egg changed the topic of #principia to: Logs: | <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
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<queqiao-_> ⟨Z​eusbeer⟩ Actually if you're reallly good with the meneuvering, you can get it stable for 2 solar orbits or about 2 years
<queqiao-_> ⟨Z​eusbeer⟩ But for solar L1/L2 you'd mostly have to set an alarm every year to stationkeep
<queqiao-_> ⟨Z​eusbeer⟩ Lunar L1/L2 is 30 days
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<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy opened pull request #3160: Compatibility deserialization of DiscreteTrajectory2 -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Pending. Build queued… - 
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<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Failure. Build finished. -
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ See p. 13 for the Ляпунов time at L₁/L₂
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy synchronize pull request #3160: Compatibility deserialization of DiscreteTrajectory2 -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Pending. Build queued… - 
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<queqiao-_> ⟨Z​eusbeer⟩ Can you ping the above message? It would be nice as reference for later
<queqiao-_> ⟨Z​eusbeer⟩ also I thought it was more than only 23 days, interesting
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ that’s the Ляпунов time for sitting at the Lagrange point, it doesn’t tell you how often you need to correct a trajectory that wobbles around it, it tells you how long it takes for sitting at distance 𝑑 from the Lagrange point to become sitting at distance e𝑑 from it
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ for DSCOVR I find
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ > – First SK burn planned for Sept. 15th; predictions show ~ 4 cm/sec
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ and
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ > • If in-plane errors significant, they can be managed by planning an SK burn ~ 4 weeks later to do clean-up
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ > – Minimum interval needed to get good post-burn OD about 3 weeks
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ insertion on June 7th, so June–September before the first correction
<queqiao-_> ⟨Z​eusbeer⟩ Eggs rabbit hole of cool papers has spoken again
<queqiao-_> ⟨Z​eusbeer⟩ Interesting
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Failure. Build finished. -
<queqiao-_> ⟨Z​eusbeer⟩ Its also interesting to note the similarity of doing 3 vs 6 month stationkeeping cycles in terms of total deltaV cost
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ that’s not SK, that’s SEZ avoidance
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy synchronize pull request #3160: Compatibility deserialization of DiscreteTrajectory2 -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Pending. Build queued… - 
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Pending. Building… -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin reviewed pull request #3160 commit -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin reviewed pull request #3160 commit -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin labeled pull request #3160: Compatibility deserialization of DiscreteTrajectory2 -
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ @DRVeyl speaking of which, does RA model difficulties in talking to spacecraft angularly close to the Sun?
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<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy reviewed pull request #3160 commit -
<queqiao-_> ⟨D​RVeyl⟩ Yes. All bodies are a noise source. Just blackbody for now, though the sun has a separate curve. Proportion of the body in the viewing area of the antenna contributes noise
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy synchronize pull request #3160: Compatibility deserialization of DiscreteTrajectory2 -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Pending. Build queued… - 
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Failure. Build finished. -
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<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy synchronize pull request #3160: Compatibility deserialization of DiscreteTrajectory2 -
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<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ nice
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<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy commented on pull request #3160: Compatibility deserialization of DiscreteTrajectory2 -
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<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Pending. Building… -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Failure. Build finished. -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy commented on pull request #3160: Compatibility deserialization of DiscreteTrajectory2 -
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<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy commented on pull request #3160: Compatibility deserialization of DiscreteTrajectory2 -
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<queqiao-_> ⟨G​ooners⟩ Im about to start a new save to check out the new R&D addition and im wondering if its time to start using principia for my 1st time, 3 previous issues used to put me off and from what i gather 2 of those is now a non issue (mechjeb able to place maneuver nodes and the Rss fork of TWP i hear works very well now with it ) but im still a little worried about the other issue being the extra lag/scene
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Failure. Build finished. -
<queqiao-_> ⟨Z​eusbeer⟩ @Gooners As long as you don't have too many crafts hanging around in orbit (i.e. remove debris, or useless crafts, disable asteroids) the scene transition times are good. Some fixes to #2400 were made a little while back
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ if you are new to Principia, go for Kourou, not the Cape, otherwise you will be facing a brick wall when you try going to the Moon
<queqiao-_> ⟨G​ooners⟩ oh direct hohmann wont work ?
<queqiao-_> ⟨G​ooners⟩ That might be interesting but also what im looking for adding to what they really had to do irl
<queqiao-_> ⟨P​aculino (ŝi/ri/she/they)⟩ Launching into plane is possible at Kourou always (rarely at the Cape, where matching LAN is often required)
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ (Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota is another alternative that’s also close enough to the equator)
<queqiao-_> ⟨G​ooners⟩ If i eventually decide the mod isnt for me can i remove it without damaging the save? doubt it but maybe if there is no crafts i need floating around i care about maybe?
<queqiao-_> ⟨S​oviet Onion⟩ well, maybe if you put something in orbit around a Lagrange point, that will surely change
<queqiao-_> ⟨G​ooners⟩ oh otherwise the rest should be harmless?
<queqiao-_> ⟨P​aculino (ŝi/ri/she/they)⟩ Interplanetary transfers will be messed up
<queqiao-_> ⟨G​ooners⟩ ah ok thought so
<queqiao-_> ⟨P​aculino (ŝi/ri/she/they)⟩ In-progress interplanetary transfers will be messed up (edited)
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy synchronize pull request #3160: Compatibility deserialization of DiscreteTrajectory2 -
<queqiao-_> ⟨G​ooners⟩ Well i've been playing Rp-1 on and off for years and always been tempted , the 1st 2 concerns where killer for me though so trying now wont hurt
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Pending. Build queued… - 
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Pending. Building… -
<queqiao-_> ⟨l​pg⟩ MJ was always able to place maneuvers. MJ is still not really able to _execute_ principia flight plans in RO
<queqiao-_> ⟨G​ooners⟩ Yea i read a little further back that MJ has an issue with the engines not starting instantly
<queqiao-_> ⟨G​ooners⟩ Does that mean you guys are manually doing the burns?
<queqiao-_> ⟨P​aculino (ŝi/ri/she/they)⟩ No, engines realistically have spool-up; Mechjeb burn execution simply does not take this into account
<queqiao-_> ⟨G​ooners⟩ Why does it seem to in non principia though?
<queqiao-_> ⟨l​pg⟩ because stock maneuvers are dv-based, not time-based
<queqiao-_> ⟨G​ooners⟩ oh right
<queqiao-_> ⟨G​ooners⟩ In that case i think ill wait to use it in a sanbox game when i have time to test it a little, thanks for that extra info
<queqiao-_> ⟨l​pg⟩ Ways to deal with it: manually pressing the buttons, tweaking the maneuver times to acount for spool-up, hack engine configs to not have spool up; going to #script-automation
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Success. Build finished. -
<queqiao-_> ⟨G​ooners⟩ Guess the last option works best for people that know what they are doing but im not looking to get into that side of things atm. And thinking back i never really got passed luna manned stuff because i guess the load times get a little frustrating even though there is tons of stuff left to do elsewhere which this will not help with i guess
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy closed pull request #3160: Compatibility deserialization of DiscreteTrajectory2 -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy pushed 27 commits to Ondelette [+4/-0/±87]
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy 13dac56 - Downsampling should be public.
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy 2eee704 - Some compatibility code.
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy fd480c2 - Fix some compilation errors.
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] ... and 24 more commits.
<queqiao-_> ⟨e​gg⟩ sandbox is very good for getting used to everything being different with Principia anyway
<queqiao-_> ⟨G​ooners⟩ Yea true, its just im starting that new save and this mod is always one that i think about.
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy opened pull request #3161: Rename DiscreteTrajectory2 into DiscreteTraject0ry -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Pending. Build queued… - 
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Pending. Building… -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin labeled pull request #3161: Rename DiscreteTrajectory2 into DiscreteTraject0ry -
<queqiao-_> ⟨L​ordEidar⟩ I use better time warp and slow time down, if twr is low enough you can hit manually well enough.
<queqiao-_> ⟨P​aculino (ŝi/ri/she/they)⟩ BetterTimeWarp slow motion helps too
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<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Failure. Build finished. -
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<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Pending. Build queued… - 
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Pending. Building… -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Success. Build finished. -
<queqiao-_> ⟨Z​eusbeer⟩ Just launch from Kourou and you'll have a fine experience
<queqiao-_> ⟨Z​eusbeer⟩ also sandbox like egg mentioned
<queqiao-_> ⟨Z​eusbeer⟩ just practice the basic things you'd do in stock
<raptop> Launching from Kourou is the new retrograde Bop
<queqiao-_> ⟨P​aculino (ŝi/ri/she/they)⟩ What would the ideal planetary system for learning Principia be? Just two or three non-co-planar, moderately tilted planets (one with a moon with mascons) orbiting a star? That would cover everything major, wouldn't it?
<queqiao-_> ⟨M​ajorZero⟩ Ours!
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<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin closed pull request #3161: Rename DiscreteTrajectory2 into DiscreteTraject0ry -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin pushed 3 commits to Ondelette [+6/-6/±14]
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy ebd30f7 - Rename DiscreteTrajectory2 into DiscreteTraject0ry to avoid having to reformat the clients due to the different length of the identifiers.
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy b4b5152 - Merge.
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin ae77ba9 - Merge pull request #3161 from pleroy/Leet Rename DiscreteTrajectory2 into DiscreteTraject0ry
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy opened pull request #3162: Convert mathematica and physics to DiscreteTraject0ry -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Pending. Build queued… - 
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Pending. Building… -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin labeled pull request #3162: Convert mathematica and physics to DiscreteTraject0ry -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Failure. Build finished. -
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<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy closed pull request #3162: Convert mathematica and physics to DiscreteTraject0ry -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy pushed 4 commits to Ondelette [+0/-0/±24]
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy c14d7ee - DiscreteTraject0ry in mathematica.
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy 2e895ef - DiscreteTraject0ry in physics.
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy 6d41161 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'mockingbirdnest/Ondelette' into Physics
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy 96a485b - Merge pull request #3162 from pleroy/Physics Convert mathematica and physics to DiscreteTraject0ry
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] pleroy opened pull request #3163: Convert astronomy to DiscreteTraject0ry -
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<_whitenotifier> [Principia] Failure. Build finished. -
<_whitenotifier> [Principia] eggrobin labeled pull request #3163: Convert astronomy to DiscreteTraject0ry -