egg changed the topic of #principia to: Logs: | <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
_whitelogger has joined #principia
_whitelogger has joined #principia
_whitelogger has joined #principia
_whitelogger has joined #principia
_whitelogger has joined #principia
⟨Cirelion⟩ Wait both Egg and Siimav changed their name, did I miss something?
⟨Cirelion⟩ * nickname,
⟨Starwalrus⟩ who are are these "Egg" and "Siimav" that you speak of?
⟨Marsh⟩ Their names have always been as they are now
⟨Cirelion⟩ Ah my bad, of course. I must be going too hard on the grass
⟨StarOnion⟩ They are, as they were. And they shall be, as they are
⟨Zeusbeer⟩ (I came across it while studying symplectic integrators lmao)
⟨egg⟩ ⟪Cirelion⟫ Wait both Egg and Siimav changed their […] ⮪ (For those who missed it, especially across the bridge where it may have been less clear, the blues and the oranges renamed themselves to Star*er for 2023-04-01, so we had Starfisher, Starhatcher, Starscratcher/Starbiter/Starpurrer/Starnapper, Starsmiler, etc.)
⟨sichelgaita⟩ ⟪im_taken_bish⟫ Is it ram hungry? ⮪ We eat 🐏
⟨im_taken_bish⟩ So yes
⟨sichelgaita⟩ ⟪im_taken_bish⟫ So yes ⮪ Don't trust me, I am from the Interwebz.
mmm... delicious FETs...
⟨im_taken_bish⟩ I just need to know is it ram hungry
⟨im_taken_bish⟩ FPS eater
In general, lots of bodies or propagating things way out will eat RAM, but otherwise it should be fine
Don't be a serial killer; you'll need more RAM. Seriously though, I never really noticed a significant performance drop with Principia in stock.
⟨DRVeyl⟩ Nearly anything can be a performance killer if you specifically design a test to exacerbate weaknesses. Someone likes Galaxies Unbound and running a few hundred vessels and thus fights against the occlusion logic for CommNet.