ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<Mike`> Bornholio, what's your opinion on SRB pricing compared to liquid stages? :)
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<Bornholio> its alright, they cost a lot less to launch generally after you factor in roll out Mike`
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<Mike`> Bornholio, well, that's what i hoped, but it's not the case unless my rollout foruma is somehow broken. But i reset it today just to make sure so it should be okay.
<Mike`> I probably should file an issue about it with screenshots and maybe craft files.
<Mike`> I built a Titan 1 like rocket. One time in a "heavy" configuration with triple first stage and ~17k dv, weighting 274 tons, one with just a single first stage plus 6 castor 1SRBs with ~15k dv weighting 154 tons
<Mike`> the smaller one using the castors has indeed lower rollout costs - 24.7k. The triple core variant has 25.9k.
<Mike`> but considering the performance difference, this looks like peanuts. I probably should make a better comparison though, maybe once i have unlocked larger SRBs.
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<soundnfury> Mike`: my experience has been similar; solids are generally only worthwhile when you need to slightly 'stretch' an existing design rather than going to something much bigger
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<Mike`> soundnfury, yes. While i have no clue how realistic that is, i can imagine that the general direction is okay, but i think the extent to how much cheaper liquid fuel is at least looks weird. but i think i'm going to prepare an issue with a somewhat okay comparison.
<soundnfury> Mike`: well, one thing I've noticed as regards costs is that there's basically no point to stuff like the HG-3 except in the specific case where you're trying to get towards a shuttle-type design
<soundnfury> kerolox core stages are just so much cheaper than the hydrolox-with-solid-boosters approach, and yet IRL the latter seems to have been favoured (Delta etc., too, not just STS)
<soundnfury> though that may just be because the H-1, specifically, is quite amazingly cheap
<Mike`> the LR87 is about as cheap if not cheaper
<Mike`> no idea how expensive hydrogen really is to use, but considering they still use the delta iv today, it seems to be somewhat okay
<Mike`> even more so for high energy upper stages
<soundnfury> OTOH, DIV is super-expensive (iirc DIVH is about $400M). OTGH that might just be me comparing it to F9/FH prices
<soundnfury> now for upper stages, yes hydrogen makes a lot of sense, both in RP-1 and IRL
<Mike`> :) i would like to know the reasoning behind the delta iv/rs68
<awang_> OTGH?
<soundnfury> Atlas, Delta, Ariane, H-II and GSLV all have hydrolox uppers at least as an option
<soundnfury> awang_: On The Gripping Hand
<Mike`> yeah. i've not progressed to lh2 engines yet in my career, but if they're priced so that they're useful as upper stages, that's good to hear. :)
<soundnfury> Mike`: probably just the result of the 'Isp über alles' mentality
<soundnfury> (rs68 that is)
<soundnfury> for upper stages, the RL-10 is rather awesome
<soundnfury> (though it doesn't displace the AJ10 and Agena from _all_ uses)
<Mike`> in my early career i rather dislike those as the rd0105 is just so much better. :)
<soundnfury> ah, see I haven't really touched Russian engines yet
<soundnfury> apart from occasionally playing around with the early staged combustion ones
<soundnfury> one of these days I'll do a russkie career
<Mike`> yeah, the s1.5400 is awesome, too
<Mike`> the rd0105 is a node or two higher in the tree than the aj10, but runtime and Isp are worlds better. thrust is higher aswell.
<soundnfury> thanks for that
<Mike`> the 0105 does have a disadvantage in very limited vector control (depending on the model, the stock model has plenty vectoring, but the RealEngines i'm using doesn't - this is because the real engine just used verniers, i guess - so i tend to avoid to use the engine too low in the atmosphere
<Mike`> For anybody interested in my SRB comparison: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/issues/893
<Qboid> [#893] title: SRBs too expensive compared to liquid boosters | So, i was a bit shocked at SRB prices (in RP-1/Developmental), and thus did a little comparison. Test vehcile was a Titan 1 like rocket with 7.7t lead ballast. For the SRB test, i attached two 100 inch SRMs with decouplers. For the liquid booster test, i attached 4 more titan 1 first stages, again with decouplers. To get similar pe
<Qboid> rformance, i reduced the fuel level of the liquid boosters. Both rockets used identical staging, the center engine is only lit after the boosters decoupled.... | https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/issues/893
<awang_> soundnfury: ...Gripping hand?
<Mike`> Bornholio, in this comparison, even rollout costs alone are higher for the SRB version, and when you factor in part costs and the also higher build time, the SRB version looks useless. :(
<awang_> "frequently observed among hackers"
<awang_> Apparently I don't hang around enough hackers
<soundnfury> well you hang around me
<Mike`> :D
<soundnfury> and now you've observed it
<awang_> Although it took a few years
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<awang_> That's a very generous definition for "frequently" though
<soundnfury> only 'cos I haven't had opportunities to use it before
<soundnfury> :P
<awang_> Mike`: Yeah, Russian engines are kinda insane for early RP-1
<awang_> Also, nice issue
<awang_> Interesting that SRBs end up so much more expensive
<awang_> soundnfury: True, true
<awang_> Also, "DIV is super-expensive (iirc DIVH is about $400M)"
<awang_> I was really confused coming from #kspacademia talking about performance-related things
<soundnfury> awang_: Russians being OP in the early years of the Space Race is just historical accuracy though ;)
<soundnfury> lol
<awang_> I was like "yes, the DIV instruction is expensive, but where did $400M come from"?
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<awang_> soundnfury: Very true
<Mike`> haha :)
<soundnfury> clearly $400M is a literal representing 400 Mexadecimal (i.e. four times mteen²)
<soundnfury> (perhaps, after the Greeks, we should take M (µ) as _myriori_, 10,000, then 4µ² is indeed 400e6 ;)
<awang_> mteen?
<awang_> Too much jargon :(
<soundnfury> as hexadecimal is sixteen :P
<soundnfury> I was trying to make up a bogus number system
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<Mike`> which year's dollar price do we use when costing parts? i've read that somewhere in the past but can't find it again. :|
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<Mike`> https://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19720007149.pdf might be an estimation for UA1205 costs at 2.414 million 1971 dollars recurring costs
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<awang_> Mike`: IIRC it's 1960
<Mike`> awang_, just found a quote by pa'p in the forum thread stating 1965
<Mike`> should've looked there earlier, i guess. on the other hand, it would probably be useful to document that somewhere in the wiki
<awang_> Mike`: Yep, just found teh same
<Mike`> :D
<awang_> But in my irc logs
<Mike`> oh okay
<Mike`> thanks for checking
<awang_> It's not documented?
<awang_> Sort of surprised
<Mike`> well, it might be and i'm just too blind to find it now
<Mike`> i remember it reading somewhere, but no idea where that was
<awang_> Well the "sort of" is because far too many things are undocumented anyways :P
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<Bornholio> Mike`: i have a feeling a lot of work needs to go into rollout costs, given a reasonable gemini cost more than STS launches did IRL. Also if you have to rollback its not worth it just scrap the thing
<Mike`> yeah - rollback is another problem, rollout should really just be rollout and KCT should support "integration" costs separately
<Mike`> scrapping has the problem of taking the time to build another rocket
<Bornholio> BP = earn rate so i keep that high, one wasted rollback costs a lot more BP than a build
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<Mike`> rollbacks cost BP? I'm a little confused. :) In any case, the srb/liquid pricing is hopefully somewhat easily fixable. I only managed to find one price estimation for an srb though.
<Mike`> about the rollback-problem, i wonder what the local RIS rules are on a failed ignition on the pad, reload a save? :)
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