raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.3 http://bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: http://tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Δv is real, and will hurt you
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<Mat2ch> oh, wow, B7 was lifted onto the launch plattform. And if you time it right in the live stream you can see just how much the chopsticks bent due to the weight of the booster. Impressive
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<FLHerne> ;mission add Bill removes all the control switches for cleaning. Through an oversight they aren't replaced before liftoff.
<LunchBot> Added mission: Bill removes all the control switches for cleaning. Through an oversight they aren't replaced before liftoff.
<Mat2ch> FLHerne: doesn't this add a mission with a fixed outcome?
<FLHerne> no, bot will add an outcome
<FLHerne> it's just a mission that happens to be two sentences
<Mat2ch> ah
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> You put on the Gravity finale soundtrack to make your reentry even more intense. Gravitational tides rip your body apart.
<Mat2ch> But in style!
<Althego> zombanwa
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<SporkWitch> now to see if i can orbit a 215 tonne payload... lol
<Althego> do it
<packbart> SporkWitch: those are rookie numbers ;)
<packbart> (only 3 launches)
<Althego> what a domain
<SporkWitch> it's weighing in at 290,975kg
<Althego> it was 215 before
<SporkWitch> yeah, then i added the fuel
<Althego> hehe
<SporkWitch> orbital shipyard, material kits, and fuel.
<Althego> big payload -> big rocket. can you cpu handle it?
<SporkWitch> wanting to get this up, then i can start building out my transportation infrastructure. Have a lander already designed, but it's awkward to get up to orbit from kerbin. Then will build a carrier to actually bring it to minmus and back
<packbart> Althego: when I was a wee trainee, I worked in the field of automated processing of forms
<SporkWitch> CPU is a non-issue; Ryzen 9 3950x. GPU is the bottleneck, since it's only a GTX1060
<SporkWitch> GPUs are finally coming down to reasonable prices again, but thanks to inflation i'm no closer to getting one. My groceries have nearly tripled in price over the past year, between the price going up and the quantities going down at the same time.
<SporkWitch> (no joke, i've gone from around 150/mo, to my last run costing over 250 and only lasting about a week and a half)
<sandbox> they are? I haven't looked in ages
<SporkWitch> yeah, legitimate sources are at about MSRP now, and miners are dumping their cards at the moment (so be real careful if not buying from a reputable seller, you might have some burnt out mining card)
<packbart> I was lucky to buy my new game PC in 2019, before the price increase
<SporkWitch> prices should go down significantly once the RTX-40 series launches, which is when I'll start seriously looking at trying to get an RTX-30 series
<Althego> gpus reached below msrp
<Althego> which is expected since this generation is coming to an and
<SporkWitch> yeah
<Althego> also crypto crash
<packbart> there goes my pension fund ;)
<SporkWitch> that's what's causing the used cards to get dumped, and that's what's putting the average below MSRP. I don't count it, because you don't want those beat up cards.
<packbart> they're not that beat up. miners run them undervolted and cooled
<SporkWitch> packbart: heh, meanwhile i'm just trying to get 750 into my savings to cover the required collateral for a credit card through my bank (trying to fix up my credit so i can get a decent rate on a car loan, as part of the path to moving out of new york to new hampshire)
<Althego> and you cant run them more than 24 h a day
<Althego> my 1070 is what 6 years odl
<SporkWitch> GTX1060 here and definitely showing its age.
<SporkWitch> Still works, but it's struggling
<Althego> since ksp switched shaders, the card that was previously didnt even start up the fans is now struggling with it
<packbart> SporkWitch: the pension fund comment was about the few bitcoins I still have. out of 15 when they were not valued in real money, yet. I gave most of them away, I just wanted to see what the tech and math was all about
<packbart> I still don't believe in cryptocoins, either, so I don't really care about its value
<SporkWitch> lol, 4x mainsails and only 0.87 TWR lol
<SporkWitch> strap a couple SRBs on and I think I can get it high enough for the mainsails to take it to orbit
<Althego> go big or go home
<Althego> 0.87 twr can be good for a 3rd stage
<packbart> Althego: go big or go boom! ;)
<SporkWitch> remarkably, this thing only costs 420k
<packbart> spiffy
<SporkWitch> gonna need adjustments, though; almost forgot RCS. This thing is going to be hard enough to dock to the existing station as it is lol
<packbart> I used docking tugs for that
<SporkWitch> I've never come up with a decent tug design :(
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<packbart> basically just large monoprop tanks, RCS and a probe core
<funkenstein> ;mission
<LunchBot> You send Gilly Kerman to Gilly. The Kraken sends a scathing email to mission control, demanding they inform you of its displeasure.
<SporkWitch> maybe should do that first, you're probably right about that making things easier
<funkenstein> apparently gilly is a no-go
<SporkWitch> gilly is annoying. i can't get scansat to map it properly, because even the close-range scanners have a minimum altitude outside its SOI lol
<SporkWitch> unlike the stock resource scanner, the scansat dev apparently didn't program in a contingency for tiny bodies to reduce the altitude requirements
<SporkWitch> really love that mod, too, the maps it makes are just so cool
<packbart> and you don't need to putz around with Kerbnet to find anomalies ;)
<SporkWitch> kerbnet is just weird and annoying heh
<SporkWitch> hopefully KSP2 just replaces it with scansat lol
<Althego> it looks like they are choosing the star citizen route
<SporkWitch> it also makes no sense to me that you need a probe core for kerbnet; why can't a capsule's computers use the same datalink?
<SporkWitch> Althego: how so?
<Althego> never release
<SporkWitch> i mean, everything's been up in the air between the lockdowns and the team changeups, but from what i've seen progress has been steady, and they've announced a quarter-level release window. Might still see some delays, but at this point we can reasonably expect more precise release estimates. I don't think it unreasonable to expect end of 2023 at latest
<SporkWitch> Star Citizen has also been showing reasonable progress, though that one I can absolutely blame on terrible mismanagement. It does have a full gameplay loop, though, and has for several years now.
<SporkWitch> reminds me, i should check if i can finally fly my idris...
<funkenstein> looks lik e a virus
<funkenstein> ;mission add You design a massive spacefaring virus.
<LunchBot> Added mission: You design a massive spacefaring virus.
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> You write a KSP clone for the PDP-7. The Kraken flees from your designs in terror.
<Althego> hehehe
<SporkWitch> this is proving surprisingly easy to control...
<SporkWitch> might come up short on ΔV though... we'll see...
<SporkWitch> (i did strap a couple of the 5m SAS on it, and it has a stupid amount of thrust, so it makes sense that it's stable)
<SporkWitch> the fairing is bending and clipping... lol
<SporkWitch> and it just snapped and exploded :(
<Althego> hehe
<SporkWitch> who summoned the kraken?
<Althego> return of the bendy noodle rocket
<SporkWitch> was trying to save science for a new reactor, but i guess i have to buy the next tier of heavy lift engines :(
<SporkWitch> because of the bendy fairing, i'm gonna have to just go vertical up to 20km or so THEN start my turn; FAR's a [female dog] in low atmosphere
<SporkWitch> it did it again :'(
<SporkWitch> why are fairings bendy?! :'(
<Althego> oops is did it again :)
<SporkWitch> ... a piece of the fairing blew up one of the fuel tanks....
<Althego> hehe
<SporkWitch> and because of losing that tank, i ran out of fuel at 102km ap, 50km pe >_<
<SporkWitch> packbart: so when you're designing your tugs, are you just using multiple and attaching them at multiple points on the thing you're trying to move, so it behaves as one unit so you have balanced RCS?
<packbart> basically, yes. I set each one to dock at a port on the "payload" and maybe re-balance their thrust
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<packbart> (for docking the tugs, I use MechJeb auto-dock because it looks really cool to see four tugs streak out towards a ship and latch on :)
<SporkWitch> i've never used mechjeb
<packbart> can't really multi-task that well manually
<packbart> I say, you're missing out. Other say computers have no place in space-flight simulations. ymmv
<SporkWitch> gonna try this https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/812736295814168623/989930858536370337/unknown.png the thrusters use monopropellant and i modified the tanks to be pure monoprop. it has integral RCS and SAS and probe core. clampotron on the butt an a grabber up top
<packbart> and I just love to see multiple craft move about on their own
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<packbart> yeah, even I think that thing is a bit OP ;) but it is indeed a great tug. I use it to catch payloads in Minmus' orbit and land them
<SporkWitch> sarbian's mechjeb2?
<packbart> aye
<SporkWitch> eh, i don't think it's overpowered simply because it doesn't carry all that much. it's a very built-for-purpose thing and it does its job.
<SporkWitch> alcubierre drive? OP lol
<SporkWitch> though i'll still probably build one eventually, just to play around with it
<packbart> true. it's a bit of a kitchen sink, with probe core, RCS, reaction wheels, fuel cells and tanks all in one, scaleable part
<SporkWitch> yeah, but VERY purpose-built. It's designed to be a tug and that's what it does. Keeps it compact and aesthetically pleasing
<SporkWitch> you're not going to use it for anything else because it just doesn't fit
<SporkWitch> does mechjeb2 include FAR support, or do i need to adjust compatibility to install the separate FAR module? looks like that hasn't beeen updated in years (support ends at 1.0.9)
<packbart> I don't really know, tbh. I never used FAR. probably not, if I read my internets right (unless with the FAR-MJ module)
<SporkWitch> i don't get too in the weeds on FAR, but I use it because it helps with some of the most annoying unrealistic aspects of inaccuracy in the stock aerodynamic model. I have too many thousands of hours in realistic flight sims to be able to stand the stock aerodynamic model, my reflexes and instincts are just too ingrained.
<SporkWitch> job interview in an hour, wish me luck. hope i get it. move back into systems administration, and it's about a 50% pay bump compared to my current job (so basically i'll be making what I did when i started my current job, adjusted for inflation...)
<packbart> 🤞
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<SporkWitch> really need a new job; current one is approaching outright hostile at this point, and they're really screwing us more and more. it's like they're actively trying to drive people to quit
<SporkWitch> (never mind that i've gotten a TOTAL of a 5% raise over the last 5 years... even without the past 2 years' inflation, i'm literally making less than when i started)
<packbart> I just took a new job that pays a lot less than average (less than I made before) but at least I get to work more with electronics than e-commerce
<SporkWitch> fair
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<SporkWitch> and that's part of my position as well, i'd be willing to take slightly less to get away from support and back to systems admin
<packbart> sadly, the sextoy project fell through because of Ze War. I loved telling people that I was a buttplug tester (my job was to make automated tests that simulate inputs via pins or bluetooth and check for the correct outputs with a logic analyzer)
<SporkWitch> if onlly because it'll get some current work experience in the right field again so i can get a better position in a year or two
<SporkWitch> lol
<SporkWitch> i will never stop being entertained by the fact that teledildonics is a real thing haha
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<packbart> well, wait until we get long-distance relationships between people on Earth and Mars ;) but anyway. the S in KSP stands for Space! :)
<packbart> I digress
<Althego> kerbal submarine program
<SporkWitch> space hanky-panky? what modern scifi is complete without zero-g love? lol
<packbart> !mission
<LunchBot> You come up with atrocious but mathematically-sound unit conversions, which you feed into kmath for fun. *POMF*
<packbart> sounds like a case for The Laundry
<SporkWitch> derp, just realized i forgot a hub module on the station >_< time to launch another piece... lol
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<SporkWitch> stations are so hard to make look pretty AND be functional
<packbart> I fondly remember "designing" my very first space station in KSP. it was a horribly noodly contraption and soon became the last docking port for failed designs and didn't see much use ;)
<SporkWitch> yeah, what i have up right now is a station core and some life support stuff and solar panels, but not enough docking ports. Shipyard is in a parking orbit. Now I need to send up what will basically just be a hub to build onto, since there's only one available docking port on each of the two pieces already up there. Things will be easier once this is done, though, since I'll have a functional
<SporkWitch> orbital shipyard, so at that point I just need to ferry up supplies and materials and can build in space. No more huge, awkward payloads, just containers with stuff in them
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<SporkWitch> next up will be building a ferry for Mun and Minmus, and a lander to go with it. That'll make it nice and easy to get more science economically, and let me start building a planetary settlement.
<SporkWitch> REALLY annoyed that i can't get the shuttle design I want to work. I'm forced to conclude that a change was made in KSPI, because the design in beardypenguin's interstellar series just doesn't work anymore; i think they changed the conversion rate between gas and liquid, and as a result it's just not possible to convert gas to liquid fast enough to use it.
<SporkWitch> nuclear thermal thrust, use intake atmosphere up to altitude, scooping local atmosphere on the way up to use as reaction mass once there isn't enough air. Very efficient design for shuttling things to/from orbit.
<packbart> if it's just that, couldn't you just change the numbers to "more correct" values?
<SporkWitch> potentially, but i worry about it breaking other stuff
<SporkWitch> bad enough ion thrusters are totally broken; even in deep space they're behaving as if they're in atmosphere, only putting out 0.003kn or so, when they should be putting out 1.0
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<packbart> Fuel production in Kerbalism is mostly impossible, too. Too much realism ;) It takes lots of power, resources and time to produce even a drop of fuel
<SporkWitch> stock too, really. takes a crazy amount of time to refuel with ISRU
<SporkWitch> really designed to build a permanent base that's just producing 24/7 and then stockpile
<packbart> well, Kerbalism's ISRU is about a meeelllion times slower (or takes Jiggawatts of power)
<SporkWitch> time to launch some kraken-bait...
<Pinkbeast> I had to find a factor of about a thousand in CAMREC to prevent over-unity operation
<packbart> funny enough, CO2 was the limiting factor in my play, both for growing plants and making fuel
<packbart> I had to ship containers full of CO2 and Kerbal waste to the station
<SporkWitch> that sounds painful; USI Life Support feels like a good balance to me. Keeps it simple with just supplies, mulch, and fertilizer
<packbart> linuxgurugamer was/is working on The Most Simplest Life Support Mod
<Pinkbeast> Has released it, I thought? But there's at least some other "one resource" life support mods
<SporkWitch> USI just strikes the right balance for me. Just enough complexity without getting too micro-manage-y
<packbart> I liked TacLS but it's not really that different
<packbart> Pinkbeast: yeah, there's Snacks!
<Pinkbeast> I used TACLS for a while but realised... if kerbals need Food, Water, and Oxygen at constant rates, that might as well _be_ one resource. USILS's habitation mechanic is a lot more interesting.
<SporkWitch> yeah, though i have trouble wrapping my head around how it decides homesick vs hab. Some things seem to suddenly kill your timers, others seem to randomly increase it again. Also encountered a bug on a minmus mission the other day that had Bill stuck as a tourist even after returning to kerbin. Had to edit the save file to fix it and put him back to Engineer
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<packbart> he wanted to be a farmer and no longer involved in your shenanigans
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<SporkWitch> mechjeb ascent autopilot does NOT agree with FAR and deadly reentry lol
<SporkWitch> packbart: i'm apparently blind; where is the auto-dock option in mechjeb? lol
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<umaxtu> are you playing career mode? you might not have unlocked it yet
<SporkWitch> maybe; i'd have thought i'm far enough along, but maybe i need another node or two
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<SporkWitch> well that was a nightmare lol. got the new docking truss docked to the shipyard, now to rendesvous the whole monstrosity with the main station, and then dock that... lol
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<funkenstein> ;mission add You hire Bergholt Stuttley Johnson to design your rocket.
<LunchBot> Added mission: You hire Bergholt Stuttley Johnson to design your rocket.
<funkenstein> ;outcome add Everything goes totally bursar.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: Everything goes totally bursar.
<SporkWitch> victory! https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/433784854631546880/989999980091670538/unknown.png shipyard and docking truss now docked to the main station ^^
<umaxtu> yay!
<SporkWitch> d'oh! the new orbital shipyard uses different resources than the old MKS one >_< lol
<SporkWitch> MKS one just uses material kits and specialized parts; the new one also needs alloys, synthetics, robotics, electronics, and prototypes... lol
<SporkWitch> gonna have to launch and dock a ridiculous warehouse module it looks like lol
<SporkWitch> thing's gonna end up being the size of Star Trek's Earth Spacedock lol
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<Az> !mission
<LunchBot> You attempt to use windmills as a means of propulsion. You scare a cat in a box half to death.
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