Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | KSP2 current version: | Rules: | Δv maps: | If Esper collapses, plan B is ##KSPOfficial on (note the double hashtag)
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<Eddi|zuHause> !mission
<LunchBot> You decide to cut your losses by covering your ships with probe cores and plugging your kerbals into neuro-interfaces. You would have succeeded... if you didn't confuse F1 motorsports engines with F1 rocket engines.
<Eddi|zuHause> i was so close
<XXCoder> lol
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XXCoder has joined #KSPOfficial
<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> You convince Bob to ride on top of the rocket. They were so convincing in their argument!
<XXCoder> who is "they" and what was their argument??
<Eddi|zuHause> THEY
<Eddi|zuHause> the voices who whispered in your ear
<XXCoder> wow. they must be magical to make me hear voices on nonworking ears
<dnsmcbr> XXCoder: even non-working ears can be made to work
<XXCoder> not really
<Eddi|zuHause> depends on whether the voices reach the ears directly, or the brain regions who would normally interpret the signals from your ears
<XXCoder> im always been deaf, so voices would have hard time making "noises" that I would understand lol
<dnsmcbr> XXCoder: yes they can - sauce; am cybernetic
<XXCoder> you dont understand. im been deaf since I was born, so I never developed hearing centers anyway
<dnsmcbr> XXCoder: sameish
<XXCoder> so even if its fixed and im hearing stuff, I wouldnt ever understand
<dnsmcbr> But I learned to speak, then became profoundly deaf
<XXCoder> yeah thats miles different
<dnsmcbr> But was pretty bad as a baby
<dnsmcbr> But only severe or sth than profound
<XXCoder> yeah even with 5% left hearing, brain centers still develop
<dnsmcbr> But yeah that’s why early implantation is so important
<XXCoder> im at 0%, pretty rare example of, my bro and sis is at 2-3%
<dnsmcbr> I was late to the show for implants
<dnsmcbr> Never learned to sign here, rest of fam could hear well. Kind of wish I did learn sign language but I think i would have struggled in a signed/special school
<dnsmcbr> Also, apparently there have been some success stories for implants in 0%, but if you’re 0 it’s probably barely treatable with implants at all - my fucked up cochlear was borderline.
<XXCoder> it doesnt really matter
<XXCoder> im nearly 50
<Eddi|zuHause> XXCoder: since it's figuratively anyway, it could also be "written" suggestions
<XXCoder> yeah lol
<dnsmcbr> XXCoder: hey! It’s never too late! In the UK here they implants you up to quite a late age limit.
<dnsmcbr> But yeah I can see why to not bother tbh
<XXCoder> amazing health care in usa lol
<XXCoder> sorry sorry I was laying it thick on usa care sarcism lol
<dnsmcbr> Yeah well cost restrictions and my age meant I didn’t get bilaterally which sucks ass tbh
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<Eddi|zuHause> well, i'm sure USA have amazing healthcare, if you're crazy rich.
<XXCoder> true
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<Mat2ch> Starship Simulator has chickens...
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<sandbox> !mission
<LunchBot> You are asked about your feelings when you see a Tortoise767 lying on its back, baking in the sun. You regret nothing.
darsie has joined #KSPOfficial
<Althego> what are your feelings when vedal987 is roasted by his daughter? :)
<Althego> .outcome add You try to hide from the falling debris under the cone of confusion.
<LunchBot> Added outcome: You try to hide from the falling debris under the cone of confusion.
<sandbox> I've never heard of the cone of confusion, only the cone of shame
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<KrazyKrl> ;mission add The space police are in hot pursuit, but for some weird reason their lights are red and infrared.
<LunchBot> Added mission: The space police are in hot pursuit, but for some weird reason their lights are red and infrared.
Ezriilc has joined #KSPOfficial
<sandbox> !mission
<LunchBot> You sit 3 days straight playing KSP and develop a thrombosis in your legs which eventually breaks free and blocks vital arteries. It took some serious convincing for the investors to believe it was a success.
<Mat2ch> depends on the definition of "success"
<Deddly> !nextlunch
<LunchBot> Shower calzone.
<Deddly> What's that? Pizza in a shower?
<Althego> hehe
<Deddly> I mean, it's better than a shower with NO pizza.
<Althego> this is not a beach, this is a bathtub
<Deddly> But I would argue that a pizza with no shower does have the edge here.
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<Eddi|zuHause> maybe you get showered with pizza?
<Eddi|zuHause> !mission
<LunchBot> You attempt to fire your rockets without advance notice, against union layoff agreements. It tastes soup-like!
<Eddi|zuHause> i think the pizza did get wet :p
<sandbox> !mission
<LunchBot> You ask someone what is their K/D on KSP. You will never be forgiven.
<Eddi|zuHause> some questions better be left unasked
<Azander> !mission
<LunchBot> You hire Michael Bay to be your Flight Director. Your relaxing replica Europa Report mission suddenly turns frightening when you are [DATA EXPUNGED] on Vall.
<Althego> what, no explosions? impossible
<Azander> heh
<Azander> that data was expunged :P
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<Althego> wouldnt matter, you can see a proper explosion from far away
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
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