ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<Bornholio> raidernick what is left for a 1.4.x RSS release? Seems to work fine so far
<Bornholio> master that is
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<Mike`> the model of the 1kn thruster seems to be misaligned with respect to the attach nodes
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<Bornholio> lots of cleanup and listing what will run/load from things listed as prior 1.4.5 compat, fixed a few notes also https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jqFjaHCo0gdIj5mX61V8D02Ma6v1WfH2Zuv0ddXgG5M/edit#gid=0 feel free to add any details
<Bornholio> Persistent rotation updated
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<awang> !slap monodevelop
* Qboid forks the source code of monodevelop, replaces all semicolons with greek question marks and submits a pull request
<Bornholio> that also
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<Bornholio> hey I proposed you be king of testflight
<awang> o_O
<awang> I'm flattered
<Bornholio> agathorn dropped a line in the RO update issue that said someone else should advance it
<awang> And apparently I'm that person?
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<Bornholio> of course
<Bornholio> given you have the update for 1.4.x under your belt :P
<awang> And then vanished for a good while, of course
<Bornholio> seems to be a common theme going around
<lamont> really for all these mods there should probably be a ‘crew’ rather than a ‘king’ that maintains it
<lamont> one person should probably be the ultimate decider, but let whoever is pissed off that the mod doesn’t work on KSP 1.X.Y run with it
<xShadowx> or just stick to playing 1.3.x like me ;3 i'm sure i'm missing some important feature i don't know about though, but i looked and didn't see anything
<awang> I agree with lamont
<awang> I mean, technically there is already a crew, isn't there
<awang> It's just that most of them happen to be too busy all at the same time
<awang> brb, restarting
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<awang> Whelp, looks like using Monodevelop is out of the question
<awang> Get a free() on an invalid pointer as soon as I try to open a .sln
<Mike`> :|
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<awang> Man, getting this to compile is maddening
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<awang> KSPUtil.dll got removed, right?
<awang> Also
<awang> There's a TestFlightRF in the TestFlight and RF repos
<awang> Which one is the "real" one?
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<awang> Alright, I updated the TF PR for KSP 1.4.5
<awang> Or at least I think I did
<awang> Not 100% sure about TestFlightRF.dll
<github> [RealismOverhaul] Tidal-Stream opened pull request #1920: Use global configs for Castor 1 (master...fasa-srb) https://git.io/fAlx2
<Bornholio> i would ask blowfish
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