egg changed the topic of #principia to: Logs: | <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
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⟨Farrier⟩ Same
⟨Cashedowt⟩ if i am new to principia is getting gravity assists hard to do?
⟨SpaceFace545⟩ ye
⟨Cashedowt⟩ alr
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⟨Quadrupole⟩ Easier than stock though, as encounters are easier to find.
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⟨Zeusbeer⟩ Its the same
⟨Zeusbeer⟩ You just need a window
⟨Zeusbeer⟩ But you can use rss flyby finder for it
⟨Sunius⟩ my RO/RSS Venus launch window is in 269 days. I'm trying to launch a simulation when building my craft, and I set start in 269 days. When I do that, it seems Principia just goes nuts with memory usage. I crash with out of memory as it approaches using ~85 GB of commit. Is there anything I can do besides increasing my page file? I can do that but jeez 🙂
⟨Sunius⟩ well, I wasn't even sure if this was a bug, hence I asked here first. But thanks for those links.
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⟨Al2Me6⟩ What version of RP-1 are you using? This is an RP0KCT bug and should’ve been fixed.
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⟨Sunius⟩ 1.10.7, I'll try updating
⟨Paculino (ŝi/ri/she/they)⟩ If a very small object was orbiting inside of a much more massive object orbiting in the opposite direction, would the smaller object be tugged to go the same direction, or to go perfectly retrograde?
⟨Paculino (ŝi/ri/she/they)⟩ Or would the influence be minimized like the retrograde Bop fix?
Unsure, look for information about Neptune's moons?
* raptop
assumes that there would be perturbations, though the direction thing would reduce the effects
⟨Al2Me6⟩ Yes, you need 1.11.0
⟨SpaceBoi⟩ hello ive got a question and something that has gone wrong with principia
⟨SpaceBoi⟩ when i start a new game the planets in the tracking station show up like this:
⟨SpaceBoi⟩ it looks like this in my previous save file
mostly fail turing tests
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⟨Stonesmile⟩ This is exactly what you expect if you are the Christian church in the middle ages - the earth is in the centre (change reference frame to get something that makes sense)
⟨SpaceBoi⟩ im a retard thanks
⟨SpaceBoi⟩ well not a retard
⟨SpaceBoi⟩ blind
⟨SpaceBoi⟩ is somethingn that looks closer to it
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⟨Al2Me6⟩ Language.
⟨SpaceBoi⟩ sorry
[Principia] pleroy commented on issue #3197: Game Crashes When Editing a Maneuver -