UmbralRaptop changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ:; The current version is Fuchs. We currently target 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.7.x, 1.8.1, and 1.9.1. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly… | <egg> also 4e16 m * 2^-52 is uncomfortably large
<discord-> F​alcon. — Question to you all, im trying to plan a mission like MESSENGER atm, and im trying to figure out how to setup a flyby of Venus which would allow me to gravity assist into the plane of Mercury and pull my Perihelion down to Mercury or near it at least, so i can then start commence orbit lowering
<discord-> F​alcon. — any idea how exactly i can go about doing that?
<discord-> F​alcon. — i right now am thinking i should launch at a Venus window and go about that, but i have also tried doing kind of what MESSENGER did which was just launch into an elongated 1 earth year orbit around the sun, and use the Earth to gravity assist down to Mercury and or Venus, and right now it isnt working in this launch window
<discord-> F​alcon. — So is there a place i can go to find resonances and windows which i can do that stuff? or do i just have to try different timings and windows until it works?
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<discord-> H​errkurt. — Would uninstalling Principia completely break a save or just mess with craft in orbit?
<discord-> F​alcon. — unintalling principia, no, installing principia to an already running save, yes
<discord-> H​errkurt. — So if I abandon it I need to abandon it for good.
<discord-> H​errkurt. — I haven't even really gotten to test it much, but I suspect it as the source of several bugs.
<discord-> H​errkurt. — Particular inexplicable wobbling on unguided stages.
<discord-> S​ilavite. — Ah, I had a similar issue
<discord-> S​ilavite. — Does the unguided stage have multiple aerobee engines?
<discord-> H​errkurt. — In previous cases yes, but this time it is baby sergeants.
<discord-> H​errkurt. — It may also be related to the use of quickloading.
<discord-> S​ilavite. — I had an issue like that and it was due to KSP's symmetry system working exactly right. Moving the engines to the centerline (through severe part clipping) solved the issue. (I feel like part clipping was justified since it was used to rectify a bug)
<discord-> H​errkurt. — Not using any symmetry placement for these engines, just a straight stack.
<discord-> S​tandecco. — > mostly we talk about cats and railway switches here
<discord-> S​tandecco. — @egg recent addition
<discord-> S​tandecco. — > railway switches
<discord-> S​tandecco. — @egg recent addition (edited)
<discord-> D​amien. — more precisely, the etymology of the word 'switch'
<raptop> railway wii u
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<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — Did anyone here try principia with real solar system?
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — real solar system extended*
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<discord-> e​gg. — @Idiottsandwich I think you asked this question already, and that the answer is no, and that it probably does not work. Have you considered trying it, so that you can know the answer?
<discord-> e​gg. — If it immediately crashes upon creating a new save you will have your answer
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<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — I think it crashed with me so was looking for another opinion
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — Or experience
<discord-> e​gg. — … crashes are not really a matter of opinion. What was the error message in the FATAL log?
<discord-> e​gg. — (note that adding more bodies to an existing save will never work, you must create a new save; but if the new bodies are not configured you will still run into issues)
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — I will have yo try later
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — Il update you then!
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<_whitenotifier-d13c> [Principia] p4block starred Principia -
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<discord-> S​irius. — Does anyone has done a TLI with a GCRC or an Altair?
<discord-> S​irius. — It seems to me that it doesn't works
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — update
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — real solar system extended crashes
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — Log file created at: 2020/06/14 16:33:49
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — Running on machine: DESKTOP-2QM2SSH
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — @ 00007FFF00476360 google::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal [0x00007FFF0047635F+47]
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — @ 00007FFE9035E663 principia__LogFatal [0x00007FFE9035E662+322]
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — @ 000001AC4D1694C5 (No symbol) [0x000001AC4D1694C4]
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — F0614 16:33:49.988633 16452 ksp_plugin_adapter.cs:2384] missing gravity model for C2012S4
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — I guess they didn't make their logs
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — I guess they didn't make it compatible (edited)
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — It is possible that some of their packages do work as i was running all.
<discord-> e​gg. — looks like this does not have a Principia configuration, so here is your answer
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — How would config files for principia look?
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — So I can check if they made some
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — ok I see, thanks!
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — Are they a lot of work to make?
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — Maybe I'l make some myself
<discord-> e​gg. — and the initial_state file involves making batch queries to HORIZONS and parsing the result to generate the initial state
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — ok
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — sounds complicated :p
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — thanks tho
<discord-> e​gg. — mostly tedious if you know how to do it, but if you don't you have quite a bit of work ahead of yourself, yes
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — They don't seem to have any configs as far as I can tell. To bad.
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — Should probably just start with the normal RSS plantes/moons, they're enough of a challenge :p
<discord-> e​gg. — Yes there is plenty of fun to be had even with the Sun-Earth-Moon system
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — The coolest thing about extended are the near earth asteroids tho
<discord-> I​diottsandwich. — some passing by real close, makes for interesting missions
<discord-> D​amien. — Once you visit all the rss bodies, then worry about adding more imo
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<discord-> D​RVeyl. — Data structures question.
<discord-> D​RVeyl. — @dkavolis Pointed me to <> as a method to distribute points on a sphere. I have this implemented, pretty directly from the python sample, so I have a set S of n sample points on the sphere. I think my generalized problem is I would like to select the k points in S that a
<discord-> D​RVeyl. — Is it sane to subdivide S into overlapping regions [of what size?] that are lists of the points in each region?
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<discord-> R​ukongai. — So, I'd like some help, I'm fairly new to principia, and I want to see if there is a way I can plot a maneuver using AD/DN or periapsis and apoapsis as the time I want to execute the maneuver the way mechjeb does it. Is that something possible?
<discord-> S​tonesmile. — Not yet, however that is in the works; MechJeb is getting increased integration with Principia
<discord-> R​ukongai. — HM I see I see. What would happen exactly If I were to use mechjeb to plot a maneuver though. were talking simple stuff like increasin gorbit from leo
<raptop_> Increased integration... forward Euler to RK4?
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<discord-> S​tonesmile. — You could use MechJeb to get an estimate and copy that over to Principia and fine tune
<discord-> R​ukongai. — Is there any way to reduce the purple future line we see cause I want to be able to see which orbit is the soonest ahead and plot a maneuver with that
<discord-> S​tonesmile. — In the main principia window there is a tab called prediction or similar, that should have the option to reduce the ammount of steps forward
<discord-> R​ukongai. — Thanks I got it mate 😄
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