ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<Dasm> Hello
<Dasm> I'm having problems with KCT, it won't use my Astronauts and only fills crew if I select "automatically hire applicants"
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<soundnfury> Dasm: yeah it's mildly buggered wrt the RP-1 Crew Training feature (and totally broken in Sandbox)
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<awang> RP-1 in sandbox? What is this nonsense
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<soundnfury> awang: if you happen to want to test out a design and you don't want to go to the trouble of making a separate RO-but-not-RP1 install
<soundnfury> you might think "I know, I'll use Sandbox". Now you have two problems...
<ProjectThoth> I dunno what's more complicated, running an actual space program or RO upkeep.
<soundnfury> heh.
<awang> ProjectThoth: idk, anyone here know someone at NASA they can ask for the number of spreadsheets they use?
<awang> soundnfury: ....I forgot that's a thing >_<
<awang> I just (ab)used KRASH
<ProjectThoth> Oh, wait, that reminds me.
<soundnfury> ehh I don't simulate since it was removed from KCT. Never used KRASH.
<ProjectThoth> Any of you guys seen this? This might be interesting to apply, at least experimentally. https://www.eucass.eu//doi/EUCASS2017-286.pdf
<soundnfury> does that make me a bad person?
<awang> ProjectThoth: You mean apply in RP-ℕ?
<awang> soundnfury: I think it just makes you a masochist :P
<ProjectThoth> awang: I mean, if anyone here is feeling particularly angry at themselves... :P
<awang> Or a cheater because now you don't pay simulation fees :P
<awang> ProjectThoth: Possible problem may be that the pricing model doesn't quite fit the RO model
<awang> (AFAIK)
<awang> because it's basically curve-fitting
<soundnfury> ProjectThoth: also, if you think maintaining RO is hard, ask the egg about principia's bibliography sometime
* soundnfury apologises for ping
<ProjectThoth> awang: Yeah, I don't know how applicable it is, though it's the only free information I've ever found on dev cost approximation.
<awang> ProjectThoth: Other thing I'm not entirely sure about is how well it would match with historical costs
<awang> e.g., if you build a Titan-alike, do you end up with Titan-like prices?
<soundnfury> awang: well, the only thing I 'simulate' that way is planes, since KSP is known to have some... issues with those
<soundnfury> everything else I build and launch the masochistic way
<awang> Might be helpful for people who actually manage to make it past the 60s in RP-1
<awang> soundnfury: Fair enough
<awang> Although now that I think about it, I wonder if KRASH uses different costs for SPH simulations...
<soundnfury> but yeah ordinary rockets are easy enough to design that you shouldn't _need_ sims
* ProjectThoth stares at OpenRocket
<awang> Well look at Mr. Rocket God here, who doesn't crash every other rocket he launches
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<soundnfury> ProjectThoth: oh, *IRL* rockets are hard, no question
<Bornholio> soundnfury: Tang rocket in two weekends
<Bornholio> body is gonna be 3dprinted atlas 401, plus a stick, propellant is Tang for fuel, stump remover for oxidizer and iron wool treated with plumbers acid. road flare phosphous as a igniter layer
<Bornholio> i expect flaming wreckage :)
<awang> Bornholio: Tang?
<awang> That fuel mix sounds like it'd be for an IED
<awang> Hi NSA!
<soundnfury> Bornholio: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miPCcpzRaPE <-- flaming wreckage
<soundnfury> (fun fact: that came up when I googled "tang rocket". Not sure why)
<ProjectThoth> Remember, kids, "NASA" is only one letter off from "NSA," so be careful when researching high-powered rockets!
<soundnfury> fortunately, "UKSA" has no letters in common with "GCHQ"
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<Dasm> What is a sunsynchronous orbit?
<Bornholio> 95deg inclination keeps the sat in the sun
<soundnfury> makes use of the oblateness of the Earth to precess at just under 1°/day
<soundnfury> so that the orbital plane rotates once per year
<Bornholio> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sun-synchronous_orbit this is what happens when people forget wiki is supposed to be readable by lay persons
<awang> Bornholio: Technically the right inclination depends on orbital altitude
* awang takes off pedant hat
<soundnfury> Bornholio: ehh if a layman wants to know more than what's in the lede, they'll need mathematics anyway.
<soundnfury> I don't think a wiki article on a technical subject really needs to be entirely readable by the laity
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<soundnfury> otoh, many wiki articles on mathematics are unreadable with a maths degree, and that's maybe going too far
<Bornholio> that exactly
<ProjectThoth> I mean, there is a simple.wikia.
<Bornholio> wiki is by rule supposed to be readably with by the non technical, and the mathc should be classical not esoterica
<soundnfury> ProjectThoth: there's also simple.wikipedia.org
<ProjectThoth> soundnfury: That's what I meant, whoops.
<Dasm> Oh hell... Getting an inclination of 90 from KSC is going to take some doing
<Bornholio> that is easy enough, just fly up the east coast a bit :P
<soundnfury> Dasm: you _could_ use a West Coast launch site, like Vandyland
<soundnfury> alternatively, you'll need to make a pretty big dog-leg, and probably not mind too much about overflying Newfoundland
<ProjectThoth> It's not like you have towns to worry about in RO, to be fair. :P
<soundnfury> ProjectThoth: more like, it's not like there are towns to worry about in Newfoundland :P
<Bornholio> just asct russian or chinese and ignore that
<soundnfury> I did one career where I launched everything from Kodiak, couldn't get below about 67°. Planetary probes were... fun :D
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