ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<BadRocketsCo> Oh crap...
<BadRocketsCo> My computers graphics processor spawns the bluescreen
<BadRocketsCo> Or well, laptops actualy...
<BadRocketsCo> Which may mean that I can't even replace it
<BadRocketsCo> Fuck
<Bornholio> let out your anger, let it strengthen you.
<Bornholio> bummer dude
<BadRocketsCo> Heh
<BadRocketsCo> But yeah, as soon as a game is started, the bluescreen appears
<BadRocketsCo> Well, not as soon
<BadRocketsCo> But as soon as anything graphics-heavy is done
<Bornholio> do you get artifactws before that?
<Bornholio> trianlges, lines or other glitches
<BadRocketsCo> Black spots
<BadRocketsCo> And some other strange glitches, yeah
<Bornholio> patterned?
<Bornholio> either way, small chance its PSU not providing full power, could be heat (give it the ol' cleanout. or just a straight up failing card
<BadRocketsCo> My card has had trouble before, actualy. Games only worked on integrated graphics
<BadRocketsCo> So, could well be.
<BadRocketsCo> And I didn't notice any patterns
<Bornholio> common one for laptops is thermal grease on a shared heatpipe is seperating. can you check temps on it?
<BadRocketsCo> On it
<BadRocketsCo> Just noticed something
<BadRocketsCo> My fan is barely doing anything
<BadRocketsCo> It's slightly blowing out quite hot air
<Bornholio> laptop or desktop?
<BadRocketsCo> Huh, temps aren't that high. 50C
<BadRocketsCo> Laptop
<Bornholio> gotta make it hard .sigh
<Bornholio> good things to start with is to vacuum out the fan path (make sure you stop the fan mechanically with a small object like a q-tip) and vacuum out from both directions. or canned air if you have to make a mess :P
<Bornholio> hopefully you haven't blown a power cap or transistor
<BadRocketsCo> Huh. Ran the Dell diagnostic tool thing and nothing seems off.
<BadRocketsCo> But yet games crash the GPU
<BadRocketsCo> The fan works too
<BadRocketsCo> Hmn
<Bornholio> dell tools suck donkey $^$@#
<Bornholio> use the nvidia or amd tool for the card
<BadRocketsCo> Aight
<Bornholio> could also try speccy but its not always accurate
<BadRocketsCo> The last time I handed out my laptop to a tech with the graphics card trouble he said that no faults were found...
<BadRocketsCo> Which is strange.
<BadRocketsCo> They told me to check the drivers but all my gpu drivers are up to date
<Bornholio> imagine so. to long working with techs, they tend to run a stock tool and go no further unless pressed to
<Bornholio> what game crashes it blue screen
<BadRocketsCo> Pretty much every one, it seems. Even Plague Inc.
<BadRocketsCo> *sigh*
<BadRocketsCo> JUST as I had a manned Mars mission underway
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<BadRocketsCo2> Heh
<BadRocketsCo2> My irc app crashed on my phone
<Bornholio> bad karma man, gotta stop kicking puppies
<soundnfury> BadRocketsCo2: oh hey there
<soundnfury> that sounds sucky
<BadRocketsCo2> Yup...
<soundnfury> you'll have to play NetHack instead now ;)
<BadRocketsCo2> Heh
<BadRocketsCo2> I wonder if the GPU on my laptop can be replaced
<soundnfury> laptops are tricky buggers
<soundnfury> I've pretty much sworn off them now
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<BadRocketsCo> So, I started to think how the failure came around in the first place
<BadRocketsCo> And it is even stranger
<BadRocketsCo> I was at work and had KSP running
<BadRocketsCo> Helped some customers and when I came back i saw that windows had restarted
<BadRocketsCo> Before that KSP ran just fine
<BadRocketsCo> And everything else in general, of course
<soundnfury> I see. I don't know too much about what windows is like these days but is there a way you can get at the kernel logs?
<soundnfury> like, there might have been the equivalent of a panic recorded when it restarted
<BadRocketsCo> No idea...
<Bornholio> there is if it blue screened
<soundnfury> sadly it's a lot harder to get useful information out of a BSOD than it is from a linux panic
BadRocketsCo is now known as BRC2
<Bornholio> brc, if its a dell replacing the graphics card varies by model how hard it is
<Bornholio> some its not possible short of a mainboard change
<Bornholio> others its pretty easy once the case is open
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<BadRocketsCo> Found it
<BadRocketsCo> "Display driver igfx stopped responding"
<BadRocketsCo> Bunch of those messages before bluescreen
<Bornholio> that might be a good thing, since it can be software problems instead of only hardware
<soundnfury> BadRocketsCo: you want to pastebin the messages?
<soundnfury> (there _might_ be something revealing in them)
<BadRocketsCo> Also, the LAST thing was "audit events have been dropped by the transport. 0"
<Bornholio> i'd say uninstall gfx drivers and use the mfg tool to reinstall, since dell has messed this up many times for us cad users
<Bornholio> i know that pain
<BadRocketsCo> Hmm
<BadRocketsCo> Uh...how do I deinstall drivers?
<BadRocketsCo> Err...uninstall*
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<soundnfury> BadRocketsCo: I'll leave it to Bornholio to help you, since it seems he knows more about Windows than I do (and I'm guessing you're not willing to treat this as a good moment to install Debian ;)
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<Guest7704> Uh...I am an idiot
Guest7704 is now known as BadRocketsCo
<BadRocketsCo> I managed to delete the drivers without the backup...
<BadRocketsCo> Welp
<BadRocketsCo> Looks like a techie will have it from here
<BadRocketsCo> BECAUSE I AM DUMB and should not be let near computers
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<soundnfury> Bornholio: all these nuclear engines you added to RO... are they worth using? What kinds of uses do you envisage them being good for?
<soundnfury> (specifically, are they ever sensible to use for anything other than Big Manned Missions in the AAP vein?)