raptop changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ: http://goo.gl/gMZF9H; The current version is Fréchet. We currently target 1.5.1, 1.6.1, and 1.7.x. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | https://xkcd.com/323/ | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly… | <egg> also 4e16 m * 2^-52 is uncomfortably large
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<discord-_> l​amont. — egg's spaghetti
<discord-_> A​cer_Saccharum. — it's such a well done edit
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<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — There’s vomit on moms spaghetti 😂
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<discord-_> 王​小谦同学. — @egg did you had the problem with google drive saying there are too many users downloading this file
<discord-_> 王​小谦同学. — I am having some serious issues with google drive right now
<discord-_> D​amien. — probably related to using a VPN
<discord-_> D​amien. — I've had that issue before
<discord-_> D​amien. — switch servers if possible
<discord-_> e​gg. — @王小谦同学 have you tried downloading from 腾讯微云?
<discord-_> 王​小谦同学. — uhh, not with Principia, but its for other files
<discord-_> 王​小谦同学. — if it is Principia, then things would be easier
<discord-_> D​amien. — @egg I just tried download and reuploading somewhere but I have the same error
<discord-_> D​amien. — @egg I just tried downloading and reuploading somewhere but I have the same error (edited)
<discord-_> D​amien. — it does look like it's blocked due to too much traffic
<discord-_> D​amien. — ```Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time.
<discord-_> D​amien. —
<discord-_> D​amien. — Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.```
<discord-_> D​amien. — it's not principia
<discord-_> e​gg. — hm
<discord-_> e​gg. — I can see it though
<discord-_> e​gg. — does it work better if you're signed in?
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<discord-_> D​amien. — it's ok, he has a duplicate link which does work
<discord-_> D​amien. — we're chatting in pm
<discord-_> D​amien. — it's a mod for X-Plane
<discord-_> D​amien. — I think it's sorted now
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<discord-_> e​gg. — ah
<discord-_> e​gg. — @王小谦同学 by the way, if you feel like extending your kerbcat page, the orbital analysis tool is probably hard to use without documentation https://github.com/mockingbirdnest/Principia/wiki/Orbit-analysis (I'm not sure if you've tried it yet)
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — A mod for X-Plane
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — Aahhhh the memories
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — Hours and hours, but it saved my butt once 🙂
<discord-_> D​amien. — I will admit before I realised it was a mod, opening a link that was passenger aircraft operation manuals from a chinese national was a bit weird
<discord-_> D​amien. — brb someone's knocking at the door quite forcefully
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — Which one? Something big?
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — I bet @Damien is being tazered right now.
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — Boeing 737, nice
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — I always preferred the smaller ones. Fokker 70 was my favorite
<discord-_> D​amien. — if I get black bagged tell neph he's ugly and NQB sucks
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — And ofc the Dash 8 turboprop
<discord-_> e​gg. — wasn't the 737 NG the one that shouldn't land at a handful of runways?
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — Sweet. Software issues on Boeing. How very comforting
<discord-_> e​gg. — 82V RW26, KBJJ RW28, KCIU RW28, KCNM RW26, PABR RW25, SKLM RW28, SYCJ RW29
<discord-_> e​gg. — that's a surprisingly small and specific set
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — Maybe because it only covers US and some small countries
<discord-_> e​gg. — well, US + Colombia + Guyana would be an even weirder set
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — One has to wonder what the heck the issue really is
<discord-_> e​gg. — the runway orientations don't appear to be uniformly distributed though
<discord-_> e​gg. — so maybe that's a clue?
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — Don’t do instrument approaches on RW26, all others are fine
<discord-_> e​gg. — on RW 26 of Pine bluffs or Cavern City
<discord-_> e​gg. — all other RW 26s are fine :-p
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<discord-_> D​amien. — when's MS flight sim 10 out?
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — Well, they can turn off the instruments and land visually
<discord-_> D​amien. — i've never played any serious flight sims but I have a hotas and pedals gather dust
<discord-_> D​amien. — i've never played any serious flight sims but I have a hotas and pedals gathering dust (edited)
<discord-_> D​amien. — used to use them for SC, Elite and Arma but don't play them any more
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — I did. Never had pedals tho. They’re overrated anyway, you barely need them in flight.
<discord-_> D​amien. — makes sense. I used them a lot though, for choppers
<discord-_> D​amien. — hotas/pedals and trackir makes first person heli flying super fun
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — Ah. I Never liked those swirling suicide machines 🙂
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — X-Plane has a very nice aerodynamic simulation btw. Would love to have that in KSP
<discord-_> S​ir Mortimer. — It’s good enough for engineers to use it in aircraft prototyping
<discord-_> e​gg. — @Sir Mortimer pester @ferram4 for better models? :-p
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<discord-_> A​cer_Saccharum. — As far as I'm aware FAR is just about the best you'll get for free/outside X-Plane
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<discord-_> e​gg. — @ferram4 what happened to panelFAR? I forget
<discord-_> l​amont. — @egg what do you call the reference frame that KSP's Orbit class uses? Navigation?
<discord-_> l​amont. — Barycentric, Left Handed, Crazy Rotations?
<discord-_> l​amont. — the Barycentric, Left Handed, Crazy Rotations frame? (edited)
<discord-_> e​gg. — @lamont nah navigation, barycentric, etc. are all ours
<discord-_> e​gg. — @lamont Orbit's is the right-handed one, right?
<discord-_> e​gg. — World is Unity's "world" frame and axes, and the one related to it via swapping the y and z axes is Alice
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<discord-_> l​amont. — yeah, i decided on "World", "Body" and "Orbit" as names for KSP's different reference frames
<discord-_> e​gg. — probably saner than Alice
<discord-_> f​erram4. — @egg unfeasible in real time. Too many calculations, too limited a model. It wouldn't play well with anything too blocky or near Mach 1
<discord-_> e​gg. — @ferram4 another question that I likely already asked you but whose answer I forget: what would it take for wingtip devices to be useful in the model
<discord-_> f​erram4. — What I was hoping to do in FAR but that fell apart because of KSPs Lego building system
<discord-_> f​erram4. — Difficult to work out geometry when everything is so fuzzy
<raptop> ...what's the deBroglie wavelength of an LV-T30, anyway?
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