ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
<Dasm> Can someone help me with filterextentions?
<Dasm> I have it on my install, but I don't see a button to bring up options so that I may unhide the parts that are filtered out.
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<Dasm> Any one want to help me get to Mars?
<ProjectThoth> Dasm: Second star to the left, and straight on 'til morning.
<Dasm> ....
<soundnfury> there's no place like Mars
<soundnfury> there's no place like Mars
<soundnfury> there's no place like Mars
<Dasm> I've been playing with the maneuver node but can't get anything to stick
<Bornholio> if you play with your manuever node too much it will get sticky
<Rokker> Bornholio: there was an SR-71 pilot in the audience
<Bornholio> i've been drinking don't make me go there
<Bornholio> oh never mind, once you go black you never go back? who was he
<Dasm> Really? Can I not get help with RO in the RO channel?
<Bornholio> what orbit are you starting in?
<Dasm> 180x200
<Bornholio> do you konrad or MJ avaialbe, or don't wish to use either
<Dasm> I have MJ
<Dasm> What's konrad?
<Bornholio> target mars, go to man tools, use the advanced transfer to another planet
<Bornholio> oh know the sound and the fury will set you straight
<Dasm> Telemachus?
<Bornholio> anyways once you get the ATP porkchop plot, you can set a node up automatically. I like to set up sat each with the next window for planetary launches in Kerbal alarm clock so i know when to plan missions
<Rokker> Bornholio: didnt catch his name and he was busy talking to General Engle
<Rokker> Bornholio: I recorded maybe 20 minutes of his tall for yall
<Bornholio> over 6'er?
<Bornholio> :)
<Dasm> Konrad is Telemachus?
<Bornholio> suprised you didn't summon Soundnfury with the first question
<Bornholio> is front end of telemachus is all i know for sure
<Bornholio> https://i.imgur.com/A1NzmZ6.jpg rokker they found me
<Dasm> So I got MJ to plot the point as "ASAP" but the problem I have is limited dV, I would rather a longer cruise and lower dV requirement for the burn
<Bornholio> then use the lowest dV or select something in your range from the plot
<soundnfury> Dasm: konrad is a telemachus frontend, yeah
<Bornholio> you can box draw to zoom in an area
<soundnfury> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/135044-konrad-telemachus-interface/
<soundnfury> it's definitely 'for advanced users' though xD
<soundnfury> one nice thing about konrad, though: the 'xfer' console runs independently of ksp (you don't need telemachus for it) and its 'Re' field will tell you distance from Earth at planetary encounter
<soundnfury> useful for planning comms
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<Rokker> Dasm: he said he liked the right stuff and referenced it for a second
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<ProjectThoth__> wtf is up with this connection
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<Rokker> ferram4_: interesting bit of perspective on the performance increases of the high speed research aircraft (it's a bit funky because panorama) https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/CtUkyxDD/20180823_200446.jpg
<ferram4_> heh
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<Rokker> ferram4_: he told a great story that ima have to upload about the time he rolled an X-15
<Rokker> also he apparently rolled the enterprise a few times?
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<awang> soundnfury: I'm half tempted to install KSP and play Konrad-only to see if I can get away with it at work
<awang> "It's a console, therefore it's work!"
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<schnobs> heya.
<schnobs> I've been trying a Phil Bono-style Mars lander: huge wings and belly-mounted engines for a near-vertical landing.
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<schnobs> It almost worked.
<schnobs> sorry, have no better pic but this: http://ksp.schnobs.de/stuff/foo.jpg
<schnobs> It flies surprisingly well in standard Mars atmosphere (I'd have expected that I'd need to thicken it to pre-mariner values).
<schnobs> At a bit over mach1, it can glide seemingly forever.
<schnobs> But trying to slow it down, it becomes utterly oncontrollable. CoL seemsto shift way back, or at any rate it's suddenly unbearably nose-heavy.
<schnobs> On top of that, it starts to roll, badly. No amount of RCS can stop it.
<schnobs> So ultimatley it plunges into the ground sideways.
<schnobs> I guess it's ultimatley due to something something transsonic... if anyone here could give me an explainer, that would be most kind.
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<soundnfury> awang: hehe, nice idea. Sadly one does have to pull up the actual KSP window from time to time; not everything can be made an action group :(
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<awang> soundnfury: :(
<awang> Does Konrad not support sending WASD/etc. commands?
<awang> Or maybe (ab)use MJ?
<soundnfury> awang: oh you can steer fine (by MJ, indeed)
<soundnfury> it's more all the various bits of GUI that need clicking on from time to time
<soundnfury> e.g. you can collect science by action group but then you have to click on the 'transmit' button
<awang> Oh
<awang> I guess the lazy-ish way around that would be to install xScience and programmatically send the science
<awang> Doing more work to not work at work
<soundnfury> I have [x] Science, and it can't do that
<awang> Well, I guess not, since Konrad is a front-end
<awang> Or maybe hack x science to support action groups
<soundnfury> [x] Science doesn't transmit science. It just collects it
<awang> Wait
<awang> I could have sworn it had a button to transmit it
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