ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
<Bornholio> rokker found a lie in the article BUFF, for Big Ugly Fat Fellow? pretty sure thats not the words we used
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<Rokker> Bornholio: reeeeeee
<Rokker> 0/10
<Rokker> fake news
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<soundnfury> *yawn* morning all
<Bornholio> did you see the wonders that rsparkyc inflicted upon us https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jqFjaHCo0gdIj5mX61V8D02Ma6v1WfH2Zuv0ddXgG5M/edit#gid=0
<soundnfury> I'm a lazy bugger who is not moving from 1.3.1 until someone else has done all the work to make it work
<soundnfury> but I salute those of you who are Getting Shit Done™
<Bornholio> .fistPumpingDouble_Salute
<soundnfury> Bornholio: more accurate than .fistPumpingFloat_Salute
<Bornholio> you can't egg him on unless you isolate your types
<Bornholio> float double
<soundnfury> Bornholio: oblate
<Bornholio> rokker BUFFs why stop at grid squares https://i.imgur.com/MZYzW57.jpg
<Rokker> dear map
<soundnfury> xD
<soundnfury> Then does that mean that weapons like the Mark 45 anti-submarine torpedo or the Davy Crockett are 'CCing yourself'?
<Bornholio> how deep did you dig the trench :)
<soundnfury> ?
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<Bornholio> soon RP-1 will have this problem right? https://i.imgur.com/ORSWJLZ.jpg
<soundnfury> that's ok, we'll just use management by perkele
<soundnfury> I can do a good Al Viro impression...
<Bornholio> good bye cruel world, windows demands a restart
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<schnobs> !seen red5
<Qboid> schnobs: I haven't seen the user red5 yet.
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<egg|work|egg> ;seen red5
<egg|work|egg> no kmath
<egg|work|egg> schnobs: from #principia: <kmath> egg|work|egg: red5 (red5!~red5@ was last seen posting in #kspofficial at 2017-08-01 01:21:33 +0000
<schnobs> Thanks.
<schnobs> Nearly amounts to the same, though. I hope he's well.
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<rsparkyc> o/
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<soundnfury> Bornholio: LMDTFY https://www.debian.org/distrib/
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<schnobs> LMDTFY?
<schnobs> soundnfury: And, seeing as the answer seems to be "debian", I'm curious as to what the question was. If you don't mind, that is.
<soundnfury> schnobs: <Bornholio> good bye cruel world, windows demands a restart
<soundnfury> and then he disappeared for eight hours
<soundnfury> and LMDTFY = Let Me Debian That For You (which I just made up)
<schnobs> Well, if that happens to me it's just because I didn't start the IRC client..
<soundnfury> but... but if you're not on IRC, you don't _exist_... ;)
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<schnobs> But yeah, the one windows computer that I'm responsible for (cheap atom thingy that won't run linux) recently spent several hours doing a major upgrade.
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<schnobs> OK, so it was a cheap atom thingy... but I'm afraid that explains only part of the "several hours".
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<schnobs> Hmmm. Is there a way for TACLS converters to create core heat?
<schnobs> Or to shut down before their output resource is at 100%?
<schnobs> (looking at a nuclear reactor right now)
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<rsparkyc> I’m going to attempt to hobble togeter a 1.4.5 RO install
<rsparkyc> let’s see what all breaks...
<rsparkyc> any of you use Nvidia Geforce Now?
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<schnobs> gneeesh. TACLS seems to recognize no powersource other than solar panels.
<schnobs> Not even stock fuel cells.
<schnobs> I'm called back to the vessel every so often, can only leave it alone for as logn as the batteries last.
<schnobs> When I come back, converters pick up the slack, battery is recharged... Everything is fine.
<schnobs> I just have to check on the vessel in short intervals, otherwise people die and stay dead.
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