Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP2 current version: | Rules: | Δv maps: | If Esper collapses, plan B is ##KSPOfficial on (note the double hashtag) | KSP2 is 20% off on Steam
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<Eddi|zuHause> !mission
<LunchBot> You have a good pilot and a safe pilot, and the safe pilot is in charge of the good pilot. You manage to find your way home from Eve with no rocket.
<darsie> .outcome add Ellas Kerman jumps from the top of Megalofishicus Rex into the shallow sea. Wheeeee!
<LunchBot> Added outcome: Ellas Kerman jumps from the top of Megalofishicus Rex into the shallow sea. Wheeeee!
<Mat2ch> Woah, the safe pilot and the good pilot made it really back
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<FLHerne> also, yay Cabin Pressure :-)
<Mat2ch> you have electricity again?
<Mat2ch> And heating?
<sandbox> Cabin Pressure?
<FLHerne> yeah
<FLHerne> even Atlas has heating, she has a lovely old Epping stove that I'd love to have on my own boat
<FLHerne> Cabin Pressure is a radio sitcom(?) about a small charter airline, the line about good and safe pilots is from it
<FLHerne> well, "I don't have an airline. I have one jet. You cannot put one jet in a line. If MJN is anything, it is an air dot."
<sandbox> I'm sure it was also the name of a stage play my parents went to several years back...
<sandbox> it was so bad and boring that one of their friends even fell asleep
<FLHerne> I have no idea if that was related :p
<FLHerne> the internet says that a couple of episodes were done as a student production somewhere
<FLHerne> and some the original episodes were recorded live with an audience, but I don't consider them bad or boring :p
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<Mat2ch> I'm not sure this neural net knows about ksp
<FLHerne> also he's hardly jumping *from* it
<darsie> Yeah, dumb AI.
<darsie> it knows about KSP.
<darsie> Why might Ellas Kerman be a Kerbal?
<darsie> ChatGPT: Ellas Kerman might be considered a Kerbal, based on the naming convention used in your description. In the game Kerbal Space Program (KSP), characters are known as Kerbals, and they all share the surname "Kerman" as part of the game's whimsical approach to astronaut names.
<sandbox> I once tried asking for the latest driver versions, and in at least a couple of cases it told me versions older than the ones I was using
<darsie> It only knows what it's learned from its training data, which may be years old.
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<Mat2ch> I wonder where it got the "whimsical" from.
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<Deddly> sandbox, as darsie says, ChatGPT doesn't have access to new data. Current cutoff date is January 2022, it says
<Deddly> Copilot has more up-to-date info but it doesn't seem to be as good as plain ChatGPT, even thought it's powered by it.
<cringe> Copilot is dookie
<cringe> I imagine on purpose
<Deddly> What does "dookie" mean?
<cringe> it's more like bing, if bing could summarize search results
<cringe> it feels less about being a helpful AI, and more about presenting a set of direct results
<cringe> even in creative mode, i see no creativity
<cringe> well, a lack of
<Deddly> AI hasn't really gotten to the stage of true creativity as yet. Though they claim to be close.
<Deddly> According to Altman and co.
<cringe> the trade off with copilot is data security, i feel.
<cringe> at least, with the right license
<Deddly> I think that's the same with all of them, isn't it? They can access anything you enter there
<Deddly> I mean the developers can
<cringe> it depends on the provider and what they can offer
<cringe> msft's copilot is being developed specifically for enterprise
<cringe> so data security is paramount
<cringe> cuz dumdums are gonna want it to write emails to customers, etc for them
<packbart> isn't that a thing they actually do well?
<cringe> write emails?
<cringe> from an enterprise standpoint, you wouldn't want your users putting in customer PII, confidental comms, financials, or anything else in the off-the-shelf offerings
<cringe> msft knows that, and made a closed-system copilot for enterprises
<cringe> also worth mentioning regulatory compliance is still ramping up for the use of AI, I wouldn't want to build too many critical processes using AI until the dust settles
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<sandbox> !mission
<LunchBot> A nuclear raven causes an incident. You are banned from proposing new missions.
<SporkWitch> But it wasn't his fault, it was the raven!
<Eddi|zuHause> !mission
<LunchBot> You confuse combustible with comestible. The precision required is 1/5000th of a millimetre, which in inches is ... a different number.
<FLHerne> more precise than totally different, certainly
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<darsie> Ok, one mission: Enter the SOI of Eeloo and Plant a flag on the Eye of Dres.
<darsie> 2x8000 science.
<Eddi|zuHause> FLHerne: i think the point was that at these kinds of scales, inches is a useless unit
<FLHerne> I know
<FLHerne> my previous comment was badly worded, I meant the difference between stuff that can burn and stuff you can eat
<FLHerne> (the quote is from Technology Connections iirc)
<Eddi|zuHause> i think i saw that video, but couldn't tell you what it was about
<darsie> Why do 2 missions need to be tracked? Why not count all mission whose objective are achieved while it's active as completed?
<FLHerne> ditto
<FLHerne> darsie: I'm failing to understand the question
<darsie> 2=KSP2
<FLHerne> You need one craft to fulfil both?
<darsie> I can do both with one craft.
<darsie> 2=KSP2
<FLHerne> You said
<darsie> like 1.3.4
<FLHerne> clearly I still don't understand the question
<darsie> like 1.3.4 refers to KSP 1.3.4 I say to for KSP2.
<darsie> Why do KSP2 missions need to be tracked? Why not count all mission whose objective are achieved while it's active as completed?
<darsie> like 1.3.4 refers to KSP 1.3.4 I say 2 for KSP2.
<FLHerne> yes, I still can't make sense of what you mean by that
<darsie> You played 2?
<FLHerne> no, there's absolutely zero chance of it running on this
<darsie> Ok, I understand why you don't understand.
<FLHerne> KSP1 sort of almost does :p
<FLHerne> also you seem to be repeating yourself a lot
<FLHerne> I know how KSP1 missions work, I don't know how KSP2 missions work, and "Why not count all mission whose objective are achieved while it's active as completed?" means nothing to me
<FLHerne> KSP1 does that pretty much, you accomplish any steps of a mission with any craft in any order and they just get checked off
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<FLHerne> " You need one craft to fulfil both?" <- In KSP2, is it necessary for all mission objectives to be fulfilled by a single craft/flight/??? to complete the mission?"
<darsie> Well, in 1 you have to select missions to complete them. You get advance and the number of concurrent missions may be limited. In 2 you have to 'track' missions so they get completed, but since you don't get advance or have limits, you can simply track all missions ... making tracking pointless.
<darsie> Maybe that's for when they introduce money.
<FLHerne> yeah, that just sounds unfinished
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<Eddi|zuHause> unfinished game is unfinished.
<Eddi|zuHause> !mission
<LunchBot> You accidentally load your old KSP 1 career save in KSP 2. The result of your actions is later called "The Great Kesslerization".
<Eddi|zuHause> !outcome add Mia Kerman is MIA.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: Mia Kerman is MIA.
<darsie> Now what dv do I need from Eeloo flyby to Dres? Not much, I guess. 500 m/s?
<darsie> Should be plenty.
<Eddi|zuHause> wouldn't the other way be more plausible, fly by dres on the way to eeloo?
<darsie> No, because I need to plant a flag on Dres.
<Eddi|zuHause> so landing and starting on dres
<Pinkbeast> Solution, extremely long flagpole
<darsie> That uses more dv.
<Eddi|zuHause> or refueling on dres :)
<darsie> Throw it during flyby?
<Pinkbeast> darsie: Excellent idea.
<Eddi|zuHause> does it count if you split a lander from dres flyby?
<darsie> hmm, yeah.
<darsie> Still probably less efficient.
<darsie> hmm, idk.
<darsie> NUK lifetime=21 years. Is that the output halving time or is it dead, then?
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<darsie> Hmm, looks like I can jetpack down to Dres. 430 m/s and I can jetpack to orbit from the Mun which requirs 580 m/s (600, practically).
<darsie> But jetpack control sucks in 2.
<darsie> Hmm, OTOH Kerbals seem to tilt when I change viewing angle.
<darsie> Ok, gravity assist by Dres ...
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<raptop> !choose probodyne|probodobodyne|probodobodobodyne
<LunchBot> probodobodobodyne
<Althego> robotyne :)
<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> Sweat beads on your brow when you read that your Synosiodic chamber has reached 3.5ppm with 23 side-fumbles per minute. You end up in the intensive care ward.
<XXCoder> heart attacks isnt fun
<raptop> hah
<raptop> !mission
<LunchBot> You launch a rocket with 20 unsuspecting kerbals to sacrifice to the Kraken. Your efforts are mostly remembered through a humorous webcomic.
<raptop> I guess their deaths were mostly pointless
<XXCoder> seems so
<raptop> !mission add Annoyed at all this surpression equipment, you decide to liberate the fire.
<LunchBot> Added mission: Annoyed at all this surpression equipment, you decide to liberate the fire.
<FLHerne> .mission fixup s/sur/sup/
<LunchBot> New text is: Annoyed at all this suppression equipment, you decide to liberate the fire.
* raptop stabs the english language in the orthography
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<sandbox> I always get that word confused with birds
<raptop> ornithography would be a subject all right
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<Deddly> !nextlunch
<LunchBot> Christmas bathtub carp.
<Deddly> I... what?
<sandbox> I remember readings something about that
<sandbox> reading*
<FLHerne> It's a tradition somewhere
<sandbox> yup
<Deddly> Huh. Well how about that. Can I have it battered with chips?
<FLHerne> After cleaning and soaking the carp in milk, cooks typically bread and fry it or make a fishy aspic
<FLHerne> On Slovakian and Czech tables, it’s often accompanied by the likes of cabbage soup (or fish soup in Czechia) and potato salad. In Poland, the dish is one of 12 in a Christmas Eve feast known as the Wigilia supper.
<FLHerne> breaded and fried sounds close enough
<FLHerne> I got a small cod and battered chips for lunch today, because I'm moored almost directly underneath the best chip shop on the planet *
<FLHerne> I'm in the Black Country so they do battered chips, opinions differ but I love them
<Deddly> Ooooooh
<Deddly> Sounds amazing.
<Deddly> OK Catch y'all tomorrow. G'night
<sandbox> I've had battered haggis before, it was very nice
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