r4m0n changed the topic of #kspmodders to: Technical discussion ONLY (KSP related or not), for random shit-talking, join #shitshow (seriously)
<Greys> ;wa 55kts to mph
<kmath> Greys: convert 55 knots to miles per hour: 63.29 mph (miles per hour)
<Greys> ve2dmn holy crip
<Greys> angavrilov||phone the mining only serves a purpose in operating the currency; we're here because we're here because we're here
<Greys> somebody must have tried to shoehorn a problem with externally meaningful results into a cryptocurrency; probably failed, but I'm still interested to see it
<Greys> ;wa 74 gigabytes to bits
<kmath> Greys: convert 74 GB (gigabytes) to bits: 5.92×10^11 bits
<Greys> ;wa 5.92e11 to base 2
<kmath> Greys: convert 5.92×10^11 to base2: 1.0001001110101..._2×2^39
<Greys> no that's probably nothing
<Greys> 2^5.92e11
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<ve2dmn> We have an algorithm to find all prime, but we are hitting the limitation of CPU and memory when it comes to the largest so far...
<ve2dmn> There's even a BOINC project that been running for quite some time
<ve2dmn> The current largest prime we know is (2^74,207,281) -1,
<ve2dmn> that number has 22,338,618 digits
<Greys> are you sure that's 74 gigabytes?
<Greys> is that including a bunch of proof?
<kmath> YouTube - New World-Record Largest Prime Ever Found!
<FoxBot9000> yt: New World-Record Largest Prime Ever Found! | standupmaths
<ve2dmn> sorry, no. that size was with all the digit printed out
<ve2dmn> in binary, it's just 74,207,280 consecutives '1'
<Greys> so like the print job?
<Greys> tough ask for most printers yea
<ve2dmn> in binary, it's around 10MB, if my math is right
<Greys> it'd be 74.~Mb right?
<ve2dmn> you need to divide by 8 first
<Greys> bits
<ve2dmn> right.
<ve2dmn> then divide by 1024 instead of 1000 to get Megabytes instead of Mebibytes
<ve2dmn> (or whatever they are called)
<Greys> nope, megabytes are base ten
<Greys> mebibytes exist because SI said "never ever use our prefixes for not base ten things"
<Greys> I have a long history of mocking mebibibbles and the like
<ve2dmn> I simply don't usually care
<Greys> that is the correct position yea
<ve2dmn> If you want to see my irrationnal behavior, ask my opinion on date, time and various other formats and conventions
<Greys> that's also the correct position
<ve2dmn> I should 'not care' but I've been mocked for making mistakes by people who didn't want to learn
<Greys> we as a civilization can't even agree on what's the first day of the week
<ve2dmn> We don't even agree on the days that are the weekend
<Greys> I can't participate in that one anymore
<Greys> my week is 14 days, and contains three weekends
<Greys> it does however start on a monday
<ve2dmn> Anyway... I don't do tech support anymore, so it doesn't matter
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<Greys> some day, when I'm presidemperor of neo south trumpmerica, the southern continent of the moon; I'll outlaw bullshit
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<SilverFox> I bet they have to curve the blades like that to stop it from creating a prop effect
<SilverFox> and ripping itself from the ceiling
<SilverFox> that's like a helicoptor rotor
<Greys> it is but it's also much slower; I think the tips are to push the blades inward, resisting centriafugrer force
<kmath> YouTube - BIG ASS FANS in Marquee's warehouse.
<FoxBot9000> yt: BIG ASS FANS in Marquee's warehouse. | Marquee Rents
<Greys> in case it's not obvious, the company's name is Big Ass Fans
<Greys> different tips, plus marketing wank https://youtu.be/LUgZF_CN8iw
<kmath> YouTube - All About Powerfoil X3.0
<FoxBot9000> yt: All About Powerfoil X3.0 | Big Ass Fans
<Greys> hmmm, from the wank it sounds like the winglets serve to make the airflow more focused?
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<Greys> why do we still meter ram in megaherts when it's been thousands of megaherts for several generations?
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<kmath> YouTube - Core i9 Overclocking Guide – You asked for it!
<FoxBot9000> yt: Core i9 Overclocking Guide – You asked for it! | Linus Tech Tips
<Greys> all of these results are totally pathetic
<Greys> they never even managed 10% above stock
<Greys> what's the fucking point of risking system stability and hardware lifespan for nothing
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<Greys> ;wa 30ml to jiggers
<kmath> Greys: convert 30 mL (milliliters) to jiggers: 0.6763 jiggers
<Greys> sometimes kmath is the best
<ve2dmn> US jigger or UK Jigger?
<Greys> ;wa 30ml to US jiggers
<kmath> Greys: Wolfram couldn't understand your gibberish
<Greys> probably US
<Greys> man the second from left is a sexy piece of kit
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<SilverFox> So new rumors suggest that nvidias next lineup of gamer GPUs is gonna be called Ampere
<SilverFox> I've also just realized the theme with their naming
<SilverFox> named after famous scientists and math peoples and shit
<lpg> what did you think it was?
<lpg> curious that Ampere tipped you off but not Pascal or Maxwell
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<SilverFox> I just never thought about it
<SilverFox> and then it just clicked
<SilverFox> Pascal made me think like Pastel
<SilverFox> just some cool name someone came up with
<SilverFox> but you dont come up with a name like "Ampere"
<SilverFox> idk about Fermi though
<SilverFox> is Fermi a special name?
<SilverFox> also, with how good a 1060 is, the next time I'd want to upgrade, it'd have to perform at least 75% better
<ve2dmn> The Fermi paradox: AKA where are all the aliens?
<SilverFox> so currently that's either a 1080 or a 1080ti
<SilverFox> 1080 is double the price
<SilverFox> a 1080ti is triple
<SilverFox> but is +117% better rather than just +73% from the 1080
<SilverFox> lpg, you seen that new uhh From Other Worlds vr game thing?
<lpg> don't think so, no
<lpg> I like my 1080, I think I'm set for awhile
<SilverFox> oh yeah, 1080's gonna be good for a long time
<SilverFox> 980's are still good
<SilverFox> dunno about 780's, but they'd still be pretty decent as well
<SilverFox> oh my bad
<SilverFox> it's called From other Suns
<SilverFox> also, there's a new speedtest site I recommend using
<SilverFox> it's called Fast.com and it's run by netflix, so it shows you truly what your providers are giving you
<SilverFox> because currently times warner and comcast prioritize traffic to speedtest.net so it's artificial speeds
<SilverFox> but they can't prioritize traffic to netflix, because they dont want to
<SilverFox> try it out, I get 26Mb/s and I pay for 25
<SilverFox> although it doesn't do upload speed testing
<lpg> oh, that's neat
<lpg> Google has one that's good too
<lpg> speed test dot net was a piece of crap anyways
<SilverFox> speedtest.net was pretty good I find
<SilverFox> but it is exploitable, so its time to move to something that isnt
<SilverFox> So all the colleges in ontario have been on strike for 5 weeks now
<SilverFox> all classes and training stopped
<SilverFox> students are pissed and stressed and dropping out en masse
<SilverFox> no idea if refunds will be given
<SilverFox> there's now a class action lawsuit going on
<lpg> but why
<SilverFox> why what?
<SilverFox> why the strike?
<lpg> all of this, yeah
<lpg> the strike, class action lawsuit
<SilverFox> so strike; nobody fucking knows
<SilverFox> they wont tell us why
<SilverFox> for no good reason
<SilverFox> lawsuit: students are angry and stressed over losing christmas break and losing 5 weeks so far of valuable education that they had to save up to pay for, and they're gonna come back to a condensed course when lots of courses are already jam packed and very hard to learn all the stuff in the timeframe given
<SilverFox> which is why lots of students are dropping out, because they wont be able to handle the stress of learning all that shit in such a short amount of time
<lpg> that's pretty nuts
<SilverFox> yup
<SilverFox> and here's the kicker
<SilverFox> because of how the student loan system works, if you drop out of a course, there's a chance you might not be able to get funding again
<SilverFox> Greys, new issue for the MinerPi, USB 2.0 bandwidth is only 60MB/s theoretical. PCIe 3.0 x1 is almost 1GB/s
<SilverFox> 3.0 is 640MB/s max theoretical
<SilverFox> USB 3.0 that is
<SilverFox> So depending on how often the CPU needs to give data to the GPU, this may be an issue