ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
<Rokker> Bornholio: B-52J?
<Bornholio> I wish
<Bornholio> New engines + less fuel, maybe drop the wing pods so it can up the payload
<Bornholio> ah
<Bornholio> one long standing request is 6x ejection on upper deck and make the lower deck a electronics bay
<Bornholio> that way bombadier and nav get safe ejections
<Bornholio> rokker what do you want in the gunners position?
<Rokker> Bornholio: generals seat
<Bornholio> what thats what downward ejection seats are for, deploy them against ground forces
<Bornholio> they have some pretty pics in the article
<soundnfury> I'm not really convinced they'll remain survivable out to 2050
<soundnfury> maybe if the US doesn't actually fight anyone in that time
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<Bornholio> USN vaval destroyer is empty after 80 shots and likely out of useful provisioning for several months after than, 4 buffs can deiver 80 shot salvoes once every other day anywhere in the world
<Bornholio> naval
<soundnfury> yeah until they're up against someone with nonzero air defence capabilities
<Bornholio> that why those 80 shots destroy that first
<Rokker> soundnfury: someone wasnt paying attention to gulf war pt 1 and 2
<soundnfury> what if your opponent _was_?
<Bornholio> like say syria with its russian sams
<Bornholio> Day one the cruise missiles go in , day two the HARMs
<Rokker> soundnfury: Iraq had a ton of air defence
<Bornholio> all that said, i want a real replacement and not a bajillion dollar stealth
<schnobs> US is in a position where losing a plane or three already constitues a major PR problem.
<schnobs> I guess that's a good problem to have, all things considered. But still. Ain't that silly?
<Bornholio> pretty sure that problem is universal to non-dictator lead countries
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<Dasm> Hello, does any one know what may be causing this? https://i.imgur.com/9J4Gs2s.png
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<rsparkyc> o/
<rsparkyc> FYI, i made official 1.4.5 versions for Kerbal Renamer, KSC Switcher, RealHeat, RSS Date Time Formatter, EMR Controller, and updated the PRs for FAR and KJR
<awang> rsparkyc: Dangit, beat me to it :P
<rsparkyc> haha, trying to get back into KSP :)
<rsparkyc> trying to do my part instead of asking “when will RO be ready for 1.4.5?!?!”
<awang> Heh, life finally freed up some time?
<awang> Wait, what's EMR controller?
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<schnobs> A propos KSC switcher, I've recently learned how to flatten terrain in kopernicus.
<schnobs> If there's still launch sites buried in the side of a mountain or hovering over the sea?
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<soundnfury> awang: Engine Mixture Ratio, iirc
<soundnfury> haven't tried it myself but it looks cool
<soundnfury> o/ rsparkyc, I hope life is treating you well?
<rsparkyc> o/ soundnfury. Not too bad, life’s been a bit crazy over the past year, but i think things are beginning to settle down
<rsparkyc> biggest thing is i interviewed with chic-fil-a for a tech lead position, they said they want to offer me the job, but are still putting the offer together
<rsparkyc> so they’ve been working on that for over a week now
<soundnfury> I see
<rsparkyc> anyone hear from ferram4? those PRs have been open for forever
<soundnfury> he's been around at some point in the last week
<soundnfury> hmm, decisions. Having been awake for over 24 hours, do I (a) order a pizza or (b) go to bed?
<rsparkyc> it depends on what timezone you’re in
<soundnfury> physically I'm in GMT+1. Circadian-rhythm-wise, eff knows
<rsparkyc> pizza
<schnobs> Falling asleep in front of a pizza makes for an ugly awakening.
<soundnfury> schnobs: yeah but if it leads to dreams about pizza it can't be bad...
<rsparkyc> well, going to sleep now will probably mess you up more. i’d wait at least 2 more hours, if not 3
<schnobs> but yeah, 18:30? Get pizza now, hit the sack by 9.
<rsparkyc> i think he’s 17:30
<soundnfury> yeah 17:30
<schnobs> I'm gmt+1 too. easy check.
<schnobs> hold on... oh dang, daylight savings.
<rsparkyc> ;)
<soundnfury> and yeah I should try to keep going a couple of hours
<soundnfury> schnobs: I'm actually GMT but GMT is in BST now which is why it's GMT+1
<soundnfury> and I hate daylight savings, it's forking stupid
<schnobs> Well, I'll certainly miss the long evenings when it's gone.
<schnobs> Unless (god forbid) they make it +1 all year long.
<soundnfury> it gives me jetlag every autumn when the clocks go back
<soundnfury> Right, pizza it is.
<soundnfury> schnobs: d'you know about Double British Summer Time?
<schnobs> nope...
<soundnfury> in 1940 the UK just didn't put its clocks back in the autumn
<soundnfury> so from 1941-1945 the UK was GMT+1 in the winter and GMT+2 in the summer
<schnobs> Sure was convenient to have the clocks show the same time on both sides of the front...
<soundnfury> this is true. I've come across historians remarking "yay, I don't have to adjust these times!"
<schnobs> neither did the guys intercepting radio messages.
<soundnfury> (I mean, they didn't phrase it like that, because they were being all scholarly with footnotes and stuff, but still)
<schnobs> I guess if I don't get the point, I'm in good company?
<soundnfury> ah yes, good old Y Service
<soundnfury> I mean, my position is that everyone should use TAI for civil time. No time zones, no DST, and no pesky leap seconds!
<schnobs> Because whatever the benefits of DST may have been, I doubt that doubling down makes it any better.
* schnobs cannot parse TAI. Basically, local astronomic time?
<soundnfury> Atomic-clock time
<soundnfury> currently UTC minus 37 seconds
<schnobs> Then better toss in the occasional leap-second. Won't be an issue for a long time, but still.
<soundnfury> (the egg would probably prefer TDB or something, but feh)
<schnobs> I don't like the idea of a day being nothing more than a social construct.
<soundnfury> leap-seconds are unnecessary. It would take centuries for the hours to shift meaningfully wrt the solar day
<soundnfury> language already shifts (nones→noon etc.), why can't the meaning of "18:00" shift too?
<schnobs> Side note: my company is now required to keep all servers in sync down to the millisecond.
<soundnfury> one of my employer's products is a PTP implementation...
<schnobs> Problem isn't as much "keeping in sync", but where do we get the time from?
<schnobs> I honestly don't kow. A few appliances were bought, I don't know what happens under the hood.
<soundnfury> LAN accuracy sub-µs. Because apparently some people need that.
<schnobs> Yeah, I know.
<schnobs> But IIRC the radio signal used by many wall clocks isn't any better than +-20ms
<schnobs> NTP over internet cannot convince either.
<schnobs> I know nothing about PTP, will it work outside of a LAN?
<soundnfury> does it matter, though, as long as all your servers agree with one another?
<schnobs> They also have to agree with everybody elses. Stock markets and stuff.
<soundnfury> hmm if you're doing stock markets stuff, you probably use (or at least talk to servers that use) our hardware :D
<schnobs> So if in doubt, we better sync against EUREX rather than UTC, even if EUREX is off.
<awang> soundnfury: Is EMR controller a new thing?
<awang> And it sounds like it's part of the proc engines thing that ferram was working on
<soundnfury> awang: no and no
<rsparkyc> EMR Controller is something I wrote
<schnobs> Without knowing the least bit about it, my first thought about EMR was that finally we have a propellant utilization system. Do we?
<rsparkyc> basically, it lets you adjust the fuel/oxidizer ratio of the engines
<soundnfury> haven't heard much from ferram lately about his proc engines. Sadly.
<rsparkyc> but yeah, if an engine has a config for this, you can activete “auto” mode, which will cause your tanks to empty at the same time
<rsparkyc> different ratios will have different ISPs and thrust
<rsparkyc> and i made realistic configs for the J-2 in RO
<soundnfury> rsparkyc: I've been meaning to try it, it looks really cool, but I haven't gotten around to it yet
<rsparkyc> no worries :)
<awang> Oh, huh
<awang> I didn't know KSP engines supported changing mixture ratios on the fly
<awang> I thought those were set by EngineConfigs and couldn't change after that
<rsparkyc> it took some hacking
<schnobs> For me, it's certainly a quality-of-life improvement. Automatically compensating for boiloff, mostly (as IRL), but als makes it easier to mix engines of slightly different ratios.
<rsparkyc> yeah, this let’s you add some boiloff margin when you configure your tank sizes
<soundnfury> pizza has arrived \o/
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<awang> Hrm
<awang> Yet another thing to try, I guess
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<ferram4> rsparkyc, heh, yeah, I know I've been gone
<ferram4> Right now I'm looking at an unfunny situation because the laptop I was previously using won't start. So I'd prefer to move the HDD from that to another machine rather than rebuild my workflow from scratch, still looking into what that will take
<rsparkyc> ahh, i use a time machine backup (osx), so i’ve moved laptops twice now with no downtime
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<Bornholio> rsparkyc: YOU ROCK
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