ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<Rokker> fancy and yet terrifying when you realize fuel comes out of there
<taniwha> yeah, but if the fuel is kept away from the end of the nozzle until contact is secured (and charges equalised), then it's not so bad
<Rokker> taniwha: idk, I still dont like it, I'd be freaking out
<taniwha> that's what training is for
<Rokker> I trust in the laws of physics but I dont trust them enough to put fuel through where mini lightning was just happenjng
<taniwha> yet you fill a car
<Rokker> lightning doesnt come out of the end of my gas pump typically
<taniwha> you haven't been zapped by your car (I have)
<Rokker> I dont trust cars
<taniwha> cars are trustworthy
<taniwha> drivers, on the other hand...
<Rokker> disagree
<Rokker> I've only started to get my license recently really
<Rokker> like last 2 weeks
<Rokker> didn't really need it before now
<Rokker> so I find cars untrustworthy
<Rokker> awful things, weird handling, weird design decisions
<taniwha> two keys to safe driving: 1) drive as if you're an Aztec sacrifice strapped to the front of your car, 2) everyone else on the road is an idiot
<taniwha> (of course 2 isn't really true, but it's safest to assume that)
<Rokker> yeah
<Rokker> I made it 6 hours driving time without a major fuckup
<Rokker> had a major fuckup at 6.1 hours
<Rokker> did another .9 without tho
<taniwha> can't have been that major: you're here to talk about it :)
<taniwha> (but yeah)
<Rokker> I mean I ran a red light
<Rokker> next to a public park/concert venue
<taniwha> potentially very nasty, yeah
<Rokker> that was letting out
<Rokker> that happens to be the intersection corner that our police station is at
<Rokker> taniwha: to be fair I missed yellow by like a tenth of a second
<taniwha> yellow is really "clear the intersection, or just don't enter it if avoidable"
<taniwha> green is "enter the intersection if it is safe to do so"
<taniwha> red is "do not be in the intersection"
<taniwha> (ie, do not enter, or get out if still in it)
<Rokker> taniwha: like if i had speed up I would have solidly made it through before red but at the same time I was taught not to speed up and by the time I had put together that the light was yellow I was worried I wouldn't brake in time
<Rokker> so it was just a poorly made decision in a vehicle and situation I'm not entirely used to yet
<taniwha> yeah
<Rokker> also, first time driving at night, had trouble figuring out distances and seeing past headlights in my face
<Rokker> anyways I'm overanalyzing, I know what I did wrong and now I can correct it
<taniwha> *nod*
<taniwha> hint for the lights: look to the off side of the road (right, for you)
<taniwha> reduces the dazzle
<Rokker> yeah
<taniwha> also, centerline in the bottom corner of your windscreen is usually a good position (might not be actually centered in your lane, but you will NOT be over the line)
<Rokker> fair enough
<taniwha> somewhere around the center of the dash works for the other side
<taniwha> I guess the other major tip is learn where your wheels are
<taniwha> and the corners of your vehicle
<taniwha> (makes parking easier)
<Rokker> yeah
<Rokker> Bornholio: also, dont you love bs misleading titles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYvP82D_qYI
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<Bornholio> rokker taniwha the lightning inside a fuel tank was much cooler, inside the B-52 fuel tanks when its fueling you can watch thru an upper port and see sheets of static discharging in the tank
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<szyzyg1> heya!
<szyzyg1> I figured you guys have lots of engines from different manufacturers and the spreadsheet is great. I'm lookin for the smallest pump fed rocket engines which aren't electric
<soundnfury> does Mockingbird count?
<szyzyg1> Not sure, but that's the kind of answer I'm looking for
<szyzyg1> lol - I see one poster describing mockingbird as 'slideware'
<szyzyg1> I think the smallest pump fed engines I can find are the Fregat and Briz upper stage engines
<soundnfury> it's... not entirely unfair xD
<szyzyg1> everything else is pressure fed
<szyzyg1> I'm just reading about the crossover between pressure fed vs gas generator vs electric pumped engines at the small eng
<soundnfury> are you reading that at yarchive, perchance?
<soundnfury> oh wait no, that's the turbopump vs reciprocating crossover I'm thinking of
<szyzyg1> looks like TWR gets better for electric engines below about 40kN
<szyzyg1> It's a bit of a rabbithole I fell into while investigating Astra
<soundnfury> certainly sounds plausible, anyway
<soundnfury> I think when stuff gets small, most people go over to solids anyway :(
<szyzyg1> if you need the thrust
<szyzyg1> if you need control it's all pressure fed rockets
<soundnfury> ehhh, yanks use solid kick stages (PAM) on deep space probes
<szyzyg1> I wonder if there are details on what the Moon Express people want
<soundnfury> I don't think thrust is really a great need on, say, trans-Jovian injection
<szyzyg1> after the solid kick stage they use the rcs to trim the course
<soundnfury> well yes
<soundnfury> but the point is that they have the PAM where the Russians would have something like Briz, as a 3rd or 4th stage
<szyzyg1> Electron would be more sensible with a single first stage engine that was bigger and gave better TWR, but that would mean developing 2 different engines, from an economic point of view having 10 Rutherford engines maks more sense.
<soundnfury> yup, parts commonality covereth a multitude of sins
<szyzyg1> It's interesting to look back at the skeptical rocket nerds hating on SpaceX for using 9 engines in the F9 instead of one big engine.
<soundnfury> heh, really?
<soundnfury> only case I can think of where fewer engines would be better is S-I[B]
<szyzyg1> Yep - the argument was that Elon screwed up because F1 was an indication that he wanted to serve smallsat market, and how F9 was just spaceX throwing together the parts it had to remain relevant
<soundnfury> _every_ rocket nerd wants a single-F-1 replacement for that thing ;)
<soundnfury> I guess people have been finding excuses to hate Elon since time immemorial
<soundnfury> I mean, F9 was obviously what startup people call a 'pivot' — it was evidently sized by the NASA CRS requirements
<soundnfury> but before that their plan was F5 iirc
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<Euphemios> Has anyone started to create configs for Universal Storage 2?
<soundnfury> there's a US2? did not know that
<Euphemios> Yeah, it now changes how the parts are extended
<Euphemios> each part can now have up to 4 states
<soundnfury> though tbh the RO world is now pretty PP-tanks centric
<awang> pp-tanks?
<awang> Not just ptanks?
<soundnfury> Procedural Parts tanks
<awang> Ah
<soundnfury> which is probably the same thing as ptanks
<awang> Doesn't it really only matter for RP-0 though?
<awang> I just remember people saying ptanks a lot
<soundnfury> well, if you're not playing RP-n then why even bother to start the game? :P
<awang> Good question
<awang> I suppose in theory adding tooling support for US2 may not be that bad
<awang> Assuming what I remember from the code is still valid
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<Euphemios> I have been trying to change the battery module in it to fit with the Near Future batteries and I haven't managed to get anything to stick. Then again, I have no idea what I am doing so that could be the problem as well
<awang> Euphemios: How are you making your changes?
<Euphemios> I first tried changing the part configs, then after seeing this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmbIbBqCeGE I reverted the changes, neither caused any change
<soundnfury> probably one of RO or RP-0's many MM patches is overriding whatever you did?
<Euphemios> Possibly
<soundnfury> I think if you grep the KSP.log you can see all the patches that MM applies to a given file
<Euphemios> I can change the initial cost and weight but the storage capacity never changes
<soundnfury> hmm if it's procedural then the storage capacity might be being set by code (dependent on the part volume)
<Euphemios> That is the config file I modified, I changed the tankCost and resourceAmounts inside the module and neither of those stick
<Euphemios> Huh, for some reason I can change the values now
<Euphemios> I tried the same thing previously and it didn't work
* soundnfury shrugs
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