ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<awang> NathanKell: You around?
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<NathanKell> awang: Sorry, looks like I had a drop and reconnect. I'm about to not be--what's up?
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<rsparkyc> o/
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<awang_> NathanKell|AFK: Sorry, didn't catch you until now. How much do you remember about thrustCurve-related things in the KSP API?
<soundnfury> awang_: eww, thrustCurves. I had to deal with them in Boosteriferous, so I might be able to help you...
<Rokker> Bornholio: T-38C crash
<Rokker> pilots safe
<Rokker> Sheppard AFB
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<egg> soundnfury: thrust curves, with free ODEs because they give mass flow as a function of normalized mass, rather than normalized time
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<soundnfury> egg: yup. There's a reason why I restricted Boosteriferous 0.2 to only piecewise-linear profiles
<egg> whereas Principia is probably to just solve the ODE
<egg> :D
<soundnfury> "And I don't fancy writing code for algebraic integration of the reciprocals of arbitrary Hermite polynomial splines bozhe moi." -- me, in 2016
<egg> soundnfury: for added fun, they're useless on liquid propellants, because drop tanks change the normalization :D
<egg> *disconnect tank* -> *change thrust instantly*
<soundnfury> :(
<egg> yeah, I get why the curve was given normalized support, but normalizing fuel amount was a mistake
<soundnfury> well I mean for solid rocket motors, it makes a lot of sense
<egg> well, you generally get the data as a function of time even there
<soundnfury> I think I might even have done something similar for Boosteriferous 0.1 (I forget, it's a long time ago) before thrustCurve was added to KSP
<soundnfury> yeah but converting it is easy
<soundnfury> (if it's data, rather than a function, you can solve it numeggrically)
<egg> "And I don't fancy writing code for algebraic integration of the reciprocals of arbitrary Hermite polynomial splines bozhe moi." << wait why algebraic integration, just numerically integrate the thing
<egg> it should be a very well-behaved ODE
<soundnfury> yes but I am not an egg
<egg> if you want to do it formally then it's nasty, because t(m) is a sum of logs on the roots of the cubic which is easy, and inverting that is not
<soundnfury> mmm
<Mike`> i was so confused about thrust curves until i found out, kind of by trial and error, thrust is not a function of time -.-
<soundnfury> but if you restrict the thrustCurve to piecewise-linear then the inversion-integration isn't nearly so painful. I can't remember how it comes out, but, see https://github.com/ec429/boosteriferous/blob/master/src/boosteriferous/Core.cs for some examples
<soundnfury> (I probably have a piece of paper somewhere with the derivations of all those on it)
<egg> soundnfury: I mean if you have m' = k m it's easy, you get an eggsponential
<egg> and then you just have some finnycky piecewise eggsponential mess but it should all be straightforward
<egg> (aside from the bit where you implement a half-decent eggsponential but anyway)
<soundnfury> egg: yeah but I don't have to implement an eggsponential (actually I think a leggarithm because I'm inverting it) because I use the platform maths library instead of writing my own because what kind of crazy does that?
<soundnfury> tl;dr and as I said earlier: I am not an egg
<soundnfury> (should I maybe call it a l'oeufgarithm?)
<egg> well, yes, but the platform's libm will likely be bad
<egg> unless it's the cats
<egg> s/cats/cat's/
<Qboid> egg meant to say: unless it's the cat's
<soundnfury> I'm really not sure a few ULPs here and there are going to cause problems for this use-case
<soundnfury> it's not like I'm doing anything with severe stabbity issues
* egg stabs the SRB
<soundnfury> * the SRB squirts a stream of flame through the stab-hole at the egg
* egg casts protection from energy
<soundnfury> roll concentration save
<egg> !d20
<egg> !roll d20
<Qboid> egg: 6
<soundnfury> your spell fizzles. you are now a poached egg
* egg casts hollandaise
<soundnfury> you are now a dutch poached egg. Dig dyke? [Y/n]
<egg> j
<soundnfury> you drain the launchpad, it is now polderland
* egg casts Korteweg–de Vries equation
<soundnfury> please wait while the Universe reads Wikipedia
<soundnfury> a large sechoidal soliton sweeps you clear of the fiery SRB. Unfortunately, the thermohydrodynamic interactions between still-hot egg and cold water flash-boiling to steam leads to a lack of analytical solutions
<soundnfury> as a result, you notice that your ovoid body has developed jaggies owing to poor numerical methods
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<Rokker> Bornholio: omg omg omg
<Rokker> Bornholio: the great Hurrevac of 2018 has commenced
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<Bornholio> really
<Bornholio> rokker you are the bad news bear
<Bornholio> thats what t-38's are for
<Bornholio> what was teh failure mode
* UnqualifiedRaptor guesses pilot error
<Bornholio> pilot did not error, he ejected :)
<Rokker> Bornholio: unknown
<Rokker> Bornholio: I'm excited for the hurrevac cause there is a not-inpossible chance that an MQ-4C and or a P-3 Orion evaced to WPAFB
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