egg changed the topic of #principia to: Logs: | <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
<queqiao-> ⟨r​nlahaye⟩ Could you try taking a CPU trace of KSP the next time this happens? It should provide some insight into what is going on.
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<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ Agh! I can't get a good Moon encounter!
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ i think i should give up
<queqiao-> ⟨A​l2Me6⟩ What are we even looking at
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ i dont know anymore
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ im just trying to go the moon
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ but physics hates me
<queqiao-> ⟨A​l2Me6⟩ You shouldn't need a flight plan longer than, like, 5 days...
<queqiao-> ⟨A​l2Me6⟩ Seems like you were in a bad parking orbit
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ Righteo
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ Time to start again
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ tomorrow
<queqiao-> ⟨Z​ombieZilla⟩ So, what I can do to lower save file save. Will removing all the old crafts reduce it?
<queqiao-> ⟨A​l2Me6⟩ That, or going to the craft and toggling hack gravity on and off.
<queqiao-> ⟨A​l2Me6⟩ Note that only craft in orbit of a body and with long histories take up significant space, so don't clean up interplanetary probes.
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<queqiao-> ⟨l​pg⟩ start with debris, if any
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<queqiao-> ⟨T​ori⟩ Can someone link the "official" principia tutorial since I couldn't find it please
<queqiao-> ⟨S​paceFace545⟩ Dang I’m in love with this mod. It makes rendezvous so simple.
<queqiao-> ⟨S​paceFace545⟩ Still figuring out how to make a tli maneuevr
<queqiao-> ⟨S​oviet Onion⟩ I'm not sure if there is an official tutorial?
<queqiao-> ⟨T​ori⟩ Well then is there any good full tutorial?
<queqiao-> ⟨S​oviet Onion⟩ the github links to a wiki sort-of in the ReadMe section
<queqiao-> ⟨S​oviet Onion⟩ a pretty good introduction at least
<queqiao-> ⟨T​ori⟩ Yea are they enough for me to figure out how to go to the moon?I have the deltaV but idk how to do it with the weird gravity
<queqiao-> ⟨T​ori⟩ So yeah thanks I will read them
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<queqiao-> ⟨L​unarDust⟩ Is my game going to be a lot slower as in loading times and fps if principia + jnsq?
<queqiao-> ⟨S​oviet Onion⟩ loading times, I don't think so.
<queqiao-> ⟨S​oviet Onion⟩ I have principia, I didn't notice any considerable change from when I didn't have it
<queqiao-> ⟨L​unarDust⟩ I have 8gb ram
<queqiao-> ⟨S​oviet Onion⟩ that might be fine. Just go easy on part mods
<queqiao-> ⟨*​ਜੰਗਲੀ ਆਦਮੀ*⟩ yea it does slow loading time
<queqiao-> ⟨L​unarDust⟩ By how much?
<queqiao-> ⟨*​ਜੰਗਲੀ ਆਦਮੀ*⟩ a lot
<queqiao-> ⟨*​ਜੰਗਲੀ ਆਦਮੀ*⟩ depends on history
<queqiao-> ⟨A​l2Me6⟩ I would qualify that statement a lot more carefully.
<queqiao-> ⟨*​ਜੰਗਲੀ ਆਦਮੀ*⟩ i have an nvme ssd and it takes a decent time
<queqiao-> ⟨L​unarDust⟩ Well there goes my plans
<queqiao-> ⟨*​ਜੰਗਲੀ ਆਦਮੀ*⟩ i havent measured it but it is close to a 30sec - 1mins
<queqiao-> ⟨A​l2Me6⟩ What @*ਜੰਗਲੀ ਆਦਮੀ* is trying to say is this:
<queqiao-> ⟨A​l2Me6⟩ > If you are not careful about maintaining your save and let old vessels with long flight histories around planets and moons accumulate, the resulting inflated save size will bog down the crappy KSP savefile loader.
<queqiao-> ⟨L​unarDust⟩ Ohhhhhh
<queqiao-> ⟨*​ਜੰਗਲੀ ਆਦਮੀ*⟩ yea that
<queqiao-> ⟨A​l2Me6⟩ If you take good care of your install, scene switch time shouldn't be too big of a problem.
<queqiao-> ⟨L​unarDust⟩ Time to add deorbit thrusters to literally everything
<queqiao-> ⟨*​ਜੰਗਲੀ ਆਦਮੀ*⟩ you can terminate vehicles
<queqiao-> ⟨A​l2Me6⟩ Or just terminate them 😉
<queqiao-> ⟨L​unarDust⟩ Nahhhh
<queqiao-> ⟨L​unarDust⟩ I like seeing things go boom
<queqiao-> ⟨L​unarDust⟩ Ok i take back what i said i prefer termination because i’ll forget to add retro thrusters all the time
<queqiao-> ⟨s​ichelgaita⟩ Keep your orbits clean. Kessler will thank you.
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<queqiao-> ⟨e​xpanders are superior⟩ !concepts
<queqiao-> ⟨S​tonesmile⟩ *Wow! The command worked!*
<queqiao-> ⟨P​aculino (ŝi/ri/she/they)⟩ Everyone thought raptop was the bot, when it was Stonesmile the entire time
<raptop> beep boop
<queqiao-> ⟨e​xpanders are superior⟩ thank you so much
<queqiao-> ⟨e​xpanders are superior⟩ time to melt my brain trying to figure out lunar impact
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ using MCFM makes it so much easier
<queqiao-> ⟨p​Edro⟩ It gets really easy after a short while.
<queqiao-> ⟨p​Edro⟩ You quickly develop a way to get encounters really fast.
<queqiao-> ⟨p​Edro⟩
<queqiao-> ⟨p​Edro⟩ I have a small collections of Notes on how to do certain maneuvers because it helps me compare my options.
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ jahhahahaha
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ KSP just crashed, mid TLI
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ wow, great
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ its the second time its done this
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ there's nothing in ksp.log about it, so maybe it's a principia issue?
<queqiao-> ⟨e​xpanders are superior⟩ MCFM is lunar reference frame?
<queqiao-> ⟨e​xpanders are superior⟩ I’m going to try tonight
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ Can someone help me with this?
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ The game just closed itself, no unity crash handler or anything
<queqiao-> ⟨e​xpanders are superior⟩ I fooled around with it while I was in a virtual info session and I got close ish but I’ll need to take another look. It seemed harder than it needed to be for me
<queqiao-> ⟨S​tonesmile⟩ That's what happens when Principia encounters an error; it quits as fast as possible
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ I see.
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ You wouldnt know how to resolve said error?
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ It's only started happening recently.
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ It's only started happening recently. I haven't changed any mods, just started trying to go the Moon, but usually when I'm performing the TLI, or making the node for the TLI, principia kills the game. (edited)
<queqiao-> ⟨S​tonesmile⟩ The FATAL files are usually short, what does it say? (I'm on mobile)
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ >
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ >Log file created at: 2021/09/27 22:15:29
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ Running on machine: DESKTOP-MRRVTMR
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD5802443F google::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal [0x00007FFD5802443E+46]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD4F3F698F principia__VesselVelocity [0x00007FFD4F3F698E+982910]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD4F3F6F15 principia__VesselVelocity [0x00007FFD4F3F6F14+984324]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD4F2A147F (No symbol) [0x00007FFD4F2A147E]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD4F4112D7 principia__VesselVelocity [0x00007FFD4F4112D6+1091782]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD4F35146B principia__VesselVelocity [0x00007FFD4F35146A+305754]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD4F4089DE principia__VesselVelocity [0x00007FFD4F4089DD+1056717]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD4F45FCF1 principia__VesselVelocity [0x00007FFD4F45FCF0+1413856]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD4F462FEE principia__VesselVelocity [0x00007FFD4F462FED+1426909]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD4F462253 principia__VesselVelocity [0x00007FFD4F462252+1423426]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD4F264444 (No symbol) [0x00007FFD4F264443]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD4F2579DE (No symbol) [0x00007FFD4F2579DD]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD6E611BB2 configthreadlocale [0x00007FFD6E611BB1+145]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD70B07034 BaseThreadInitThunk [0x00007FFD70B07033+19]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD70D22651 RtlUserThreadStart [0x00007FFD70D22650+32]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ F0927 22:15:29.894515 6396 continuous_trajectory_body.hpp:96] Check failed: 1 >= ULPDistance((last_points_.back().first + step_ - t0) / si::Unit<Time>, (time - t0) / si::Unit<Time>) (1 vs. 2516582400) Append at times that are not equally spaced, expected +6.00000000000000000e+02 s, found 1960-11-13T11:20:00,0000000000000000 (TT) and 1960-11-13T11:40:00,0000000000000000 (TT) (edited)
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ `Log file created at: 2021/09/27 22:15:29
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ Running on machine: DESKTOP-MRRVTMR
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD5802443F google::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal [0x00007FFD5802443E+46]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD4F3F698F principia__VesselVelocity [0x00007FFD4F3F698E+982910]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD4F3F6F15 principia__VesselVelocity [0x00007FFD4F3F6F14+984324]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD4F2A147F (No symbol) [0x00007FFD4F2A147E]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD4F4112D7 principia__VesselVelocity [0x00007FFD4F4112D6+1091782]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD4F35146B principia__VesselVelocity [0x00007FFD4F35146A+305754]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD4F4089DE principia__VesselVelocity [0x00007FFD4F4089DD+1056717]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD4F45FCF1 principia__VesselVelocity [0x00007FFD4F45FCF0+1413856]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD4F462FEE principia__VesselVelocity [0x00007FFD4F462FED+1426909]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD4F462253 principia__VesselVelocity [0x00007FFD4F462252+1423426]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD4F264444 (No symbol) [0x00007FFD4F264443]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD4F2579DE (No symbol) [0x00007FFD4F2579DD]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD6E611BB2 configthreadlocale [0x00007FFD6E611BB1+145]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD70B07034 BaseThreadInitThunk [0x00007FFD70B07033+19]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ @ 00007FFD70D22651 RtlUserThreadStart [0x00007FFD70D22650+32]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ F0927 22:15:29.894515 6396 continuous_trajectory_body.hpp:96] Check failed: 1 >= ULPDistance((last_points_.back().first + step_ - t0) / si::Unit<Time>, (time - t0) / si::Unit<Time>) (1 vs. 2516582400) Append at times that are not equally spaced, expected +6.00000000000000000e+02 s, found 1960-11-13T11:20:00,0000000000000000 (TT) and 1960-11-13T11:40:00,0000000000000000 (TT)` (edited)
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ > `Log file created at: 2021/09/27 22:15:29
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ > Running on machine: DESKTOP-MRRVTMR
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ > Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ > @ 00007FFD5802443F google::LogMessageFatal::~LogMessageFatal [0x00007FFD5802443E+46]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ > @ 00007FFD4F3F698F principia__VesselVelocity [0x00007FFD4F3F698E+982910]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ > @ 00007FFD4F3F6F15 principia__VesselVelocity [0x00007FFD4F3F6F14+984324]
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ > @ 00007FFD4F2A147F (No symbol) [0x00007FFD4F2A147E]
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<queqiao-> ⟨s​ichelgaita⟩ This happens if you have a mod that plays with time (moves time faster and or backwards).
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ Ah, so I'm guessing I can't use bettertimewarp?
<queqiao-> ⟨P​aculino (ŝi/ri/she/they)⟩ Better time warp has never caused me any issues
<queqiao-> ⟨s​ichelgaita⟩ Yes, I believe that bettertimewarp is fine, although to be honest I don't know what happens at very high warp factors. I would rather look for mods that think that they can move time back and forth and break continuity.
<queqiao-> ⟨s​ichelgaita⟩ Yes, I believe that bettertimewarp is fine. I would rather look for mods that think that they can move time back and forth and break continuity. (edited)
<queqiao-> ⟨C​had Lancer⟩ Aha! I was in a KCT simulation. That must be it, right?
<queqiao-> ⟨s​ichelgaita⟩ Yeah, that has been known to cause Plague and Pestilence.
<queqiao-> ⟨P​aculino (ŝi/ri/she/they)⟩ Doesn't fix it?
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<queqiao-> ⟨A​l2Me6⟩ I would hope so... if it's still broken yell at me.
<queqiao-> ⟨P​aculino (ŝi/ri/she/they)⟩ It seems to be working so far
<queqiao-> ⟨P​aculino (ŝi/ri/she/they)⟩ I haven't tried simming decades ahead or anything though
<queqiao-> ⟨P​aculino (ŝi/ri/she/they)⟩ I haven't tried simming decades ahead or anything though; just a few years (edited)
<queqiao-> ⟨A​l2Me6⟩ Nah, this is a different issue than the sim in the future one... the latter is crash by OOM, not by FATAL.
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ yeah here something is going back in time, not into the far future
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ hm, no it’s not a going-back-in-time issue
<queqiao-> ⟨e​gg⟩ hm, no it’s not obviously a going-back-in-time issue, that’s not the « closed timelike curve » check (edited)
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