egg changed the topic of #principia to: Logs: | <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
<queqiao-_> ⟨i​ts_really_dave⟩ what do folks use for transfer window planners w/ principia + RSS? I feel like I remember mention of parking some dummy vessel in the plane of the ecliptic and then using...something to compute porkchop plots
<queqiao-_> ⟨i​ts_really_dave⟩ ...or do you just use a non-principia specific planner?
<queqiao-_> ⟨Z​ombieZilla⟩ There is a forked version of TWP pinned in #ro-general
<queqiao-_> ⟨i​ts_really_dave⟩ thanks!
<queqiao-_> ⟨Z​ombieZilla⟩ It works fine with Principia, and can work from the VAB if I remember correctly
<queqiao-_> ⟨i​ts_really_dave⟩ ah very good. am I understanding correctly that the GameData files I need are checked into the repo here?
<queqiao-_> ⟨l​pg⟩ the pin has a direct link to a .zip file
<queqiao-_> ⟨i​ts_really_dave⟩ see if I woudl read things I would have figured that out on my own.
<queqiao-_> ⟨i​ts_really_dave⟩ but then that wouldn't afford strangers on the internet the opportunity to provide free tech support now would it
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<queqiao-_> ⟨Z​eusbeer⟩ @SpaceXenthusiast it will never be perfect, that's why I prefer setting up the maneuver, and just eyeballing my trajectory and cut when it looks 'good enough'
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<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin labeled pull request #3141: DiscreteTrajectorySegmentIterator -
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<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy closed pull request #3141: DiscreteTrajectorySegmentIterator -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy pushed 4 commits to Ondelette [+8/-0/±14]
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy 8d6f41b - Segment iterator.
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy 9f6a8dc - Cleanup.
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy 003a571 - C++ is stupid. So is the linter.
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy b50bf9c - Merge pull request #3141 from pleroy/SegmentIterator DiscreteTrajectorySegmentIterator
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<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy opened pull request #3142: DiscreteTrajectoryIterator -
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<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Pending. Build queued… - 
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Pending. Building… -
<queqiao-_> ⟨M​axim_⟩ What should I do with this (rss)
<queqiao-_> ⟨p​Edro⟩ In this scene, at this time of year, localized entirely within your space center ?
<queqiao-_> ⟨p​Edro⟩
<queqiao-_> ⟨p​Edro⟩ Nothing
<queqiao-_> ⟨p​Edro⟩ In this scene, at this time of year, localized entirely within your space center ?
<queqiao-_> ⟨p​Edro⟩
<queqiao-_> ⟨p​Edro⟩ Nothing, interesting stuff happens in the tracking station/flight scene (edited)
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Failure. Build finished. -
<queqiao-_> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ So, I return with this issue once again.
<queqiao-_> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ But you see, according to D0m1nu2, this is a principia issue.
<queqiao-_> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ As you can see everything but the HUD is gone.
<queqiao-_> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ So according to D0m, it is indeed, an issue with principia.
<queqiao-_> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ Starting happening in every flight, I'll try to update principia, but I'm not sure what'll happen if updating doesn't help.
<queqiao-_> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ Started happening in every flight, I'll try to update principia, but I'm not sure what'll happen if updating doesn't help. (edited)
<queqiao-_> ⟨L​ordEidar⟩ I noticed with the latest version of Principia that I can no longer manually enter a flight plan length, the slider works but not typing in numbers. It works for the deltaV field but not the plan length. Anyone else got this?
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ we did change something about the duration field, but they were supposed to become more lenient in their parsing, not to become unusable
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ we did change something about the duration fields, but they were supposed to become more lenient in their parsing, not to become unusable (edited)
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<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin reviewed pull request #3142 commit -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy opened pull request #3143: Allow typing in all fields -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin labeled pull request #3143: Allow typing in all fields -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin closed pull request #3143: Allow typing in all fields -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin pushed 3 commits to master [+0/-0/±7]
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy 0e21718 - Allow typing in all fields.
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy b0a5798 - Comment.
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin 5a46263 - Merge pull request #3143 from pleroy/Fix Allow typing in all fields
<queqiao-_> ⟨s​ichelgaita⟩ Working on a fix.
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy opened issue #3144: Impossible to type in some fields -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy labeled issue #3144: Impossible to type in some fields -
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ All four duration fields look good at `ace07`, typing and sliding
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy edited pull request #3143: Allow typing in all fields -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy edited issue #3144: Impossible to type in some fields -
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ why does it say ace07 in KSP and 5a462 in my shell
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ Ah, because the C++ didn’t get rebuilt.
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ All four duration fields look good at ~~`ace07`~~`5a462`, typing and sliding (edited)
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy deleted tag 2021100611-Hadamard -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy deleted tag 2021100611-Hadamard
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ A new cut of Hadamard will be forthcoming within a couple of hours
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy created tag 2021100611-Hadamard -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy tagged 5a46263 as 2021100611-Hadamard
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ `Everything is Ok`
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy closed issue #3144: Impossible to type in some fields -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy 832b565 - Another of God's last message to its creation.
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ 143 affected users.
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy 17b20a6 - New Tencent link.
<queqiao-_> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ *~~i am deeply affected, my soul, my life, my everything, I embody all 143 of these brave souls who ventured forth, into a new principia version.~~*
<raptop> Uh
<raptop> Did you sacrifice 143 people to summon Laplace's Dæmon?
<queqiao-_> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ ~~*it was worth it*~~
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ Please download Principia anew; your issue should be fixed.
<queqiao-_> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ Oh nice, new version is out?
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ Hotfix for the existing version rather
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ See
<queqiao-_> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ Yeah, I noticed that issue with the dates., but someone had already reported it here.
<queqiao-_> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ Yeah, I noticed that issue with the dates, but someone had already reported it here. (edited)
<queqiao-_> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ Thanks!
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ did someone report it prior to LordEidar?
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ If the noise starts to drown out time-critical bug reports this is going to annoy me
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy commented on issue #3144: Impossible to type in some fields -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin labeled pull request #3142: DiscreteTrajectoryIterator -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy synchronize pull request #3142: DiscreteTrajectoryIterator -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Pending. Build queued… - 
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Pending. Building… -