING LOT THAT DAY? THAT WAS ME!!! ...who told you anyhow?"
<bofh> me: "um, I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear you incriminating yourself just now..."
<bofh> Iskierka: now will someone *finally* implement this?
<icefire> later schools would mean bus traffic mixed in with rush hour wouldn't it
<icefire> can't see that going well
<Iskierka> what confuses me is how it's so early to begin with. Is that actually like, when classes start, or is there some fixed delay before that?
<Iskierka> they seem to think it takes busses away from rush hour
<Iskierka> as they mention reduced crashes
<soundnfury> bofh: get real, they can't even manage to scrap DST
<soundnfury> Iskierka: I seem to remember reading somewhere that it was to force students to have breakfast in school canteens instead of being fed at home
<Iskierka> ... that seems silly
<SnoopJeDi> I wonder a lot about public education
<SnoopJeDi> specifically in the US
<Iskierka> here school starts at 9 with usually a rought 15 minute registration that individual schools may be more or less lenient about when during you can arrive in
<Iskierka> (15 minutes prior to 9. 9 is when actual schooling starts)
<Iskierka> no period for breakfast
<SnoopJeDi> there's just so much going on with it and so much of it is wrong :|
* SnoopJeDi states the obvious
<bofh> ^
<soundnfury> Iskierka: oh also part of the reason why they do that is so that they can feed the students heavy carb loads which makes them docile
<soundnfury> (because progressives never met a creepy social-engineering program they didn't like)
<SnoopJeDi> the way food and school intersect makes my blood boil
<Iskierka> ... srsly?
<bofh> soundnfury: [[Citation Needed]] on heavy carb loads somehow making one docile (I'm pretty sure they just do that b/c it's cheap, lack of nutritional value be damned)
<Iskierka> like guaranteeing food sounds good in a way with all the kids in poverty in the US but if they're then just turning it around into that
<soundnfury> bofh: I cannot remember where I read this, and I agree it sounds a bit, uh, tinfoil-hattish
<SnoopJeDi> the literature on carb intake and fatigue is a bit muddled
<SnoopJeDi> not sure about cognitive abilities or anything like that, but I don't think any such nutritional tooth-faries are necessary
<soundnfury> but it's not like we know a damn thing about nutrition anyway
<SnoopJeDi> "the system provides" is enough to demonstrate the point
<SnoopJeDi> it's not any less creepy in countries where they serve *excellent* meals, to soundnfury's tack on the point
<SnoopJeDi> just maybe a bit more socially responsible
<soundnfury> ^^ yeah, that too. "Look to the nice government men for your every need, children!"
<soundnfury> in the unlikely event that I ever have children, they will not go to state-run schools, ruat cœlum
<SnoopJeDi> Whenever I've thought about raising a homunculus, I've arrived at "private is probably best" and I'm very uncomfortable with it
<soundnfury> consider homeschooling. You're probably smarter than most teachers anyway.
<soundnfury> now if you'll excuse me, this probe won't enter lunar orbit by itself (because keplerian orbits are recurrent, and physics is time-symmetric)
<SnoopJeDi> oh I have for sure, I just can't justify the prognosis for the social bits to myself
<SnoopJeDi> probably much ado about nothing, any kid I raise will have the big part of the SES wishbone and as long as I don't poison their natural curiosity, they'll learn just fine in even public school
<SnoopJeDi> (that one study of literacy in Baltimore public schools that showed the reading gap wasn't an in-school issue messed me up)
<soundnfury> Let me put it this way. A world where fundamentals indoctrinate their kids scares me a lot less than a world where the government indoctrinates everyone's kids.
<SnoopJeDi> hah, fair 'nuff
<soundnfury> So even if I stipulate that there's a population-average probability that I'm one of the fundamentals who "shouldn't" be allowed to take their kids out of school, I still come out ahead on average ;)
<soundnfury> and, you might not poison their natural curiosity, but most public schools are toxicology departments
<SnoopJeDi> I don't disagree
<SnoopJeDi> It profoundly disturbs me that we incentivize the best people right out of the system :/
<SnoopJeDi> but on the whole I think I fall on the belief that attitude and affluence are the strongest determinants by far
<soundnfury> SnoopJeDi: actually I think the strongest determinants of all are genetic
<bofh> soundnfury: [[Citation Needed]]
* soundnfury mumbles something about Ashkenazim and Nobel Prizes
<SnoopJeDi> on the basis of schmaltz alone, you might be onto something
<bofh> there's a *strong* tradition of education and comparative openmindedness that leads many of them to greatly value schooling & do a lot of it, you have to separate out that from genes. and that's not straightforward to account for.
<SnoopJeDi> yea, not at all (and even if it were, it's not actionable except by...well, you know.)
<bofh> yeeeeeeep
<soundnfury> bofh: I didn't say it was straightforward
<soundnfury> SnoopJeDi: I also didn't say it was actionable!
<bofh> my point is there are confounding factors in any such claim that are very hard to separate out
<SnoopJeDi> indeed you didn't
<soundnfury> (well, except in the sense that you shouldn't expect equal opportunity to lead to equal outcomes, and therefore unequal outcomes are not prima facie evidence of systemic discrimination)
<soundnfury> (but that's obvious unless you *know* there's no genetic component, I think?)
* soundnfury gives SnoopJeDi an Oceanus Procol Harum
<Iskierka> given I recall there have been studies of separated twin adoptions that demonstrate identical genetics have massively different outcomes, I'd blame a lot more on nurture rather than nature
<Iskierka> only in the most extreme cases where it's likely compounded with bad nurture anyway would I say nature is definitely a factor
<SnoopJeDi> I wouldn't go that far, personally. Strong dispositions for depression, say, obviously portend poorly for education outcomes (well, intuitively, for all intuition is worth).
<SnoopJeDi> Or social aggression or...
<Iskierka> Perhaps. But wide variance across the population, rather than something more resembling a bell curve, indicates large variance in nurture by area or other factor
<SnoopJeDi> Probably the #1 thing that aggravates me about organized education is how by-the-wayside the necessary meta-skills become. Empathy, mindfulness, etc., are at best absent and at worst stigmatized
<Qboid> [#1] title: Quantity experiment | This seems useful. It might well lead to a switch to C++.... |
<SnoopJeDi> yea Iskierka, it just doesn't seem to be a first-order contributor
<soundnfury> Well, all I can say is, my family has both a strong trend for mental disorders and a tendency to produce smart folks
<Iskierka> family trends are often not genetic, though
<Iskierka> ex. the types of diabetes. The one that's related to diet more has stronger familial connection
<SnoopJeDi> heh, type 2 diabetes
* SnoopJeDi has opinions
<soundnfury> well, whichever the explanation is, the common factor has to come through my mother, because my half-sister grew up in a different household to me and we both (a) have Aspergers and (b) read maths at Cambridge
<soundnfury> and (c) have suffered from episodes of depression
<soundnfury> now (a) is most probably either genetic, epigenetic or prenatal-environment, (a) and (b) are obviously very strongly connected, though (c) could be a result of our upbringing having messed us up somehow
<soundnfury> case studies are hard
<soundnfury> ... hunh. According to Google, the Internet has never before made the joke "Oceanus Procol Harum". I feel strangely validated.
<soundnfury> What kind of cars do lunar policemen drive?
<SnoopJeDi> to the link between (b) and (c) there is always Hemingway: "Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know."
<soundnfury> Black maria.
<soundnfury> SnoopJeDi: heh, fair point.
<SnoopJeDi> I don't really agree with the sentiment, but I can totally see where it originates
<soundnfury> though tbh I think that really intelligence often manifests a subclinical bipolarity
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn bofh
* Qboid gives bofh a spectral superpower
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a Hamiltonian ⚠
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn whitequark
* Qboid gives whitequark a practical xi dipole
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn egg|zzz|egg
* Qboid gives egg|zzz|egg a molybdenum submersion
<kmath> <whitequark> @xzqx
<soundnfury> !wpn the cat
* Qboid gives the cat a smoked group
<egg|zzz|egg> UmbralRaptor: I am differentiably mapped into a molybdenum crystal, and the differential is surjective?
<UmbralRaptor> egg|zzz|egg: yes. And you can multiply kotya with lox.
<FluffyFoxeh> SnoopJeDi: Can you elaborate? What do you think of the sentiment and where do you think it originates?
<FluffyFoxeh> I've found that quote intriguing myself
<SnoopJeDi> FluffyFoxeh, I just don't think the dark brooking intellectual is an idea that's very grounded in reality. Not on any empirical basis, just anecdotally I know or know of a bunch of well-enough adjusted smart folks
<SnoopJeDi> it's filed adjacent to the "all smart people are completely autistic" mythos
<SnoopJeDi> but I think it originates in the capacity that being "intelligent" involves a lot of metacognition and so it's not suuuper surprising that this class of people may fall into ruminating thoughts? I dunno, my thoughts on it aren't very sharp
<FluffyFoxeh> yeah, that makes sense
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<whitequark> fuck metacognition
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<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn whitequark and котя
* Qboid gives whitequark and котя a radio snake
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<soundnfury> !wpn e_14159
* Qboid gives e_14159 an achromatic modem which vaguely resembles a |raw⟩
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn bofh
* Qboid gives bofh a pharmacy-like muffin
<SnoopJeDi> whitequark++
<SnoopJeDi> Although learning a bit more about the neuroscience of attention (bottom-up and top-down dichotomy in particular) has made me appreciate it for what it does for us a bit more
<SnoopJeDi> nope, recommend?
<SnoopJeDi> Most of what I know is from just having read Goleman's "Focus," and a few of the references (<3 annotated nonfic)
<egg|zzz|egg> !seen Norgg
<soundnfury> I thoroughly recommend the review. Haven't read the book, but tbh the review seems sufficient without the book
<Qboid> egg|zzz|egg: I haven't seen the user Norgg yet.
<soundnfury> (slatestarcodex is awesome as always)
<SnoopJeDi> Not sure I've ever stumbled onto it!
<SnoopJeDi> It looks very thorough, I'll have a read. Ta very much for passing it along!
<soundnfury> :)
<soundnfury> also, for one more meta-level, a commentary on the review:
<soundnfury> (I'm reading its comments now and they dive _straight_ into hardcore analytic philosophy)
<bofh> !wpn egg|zzz|egg
* Qboid gives egg|zzz|egg a conducting nilpotent hydrofluorocarbon
<bofh> > pharmacy-like muffin
<bofh> does the muffin contain stimulants?
<bofh> if so, delicious
<egg|zzz|egg> hmm
<egg|zzz|egg> now I'm hungry
<soundnfury> !wpn bofh
* Qboid gives bofh a Taylor mission-like inductor
* egg|zzz|egg forgot to eat dinner
<bofh> (also reminds me of the time someone I know someone made caffienated jello)
<soundnfury> egg|zzz|egg: hey, it worked for Newton
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn egg|zzz|egg
* Qboid gives egg|zzz|egg an Artinian nonagon/pharmacy hybrid
<egg|zzz|egg> but now it's 1:30 and I'm too lazy to get food
<UmbralRaptor> ramen?
<bofh> ^
<soundnfury> ... now _I'm_ hungry too. And I _had_ dinner.
<soundnfury> (admittedly, that was 6 hours ago now...)
* UmbralRaptor should get a dinner at some point.
<egg|zzz|egg> UmbralRaptor: uh, pretty sure I don't have that at hand (could easily make some eggs though, but that would require getting out of bed)
<SnoopJeDi> "That's my secret, Cap. I'm always hungry."
<UmbralRaptor> SnoopJeDi: <_<
<UmbralRaptor> egg|zzz|egg: uh
<soundnfury> SnoopJeDi: We're all hungry. You'd have to be _crazy_ not to be.
<soundnfury> ... oh wait, we're all crazy aren't we.
<soundnfury> yeah, that.
<soundnfury> egg|zzz|egg: are you cheaper if I buy two of you?
<SnoopJeDi> soundnfury, right? "I'm not hungry" "uhh have you ever eaten food before?"
<SnoopJeDi> I'm beside myself with delight that I have discovered how easy good roasted chicken can be had in the kitchen
<SnoopJeDi> (and a circulator for sous vide seems like a foregone conclusion)
<soundnfury> SnoopJeDi: stop making me hungrier >:|
<soundnfury> also: epigenetics is basically Malbolge
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: I guess the депакотя pun works best in the US:
<soundnfury> (seen in SSC comments: "The more I learn about [genetics and epigenetics] the more I feel that genes are like some string that, by miracle, cryptographically hashes into a valid program.")
<SnoopJeDi> hah!
<Iskierka> sounds accurate
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: ah nevermind, depakote is also a thing elsewhere apparently, but it's valproate semisodium rather than sodium valproate & valproic acid
<egg|zzz|egg> brand names are a mess
* SnoopJeDi read SSC as "superconducting supercollider" at first >_>
<egg|zzz|egg> oh, there's эта хуйня in the background of that котяпic