ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<Dasm> Any idea why only 1 rate is available to be upgraded with KCT
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<soundnfury> Dasm: you get 1 additional rate per upgrade of the VAB
<soundnfury> (in fact iirc that is the only thing VAB upgrades get you)
<soundnfury> (well, that and an increased multiplier on those rates)
<Dasm> Ohhh right, I need a VAB upgrade then, thanks!
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<awang> soundnfury: How'd you get planetary probes working from 67 degrees inclination?
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<BadRocketsCo> o/
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<Rokker> Bornholio: iran has a "new" "indigenously designed" fighter
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<soundnfury> awang: I launched polar, with the plane of the orbit roughly normal to the Earth-Sun line.
<soundnfury> in fact this technique works from any inclination, the critical thing being to place one's ecliptic nodes in the Earth prograde and retrograde directions
<soundnfury> it gives less freedom for radial adjustments, but more for normal (i.e. heliocentric inclination)
<soundnfury> but I do not deny that the near-ecliptic is an _easier_ parking orbit to work with ;)
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<Dasm> I was working on a Titan 1 with a centaur upper stage and for some reason I got avionics locked "no SAS or pilots aboard" I added the avionics package for the booster and upper stages and checked the weight but I still got the error.
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<Dasm> Oh.. and my staging is locked
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<xShadowx> o.O
<xShadowx> long time no see peoples! ksp still alive?
<Dasm> I don't think so
<Dasm> And I'm very discouraged
<xShadowx> :(
<soundnfury> o/
<Dasm> Who writes the configs for procedural avionics?
<soundnfury> I think that might've been leudaimon? Or Pap or schnobs might have gotten involved later maybe?
<Pap> Wasn't me. It was rsparkyc originally
<xShadowx> o.O Pap is still alive
<xShadowx> i wonder how many others still alive :D
* xShadowx finds his old ksp install to play
<ProjectThoth> I have died, but I hooked up my keyboard to an Ouija board.
<Pap> Lol
<xShadowx> ya dont care, only ones i want haunting me from beyond the grave is a hot redhead :P
<soundnfury> how do you know ProjectThoth isn't? :P
<ProjectThoth> You never specified a gender.
<ProjectThoth> *haunts*
<Dasm> I'm on the verge of throwing my computer out of the window or something else drastic. No matter what I do I can't enable SAS on my craft using procedural avionics
<Dasm> How can I disable avionics requirement?
<soundnfury> Dasm: I know it's trite, but have you tried reinstalling RO/RP-1?
<Dasm> I really don't want to go through that, I would rather just disable avionics
<soundnfury> well, I'm not sure that's possible without recompiling :/
<Dasm> NK taught me how to do it a long time ago, its possible
<awang> soundnfury: That seems like it'd produce some very interesting transfer orbits
<awang> I'll have to try it out some day
<soundnfury> nah once you're out of Earth's SOI you can be on a ferpectly normal Hohmann
<awang> Making sure I'm understanding this right, is placing the ecliptic nodes in the Earth prograde/retrograde directions to combine the normal/prograde burns?
<awang> cosine something or another?
<awang> Or am I thinking of something else?
<awang> Hm
<awang> Seems I'm a bit rusty about this stuff
<awang> Dasm: Does using a proc avionics module by itself work?
<awang> Or is that what you're using?
<awang> I'd imagine disabling proc avionics should be possible using a MM patch
<lamont> I'm not dead!
<lamont> I'm not!
<lamont> I'm getting better!
<lamont> I don't want to go on the cart!
<ProjectThoth> Bring out your dead!
<awang> Maybe something like @PART[*]:AFTER[zzzRP-0] { @MODULE[ModuleAvionics] { %massLimit=1000000000 } }
<lamont> Days since last swizzlespace bug: 0
<awang> Or whatever you need to only pick parts that have ModuleAvionics in the first place
<Dasm> I fixed it after giving it a new probe modile
<awang> That works too :P
<awang> "No SAS or pilots aboard" sounds odd though
<soundnfury> that error happens when you hit T and have no probecore
<soundnfury> hey Dasm, here's a thought, did your rocket have any ElectricCharge?
<soundnfury> some of the non-proc avi units don't have any, which has bitten me before
<awang> Hrm
<awang> Guess I'm spoiled by the proc avionics things
<Dasm> Yes, it did
<Bornholio> swizzlespace bug? http://lmgtfy.com/?q=swizzlespace+bug
<Bornholio> rokker designed by indigents?
<soundnfury> Bornholio: I think swizzlespace is the left-handed coördinate system (aka XZY)
<Bornholio> ö
<soundnfury> diaresis cat
<Bornholio> so robot space
<Rokker> Bornholio: can you handle this purely original and brand new design? https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/eduiKyGy/180821145512-03-iran-kowsar-jet-super-169.jpg
<Bornholio> stretch t-38?
<Bornholio> in flight or photoshop?
<Rokker> Bornholio: in flight
<Rokker> Bornholio: this will join the ranks of their other completely new and original military aircraft
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<Bornholio> rokker if they are getting them flying thats is actually impressive. not like they are uber jet makers like canada