UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> … one of the other grad students just compared me to nomal O_o | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
e_14159 has quit [Ping timeout: 200 seconds]
UmbralRaptor: should I stare at the sky
e_14159 has joined #kspacademia
is that jupiter in a tree
Jupiter in a tree, 4 moons \o/
UmbralRaptor: stellarium tells me there's an eutelsat in that tree too, but there's too much tree
Europa Jupiter Io Ganymede Callisto \o/
* egg
tries using a filter for chromatic aberration & pushing the magnification on Jupiter
hmm the air is a bit shit
also this still isn't a planetary scope
egg is now known as egg|zzz|egg
GreeningGalaxy has joined #kspacademia
!wpn bofh
* Qboid
gives bofh a x-ray bustard
!wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid
gives UmbralRaptor a subcritical Brillouin domain
!wpn icefire
* Qboid
gives icefire an arsenic dragon
!wpn Iskierka
* Qboid
gives Iskierka a radio sabot
icefire has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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GreeningGal has joined #kspacademia
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* soundnfury
engages in a culinary experiment
the null hypothesis is that crumpets are not improved by the addition of duck fat
* UmbralRaptor
ponders asking for the bot to post arxiv abstracts.
* UmbralRaptor
suspects that this is a bad idea.
soundnfury: how much power does this study have?
UmbralRaptor: I have two crumpets, so n_control and n_effect are both 1
also it's not blinded even slightly
conclusions: a positive effect was measured, but was not significant at the 5% level. Please grant me lots of funding so I can buy many crumpets and ducks and run a larger study :)
egg|zzz|egg should be able to supply the ducks.
!wpn -add:wpn duck
soundnfury: Weapon added!
!wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid
gives UmbralRaptor a characteristic 0 gadolinium IDE
(Exercise for the reader: would I prefer a text editor, or SATA?)
!wpn soundnfury
* Qboid
gives soundnfury a projective comma
!wpn -add:adj descriptive
UmbralRaptor: Adjective added!
!wpn -add:adj perscriptive
UmbralRaptor: Adjective added!
not prescriptive? o_O
!wpn -remove:adj perscriptive
UmbralRaptor: Adjective removed!
!wpn -add:adj prescriptive
UmbralRaptor: Adjective added!
!wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid
gives UmbralRaptor a nickel term
!wpn -add:wpn terminal
UmbralRaptor: Weapon added!
!wpn -add:wpn shell
UmbralRaptor: Weapon added!
(pun intended)
!wpn soundnfury
* Qboid
gives soundnfury a symmetric atom-like suitcase
soundnfury: ...were you awake the entire night?
UmbralRaptor: yes, why?
(given I only woke up at about 3pm yesterday, I didn't really feel the need to go back to bed yet)
Okay, that's a good reason.
!wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid
gives UmbralRaptor a relevant sabot
!wpn e_14159
* Qboid
gives e_14159 a metal ray
!wpn Iskierka
* Qboid
gives Iskierka a copper vertical (with ground plane)
!wpn egg
* Qboid
gives egg a fried sextant
icefire has joined #kspacademia
ferram4 has quit [Ping timeout: 200 seconds]
!wpn Iskierka
* Qboid
gives Iskierka a shift/reduce radon polytope
Iskierka: from the relevant Wikipedia article: "intentionally ingesting 0.25 milligrams (250 micrograms) of the substance, an amount he predicted to be a threshold dose (an actual threshold dose is 20 micrograms)" >_>
that must have been an adventure of a ride
also 250 ug on the very first intentional use of it with no-one else having a clue what's going on
* egg|zzz|egg
gives bofh and Iskierka a crate of μs
(not a crate of μ⁻s) >_>
admittedly there's also µ but that's silly
! µμ
!u µμ
egg|zzz|egg: oh hey just in time for me to be done travel and actually able to look at said release :P
bofh: I gather you play KSP too?
yes, just have been absurdly busy since Jan
egg|laptop|egg has joined #kspacademia
bofh: also we're switching to lunar releases, so we'll release whatever we have every month (some releases may have no user-facing changes, but at least we'll progress to the list of mathematicians)
bofh: next one is Cardano, then Catalan, Cauchy, Cayley, Чебышёв (on a total egglipse!), Cesàro, Chasles, 陈景润, Chevalley, Christoffel, Clifford (partial egglipse), Cohen, Coxeter, Cramer
erm, I mean, this one is Cardano, the next one is Cartan
*reflexively winces in pain at seeing Christoffel's name uttered*
bofh: why?
egg|laptop|egg has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
egg|laptop|egg has joined #kspacademia
technicalfool has joined #kspacademia
* UmbralRaptor
guesses some sort of horribly messy GR.
egg|zzz|egg: ...ever had to do any GR, like, ever?
the Christoffel symbol bash is like a hazing ritual via tedium
bofh: :D
bofh: I had a course by Trubowitz on the BKL singularity
he, how shall I say, he likes calculating
why would you voluntarily submit yourself to that? :P
bofh: the BKL singularity is fascinating though
<FakeUnicode> Seen at @Coles, a mustard jar made it through without a lid. Got the BEST BEFORE printed directly on the mustard. A…
!wpn Qboid
* Qboid
gives Qboid a fried hyperbola which vaguely resembles a Principia