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<lpg> Greys: Twitter's tweet length stuff is really well-documented too, so for that specific case it seems reasonable
<lpg> but regex as a whole I dunno
<lpg> you would only be able to match such a small subset of patterns that it wouldn't be useful
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<Greys> I think you're underappreciating the set of patterns that have, or need to have, a bounded length
<Greys> consider that most of the time things that you do regex on need to be stored somewhere; and that many kinds of storage do not permit arbitrary length entries
<Greys> the definition of an email address for instance is absurd and cannot be represented in regex, but it does have a limit, and more importantly in common application there is a limit to what is allowed
<Greys> so it's actually valuable independently to have a tool which can evaluate regex and tell you if your pattern is unbounded when you really need it to fit within a box of so many bytes
<SilverFox> TIL: if you can't install win10 to your drive, install the win10 installer to that drive, run it, the disk will fuck itself, turn it off, then take another drive or usb, put the win10 installer on that, then run it, andall will be fine and dandy
<SilverFox> TL;DR I installed win10 by fucking it up
<SilverFox> now to spend the rest of the day reading from backup
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