egg|nomz|egg changed the topic of #kspacademia to: | Dogs are cats. Spiders are cat interferometers. | Космизм сегодня! | Document well, for tomorrow you may get mauled by a ネコバス. | <UmbralRaptor> egg|nomz|egg: generally if your eyes are dewing over, that's not the weather. | <ferram4> I shall beat my problems to death with an engineer.
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<Qboid> 10d 0h 0m 0s left to event #30: [at 2018-10-19 01:45:00]. Say '!kountdown 30' for details
<B787_300> UmbralRaptop: finally home... that was a long day of travelling
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<UmbralRaptop> B787_300: Yay about getting home, at least.
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<egg|cell|egg> !pet whitequark and котеньку
* Qboid pets whitequark and котеньку
* egg|cell|egg meows at whitequark
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<egg> !seen bofh
<Qboid> egg: I last saw bofh on [07.10.2018 22:14:23] in #kspacademia saying: "!wpn egg|cell|egg "
<egg> !u ℠
<Qboid> U+2120 SERVICE MARK (℠)
egg|zz|egg has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds]
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<egg|work|egg> !seen bofh
<Qboid> egg|work|egg: I last saw bofh on [07.10.2018 22:14:23] in #kspacademia saying: "!wpn egg|cell|egg "
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<egg|work|egg> ;8ball did bofh get eaten by a bat
<kmath> egg|work|egg: Don't count on it
<egg|work|egg> hmm
<egg|work|egg> ;8ball did bofh get eaten by a moth
<kmath> egg|work|egg: As I see it, yes
<egg|work|egg> ah
<bofh> egg: ?
<bofh> I was, like, writing >_>
<egg|work|egg> bofh: ah good
<egg|work|egg> !pet bofh
* Qboid pets bofh
* egg|work|egg meows at bofh
<kmath> <WTMMP>
* egg|work|egg meows at the rat
* egg|work|egg considers eating the rat
* egg|work|egg doubles bofh
bofh is now known as bofh^2
* egg|work|egg doubles bofh
* egg|work|egg doubles bofh^2
<kmath> <12tonevideos> Fun game: Every time you see a post about how G+ is shutting down, assume they're talking about a G augmented triad…
<bofh^2> egg|work|egg: ^
bofh^2 is now known as bofh^4
<egg|work|egg> mostly annoyed because
<kmath> <chordowl> @stephentyrone Also: professional mathematician Google+ still seems to be a thing?
<bofh^4> YES. I'm subscribed to several such feeds in fact.
<egg|work|egg> same
<egg|work|egg> tao, baez, gowers in particular
<bofh^4> Same to all 3.
<egg|work|egg> at least baez and tao have their interesting stuff on actual blogs
<bofh^4> Doesn't gowers have a blog as well?
<egg|work|egg> possibly
* egg|work|egg meows at bofh^4
* egg|work|egg doubles bofh^4
bofh^4 is now known as bofh^7
* egg|work|egg is confused
<bofh^7> just a moment, TeXing up the proofs
* egg|work|egg pokes bofh^7 in the eggsponent
<bofh^7> also it's a reference to a particularly stupid block of code I once saw
<egg|work|egg> ... i just pinged myself with that pun
<bofh^7> which was assembly for an 8x7 VSAD
<bofh^7> LOL
<egg|work|egg> and jumped because it made my phone vibrate
* egg|work|egg actively working,
<egg|work|egg> with a nice blogroll
<egg|work|egg> hey there's kowalski
<egg|work|egg> i took a class he gave on number theory once
<egg|work|egg> didn't really understand a thing
<bofh^7> I mean that sounds like number theory, honestly.
<bofh^7> Confusing as fuck
<egg|work|egg> something about using the deligne theorems as a black box to bound sums that were somehow of interest for some unclear reason
<egg|work|egg> semester-long lecture: use this massive black box to bound this other black box
<bofh^7> > "Lemma meringue"
<bofh^7> augh
<bofh^7> ROFL
<egg|work|egg> bofh^7: potentially of interest to you
<bofh^7> okay so that reminds me of the class I took on the Atiyah-Singer Index Theorem
<bofh^7> ooh. *bookmarks*
<egg|work|egg> bofh^7: well, not much to bookmark
<egg|work|egg> mostly an organisational detail
<egg|work|egg> and D-MATH specific possibly?
<bofh^7> yeah, whereas I'd prolly be going via PHYS
<kmath> <bofh453> walking down rue de rivoli when suddenly, RANDOM MY HEART WILL GO ON KARAOKE. ⏎ ⏎ i will embarrassingly admit that i joined in. >_>
* egg|work|egg doubles bofh^7
* egg|work|egg meows at bofh^7
* egg|work|egg pokes bofh^7 with a cowbell
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<bofh^7> egg|work|egg: 1 sec
<egg|work|egg> bofh^7: um.
<kmath> <bofh453> <@eggleroy> I'm impressed at how accurately the bells in @FioraAeterna's Shallie cosplay mimic the sound of [Zürich…
<bofh^7> one of the rare occasions when 1 bofh sec is under 10 minutes
<bofh^7> :p
<egg|work|egg> :-p
* egg|work|egg doubles bofh^7
bofh^7 is now known as bofh^14
* UmbralRaptop questions bofh^14's lorentz factor
<UmbralRaptop> !wpn evil quantum potatoes
* Qboid gives evil quantum potatoes an exchanger
<bofh^14> !wpn -add:wpn potatoes
<Qboid> bofh^14: Weapon added!
<kmath> <bofh453> OH: "All of this is rote in second year undergraduate statistics, not mystical secrets conferred on a mountaintop b…
<UmbralRaptop> !wpn -add:adj potato
<Qboid> UmbralRaptop: Adjective added!
<bofh^14> UmbralRaptop: I legit thought that was a parody when I read it
<UmbralRaptop> fair
<bofh^14> UmbralRaptop: it's not a parody.
<egg|cell|egg> !wpn bofh^14
* Qboid gives bofh^14 a public Alstroemeria
<bofh^14> !wpn egg|cell|egg
* Qboid gives egg|cell|egg a nozzle which strongly resembles a monopoly
egg|cell|egg has quit [Ping timeout: 183 seconds]
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<egg|cell|egg> Meow
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<bofh^14> "Traces of Mustard" best prog rock band name
<kmath> <ticcytx> pls check you my friend fic about kuromaya coffee shop au, it's a blessing 🙏 ⏎ #真矢クロ
<SnoopJeDi> bofh^14, I really wish there was any taxonomic basis at all to say trace(mustard) = {plant | plant ∈ Allium}
<bofh^14> LOL
<bofh^14> OKAY SAME NOW
* egg doubles bofh^14
bofh^14 is now known as bofh^28
<bofh^28> just realized this'd be a hella inconvenient FFT to implement
<egg> bofh^28: what fft
<bofh^28> a 28-point FFT
<bofh^28> since I've had to implement a 2^k * 15-point FFT and that was irritating.
<bofh^28> like a 2^k * 7-point FFT would be the same, Cooley-Tukey DIT + factorization using Good-Thomas PFA.
* egg doubles bofh^14
<egg> wait no
* egg doubles bofh^28
<egg> bofh^28: doubledoubledoubledoubledoubledoubledoubledoubledoubledoubledoubledouble,
<egg> bofh^28: whitequark: "The Cao Đài pantheon also has many other well-known figures, including Muhammad, Moses, Louis Pasteur, Shakespeare, and Lenin.[22] Victor Hugo is probably the most important European figure to play a role in the Caodai pantheon,"
<whitequark> wtf
<egg> caodaisim,
<egg> s/sim/sm/
<Qboid> egg meant to say: caodaism,
<SnoopJeDi> syncretism \o/
<SnoopJeDi> oh wow, Frederik Pohl wrote a scifi novel featuring the religion (or what looks more likely to be a perversion thereof)
<egg> well, muhammad and moses is pretty normal syncretism, paster, shakespeare, lenin, and hugo are weirder
<egg> s/paster/pasteur/
<Qboid> egg meant to say: well, muhammad and moses is pretty normal syncretism, pasteur, shakespeare, lenin, and hugo are weirder
<egg> Islam in VN: 'However, Vietnam's Muslims remained relatively isolated from the mainstream of world Islam, and their isolation, combined with the lack of religious schools, caused the practice of Islam in Vietnam to become increasingly syncretic. Command of Arabic is not widespread even among religious leaders, and some Muslims are reported to pray to Ali and refer to him as the "Son of God"'
<SnoopJeDi> sure Muhammad and Moses (et al.) are basically freebies in any context because Abraham
<SnoopJeDi> Joan of Arc is an interesting touchpoint
<SnoopJeDi> the ref for that bit looks like a pretty interesting history
* egg meows at whitequark
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* egg meows at bofh^28
<egg> shouldn't that be bofh^56 by now
egg|zz|egg has quit [Ping timeout: 202 seconds]
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<egg> !u ◦
<Qboid> U+25E6 WHITE BULLET (◦)
<UmbralRaptor> LNA?
<UmbralRaptor> SMA?
<UmbralRaptor> u.fl?
<egg> !wpn UmbralRaptor
* Qboid gives UmbralRaptor a light-emitting cosmonaut
* egg meows at bofh^28
* egg meows at bofh^56
* egg meows at bofh^112
* egg meows at bofh^224
* UmbralRaptor meows in laser at the cosmonaut
xShadowx has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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* egg meows at UmbralRaptor
* egg meows at whitequark
* UmbralRaptor pets egg
<kmath> <✔netw3rk> honestly the biggest incentive corporations have to fight climate change is how else are they going to get our student loans
<bofh^28> UmbralRaptor: *sob*
<UmbralRaptor> Weird side effect of working outside: having a bee land on your watch, and wander around your watch/wrist.
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<bofh^28> UmbralRaptor: reminds me of the yellowjacket wasp that landed in egg's hot chocolate yesterday,m,
egg|cell|egg has quit [Ping timeout: 190 seconds]
<bofh^28> -m,*
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<UmbralRaptor> o_O
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<UmbralRaptor> bofh^28: these bees are fuzzy and don't seem to have visible stingers, so I hope that they're friends?
<bofh^28> UmbralRaptor: yes those seem much more friendly
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<egg> !u 
<Qboid> U+007F ()
<Qboid> U+007F ()
<egg> bofh^28: ,m␡␡, :-p
<egg> bofh^28: UmbralRaptor: it didn't land *in* the hot chocolate
<egg> it may have landed on the glass briefly?
<egg> but it was less annoying than they usually are
<egg> bofh^28: is it worth tweeting about this
<egg> nothing in this release :-(
<bofh^28> Hrm. Not sure, honestly. Like, you've done a lot of work, just it's not even close to done yet I think?
<egg> bofh^28: well we just need the screening
<egg> bofh^28: so it'll probably be in Ἐρατοσθένης
<bofh^28> The screening still seems tricky imho.
<egg> yeah
* egg pets bofh^28
* egg meows at bofh^28
<egg> bofh^28: so yeah should i tweet to just say "nothing happened" :-p
<UmbralRaptor> egg: yes
<egg> !u ❤︎
<Qboid> U+2764 HEAVY BLACK HEART (❤)
* egg meows at bofh^28
<kmath> <enf> In 1976 you could order a customized Pascal compiler, with order-form blanks for how long you wanted strings to be,…