raptop changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ: http://goo.gl/gMZF9H; The current version is Fréchet. We currently target 1.5.1, 1.6.1, and 1.7.x. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | https://xkcd.com/323/ | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly… | <egg> also 4e16 m * 2^-52 is uncomfortably large
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<_whitenotifier-d13c> [Compatibility] Success. #430 succeeded - https://dev.azure.com/mockingbirdnest/445d7b9d-0318-42e3-857f-b69d40b1ed1b/_build/results?buildId=430
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<discord-_> e​gg. — @Falcon I am unable to view that file
<discord-_> e​gg. — @Falcon nevermind, now it works
<discord-_> F​alcon. — all good!
<discord-_> e​gg. — nothing obvious, it's not truncated or anything
<discord-_> e​gg. — will try to take another look this week, but the answer might just be bitflip and bad luck
<discord-_> F​alcon. — oof
<discord-_> F​alcon. — so just for a short term fix atm, where in my save would i be able to reset the Principia data?
<discord-_> F​alcon. — Is it the part at the bottom of the Persistent folder that is all in C++?
<discord-_> e​gg. — C++? what
<discord-_> e​gg. — also, the persistent folder?
<discord-_> e​gg. — your save is the persistent.sfs *file*
<discord-_> e​gg. — in there is a SCENARIO node, which starts with name = PrincipiaPluginAdapter
<discord-_> e​gg. — that's the Principia save
<discord-_> e​gg. — (it has a few normal-looking fields, and then a pile of `serialized_plugin_ = gibberish` which is the internal state of Principia)
<discord-_> e​gg. — if you remove that SCENARIO node, there will be no Principia state, and Principia will interpret that as a non-Principia save and recreate itself
<discord-_> e​gg. — (make sure to remove the whole node, and nothing more)
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<discord-> F​alcon. — so just the top bit I presume? not the whole thing
<discord-> F​alcon. — not just what i have highlighted
<discord-> e​gg. — The whole thing
<discord-> e​gg. — The bit that starts with SCENARIO { and ends with the corresponding }
egg|laptop|egg has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<discord-> F​alcon. — So just this alone
<discord-> e​gg. — noooooo
<discord-> e​gg. — The } that closes the {
<discord-> e​gg. — Delete all of the following:
<discord-> e​gg. — ```
<discord-> e​gg. — SCENARIO
<discord-> e​gg. — {
<discord-> e​gg. — name = PrincipiaPluginAdapter
<discord-> e​gg. — [...]
<discord-> e​gg. — serialized_plugin_ = gibberish
<discord-> e​gg. — [pages of gibberish]
<discord-> e​gg. — }
<discord-> e​gg. — ```
<discord-> e​gg. — { and } are brackets, one of them opens and the other closes
<discord-> e​gg. — you want to delete a block enclosed in brackets, not join two blocks
<discord-> F​alcon. — I believe i understand what you are saying, but there is no closing bracket here at the end of all the gibberish
<discord-> e​gg. — yes there is, just keep scrolling
<discord-> e​gg. — the apocalypse dialog is part of the SCENARIO node
<discord-> F​alcon. — the next closing bracket is at the end of the apocolypse dialogue
<discord-> e​gg. — I said the *matching* closing bracket
<discord-> F​alcon. — main_window_
<discord-> F​alcon. — {
<discord-> F​alcon. — must_centre = False
<discord-> F​alcon. — show = False
<discord-> F​alcon. — x = 1645
<discord-> F​alcon. — y = 97
<discord-> F​alcon. — show_ksp_features = False
<discord-> F​alcon. — show_logging_settings = False
<discord-> F​alcon. — show_prediction_settings = True
<discord-> F​alcon. — history_length = 1309085.5254907901
<discord-> F​alcon. — buffered_logging = 0
<discord-> F​alcon. — stderr_logging = 2
<discord-> F​alcon. — suppressed_logging = 0
<discord-> F​alcon. — verbose_logging = 0
<discord-> F​alcon. — must_record_journal = False
<discord-> F​alcon. — }
<discord-> F​alcon. — oh so this one
<discord-> e​gg. — NOOOO
<discord-> F​alcon. — found it!
<discord-> F​alcon. — its so much
<discord-> F​alcon. — no i did find it
<discord-> e​gg. — the MATCHING one, not the FIRST one
<discord-> F​alcon. — i just didnt copy the next
<discord-> F​alcon. — xD
<discord-> F​alcon. — x = 1420
<discord-> F​alcon. — y = 110
<discord-> F​alcon. — }
<discord-> F​alcon. — main_window_
<discord-> F​alcon. — {
<discord-> F​alcon. — must_centre = False
<discord-> F​alcon. — show = False
<discord-> F​alcon. — x = 1645
<discord-> F​alcon. — y = 97
<discord-> F​alcon. — show_ksp_features = False
<discord-> F​alcon. — show_logging_settings = False
<discord-> F​alcon. — show_prediction_settings = True
<discord-> F​alcon. — history_length = 1309085.5254907901
<discord-> F​alcon. — buffered_logging = 0
<discord-> F​alcon. — stderr_logging = 2
<discord-> F​alcon. — suppressed_logging = 0
<discord-> F​alcon. — verbose_logging = 0
<discord-> F​alcon. — must_record_journal = False
<discord-> F​alcon. — }
<discord-> F​alcon. — }
<discord-> F​alcon. — better?
<discord-> F​alcon. — xD
<discord-> e​gg. — That seems plausible, yeah
<discord-> F​alcon. — any way to copy from one line to the next?
<discord-> e​gg. — since `main_window_` is in the adapter directly, that last } should be the one closing the scenario
<discord-> F​alcon. — since its tens of thousands of lines o.o
<discord-> e​gg. — what do you mean, and why do you want to copy
<discord-> F​alcon. — not copy, highlight
<discord-> e​gg. — ah
<discord-> F​alcon. — brain is shot from today, sorry
<discord-> e​gg. — focus at the beginning, scroll and shift+click at the end? depends on your editor
<discord-> F​alcon. — its notepad
<discord-> F​alcon. — it worked \o/
<discord-> F​alcon. — now to load up and see if the game explodes
<discord-> F​alcon. — lol
<discord-> D​amien. — @Falcon for your own sanity install notepad++
<UmbralRaptor> vim!
<discord-> e​gg. — *For your own safety and the safety of others, please refrain from [bzzzzzt]* http://overwikifiles.com/files/GLaDOS/00_part1_entry-5.ogg
<discord-> F​alcon. — lol
<discord-> F​alcon. — Honestly egg, thanks for putting up with my shitty self ^^
<discord-> F​alcon. — the loadup worked, the save is now working!
<discord-> F​alcon. — orbits arent messed up at all tbh