ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
<Bornholio> note to self, coffee grinder works great for candy rocket fuel processing!
<Bornholio> rokker was too easy made about 20 times the amount of pre-mix oxidizer sucrose that i need for the next one
<Rokker> neat
<Rokker> Bornholio: I assume you are familiar with Nakka's website?
<Bornholio> if you hear about someone in omaha arrested for launching illegal rockets your can guess who
<Bornholio> yes
<Bornholio> read the stuff in the '80s since i lived in BFE then i could not get in trouble for that learning
<Rokker> Bornholio: just dont blow yourself up yet
<Rokker> Bornholio: wait til i can find a replacement B-52 guy to ask questions too
<Bornholio> lol, sure
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<Rokker> Important space event coming up
<soundnfury> spaaaaaaace?
* soundnfury watches this space
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<jclishman> a couple engines https://i.imgur.com/031OKsI.png
<Rokker> soundnfury: hayabusa is landing 2 of its rovers today
<Rokker> hayabusa 2 rather
<soundnfury> jclishman: three inside eight? you monster! ;)
<soundnfury> (I try to use designs with either 3-fold or 4-fold symmetry)
<soundnfury> Rokker: cool
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<jclishman> 55 tons to LEO
<jclishman> oh shit, this is too heavy for my pad
<jclishman> RIP
<jclishman> Jesus, $1,500,000
<jclishman> ...is there any way to make facilities cost less?
<jclishman> that's insane
<soundnfury> jclishman: that's like a fifth of what you get for a 180-day crew cycle at your space station
<soundnfury> (you do have one of those, right?)
<jclishman> wait, how do you get money from space stations?
<jclishman> whaa
<soundnfury> the Crew Duration records are the _biggest_ moneyspinner in the game ;)
<jclishman> really?
<jclishman> huh
<soundnfury> 1. send crew to space station. 2, send life support resupply ships at suitable intervals. 3. ??? 4. Profit.
<jclishman> yeah i haven't done a crewed mission more than 3 days
<soundnfury> No Buck Rogers, no bucks.
<jclishman> I was going to do a comms network, because that's like 500,000
<jclishman> and i dont have a space station :(
<soundnfury> well, the Launch A Space Station contract pays pretty well too ;)
<jclishman> i'll try to get the tech for it
<jclishman> yeah, short-term habitation is in the research queue
<jclishman> perhaps i should move it up
<jclishman> is the mechanic that lets you make a shitload of science from the lab still in RP-0?
<jclishman> that plus the strategy that turns science to funds might also help
<soundnfury> strategies aren't in RP-0 at all, I think
<jclishman> i just did one
<soundnfury> huh
<soundnfury> I could've sworn we removed them
<jclishman> i'm playing ksp 1.2.2, maybe thats it
<soundnfury> maybe, that _is_ a bit old. (Then again I'm still on 1.3.1)
<jclishman> early comms network doesn't HAVE to be GEO, either
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<jclishman> can just be in a random polar orbit
<soundnfury> doesn't even need to be polar
<jclishman> want to make sure that I get good coverage, though
<soundnfury> just a random 28.6° orbit will do
<jclishman> aight
<soundnfury> as long as the spacing between the sats is right, and the altitude is high enough
<soundnfury> the inclination is completely irrelevant
<jclishman> right, so i *do* have to be intentful about spacing
<soundnfury> yep, precision matters
<soundnfury> the lower the altitude, the more so
<jclishman> 3,000km sounds good
<soundnfury> for four sats, yes that's adequate
<soundnfury> I usually use (iirc) 4,170km, because then T=3 hours
<soundnfury> which is just nice and round
<jclishman> yeah I think i'll use that
<soundnfury> three comm 16s should do for the interconnects
<jclishman> jesus, why are reaction wheels so expensive
<jclishman> 2,500
<jclishman> guess i'll just stick w/ RCS
<soundnfury> yup
<soundnfury> you also don't need the 1kN thruster (it's way heavy), just use a couple of little RCS thrusters
<jclishman> for the transfer,circularization?
<soundnfury> yup, because once you're in orbit you only need a dozen milligees
<soundnfury> (unless you're trying to go to like GTO or TLI, or have people on board)
<jclishman> yeah
<soundnfury> also this conversation has reminded me how much of my RP-1 expertise is not communicable
<jclishman> oh yeah, i saw something about RP-1
<jclishman> is it just another iteration on RP-0?
<soundnfury> I guess all I can say on that is, in three months' time _you'll_ find it easy too
<soundnfury> yeah RP-1 is just the version of RP-0 that adds tooling and the new tech tree and crew training and stuff like that
<jclishman> ooh, interesting
<jclishman> new tech tree?
<jclishman> how complete is this
<soundnfury> if your tree starts with 1-point nodes like "Post-War Rocketry Testing" and "Early Avionics", you have it
<jclishman> yeah, first node is just "Start"
<jclishman> half of the nodes in my tree past tier 5 are empty
<soundnfury> oh yeah there's still lots of empty nodes once you get past Apollo
<jclishman> damn, that's one of the things that's always annoyed me
<jclishman> spend 300 science or whatever to unlock a random russian N-1 part or something
<soundnfury> but there's not much we can do about that, because the IRL space industry gave up and sat on their fannies for thirty years :P
<jclishman> lol
<jclishman> how finished is RP-1?
<jclishman> could i download all the mods i need for it rn and start with it?
<jclishman> or is it still a beta
<soundnfury> I don't think it's really much more beta than RP-0 at this point
<soundnfury> it's just that we haven't gotten around to making a proper release because we're all lazy when NK isn't there to whip us
<jclishman> right
<soundnfury> RP-1 is awesome and you should definitely be playing it
<jclishman> how does crew training work?
<jclishman> yeah it sounds cool!
<soundnfury> you have to give each 'naut Proficiency training with (say) the Mercury pod, then Mission training before you launch them (which expires when they land)
<soundnfury> it doesn't cost funds or anything, it just takes time so you have to plan
<jclishman> that's really cool!
<jclishman> and i guess tooling just makes making a new rocket super expensive
<soundnfury> also where it integrates with KCT (which is where you select a crew before launch) has a couple of bugs :(
<jclishman> aww rip
<soundnfury> fortunately workarounds exist
<jclishman> how does tooling work
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<soundnfury> tooling is about dimensions of procedural parts, so if you decide to make a 2.4m×10m tank, that's really expensive if you haven't tooled 2.4m before, a bit expensive if you've tooled 2.4m×5m, and really cheap if you've tooled 2.4×10m
<jclishman> right
<jclishman> how expensive is "really expensive"
<soundnfury> depends on the size and also tank type (ServiceModule tanks get quite pricey)
<jclishman> right
<jclishman> last edit a month ago, not terribly out of date
<jclishman> i'd switch over right now, if i REALLLLLY didn't feel like restarting this campaign
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<soundnfury> oh I restart all the time, because I love optimising my early-game speedrun
<soundnfury> (for some reason I really enjoy the 'struggling with inadequate equipment' phase of any game with a tech tree. Even though while I'm in it, all I want is to unlock the good stuff)
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<jclishman> i'm just getting to fun stuff though
<jclishman> orbiting other planets, manned lunar flyby, etc is all built
<jclishman> just need to upgrade the infrastructure
<jclishman> i get what you mean though
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<Starwaster> soundnfury I too am on 1.3.1 still (except when I need to test something for 1.4.5 before committing code)
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<Rokker> First GEM 63 test firing today
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<Rokker> Bornholio: usaf confirmed first air kill by a drone
<Rokker> it was in a test environment but still
<awang> jclishman: Re: "how expensive is 'really expensive'"
<awang> For example, a 1m diameter x 1m long level 1 proc tank is ~1000 funds untooled, tooling costs ~4000 funds, but the cost drops to ~1 fund after tooling
<Qboid> [#24] title: Rp-0 tooling integration | This ignores the additional costs added by RP-0 tooling when calculating simulation costs. See the commit message for the second commit for more details. | https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KRASH/issues/24
<awang> 3rd paragraph should be the most interesting for you
<awang> soundnfury> oh I restart all the time, because I love optimising my early-game speedrun
<awang> 00:02 < soundnfury> oh I restart all the time, because I love optimising my early-game speedrun
<awang> 00:02 < soundnfury> oh I restart all the time, because I love optimising my early-game speedrun
<awang> 00:02 < soundnfury> oh I restart all the time, because I love optimising my early-game speedrun
<awang> 00:02 < soundnfury> oh I restart all the time, because I love optimising my early-game speedrun
<awang> 00:02 < soundnfury> oh I restart all the time, because I love optimising my early-game speedrun
<awang> 00:02 < soundnfury> oh I restart all the time, because I love optimising my early-game speedrun
<awang> 00:02 < soundnfury> oh I restart all the time, because I love optimising my early-game speedrun
<awang> ^ So much this
<awang> Erm
* awang stabs copy/pasting of newline characters
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<Rokker> Bornholio: MiG-31 crash in rossiya
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<github> [RP-0] Tidal-Stream opened pull request #901: Fix NewCrewStations.cfg (port be7a24b) (#783) (Developmental...newcrewstations) https://git.io/fA7C6
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<Bornholio> comrade bad news for bears
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