egg changed the topic of #principia to: Logs: | <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
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⟨Jade (she/they)⟩ is there a reason that principia would stop drawing the predicted flight path early? I'm planning a transfer to Venus and my periapsis keeps disappearing anytime it gets below 400 Mm
⟨Jade (she/they)⟩ And the predicted flight path just stops
⟨Jade (she/they)⟩ But the planned one continues well past that point (up to the plan length cap)
⟨lpg⟩ plan length is configured in planning window, prediction length is configured in the main principia window
⟨patrikcath⟩ ⟪rnlahaye⟫ That link doesn't seem to have worked […] ⮪ it has, it links to a message saying Parallax counts as modifying the star system, so presumably that prevents the changes to the Jool system from working. That's fine with me, I just think it's pretty funny for Val to get bullied out of it while literally everything else works fine
⟨Gratak-⟩ Is it possible that Principia changing trajectories may mess with ullage in some rare cases?
I have a jupiter probe that is breaking just above the atmosphere of jupiter and I'm totally unable to ullage it while it is retrograde, while I get free ullage when it's prograde.
⟨Gratak-⟩ +(it stays in space 100% of the time)
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⟨test_account⟩ I've seen this effect even in LEO, ullage is easier on prograde orbits and more difficult on inclined orbits.
⟨test_account⟩ * in
⟨test_account⟩ * in
⟨test_account⟩ But I don't know if the effect exists without principia or not.
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_whitelogger has joined #principia
⟨Starkid⟩ I can just use the latest Hurwitz release of principia for a 1.12.3 RO install right?
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⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ How will I know if my principa has installed correctly
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ ?
⟨Cirelion⟩ You should see a clear difference once you check the orbits
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ It’s still blue
⟨Cirelion⟩ There's also a item in the quickmenu for principia in flight
⟨Cirelion⟩ What is blue?
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ The orbital trajectory
⟨Cirelion⟩ Most likely it didn't work, how did you install the mod?
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ Using Google drive
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ It’s the principia hurwitz for
⟨Cirelion⟩ And how did you install Principia?
⟨Cirelion⟩ * How
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ Off of GitHub
⟨Cirelion⟩ I'm not asking where you got it from, I'm asking how you installed it
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ Oh it took me to Google drive I clicked download it came up with a warning I waited and clicked it and clicked on game data and dragged all the information for there to my ksp file
⟨Cirelion⟩ So you moved the Principia folder inside your GameData folder in your KSP install?
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ Yes
⟨Cirelion⟩ That should just work, you don't see anything from Principia?
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ No
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ Just basic rp1
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ Ohhhhhh
⟨Cirelion⟩ Can you try on a fresh campaign, go in the flight menu and see if there is a icon in the sidebar
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ No
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ I know
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ I didn’t download the dependency
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ Hold on brb
⟨Cirelion⟩ What dependency?
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ Well you need other stuff to run principia right? You can’t just download principia and expect it to work
⟨Cirelion⟩ I repeat my question
⟨Al₂Me₆⟩ First off, #rules 3. Please slow down and explain yourself fully.
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ What are the dependencies because I can’t find them and I know they’re special to my os but where does it say what I should have
⟨test_account⟩ now i wonder what os do you have 🤔
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ Windows 11
⟨test_account⟩ there shouldn't be anything special about it?
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ Why isn’t it working I did what I was supposed to
⟨test_account⟩ "not working" isn't very informative
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ It’s basically an empty file like there’s stuff in it but there’s no evidence of it being downloaded unless you look in the files
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ So no custom nav no recoloured trajectories
⟨egg⟩ We are neither in your head nor on your computer, so if you want anything resembling help, you are going to have to provide _specifics_ about what you did.
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ Ok
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ Can I show pics?
⟨test_account⟩ pic of gamedata folder might help
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ There’s not I checked
If you have no gamedata folder, KSP won't work at all
⟨test_account⟩ need a picture of the principia folder i suppose
⟨indigo_aerospace⟩ ⟪test_account⟫ need a picture of the principia folder […] ⮪ Yeah I’m getting it dw