egg changed the topic of #principia to: READ THE FAQ:; The current version is Germain. We currently target 1.8.1, 1.9.1, 1.10.1, and 1.11.0. <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly… | <egg> also 4e16 m * 2^-52 is uncomfortably large
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<discord-> K​rontane. — hi team some knows hoe to stop orbit to "drift" away from the body:
<discord-> K​rontane. — the problem is not only aesthetic as the frame of reference relative speed gets wacky
<discord-> S​tonesmile. — Is this using KRASH?
<discord-> K​rontane. — yep
<discord-> S​tonesmile. — Start the sim in Earth orbit, go to alt+F12 and toggle cheat gravity, go to orbit selection cheat menu and change orbit to desired body, toggle cheat gravity off
<discord-> K​rontane. — Thanks man
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<egg|laptop|egg> meow
<discord-> S​tonesmile. — 🐱 ?
egg|laptop|egg has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<discord-> s​iimav. — 🐱 !
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — 🐱🐱
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — 🐱🐱🐱
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱
<discord-> A​l2Me6. — Ah yes, Fibonacci meow.
<discord-> e​gg. — > In the Vietnamese zodiac and the Gurung zodiac, the cat takes the place of the rabbit.
<discord-> B​utcher. — Cats you say?
raptop has joined #principia
<_whitenotifier-8975> [Principia] pleroy labeled issue #2796: Crash on career load; .sfs corruption -
<_whitenotifier-8975> [Principia] pleroy commented on issue #2796: Crash on career load; .sfs corruption -
<_whitenotifier-8975> [Principia] pleroy closed issue #2796: Crash on career load; .sfs corruption -
<_whitenotifier-8975> [Principia] eggrobin edited a comment on issue #2796: Crash on career load; .sfs corruption -
<_whitenotifier-8975> [Principia] pleroy commented on issue #2815: Save-corruption crash: 0 < header_bits -
<egg|anbo|egg> raptop: is it reasonable to assume diffraction-limited for any earth orbservation or planetary astronomy task?
<raptop> egg|anbo|egg: Given the Trump leak last year, we know that 2.4 m telescopes are diffranction limited for surprisingly shallow angle Earth observations
<raptop> I would hand-wave for an earth-like atmosphere that any telescope below ~20 cm is always diffraction limited in optical
<raptop> Bigger than that, and you want less air (high, Mars), adaptive optics, or longer wavelengths
<egg|anbo|egg> wait how does the angle matter, the diffraction limit gives you angular resolution and the observation angle then makes the corresponding linear resolution worse, no?
<raptop> More air means more possibilities for turbulence / bad seeing
<egg|anbo|egg> oh, right. The atmosphere is a thing in that direction too.
<raptop> the cows require higher order harmonics
<discord-> C​aravans of Rockets. — ???
<discord-> C​aravans of Rockets. — what do@UB3R-B0T and @鹊桥IRC bots do?
<discord-> e​gg. — no idea about the former, the latter is a bridge to the IRC channel
<raptop> The latter acts an an intermediary for a diapsid trapped in a chinese room
<discord-> C​aravans of Rockets. — what
<egg|anbo|egg> no relation to QQ
<discord-> C​aravans of Rockets. — Detroit become Human
<discord-> B​utcher. — Raptop, cows require higher order harmonics? What of the elephant?
<raptop> Butcher: Eh, those are easy. You don't even need the fifth parameter if the trunk doesn't wiggle!
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — can't wait for someone to publish the article *Gravitational Model of an African Elephant*
<raptop> Ooh, that would be a good april 1st arχiv post
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — it'll have to cite
<raptop> hah
<discord-> C​aravans of Rockets. — raptop, what about aerodynamics of a cow?
<discord-> C​aravans of Rockets. — I'm confused, are you some sort of AI?
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — *expresses disappointment that the date is not Apr 1*
<discord-> C​aravans of Rockets. — raptop, calculate specific impulse of human fart for propulsion?
<discord-> C​aravans of Rockets. — holdon lemme do this in bot testing
<raptop> no
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — zero, because the human would be deat
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — zero, because the human would be dead (edited)
<discord-> C​aravans of Rockets. — Is raptop some kind of ai?
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — no
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — at least, not as of now
<raptop> I mean, I do use a neural network
<discord-> C​aravans of Rockets. — what is this??? we are in the future!!
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — no, 鹊桥 just transmits messages from Discord to the principia IRC
<discord-> C​aravans of Rockets. — what is irc?
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — *sighs*
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — you're one of the new ones around here, right?
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — (referring to the internet)
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). —
<discord-> C​aravans of Rockets. — I have been on internet for years, taken several computer classes, and studied theory books, but still don't know
<discord-> C​aravans of Rockets. — ohhhhh
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — speaking of Wikipedia, it's currently at 996 784 620 edits
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — at least, the english version
<discord-> B​utcher. — Irc days to the late 80s or early 90s right? I forget.
<discord-> B​utcher. — Irc dates to the late 80s or early 90s right? I forget. (edited)
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — 1990
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — (ish)
<discord-> C​aravans of Rockets. — I was born in 2006
<discord-> C​aravans of Rockets. — also I confused irc with something about internet telephone, sorry
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — whoa, don't drop your birthyear on the internet
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — general rule of thumb
<raptop> Meh, *gestures at how poorly credit scores are secured*
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — dunno, seems better to minimize the surface area, or so to speak
<discord-> B​utcher. — Paranoid much?
<raptop> It feels like we're in meger sponge territory already
<raptop> *menger
<discord-> B​utcher. — I joined irc back in the late 90s when all the cool kids were using it.
* raptop ponders what to do to corrupt the youth
<discord-> C​aravans of Rockets. — I was born in 2000s, so kinda (edited)
<raptop> [Socrates was killed for "corrupting the minds of the youth"]
<discord-> A​shnoom. — Any information w.r.t. a CTD, without a 'crash popup' when using the flight planner?
<discord-> A​shnoom. — (and thus also no crash information in the logs)
<discord-> l​pg. — principia has its own logs. consult the principia faq
<discord-> A​shnoom. — !principia
<discord-> R​O Bot. — Download the latest version of Principia from <>; make sure to download the right one for the version of KSP that you are using (otherwise the game will crash on load).
<_whitenotifier-8975> [Principia] daantimmer opened issue #2867: Hard CTD when using the slider to change the tangent after modifying the initial time using its slider. -
<discord-> A​shnoom. — Right, done. Thanks. Wasn't aware. Was looking at the 'default' log locations 🙂
<discord-> S​tandecco. — raptop, do you have wolfram alpha integration?
<discord-> S​tandecco. — would be a worthy addition to the AI
<raptop> Standecco: Weirdly, my academic access to things doesn't include that (as best I'm aware)
<raptop> (I mean, I also need to use sci-hub weirdly often also)
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — 🏴‍☠️
<discord-> (​experimentalshells?). — legally questionable, but morally correct