raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Δv is real, and will hurt you
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> The How It's Made crew films a 15-minute piece at the KSC facility. You travel back in time, only to discover that the universe no longer exists in that timeframe.
<XXCoder> I guess I was showing off how time machine was made?
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<raptop> !mission add Due to a severe mistranslation, Werner fills the tanks with chocolate.
<LunchBot> Added mission: Due to a severe mistranslation, Werner fills the tanks with chocolate.
* raptop wonders if that's too obscure and/or edgy
* raptop vaguely wonders if it's possible to sneak variants of Boris Chertok anecdotes into missions/outcomes
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<Althego> wazzu
<Althego> p
<funkenstein> hehehe
<funkenstein> ;mission add Due to a mild mistranslation, your rocket is transferred from the VAB onto a small toad. The toad's name is "Launch"
<LunchBot> Added mission: Due to a mild mistranslation, your rocket is transferred from the VAB onto a small toad. The toad's name is "Launch"
<funkenstein> that shouldn't be too obscure
<funkenstein> (pad means toad and/or path in dutch)
<funkenstein> launch pad
<funkenstein> ';mission
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> You are smacked on the bottom by a sassy asteroid. You freeze to death.
<funkenstein> hmm. may have been a commie comet
<funkenstein> ;mission add Your comms are combed by a commie comet.
<LunchBot> Added mission: Your comms are combed by a commie comet.
<UmbralRaptor> !outcome add due to a translation error, your rocket lunches from the cafeteria.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: due to a translation error, your rocket lunches from the cafeteria.
<funkenstein> lol
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> You attempt to create a floating Joolian colony. Your TWR is atrocious.
<funkenstein> I assume, then, that by "floating" it means "maintaining altitude with minimal thrust"
<UmbralRaptor> You'd hope so
<UmbralRaptor> It's probably somewhat difficult, as current KSP sort of has atmospheric molecular weights implemented
<funkenstein> I hadn't thought of it that way, that's hilarious
<UmbralRaptor> In real life, gas giants are awful places for balloons
<funkenstein> what if the balloon was the gas giants we had in our hearts all along
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<UmbralRaptor> ???
<Althego> already mostly hydrogen, so what else you could put in the balloon? maybe hot hydrogen
<Althego> but keeping it hot costs energy, so you could just make a plane instead too
<UmbralRaptor> vacuum zeppelin
<funkenstein> t=(it wasn't supposed to make sense)
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<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> You design and build a complete space program using nothing but cans of Spam. You succeed.
<funkenstein> what
<funkenstein> impressive, most impressive
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<packbart> !mission
<LunchBot> You try a twelve-degree approach to land at Island Runway 09. You return 5 minutes later to find out you missed everything.
<packbart> The autopilot did it
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> You express a great deal of indifference as to the reliability of the valves in you rockets. You succeed beyond your wildest nightmares.
<Althego> !outcome add Your launch is scrubbed because of stuck valves.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: Your launch is scrubbed because of stuck valves.
<SporkWitch> time to find out if my first attempt at landing on Eve results in science or explosions... lol
<SporkWitch> all it has to do is touch down sufficiently intact to fulfill the contract and i get a cool million spacebucks...
<SporkWitch> (and i have deadly reentry on... lol)
<packbart> is it really a reentry if you've never been there before?
<Althego> but first you left your origin. so unless that was an airless moon or an asteroid or something similar, you reenter an atmosphere
<packbart> just not the same atmosphere, I see. yeah, that is a possible explanation
<SporkWitch> if you go up in flames i don't think the "re" is the critical factor lol
<Althego> but in reality probably it just used to b e leaving earth's atmosphere and getting back, so it wa reentry in every sense, and later the word stuck
<SporkWitch> i might remove deadly reentry... it's getting really annoying that properly sized heat shields aren't protecting the component directly attached to them. I've got a 2.5m shield on a 2.5m service bay, and the bay's skin temp is coming up on explosion temp...
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<SporkWitch> the spin trick somewhat works, but it's silly and annoying
<packbart> use a stack of ablative Science Jr. modules ;)
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> quite expensive
<SporkWitch> nothing exploded from heat! came REALLY close, but had just enough spin input before the battery died.
<SporkWitch> now to find out if i have enough parachute...
<SporkWitch> i am pretty pleased with the delivery vehicle, though. Had the lander probe on the nose, and underneath a bunch of fairings w/ truss and interstage nodes to hold six commsats. with the reduction in mass from deploying each commsat, it worked out to just enough ΔV to deploy 3 equatorial and 3 polar commsats, then bring the orbit in for a smooth deorbit for the probe
<Althego> you dont really need parachutes
<SporkWitch> i did cheat one thing though: I accidentally put the decouplers on upside down, so the commsats' engines couldn't fire to circularize their orbits, so I did delete that vehicle and then teleport another out to the same orbit with the decouplers facing the right way heh
<SporkWitch> granted eve's atmo is pretty thick, but i'm not sure the legs and heat shield would be enough to protect the service module from lithobraking at terminal velocity... heh
<SporkWitch> looks like it's probably more than enough chute, though, if for no other reason than that crazy thick atmosphere. used the nose-mounted double-chute from realchutes, so it combines a drogue and a regular with staggered deployment. partially deployed drogue has me down to 50m/s
<SporkWitch> i'm coming down in the sea, though... hopefully the phsyics don't bite me lol
<Mat2ch> Uhhh, B7 with 33 Raptors is rolled out. Many many tests ahead! Nice!
<SporkWitch> Mat2ch: starship got approvals ^^
<SporkWitch> should have tests Soon™
<Mat2ch> well, with all the tests that have to be done... "soon" can mean anything ;)
<SporkWitch> yeah, but the paperwork's approved for them to start tests, so big milestone
<Althego> remember when the first orbital test was last summer?
<Althego> we lost a year
<Althego> but even with this starship is a really ambitious project and it seems to be going really fast
<SporkWitch> can't wait for the first reentry test; it'll be the first use of that type of reentry cooling. apparently it works by recirculating the methalox fuel underneath the skin to carry heat from the windward side to the leeward
<Althego> hmm interesting
<Althego> i didnt know they did that
<umaxtu> I thought they'd scrapped that
<FLHerne> yeah, I'm fairly sure they did
<Althego> what they scrapped was the bleeding of fuel for cooling
<Althego> whatever they called that
<SporkWitch> i'm trying to find a source explaining what i was talking about
<Althego> that the skin would have spores and let fuel through and let it evaporate
<Althego> this sounds something different
<Althego> like a heat exchanger
<SporkWitch> yeah, i think that much was canceled due to concerns the pores would "clog"
<umaxtu> rocket pimples sound cool
<SporkWitch> but pumping the fuel under the skin makes sense and wouldn't have the same issues. not really any different from how a liquid cooling loop in a computer works: the windward side would functionally be the CPU block, heating the fuel, which is then pumped through the leeward side which would act as the radiator
<Althego> but where would you pump he heat to? in an airplane usually that is the fuel. but when the tanks are empty, that is not really an option
<Althego> you could still evaporate some water ice or something
<SporkWitch> the implication is it won't be empty ,which makes sense given they plan to have it land vertically, so you need fuel for the burn
<Mat2ch> Althego: you pump it inside. The heat is short enough, you the heat spikes are the problem.
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<Althego> almost empty
<Mat2ch> -you
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<Althego> empty space doesnt hold heat well
<SporkWitch> "empty" is a relative thing in this case. you have the skin lined with the small pipes to maximize surface area while minimizing volume. the thermal capacity is that of the total volume of fluid, again just like in a liquid cooling loop for a computer
<Althego> ok you could put it into the walls
<SporkWitch> it distributes the temperature throughout the fluid, it's not like you have really hot coolant in the CPU block and cool near the radiator, the temperature is relatively uniform throughout the fluid volume
<Althego> yes, but there you can have aradiator and some fans to move heat out
<Althego> that is why i asked where the heat goes
<Althego> it doesnt keep the het inside
<SporkWitch> and yeah, empty space is an insulator. that's how double-pane windows work: AFAIK it's usually a vacuum layer between the two panes, and that's how it massively reduces heat transfer
<Althego> and most of starship will be empty space when it comes back
<Althego> the header tanks maybe?
<Althego> those could be a target, they are full
<SporkWitch> no, but the leeward side is significantly lower temperature than the windward, and all that matters is that you keep the skin temperature below that at which the steel loses structure integrity, and that the passenger compartment is kept below that at which the electronics or meatbags are harmed
<Althego> and even those are what some tons of liquid
<SporkWitch> the belly is the part getting the atmospheric heating (the metal in contact with the CPU heat spreader), while the dorsal side is cooler and functions as a radiator
<SporkWitch> and i definitely had plenty of chute; overkill in fact, as fully deployed, i'm down to 2.6m/s lol
<Althego> you can land with aerobrakes, just as real life venus probes
<SporkWitch> yeah, but it's my first attempt, and given the time between missions, even with time warp, i didn't want to screw up lol
<SporkWitch> i have other missions i want to do but i need the money from this one to fund them heh
<SporkWitch> as tedious as it is, i prefer the career mode's constraints and missions to help set goals and give ideas, vs even just science mode eliminating the money factor
<SporkWitch> here's hoping the contract doesn't decide to be picky and not count splashing down in the explodium sea as a "landing"
<Althego> movin movin movin movin
<Althego> cruisin cruisin cruisin cruisin
<packbart> Men staring at tanks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciDsg3KN6Uw "SpaceX Rolls Out Booster 7 With 33 Raptors Installed"
<packbart> oops
<Althego> i vaguely remember some old time capsule having soem water cooling for reentry
<Althego> but i cant find it
<Althego> maybe it was just a plan
<SporkWitch> ... the contract doesn't count a splashdown...
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> there is not that much explodium surface on eve
<Althego> you can land elsewhere
<SporkWitch> yeah, given just how finicky the reentry was i'm just gonna cheese it and move myself over, contract is overly literal IMO
<SporkWitch> i'm satisfied with my accomplishment (upside of non-competitive games: no shame in a little bit of cheating when the spirit is fulfilled)
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<funkenstein> ;outcome add Love Shack! Baby, F-Dome!
<LunchBot> Added outcome: Love Shack! Baby, F-Dome!
<SporkWitch> hmmm... LT-05 micro landers are apparently pogo sticks on eve. retract the gear and the high gravity flips me over right side up. deploy the gear again, and it launches me a few metres into the are and i get stuck on my side... lol
<Althego> interseting movement method
<Althego> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maip i wouldnt want to meet that
<funkenstein> sporkwitch that reminds me of this thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z83ZyVUvWyw
<funkenstein> actually I think it was a different onew but eh
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<SporkWitch> hmmm... can't figure out why my atmosphere scoops won't grab oxygen from kerbin...
<SporkWitch> it seems to think there's no storage, but if i switch it to argon it immediately starts filling up...
<sandbox_> there's no kind of atmosphere
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<SporkWitch> so what i'm doing is using ram intakes and radial atmosphere scoops. I have thermal generators on top of reactors, which have thermal turbojets underneath them. Initially i use atmospheric intake for "free" thrust, the idea being to scoop up oxygen on the way up to use as reaction mass once i'm in the thinner parts of the atmosphere, and switch the engines over to oxidizer (which, in theory,
<SporkWitch> KSPI should treat interchangeably with oxygen). The issue is that the scoops won't collect oxygen from kerbin's atmosphere, but they WILL collect argon, with no changes in the setup. It doesn't make any sense :'(
<SporkWitch> I've tried using argon, but the engines will only use liquid argon, and I can't find any fast enough way to convert argon gas to liquid argon to be of use
<SporkWitch> likewise they won't collect compressed air, either
<SporkWitch> looks like it's moot anyway; just put some oxygen in the tank at launch and the engines won't switch to it :(
<SporkWitch> i know there's some way to make this work, because i don't think there have been any relevant changes to the mods, and a similar design is showcased in beardypenguin's interstellar series...
<packbart> !mission
<LunchBot> You fly unsafe. Bob's chances of survival are directly proportional to his ability to count the shadows.
<SporkWitch> poor River :'(
<SporkWitch> though i suppose it could also be a Sword of Truth reference, but Doctor Who seems more subject-appropriate
<packbart> I'm Jeb. And you're in the biggest space simulator in the galaxy. Launch me up.
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> You forget that bird watching goes both ways. Your kerbals are mashed into something amazingly like mystery goo.
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> You consult the Grimoire for Summoning the Zoologically Dubious. Cirno is embarassed by your poor math skills.
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> You search for Moho's lost atmosphere and mountains. It sets a new record for the Island Express.
<Althego> the birds are watchnig you back?
<Mat2ch> and they are waiting. Eagerly.
<packbart> Biiirrdeeeemic
<packbart> scnr
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<raptop> As it turns out, the birds really like their new NSA jobs
* raptop vaguely wonders if anyone gets the Cirno ref
<FLHerne> ;mission add A self-help book tells you never look back. This seems wise, because all the things you might crash into are in front of you.
<LunchBot> Added mission: A self-help book tells you never look back. This seems wise, because all the things you might crash into are in front of you.
<FLHerne> ;mission fixup s/never/to never/
<LunchBot> New text is: A self-help book tells you to never look back. This seems wise, because all the things you might crash into are in front of you.
<raptop> !mission add You describe a 9-SRB rocket as highly unrealistic and unlikely to see much use.
<LunchBot> Added mission: You describe a 9-SRB rocket as highly unrealistic and unlikely to see much use.
<raptop> ...it's too bad that the various Co-60 incidents don't really lend themselves to a good ominious mission
<raptop> !outcome add At least your crew capsules can be easily repurposed as spy satellites.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: At least your crew capsules can be easily repurposed as spy satellites.
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