raptop changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ: http://goo.gl/gMZF9H; The current version is Galileo. We currently target 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.7.x, 1.8.1, and 1.9.1. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | https://xkcd.com/323/ | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly… | <egg> also 4e16 m * 2^-52 is uncomfortably large
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<discord-> L​uci. — is there a version of mechjeb(or a setting within it) that allows for accurate auto-nodes for transfer burns?
<discord-> K​irk. — What do you mean?
<discord-> K​irk. — The porkchop plot is pretty accurate
<discord-> L​uci. — Idk... mechjeb doesn't seem to plot nodes for me in principia
<discord-> K​irk. — Oh yeah in principia it won't always work
<discord-> L​uci. — yeah...
<discord-> L​uci. — I wanna use it but it just doesn't seem... functional? idiot proof? idk
<discord-> l​pg. — it does plot them, but they're not especially useful
<discord-> L​uci. — yeah that's what I'm asking abt
<discord-> l​pg. — good for finding windows
<discord-> L​uci. — is there any autoplot that is at all accurate or useful for principia
<discord-> l​pg. — a long way from "auto", but people seem to be getting good mileage out of KSPTOT
<discord-> L​uci. — hmmm never heard of it
<discord-> L​uci. — this?
<discord-> K​erbinator. — ksptot is wacky
<discord-> l​amont. — none of mechjeb's node plotting functions work with principia, you have to go through principia's maneuver planner
<discord-> K​erbinator. — I was told by a person several month ago when ksptot fuck you with a 10km/s tcm at Venus
<discord-> K​erbinator. — ----
<discord-> K​erbinator. — btw, with principia installed, the military-grade SGI systems tool kit (STK) is good lol
<discord-> K​erbinator. — ----
<discord-> K​irk. — KSPTOT works fine for normal transfers as long as you configure it right
<discord-> K​irk. — I never got gravity assists to work though, it always gave me maneuvers that went nowhere near either of the planets
<discord-> K​erbinator. — > KSPTOT works fine for normal transfers as long as you configure it right
<discord-> K​erbinator. — he was trying to plot gravity assist
<discord-> K​erbinator. — yes that actually make ksptot suck
<discord-> K​erbinator. — ----
<discord-> K​erbinator. — btw as STK can plot Principia porkchop,
<discord-> K​erbinator. — btw as STK can plot n-body porkchop, (edited)
<discord-> K​erbinator. — will there be principia porkchop
<discord-> K​erbinator. — 👀🤔
<discord-> K​erbinator. — that gets built into gane
<discord-> K​erbinator. — that gets built into game (edited)
<discord-> K​erbinator. — that will be easier than stk since relativity and solar pressure doesnt count
<discord-> L​uci. — idk... until principia is more compatible/user friendly I'll be using stock sadly
<discord-> K​erbinator. — stock gravity assist plot is much worse than principia
<discord-> S​RBuchanan. — My dude, you have *got* to stop making 'suggestions' that would involve huge amounts of work for the Principia devs.
<discord-> S​RBuchanan. — They have enough going on already.
<discord-> L​uci. — not talking about gravity assists
<discord-> K​erbinator. — Mmmm
<discord-> S​RBuchanan. — Not talking to you.
<discord-> L​uci. — also not making suggestions
<discord-> L​uci. — just asking
<discord-> K​erbinator. — okay
<discord-> L​uci. — bc I've had this issue and I wanted to know if it was just me, sorry if I attacked you @SRBuchanan
<discord-> S​RBuchanan. — Nah, I'm not cross with you at all.
<discord-> L​uci. — I just noticed it has gotten really popular so people are either far better than me at plotting nodes (seems likely) or principia has some secret vip sauce that idk anything abt (also, very likely)
<discord-> S​RBuchanan. — Bit of both. Reference frame is a bit part of it. Maneuvers that look complicated can be simplified dramatically by plotting in the right frame of reference.
<discord-> S​RBuchanan. — Bit of both. Reference frame is a big part of it. Maneuvers that look complicated can be simplified dramatically by plotting in the right frame of reference. (edited)
<discord-> L​uci. — yeah, the thing I am abysmal(at best) at is rendezvous nd unless it has an auto feature for that, I can't get to stations without TLI levels of dV
<discord-> L​uci. — 🤣
<discord-> L​uci. — yeah, the thing I am abysmal(at best) at is rendezvous and unless it has an auto feature for that, I can't get to stations without TLI levels of dV (edited)
<discord-> K​irk. — Rendezvous is easy though?
<discord-> K​irk. — Just launch into an orbit 150 km lower and in the same plane
<discord-> S​RBuchanan. — As long as you're using MechJeb to ensure that you're launching into *exactly* the right inclination, LEO rendezvous isn't too bad. I recommend eyeballing ascent timing so you launch into roughly the same MAE as your target and get a similar orbital period so your precessions mostly match up.
<discord-> L​uci. — ehhhhhhhhhhhh I never played stock. I never learned these things
<discord-> K​irk. — Within a day you'll have a hohmann transfer for like 50 m/s
<discord-> S​RBuchanan. — That's the issue then.
<discord-> L​uci. — yeah
<discord-> L​uci. — I just wanna press a button and goooooo
<discord-> S​RBuchanan. — Go play some stock manually-flown LKO rendezvous missions.
<discord-> L​uci. — 😛 nahhh
<discord-> S​RBuchanan. — You can pick the skill up in a couple days.
<discord-> L​uci. — if it's not hard as all hell to get to orbit it feels cheaty
<discord-> l​pg. — sounds like you should stick to principia then
<discord-> L​uci. — hard *not masochistic*
<discord-> L​uci. — idk I'm fine using patched... just curious about the new fancy toys y'all here in spaghtetti trajectory land have
<discord-> l​pg. — principia actually makes far more things easier than it makes things harder - but it does involve a fair bit of learning
<discord-> L​uci. — ehhh I might try and learn it. idk, part of me just wants to go fast rn
<discord-> S​RBuchanan. — Up to you. Principia isn't just for RSS by the way. You can add it to a stock install as a standalone to learn it without having to juggle all the other RSS/RO needs.
<discord-> L​uci. — hmm maybe. I will likely add it down the road but for rn I'm probs gonna stick with what I know
<discord-> L​uci. — also sorry if I come off as trying to make suggestions. More often then not here I'm just trying to figure out what isn't in the works that I could take a crack at w ch4 and all
<discord-> L​uci. — not here though, here was just genuine curiosity/impressed-ness towards ppl with actual flight skills 😛
<discord-> S​RBuchanan. — Nah, again that totally wasn't aimed at you. Kerbinator struck a nerve, again.
<discord-> L​uci. — ohhhhh
<discord-> L​uci. — ok
<discord-> L​uci. — I thought you were saying it wasn't for kerbinator... luci is v tired... sorry
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<discord-> K​erbinator. — Hmmmmm that's acceptable tho
<discord-> K​erbinator. — Well if that's over the amount of work, that isnot mandatory of course
<discord-> K​erbinator. — Well if that's over the amount of work, that is not mandatory of course (edited)
<discord-> K​erbinator. — as long as they are not fatal or extremely game-negative bugs
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<discord-> D​amien. — @Luci my first taste of principia was in RSSRO and I picked it up well enough. It was only when taking a break from RSSRO and playing stock with principia that I realised how much RO slows down your learning of it. In the time it takes to execute one mission in RO with principia you can speedrun every major milestone in stock with it and learn everything you need. You can then take those skills and
<discord-> D​amien. — I often use RSS/SMURFF with principia to test run missions or trajectories that I want to do in RO
<discord-> D​amien. — with infinite ignitions/throttling etc I can focus on the mission design itself
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<discord-> e​gg. — @Luci rendez-vous is one of the areas where our users seem to consistently find the experience more pleasant than stock, thanks to the target LVLH frame
<discord-> s​iimav. — I personally find the MJ rendezvous planner the most pleasant experience. Where the stock patched conics really fall flat is when you need to set up an (usually interplanetary) encounter multiple orbits into the future. It only shows the encounters within the same orbit and thus you need to set up another dummy maneuver node onto some orbit into the future.
<discord-> S​RBuchanan. — Last time I played stock it was actually projecting at least two orbits into the future.
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<discord-> s​martdummies. — @Luci I highly recommend using stock to learn the mods before adding to RO because stock is so easy. It means that you can concentrate on the new stuff without anything else getting in the way. I spent a fair amount of time learning Principia in stock, doing LKO rendezvous, Mun transfers, interplanetary transfers, etc. before I added it to RO.
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