UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> … one of the other grad students just compared me to nomal O_o | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
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<Ellied> Iskierka: is that the actual unlock thing or just the camera's face detector? it looks like the latter.
<Iskierka> on balance, probably just the latter. but you'd imagine there might be the same core processing behind it and if it thinks that's a face ...
<Ellied> well, seeing it as a face and seeing it as the *right* face are pretty different things even on Android.
<Ellied> I think you can basically draw a smiley face and the camera will draw a box around it[citation needed]
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<Ellied> I love that cat
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn котя
* Qboid gives котя a strict dimetrodon
<egg|zzz|egg> UmbralRaptor: synapsids!
<UmbralRaptor> dimetrodon --strict
<egg|zzz|egg> UmbralRaptor: can she use the dimetrodon to fend off эта хуйня
<Ellied> (uninstalled GApps completely.)
<UmbralRaptor> egg|zzz|egg: please do not hurt the dimetrodons.
* UmbralRaptor ? iTunes for reasons distantly related.
<egg|zzz|egg> UmbralRaptor: dimetrodon teutonis seems like a nice kitty
<Ellied> It's hard to shake the feeling that I've just done something illegal, to be honest. I guess it doesn't help that I read Cory Doctorow's "Car Wars" the other day.
<Ellied> all these apps with their insistent "Install google play services RIGHT NOW" notifications that I have to either figure out how to silence or just delete outright
icefire has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Ellied> Discord: Kill. Signal: Kill. Translate: Dubious. Maps: Functional, but no API for other applications. Hangouts: Kill, but replaced for all intents and purposes by Conversations (F-Droid XMPP client.)
<Ellied> Oh, and Google apps took all my contacts with them on the way out. :F
<Ellied> Location no longer works over cell/wifi (GPS only) but maybe that's not such a bad thing.
<Ellied> oh good, there's an F-droid app for that too.
<Ellied> eeeee so cute!
<egg|zzz|egg> blarg why am I not asleep
<Ellied> Is that symbiotic algae of some sort in its, uh, protuberances?
<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: so, you had a question
<egg|zzz|egg> Ellied: chloroplasts thereof
<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: what was the question :-p
<Ellied> neat
<Ellied> so not symbiosis, it eats them and takes their chloroplasts. :P
<Ellied> "kleptoplasty" what a wonderful term
<Ellied> aaaaaaaaaa time
<egg|zzz|egg> why is there german in that URL :-p
<rqou> it's not a great question, but "what is the intuition for adjoint operators, and why are they connected to conjugate transposes?"
<Ellied> oh good it's just general relativity, I thought I was about to see a paper about timekeeping standards.
<rqou> (btw I'm a bit busy right now, so feel free to dump a wall of text that I'll read later)
<egg|zzz|egg> Ellied: it is a paper about timekeeping standards :D
<Ellied> technically true but at least it's not concerned with leap seconds and such nonsense
<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: so, let's ignore the complexity of things and just look at reals (your favourite finite field or whatever). You have vector spaces with an inner product (the thing that gives you a sense of angles).
<egg|zzz|egg> Ellied: um, so not that section, no, but it *is* a section from the IERS conventions
<Ellied> ah.
<egg|zzz|egg> Ellied: so they do talk about the ERA and UT1 and UTC somewhere in there
<Ellied> alas, bamboozled again
<egg|zzz|egg> eh, it sort of makes sense
<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: let's say you have a linear endomorphism f, and vectors v1 and v2. Now look at <v1, f(v2)>
<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: take coordinates that are orthonormal for your inner product, then in coordinates <v, w> is transpose(v) * w
<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: so that <v1, f(v2)> is transpose(v1) * f(v2)
<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: f is a linear endomorphism, there's a matrix for it in those coordinates, let's call it F
<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: in coordinates we rewrite <v1, f(v2)> as transpose(v1) * (F * v2)
<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: now, we're just screwing around with matrices, we can rewrite this as transpose(v1) * (F * v2) = (transpose(v1) * F) * v2) = transpose(transpose(F) * v1) * v2
<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: which is the inner product of whatever vector transpose(F) * v1 is with v2
<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: but transpose(F) is a matrix that takes the coordinates of the vector v1 to the coordinates of that vector whatever, so it's the matrix for some linear endomorphism in the vector space you started with
<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: we'll call that linear endomorphism transpose(f)
<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: so then transpose(transpose(F) * v1) * v2 is just <transpose(f)(v1), v2>
<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: i.e., there is some linear endomorphism transpose(f) such that <v1, f(v2)> = <transpose(f)(v1), v2> (and in coordinates it's the transpose of the other)
<egg|zzz|egg> rqou: does that first part make sense?
<egg|zzz|egg> if it does the Hermitian/adjoint thing is basically the same, except that in coordinates you have transconjugates everywhere rather than transposes, and instead of calling it transpose(f) you call it adjoint(f)
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<kmath> <EmExAstris> There's a kitty at the @CassiniSaturn party! @ObservatoryCats
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<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: cat!
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn whitequark
* Qboid gives whitequark a Green's proof
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<egg|zzz|egg> .... wat #1556
<Qboid> [#1556] title: readme is not telling what is this project | What is it? |
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn Iskierka
* Qboid gives Iskierka a POSIX ham extinguisher
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn Fiora
* Qboid gives Fiora a graded pidgin
<egg|zzz|egg> !u ✓
<Qboid> U+2713 CHECK MARK (✓)
<soundnfury> !wpn egg|zzz|egg
* Qboid gives egg|zzz|egg a Hausdorff Колмогоров cardioid
<soundnfury> separable hearts of algorithmic complexity
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<Iskierka> @ Ellied, I like how wrong the people on that android channel are anyway. Lithium batteries are not damaged by getting to low voltage, regularly <15% is not murdering the battery
<Iskierka> regularly 100% will do much more damage
<soundnfury> !wpn Iskierka
* Qboid gives Iskierka a rhodium crow with a paraboloid attachment
<egg|zzz|egg> whitequark: any котяnews?
<G-Mobile> Fun fact, tesla locks out the bottom 15% of their batteries because repeated deep discharges reduce the total battery charge cycle life, but those are lipo batteries
<Iskierka> major drain while that low may cause damage, simply being low voltage (particularly with battery saver limiting draw) does not
<Iskierka> it is only the top end that will inherently cause damage
<Iskierka> LiFePO != LiPo or LiIon
<G-Mobile> Yea
<Iskierka> in face is specifically one designed such that it will survive longer held at high voltage but cannot provide much current
<G-Mobile> took a while to find the graph
<G-Mobile> lifepo is less explodable
<bofh> it irritates me that we don't refer to LiIons as LiCoO, which would be much clearee.
<bofh> considerably so.
<Iskierka> Were they the first one?
<G-Mobile> why would we do anything clearerly
<G-Mobile> side fact, before Irma landed, Tesla pushed an OTA update to teslas in the area to enable use of that bottom 15~20%, giving drivers a bonus 50ish miles of flee distance
<Iskierka> ... okay pretty sure you got the info backwards because they unlocked the top 10%. It had to be charged to the extra power level
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn bofh
* Qboid gives bofh a quartic cipher which vaguely resembles an IDE
* egg|zzz|egg pokes rqou with a transconjugate
<G-Mobile> That would be pointless as the majority of the vehicles in question were already on the road
<Iskierka> and it wasn't for protection in the general case but to sell more cars to people who couldn't pay for the extra range
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: transconjuguée is a good word and it's a shame that the term is conjugate transpose instead in english >_>
<Iskierka> That's what they did, because someone messaged them saying they would be able to escape with the extra range and asked if they could get the unlock temporarily. This was while planning, not while driving
<G-Mobile> It was for protection because this particular model had fewer cells in it to make the car cheaper
<G-Mobile> they werent just selling same cost cars for less
<Iskierka> No, it's the exact same battery, sold with a limiter that can be removed for a fee, so that they can sell more cars
<Iskierka> making two different batteries would cost more
<G-Mobile> Modular batteries
<Iskierka> Enterprise laptops have an equivalent features that does specifically limit the TOP end to 80%, because it's the top end of the battery that causes wear
<egg|zzz|egg> Iskierka: hm, did ksp 1.3.1 come out already or not
<Iskierka> and it still costs more to produce two types of battery. They produced one with a software limiter
<G-Mobile> both variants have this protection, but consumers were only made aware of it because tesla offered a desafification patch on the cheaper one as a dangling value owners could purchase later
<Iskierka> egg|zzz|egg, I've not seen anything about a full release
<egg|zzz|egg> ok, will happily ignore it then :D
<Iskierka> G-Mobile, your logic fails on the point that it is not offered for the higher-range car, even though it would help on both. This is because it is the EXACT same battery in both. Tesla have stated this.
<Iskierka> "In 2015, Tesla introduced a 70 kWh battery to replace the existing 60 kWh batteries and base 60 kWh Model S vehicles, as the 60 was low margin and not sufficiently welcomed by customers.[121][122] All 70 kWh cars can be had with rear-wheel drive or all wheel drive.[123] The 60 was re-introduced in 2016 as a software-limited 75, upgradable to 75."
<Iskierka> all the smaller ones tend to be software-limited versions of larger ones, as there was lesser demand for them
<kmath> <mistydemeo> TIL there are sea wolves who live off the coast of BC! They’re beachcombers and eat fish, whales, kelp.…
<Iskierka> the next ceteceans
<G-Mobile> gotta do work things, will find sources later
<egg|zzz|egg> Iskierka: or otters
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<G-Mobile> Iskierka: i appologize, I have been awake for 29 hours, and I'm about to get off work. I'm not gonna stay awake to look up hacker data about ecars and be wrong the honest way, and I'm not going to remember this tomorrow, so you win by forfeit
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ferram4_ is now known as ferram4
<bofh> egg|zzz|egg: on today's episode of "hurricane where-the-hell-is-Bermuda?"
<bofh> also transconjuguée is indeed a *great* word
<bofh> also where are my manners
<bofh> !wpn egg|zzz|egg
* Qboid gives egg|zzz|egg a [DATA EXPUNGED] multimeter/heisenbug hybrid
<bofh> Iskierka: given all this I'm surprised nobody's gotten around to reverse-engineering the s/w on the 60kWh vehicles to work around the limit
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: okay what is wrong with this hurricane
<egg|zzz|egg> bofh: the swath is particularly silly too
<kmath> <ryanhanrahan> If I'm still talking about #Jose on Monday 9/25 I'm finding a new profession.
<kmath> <ATomEAtkins> @ryanhanrahan Hey - one of the GFS runs yesterday had its associated low (possibly post-tropical) still spinning in…
<Iskierka> I think they update fairly often so it might take too long to get past the encryption?
<bofh> ROFL the swath
<bofh> it's very, um, confused/drunk
<Iskierka> I guess if Jose just lives in the atlantic forever it's probably going to prevent any more forming?
<bofh> there's already another tropical storm (14) and a likely formation of a tropical depression in the southern north atlantic
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn hattivat
* Qboid gives hattivat a dipole edge-like hyperboloid
<bofh> tropical storm Lee, apparently
Orkeren_ has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
<hattivat> !wpn egg|zzz|egg
* Qboid gives egg|zzz|egg a Green's continuous ⚛/ear hybrid
<hattivat> also, egg|zzz|egg , why are you perpetually zzz?
<hattivat> may I suggest some proper coffee from a cezve (my new obsession) to beat the zzz
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<egg|zzz|egg> hattivat: Cesàro has been tagged!
<egg|zzz|egg> (the current release being Чебышёв)
<egg|zzz|egg> hattivat: after that there's Chasles, and then 陈景润
<hattivat> egg|zzz|egg: why not just 陈?
<hattivat> I mean, 景润 was his given name
<hattivat> I detect an inconsitency!
<egg|zzz|egg> hm, good point, but wouldn't 陈 on its own be too ambiguous?
<hattivat> it would' you're right
<hattivat> s/'/,
<Ellied> probably not any more than if it were named "Smith" or something
<Qboid> hattivat meant to say: it would, you're right
<Ellied> ?
<hattivat> well, let's consult a dictionary
<hattivat> with some surnames it wouldn't be too confusing, but with some it would
<hattivat> also, in CHinese there is no capitalization
<hattivat> so no way to emphasize "this is a name"
<egg|zzz|egg> I mean we do have the upcoming Cohen release, so that's kind of hopelessly ambiguous
<hattivat> 陈 doesn't seems to be used on its own other than as a surname
<hattivat> only seems to be used in compound verbes
<hattivat> s/verbes/verbs
<Qboid> hattivat meant to say: only seems to be used in compound verbs
<egg|zzz|egg> so if I look up 陈 mathematician, I get a whole lot of people who aren't that one
<hattivat> contrast with another common surname, Wang , which means 'king' in and of itself
<hattivat> egg|zzz|egg: yeah, that's unavoidable with a chinese surname
<hattivat> there is a very limited supply of them ;)
<hattivat> not quite as bad as in Vietnam, but still pretty bad
<egg|zzz|egg> hattivat: so I'd say something about consistency and hobgoblins, and for CJKV names we'll just give the full name
<hattivat> makes sense
<egg|zzz|egg> hm, is there a famous dead viet mathematician that could serve as a version name
<hattivat> let me guess, his surname is Nguyen?
<egg|zzz|egg> there's Ngô Bảo Châu but he's not dead
<hattivat> oh, so you have a no-monuments-to-living-people rule
<egg|zzz|egg> hattivat: which means that recently میرزاخانی‎‎ became eligible as a Principia version name :-\
<hattivat> speaking of monuments, have I told about my favourite monument in my city? It's math-related
<hattivat> egg|zzz|egg: yeah, I heard, she was famous enough for the news to reach even non-mathematicians like me
Profound has quit [Quit: ( :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: )]
<egg|zzz|egg> nice
<egg|zzz|egg> !u ➳➵➸➼➽
<hattivat> that would make a nice medium-range communication system for Amerindians
<hattivat> the real-life equivalents, I mean
<hattivat> on second thought, too expensive
<hattivat> ...unless each side had a message board prepared to receive the message bits without damaging them
<soundnfury> hattivat: that reminds me of one of the Futurama movies
<hattivat> soundnfury: alas, I haven't watched any, just the series
<soundnfury> iirc, in "Bender's Game", the centaurs communicate with arrows
<hattivat> now I have to watch it
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<kmath> <SChakrabs> I love the absolute dead-pan chapter titles of medieval Arabic works.
<hattivat> egg|zzz|egg: :D
<soundnfury> I don't _think_ there are 3,120 versions of Python…
<UmbralRaptor> It's including all the different libraries.
<hattivat> 3120 would barely cover the libraries that are worth using, methinks
<hattivat> "There are currently 117182 packages here."
<hattivat> not sure how many of these qualify as libraries, but still...
hattivat has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9]
<UmbralRaptor> To be fair, it's a very old text.
<Ellied> I wonder what the actual expectation value for number of guesses required to crack an n-square phone lock pattern is.
<Ellied> It's not gonna be just 1/2 the number of permutations of n² dots, because you can't easily (or perhaps at all, depending on the implementation) join dots on opposite sides of the grid until the dots in between have been joined
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<APlayer> Hi!
* Ellied momentarily thought about asking that question on an android IRC channel before realizing how that would probably go
<APlayer> Uh, I need some help with vector stuffs once again. I wrote myself a JS lib for 2/3/4/6-D vectors and now I need to test it. It is straigtforward with things like vector magnitude, normalization sums or stuff like that, but is there a (know to be correct) calculator for dot and cross products of said-dimensional vectors?
<APlayer> That is, dot products for 3D only.
<APlayer> Cross*
<APlayer> No, wait, that was stupid. Wolfram Alpha does it.
<UmbralRaptor> Hah
<Ellied> uh, the way I know to do cross products in 3 dimensions is just det[i j k;x1 y1 z1;x2 y2 z2]
<APlayer> (Every search just showed up tons of 2D and 3D calculators, but none of them supported all four of what I need... Sorry for even asking that, though.)
<Ellied> Presumably that extends to higher dimensions too
<Ellied> er, wait, no.
<APlayer> Ellied: Uh, I thought cross products are only defined for 3D?
<Ellied> Probably, as soon as I said that I realized that I was misremembering something else
<APlayer> I found a "solution" for 2D which I implemented too (just in case), but what it does is it actually assumes the two 2D vectors are 3D ones with z = 0 and returns the z component of the resulting vector as a scalar (and the x and y components are 0)
<Ellied> UmbralRaptor: "It's good enough, don't worry about it" "Actually pattern unlock is insecure, you should use a password with a capital letter, a number, and an emoji" [me: I'm not looking for advice, I'm just academically interested in the theoretical security of pattern locks.] "What, are you stupid? Pattern locks aren't secure"
<APlayer> Well, pattern locks with a 3*3 pattern have 9! possible combinations and I am not sure there are "dictionary patterns" anywhere.
<UmbralRaptor> Ellied: ? (bonus points if you link them the revised NIST guidelines that deprecated fancy character requirements, but say that all 95 printable ASCII (including space) should be supported.)
<Ellied> APlayer: well, except not quite, because you can't link dots on opposite sides of the grid without first linking the ones in between.
<APlayer> Passwords on the other hand tend to be less secure when people select stupid things such as their cat's name or something
<UmbralRaptor> APlayer: IIRC, there are from various studies.
<APlayer> Ellied: I once tried to make a "T"-shape, and it worked
<Ellied> At least on my phone's implementation, if you start at a corner dot and then go to any other corner dot - along any path, without touching any other dots along the way - then it automatically hits the intermediate dot along the way.
<APlayer> That is, start at coordinate (0,2), then follow with (2,2), then (1,2) and then (1,0)
<APlayer> Not sure about diagonals, though
<Ellied> yeah, just tried, if I go to (0,2) and then try to go to (2,2) directly, it automatically adds (1,2) before (2,2)
<APlayer> What phone do you use?
<Ellied> OnePlus 2, but that's not the determining factor at the moment because it's flashed with Lineage OS 14.1 (which I have no reason to believe varies significantly between devices)
<Ellied> I also would suppose that the expectation value of guesses is further reduced by the fact that some patterns are pointlessly difficult and are unlikely to be used, like ones with lots of long diagonals (e.g. (1,2) to (0,0))
<Ellied> It's indeed possible to make a pattern on a 3x3 that starts at (0,0) and hits every dot except the center with a long diagonal, but based on testing it just now I don't think I would be able to get it in five attempts because it's so easy to deviate a little too much when passing between the intervening dot pair and hit one of them by accident.
<APlayer> In that case, pattern lock security highly depends on the implementation (aside from obvious things like "the pattern can be found somewhere in memory in plain data")
<APlayer> That is, factors like "diagonals are easy to create here, so a user is equally likely to use one" and "intermediate dots do not have to be necessarily picked"
<APlayer> Also, Ellied, I believe this is what you were trying to remember:
<Ellied> I've always done it horizontally but I guess that works too
<Iskierka> (0,0) to (1,2) is one way to avoid hitting intermediates, although the only confusion it can cause is people being uncertain where it starts
<APlayer> Is there a WA command to get a vector's magnitude?
<egg|zzz|egg> Ellied: well, cross products are evil and orientation dependent; the wedge is well-defined in any dimension, but the result doesn't have the starting dimension unless it is 3
<Ellied> APlayer: try norm?
<egg|zzz|egg> Ellied: and then with an orientation you can hodge an n-1 vector (a wedge of n-1 vectors), but n-1 isn't 2 unless n=3
<Ellied> gotcha
<APlayer> Ellied: Norm?
<APlayer> egg: Uh, so are there even cross products except the 3D one?
<Ellied> in MATLAB norm(vector) returns the vector's magnitude, WA might be smart enough to get what you meant
<egg|zzz|egg> Ellied: if you want more linear algebra eggsplanations ask again in a couple of hours (after dinner)
<egg|zzz|egg> APlayer: kinda; you can generalize it in several ways, which are only the same in 3d
<APlayer> Ellied: Ah. No, I ended up typing magnitude of vector (1,2) and it spat out the interpretation "||(1,2)||" so that's what I use
<Ellied> that works.
egg|zzz|egg is now known as egg|nomz|egg
<Ellied> I was about to recommend just using abs(xi+yj+zk), because that will probably either interpret abs() as a generalized magnitude or interpret the vector as a quaternion with a zero real part, both of which should produce the same result.
<APlayer> Well, now I have a table with 62 (out of 64) empty checkboxes I need to get through to check everything.
<APlayer> WA does the same thing with 2D corss products, actually:,2)+x+(0,9)
APlayer has quit [Ping timeout: 204 seconds]
<Ellied> huh. LineageOS comes with a calendar app that refuses to do anything (e.g. connect to google calendar, save dates to the device) until you download a patch app from f-droid that enables local calendar support.
<Ellied> I asked on #lineageos for some reason, and yes, it went exactly as you'd imagine
<Iskierka> sounds like a wonderful place
egg|nomz|egg is now known as egg
<egg> so does anyone want some eggsplanations
<kmath> <barrelshifter> combined length
<egg> !wpn Ellied
* Qboid gives Ellied a Laguerre guillotine
<UmbralRaptor> Qboid invents a new guillotine function.
<egg> !wpn rqou
* Qboid gives rqou a chlorinated Eva
<kmath> <tiny_mssn_ctrl> ________________ ✦ ✹   ✷?  . ✺ ·✷         ________________ ⌨ ⌨ ⌨ ?? @tiny_astro_naut
<Ellied> anyway, it is indeed much easier to run android Googleless if you do a fresh install without google apps, rather than attempting to remove the google apps
<egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a central pig
<UmbralRaptor> uh
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn egg
* Qboid gives egg a partial impenetrability condition with a heptode attachment
* egg pokes Ellied with a wedge
* egg pokes rqou with a transconjugate
<egg> !wpn bofh
* Qboid gives bofh a conjugate thermistor-like pogonip
<egg> !wpn whitequark
* Qboid gives whitequark a prompt-critical logarithmic clowder
<egg> !wpn Iskierka `
* Qboid gives Iskierka ` a frustrum
<egg> s/ `//
<Qboid> egg meant to say: !wpn Iskierka
<soundnfury> dammit Qboid it's a frustum
<UmbralRaptor> soundnfury: sorry, my fault
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn -add:wpn frustum
<Qboid> UmbralRaptor: Weapon added!
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn -del:wpn frustrum
* Qboid gives -del:wpn frustrum a moral kank
<UmbralRaptor> !wpn -remove:wpn frustrum
<Qboid> UmbralRaptor: Weapon removed!
<UmbralRaptor> "Hi, I'd like some help with Christoffel symbols!"
<egg> UmbralRaptor: I'd like some help with that summary of the proof of the abc conjecture,
<UmbralRaptor> Do more people understand that proof, or the properties of conifers?
<UmbralRaptor> More seriously, it would be amusing to ask them about Lagrangians and Hamiltonians.
* UmbralRaptor wants an excuse to take a GR class.
<kmath> <FioraAeterna> also it's astounding that a kickstarter that turned into an embezzlement scandal and had to be redone from scratch came out this good
<UmbralRaptor> (The kickstarter embezzlement scandal)
<Fiora> the devs stole the money to make a king's quest game
<Fiora> i'm not making this up
<UmbralRaptor> o_O
<UmbralRaptor> Isn't King's Quest owned by EA these days?
<UmbralRaptor> Very O_o
<egg> meanwhile Jose is still very confused
<egg> bofh: since we had котя, are we going to get tropical storm эта хуйня,
<egg> UmbralRaptor: catpics
<egg> !
<egg> UmbralRaptor: some of those cats are actually theropods btw
<egg> !wpn Fiora
* Qboid gives Fiora a revolving vibrator with a pommel attachment
<egg> * UmbralRaptor wants an excuse to take a GR class. << this one?
<kmath> <bofh453> A an actual chapter title: "How Any Really Determined Person Can Discover The Ricci Tensor All By Him Or Herself".
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awang has joined #kspacademia
<UmbralRaptor> egg: Hah!
<UmbralRaptor> egg: Also, the most recent cat seemed hurt, but somewhat afraid of humans. =(
<egg> :-\
<UmbralRaptor> therapods are basically winged kitties, right?
<egg> UmbralRaptor: hm, are they cats
<UmbralRaptor> warm, fuzzy, like high places, very stabby/bitey if angered…
<egg> UmbralRaptor: no I mean in the sense of "dogs are cats"
<UmbralRaptor> Looks like crocodiles do.
<UmbralRaptor> Ah, lots of birds also.
egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
<egg|zzz|egg> UmbralRaptor: so birds are cats.
<UmbralRaptor> More nocturnal ones.
TonyC has quit [Ping timeout: 204 seconds]
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a metallic hatpin
<egg|zzz|egg> !seen rqou
<Qboid> egg|zzz|egg: I last saw rqou on [16.09.2017 02:28:09] in #kspacademia saying: "(btw I'm a bit busy right now, so feel free to dump a wall of text that I'll read later)"
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn whitequark and котя
* Qboid gives whitequark and котя a hydrargentium monopole
<egg|zzz|egg> !wpn bofh
* Qboid gives bofh a harmonic semigroup