ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<awang> !seen blowfish*
<Qboid> awang: I haven't seen the user blowfish* yet.
<awang> When was the last time blowfish was around?
<awang> Bornholio: I think the reason there isn't a DLL in master is because RF is moderately sane and doesn't put build artifacts in source control :P
<awang> There's also what looks like invalid syntax, too
<awang> Declaring/defining a method inside another method
<awang> Also, why isn't RF in the KSP-RO GH organization?
<Bornholio> its Nathans, someone could fork it into RO
<awang> Wait, never mind, TestFlightRF in the TEstFlight repo is dead
<awang> It isn't actually put into GameData
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<Bornholio> not sure why its in the 1.3.1 release but so are the build files
<awang> Oh really?
<awang> idk then
<awang> Bornholio: Made some additions to the golden spreadsheet
<Bornholio> .cheer
<awang> KRASH got tooling and TF integration merged, so no need for my version
<awang> Also recompiled and added the tweaks I made to RF
<awang> Ooh, exciting
<awang> I should try to build one of those at some point
<ProjectThoth> Did someone say Phil Bono?
<awang> Oh lol, I forgot about that "tool all" thing I did
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<Bornholio> swear he single handledly got nasa to build the aerospike
<Bornholio> don't forget that
<ProjectThoth> One of the first people to ever take SSTOs seriously. Always thought ROMBUS was cool.
<ProjectThoth> This is a fairly interesting one, from the same collection: https://www.flickr.com/photos/sdasmarchives/27183294784/in/album-72157669057850210/
<awang> What's holding up VSR?
<awang> Some parts breaking in 1.4?
<Bornholio> just no release as far as i know
<Bornholio> FAR is the only real wall if you ask me
<Raidernick> Bornholio, rss release is ready
<Raidernick> i am not the one who wrote the draft
<Bornholio> you sir rock
<Raidernick> so i'm not publishing it
<Raidernick> can you see drafts?
<Raidernick> i didnt do any testing or anything for it
<Raidernick> so i won't be responsible if it doesn't work or w/e
<Raidernick> that's why i haven't published it
<Bornholio> ah, i've only run it for a few tens of minutes, worked fine so far
<Raidernick> phineasfreak wrote the draft
<Raidernick> ask him to publish it
<Raidernick> it's just sitting there ready to go as far as i know
<Bornholio> K
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<awang> Does FAR require major code changes, or is it just that Ferram needs to merge the changes?
<awang> Or somethign in between?
<Bornholio> pull 226 should make it fully functional, then some infrastructure, notes and such, then release. If Ferram4 decides its time.
<Bornholio> NN
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<Bornholio> anyone have an understanding of nozzle thermal loads. one of the last things for my NTR rocket design sheet
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<awang> Does RO/RP-0/etc. technically need to be recompiled for 1.4.5?
<Bornholio> EGC would need updates, and RO does have a dll
<Bornholio> pretty sure the RP0 dlls need it also
<Bornholio> but you already did 1.41 ones didn't you?
<awang> Does anyone use EGC?
<awang> It's there, but I never actually see anyone talking about it
<awang> I think I did 1.4.something recompiles, but idk if new ones are needed for 1.4.5
<awang> brb, food
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<awang> Anyone know what the adoption rate of the DLC is/was?
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<awang> Whelp, looks like actually playing KSP is right out on this computer
<awang> Cooling system just isn't adequate
<Bornholio> bummer
<Bornholio> steam spy says the expansion is very poorly adopted
<Bornholio> says KSP is 1-2M purchased vs 0-20k for DLC
<awang> Ouch
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<MuseumRaptor> Does basically everyone who got the DLC for free using the store version bias things?
<lamont> $300k
<lamont> that doesn’t pay very many devs for very long
<awang> Wait, DLC for free what?
<awang> lamont: Well, at Squad's salary rates, it could last a while
<awang> Assuming the rumor mill was accurate to some extent
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<MuseumRaptor> awang: everyone who bought KSP before some date. March 1,2013 or something?
<xShadowx> i thought it was like 2012 somethin lol but still almost nobody who was still around
<lamont> awang: heh, yeah, that’s what i inferred…
<xShadowx> i remember my date of getting it on steam was like a week too late :|
<lamont> yeah i got it during the steam summer sale like 2 months too late
<xShadowx> didnt even bother with dlc though, i saw nothing new in it that mods didnt already do, figured stock purists would jump it though
<awang> MuseumRaptor: Oh, those guys
<awang> Would that introduce a lot of bias? I'd guess that most KSP installs came after the early bird bonus ended
<awang> And does steamspy count installs or purchases?
<lamont> a lot of DLC installs may have been free though because free
<xShadowx> google says - Steam Spy only tracks owners and players, not sales. Steam Spy doesn’t track DLCs or MTXs.
<xShadowx> lol total steam revenue from game sales in 2017 = 4.3bil
MuseumRaptor is now known as UmbralRaptor
<Bornholio> anyone running a full RP1 1.45 install right now?
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<Mike`> in case any modulemanager expert is around, are "," and "|" equal in part filters like the following or do they mean something different?: @PART[rn_scout_stg4,rn_scout_stg4_x4,rn_scout_stg4_g|rn_thor_altair|rn_thor_altair_e1]
<xShadowx> , is and if i remember right
<xShadowx> | i know is or
<xShadowx> dont see , much though, usually just & or |
<xShadowx> Mike`: oh and as for which comes first, not a clue ;p
<Mike`> xShadowx, thanks, i've seent hat in the docs, but for part filters like the above, "and" doesn't make any sense because a part cannot have more than one name, right?
<xShadowx> wait thats in a part name section, maybe i forgot too much
<xShadowx> :|
<Mike`> yeah, the name section part confuses me
<Mike`> i assume it probably is both or, but using two syntaxes in the same file, even the same line, looks weird.
<awang> MM could use a proper grammar
<awang> MM wiki says "," is AND
<xShadowx> MM could use () lol
<awang> Mike`: Where do you see that @PART clause?
<Mike`> awang, in ROs raidernick us rockets realplume patch
<awang> Ah, ok
<Mike`> i've seen "and", but i wonder if this is also true for within name sections - maybe is hould just test it what it does :)
<awang> I wouldn't know
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<Mike`> hm, i think SRB/liquid stage pricing is currently quite broken.
<Mike`> :|
<Mike`> maybe because fuel tanks are dirt cheap since tooling got introduced.
<Mike`> off to bed for now though.