UmbralRaptor changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> … one of the other grad students just compared me to nomal O_o | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
I was thinking of IR59
which may or may not be visible from where you are
oh yes the earth is not actually flat
damn it
bofh: yeah it's well underground until sunrise
yeah, for sats you can't assume that the earth is a point >_>
bofh: yeah that one next flares next night for me, peaking at 4.92
it's peaking at -8.2 for a friend, peaking at I think -1.7 for me
-8.2 is impressive
also magnitudes are silly (poke UmbralRaptor)
[#374] title: $ are not allowed in filename of a filegroup | Ultimately any character can be part of a filename. We should probably allow that.... |
(that's the thing preventing us from switching to bazel)
Commit date at the start is 2017-03-28, but built date is 2017-03-25?
Are those the wrong way round?
Norgg: tag has 2017-03-28 in the name
Thomas|AWAY is now known as Thomas
commit date is 2017-03-25
Ah, k.
that's reported as "built date" because old string :-p
Norgg: tag was postdated to the new moon
built a couple of days before, released a few hours before
also might lead to moments of *staring at graphs in confusion while rocket explosion is evident outside*
Norgg: that would be a bit too spammy for IRC though
That sounds impressively realistic.
egg: You'd just grab the interesting bits?
Norgg: will have to learn some snek, since I'll be working in youtube which is full of that, so might do that :-p
Twitch Plays KSP
UmbralRaptor: yeah but what about the rocket design
that sounds impractical in a terminal
Ohhh, following your pa to el goog? :D
* egg
hopes that he'll get egg as a username >_>
nah, not Google+, just the actual username (email address, and used everywhere internally, turned into links etc.)
e.g. that's what you put in the TODOs
UmbralRaptor: for the rocket design you could have graphs/terminal stuff for analysis (after all the FAR UI isn't too far from that), but the actual building of the rocket?
<egg>'d need a rocket hardware description language?
Something to read part files and write craft files.
RHDL… am I going to end up running KSP on an FGPA?
UmbralRaptor: ... a language where you describe stage interfaces?
and engine plumbing
And aerodynamic surfaces.
UmbralRaptor: so a mix of a HDL and solvespace....
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Iskierka has joined #kspacademia
!wpn Iskierka
* Qboid
gives Iskierka a ruby geodesic maser
!wpn Thomas
* Qboid
gives Thomas a zonal resonance/checker hybrid
although JFETs being JFETs I'm sure they don't like much current.
I've used that circuit before lots, but never heard of it consolidated into one part
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isk - I think that's what Zener diodes do?
wow, that thing's expensive too
They have a designed breakdown voltage in the reverse direction.
you can use them for inefficient power regulation - any overvoltage gets dumped to ground via a whatever-volt zener.
Good for clamping sensitive stuff. I've used them to protect Raspberry Pi GPIOs.
I've also heard of Zener diodes whose reverse breakdown voltage is actually lower than the forward barrier voltage, so they conduct better backwards than forwards.
there are also ones with negative resistance, so (to some extent) the more voltage you put across them, the less current flows.
... would that make a constant-power diode?
Majiir: have you looked into integration again?
I have not
Majiir: the sea of paper has gotten deeper
Majiir: I was wondering about trying to have a principia/kopernicus config for TRAPPIST-1, might be fun to play there
but the only thing you can find is mean elements for that system
so if I want to feed it to principia I need a proper initial state, which I need to fit to the Spitzer observation data
regex has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
basically I need to replicate the TTV results of that Nature paper
that will have to involve writing a minimzer because we don't have one
won't do that just yet, but certainly something I want to look into
!acr -add:TTV Transit Timing Variation
egg: I added the explanation for this acronym.
* UmbralRaptor
listens to another group talk about how only one person has the [spectrum fitting] code, and how they'll send out the latest version later this week.
* UmbralRaptor
screams internally.
Tortoise767 has joined #kspacademia
UmbralRaptor: ... should I add spectrum fitting code to principia
it doesn't seem too far off the scope creep
egg, whitequark: I've only heard it called inside [front] cover
UmbralRaptor: ah but that doesn't cover the first page too does it
egg: version Maxwell
UmbralRaptor: I don't think Maxwell counts?
we do mathematicians, not physicists
UmbralRaptor: version Fourier should be a few years off
egg: well, sort of. If you don't have to turn a page, it counts.
though those may be rather technical bookbinding terms tbh
much like I didn't know about the white and colour guards
(those sounds like weird elite regiments somehow)
ferram4: oooh the nyancat is back
color guard most definitely sounds military.
yeah, and if you have the two then they're probably different regiments with undecipherable traditions
UmbralRaptor: given the colour, maybe the white guard is the one that surrenders and does not die >_>
so Vessel has a function GetVessel() that returns this
but this actually makes sense
it's from ITargetable, Celestial returns null, and docking ports return their vessel
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well, color guard being the people who guard/change/carry the flag(s)
returns "this"?
UmbralRaptor: this, the argument that's before the full stop in languages that do OO with classes that contain members
(C++, C#, java, ...)
UmbralRaptor: the call syntax is e.g. vessel.GetVessel(), and in GetVessel, which is in Vessel, the argument of type Vessel is called this
this sentence may have too many vessels
for vessel in vessel:
\t vessel(vessel, vessel, vessel)
UmbralRaptor: yeah, colour guard in french doesn't have this aspect quite as much, since the bookbinding thing is the garde de couleur (the guard of colour if you will), and the flag-guarding people are the garde au drapeau (guard to the flag); les couleurs means the colours in the flag sense, but it's not used for the guard, and note that it's plural where the endpaper is singular
icefire has joined #kspacademia
UmbralRaptor: for buffalo in buffalo...
* UmbralRaptor
buffaloes soundnfury
* Qboid
gives soundnfury an aluminium chromatograph
* Qboid
gives UmbralRaptor an unit ␆
aha! avast ye, or I'll... measure your colour somehow.