ferram4 changed the topic of #RO to: Welcome to the discussion channel for the Realism Overhaul (meta)mod for KSP! Realism Overhaul Main Thread https://goo.gl/wH7Dzb ! RO Spreadsheet http://goo.gl/Oem3g0 ! Code of Conduct http://goo.gl/wOSv2M ! | Maximal & soundnfury's RP-1 Race Into Space Signup: http://bit.ly/2DEVm2i [15:01] <soundnfury> Straight Eight Stronk (and) RP-0/1 is basically "Space Agency Spreadsheet Simulator"
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<ProjectThoth> I don't fully understand supersonic retropropulsion.
<ProjectThoth> Is it meant to limit g-loads on the structure of the rocket, interact with the shock layer during reentry, or something else?
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<Bornholio> ProjectThoth: two things mainly because your Cd is not high enough. First is you are getting close to that Max Q region so its reverse of the throttle up after Max Q. Given you will be in mach transition in that 15km up area if you get slowed down, otherwise you head into the soup with too much speed and the forces are too high. the second is that you are angled too steeply to bleed off the velocity in time for landing. You can solve this
<Bornholio> three ways, increase Cd or reduce velocity via propulsion or have some lift that widens out your angle increasing the time you have to drag deccel during.
<ProjectThoth> Bornholio: So the engines themselves would probably be fine during reentry?
<Bornholio> maybe. effective pressure is very high, so either they need extreme chamber pressures or design for SL or worse nozzle
<ProjectThoth> Bornholio: So, like, would you have to do retroprop for returning engines from orbit?
<Bornholio> you could do that, but unless you are in a higher orbit all it takes to de-orbit is rcs, say STS using it OMS thrusters. It then used a high Cd approach for almost all of its re-entry.
<Bornholio> BFR seems to be doing that, slightly less Cd but using it all the way to landing site until just about ready to hoverslam
<Bornholio> of course for mars it will almost for sure have to retro some :) anyway GN
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<ProjectThoth> Damn, just as I'm afk.
<ProjectThoth> !tell Bornholi* I was concerned about that from a heat load perspective rather than anything else.
<Qboid> ProjectThoth: I'll redirect this as soon as they are around.
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<BadRocketsCo> Hi
<BadRocketsCo> So uh, why the frick is my ksp freezing repeatedly?
<BadRocketsCo> Only seems to happen witg FASA parts
<BadRocketsCo> Even tho I have 10%-20% RAM free
<BadRocketsCo> Bought this computer and it still cant run KSP properly, god damn iy
<BadRocketsCo> it*
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<Mike`> BadRocketsCo, how much ram do you have? and it happens for me aswell...and i don't use FASA yet. :(
<Mike`> seems like for RO, 24GB or more is kinda recommended. :|
<BadRocketsCo> 8gb
<taniwha> I've had KSP crash due to running out of memory with a modest mod install (probably smaller than RO). I had 8GB of memory and 3-4 of swap
<BadRocketsCo> Heh, ouch
<taniwha> yeah, now I have 64GG of memory with ~250GB swap
<taniwha> er, GB
<BadRocketsCo> Okay, nope, deleting the reflection plugin did not work
<BadRocketsCo> The time runs green
<BadRocketsCo> But it freeses up every few seconds for just a moment
<BadRocketsCo> And I can not figure out why
<taniwha> something is creating a lot of garbage
<BadRocketsCo> Yeaaah. But what. EVE maybe?
<taniwha> or maybe MJ or KER
<BadRocketsCo> Huh, action groups extended is spamming hella lot
<taniwha> (OnGUI stuff tends to create a lot of garbage)
<taniwha> ah, that would not help
<taniwha> lots of logs -> lot flushing
<BadRocketsCo> GUI delay errors
<taniwha> the pauses may be due to flushing the logs to disk
<BadRocketsCo> Alright, I will remove AGE and see what happens
<taniwha> if it is the log flushing, you might want to ensure LOG_INSTANT_FLUSH = True
<taniwha> then lots of log spam will result in a more steady slowdown rather than a stutter.
<taniwha> (or might, really)
<taniwha> I have that as true and never(?) see freezes
<Mike`> logging should be async (in theory) and shouldn't lead to freezes at all? :|
<Mike`> anyway, 8GB RAM probably isn't going to be fun with RO, you should maybe get some more :)
<taniwha> if you can afford it, max out your mother board
<Mike`> taniwha, do you happen to know if/how it is possible to profile ksp mods?
<taniwha> I think you would have to instrument them yourself
<Mike`> i sometimes feel like finding out why remotetech is so slow, but it's not going to be fun if you can't easily attach a profiler i guess
<taniwha> Unity does have profiling support, but that's in the editor and you need to wrap your regions with instrumentation calls
<taniwha> so even in unity, you could say it's not particularly fun
<Mike`> :/ so it's not going to be a ssimple as compile them with a debug profile? damnit. :)
<taniwha> yeah
<taniwha> gcc is nice in that reguard
<taniwha> recompile with one flag, run program, run gprof on output
<Mike`> that doesn't exactly help getting performance optimized and memory leak free mods. :|
<taniwha> I do know that Sarbian did something for garbage profiling
<Mike`> oh well, thanks. I'm too spoiled by being able to just profile c#/java stuff on the fly.
<taniwha> there may be a way
<taniwha> but all I know about it is the unity bits :/
<Mike`> yeah, np. :)
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<BadRocketsCo> taniwha: ye, deleting the mod worked
<taniwha> \o/
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<Bornholio> tap that asteriod
<Qboid> Bornholio: ProjectThoth left a message for you in #RO [23.09.2018 02:40:32]: "I was concerned about that from a heat load perspective rather than anything else."
<Sarbian> Mike`: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/102909-ksp-plugin-debugging-and-profiling-for-visual-studio-and-monodevelop-on-all-os/
<Sarbian> "Profiling" section
<Mike`> thanks, gonna check that out
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<xShadowx> taniwha: some parts of unity may still be not fun, but VR improved ;p 1 click of a checkbox and you have VR now, no messin with silly api lol
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<Rokker> Bornholio: bet you never saw a flight line like this https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/1NHxI6gl/20180923_092508.jpg
<Bornholio> you mean a golf cousre like this
<Rokker> how dare you, that is a military airfield
<soundnfury> Rokker: ooh, lookit all the Reserve and BR 1.0 planes ;)
<Rokker> soundnfury: I wish we had a ww1 tier
<Rokker> a tier 0
<soundnfury> heh yeah
<soundnfury> though I guess there are other games that cover that period
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<Starwaster> Does anyone else feel that adding lift to spaceplane parts makes them harder to control?
<Bornholio> yes, not sure why tho
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<Rokker> Bornholio: ooooooo
<Bornholio> what
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<Bornholio> pap are you around?
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<Mike`> :(
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<soundnfury> Mike`: ?
<Mike`> ah, just a little sad that neither nk nor pap are around :)
<soundnfury> "concur"
<Mike`> on discord they're thinking about creating a "community fork" of rp-0. Do you have commit rights to rp-0 btw? getting some fixes merged every now and then might be cool. :)
<soundnfury> I think I do have, yes
<Mike`> on a happier note, i'm impressed with MJs autostaging and how well it works for RO, except for hotstaging.
<xShadowx> NK is a lurker
<xShadowx> sneaky bastard
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<1NVAAATAB> [RealismOverhaul] raidernick pushed 4 new commits to master: https://git.io/fAFwr
<1NVAAATAB> RealismOverhaul/master 0b3e380 Tidal Stream: Fix mass and MM syntax error
<github> [RealismOverhaul] raidernick closed pull request #1920: Use global configs for Castor 1 (master...fasa-srb) https://git.io/fAlx2
<1NVAAATAB> RealismOverhaul/master f9032b4 Tidal Stream: Remove mass and reduce maximum temperature...
<1NVAAATAB> RealismOverhaul/master 8f2c390 Tidal Stream: Use global configs for Castor 1
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<Bornholio> playing RP-1 on 1.4.5 just need to get Testflight going. RP-1 needs something changed to the transperency layer of some of the tech icons, they went black.
<github> [RealismOverhaul] raidernick opened pull request #1925: RN fix castor and crafts (master...master) https://git.io/fAFoh
<ProjectThoth> What does "foredrag coefficient" mean?
<Bornholio> its the drag component from the front shape, that plus drag from the base = total
<ProjectThoth> Oh, so it more or less ignores the drag from the wake behind it?