ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
<egg|zzz|egg> how's the new release coming along
<soundnfury> Apparently <egg|zzz|egg> β‰… 0 :P
<soundnfury> and, it appears that without NK around, none of us have enough hustle to release anything :(
<egg|zzz|egg> why do you think I am awake
<egg|zzz|egg> well, we managed to herd cats enough to upgrade to 1.3.1
<soundnfury> yeah, about a week after 1.4 came out xD
<egg|zzz|egg> it's not like 1.4 has stabilized yet tbh
<soundnfury> heh. I haven't actually downloaded any 1.4.x yet
<soundnfury> don't even really know what (if anything) it brings, other than doubtless a bunch of new bugs :S
<Bornholio> 1.4.5 seems to be improved, but whay . modders give up after you beat them enough
<Bornholio> i gave up after poking for RP-0 /RP-1 1.3.1 didn't work .sad
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<Maxsimal> Heya
<__awang__> Activity on #RO? What is this
<__awang__> What's blocking the release anyways?
<Maxsimal> hahah yeah it's pretty dead.
<Maxsimal> not sure how many people are really watching the screen - it's kind of a cascade failure.
<__awang__> Not many
<__awang__> Wonder how long it's going to take for someone on the forums to fork RO
<__awang__> Assuming it hasn't happened already
<lamont> LGG?
<lamont> pretty soon he’s going to be maintaining KSP and every mod available for it
<soundnfury> Maxsimal: to answer your question, no I don't know a way to summon NK.
<soundnfury> If I did, I'd be sending him a chapter to beta-read ;)
<__awang__> Wonder if LGG is ever going to burn ou
<__awang__> s/ou/out
<Qboid> __awang__ meant to say: Wonder if LGG is ever going to burn out
<__awang__> soundnfury: You're writing something?
<soundnfury> __awang__: yeah, alternate-history, WWII, http://jttlov.no-ip.org/writings/switch/index.html
<soundnfury> progress is slow, though :/
<__awang__> soundnfury: So much German
<__awang__> I'm going ot need to read that at some point
<soundnfury> heh. The German's really only in the first chapter
<__awang__> I need to read more, then
<__awang__> How far through the entire thing do you think you are?
<Maxsimal> soundnfury: No worries, was just interested in hearing about his experience working with squad.
<soundnfury> __awang__: ehh, not very far. The story's vaguely planned to go on into the post-war realm
<soundnfury> so I'm probably less than a tenth of the way through at this point. Idk whether I'll actually follow through though
<soundnfury> (too many other projects to distract me lol)
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<__awang__> soundnfury: Sounds intriguing
<__awang__> Also sounds like it may die the death of too many alternate universes :(
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<soundnfury> __awang__: yeah, it is a sad fact that such things are far easier to start than to finish ;)
<__awang__> soundnfury: I feel like that that's even applicable to pretty much anything one does "for fun"
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<soundnfury> __awang__: very true
<soundnfury> though occasionally a project does come back to life, which is always nice
<soundnfury> in recent weeks I've been working on my scratch-build RC plane for the first time in years :)
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<__awang__> soundnfury: Ooh, built-from-scrratch RC plane
<__awang__> Sounds fun!
<__awang__> Yet another thing to add to my build-from-scratch-eventually list
<__awang__> I'll be surprised if I ever get any of those things done, to be honest :(
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<soundnfury> awang|phone: a couple of photos (and other misc. details) at https://forum.flitetest.com/index.php?threads/paper-and-tape-m8-condor.54655
<soundnfury> next time I'm gonna try and do a takeoff rather than a chuck launch β€” much less likely to stall that way
<__awang__> Looks fun
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<__awang__> I'll have to take a closer look later
<__awang__> Dinner is calling my name
<soundnfury> om nom nom
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