egg changed the topic of #principia to: Logs: | <scott_manley> anyone that doubts the wisdom of retrograde bop needs to get the hell out | | <egg> calculating the influence of lamont on Pluto is a bit silly…
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<queqiao-> ⟨S​paceFace545⟩ Just started learning to use principia but am I the only one to find it a lot more intuitive and easier than the stock system
<queqiao-> ⟨S​paceFace545⟩ Maybe cause I play childiren of a dead earth
<queqiao-> ⟨l​pg⟩ it's a far better system, but I think it takes a special kind of mind to find it more intuitive
<queqiao-> ⟨S​paceFace545⟩ i don't know it makes rendesvous so much simpler. You can just change the perspective and then get the lines to cross
<queqiao-> ⟨l​pg⟩ except stock rendezvous is just 4 button presses in MJ
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<queqiao-> ⟨S​paceFace545⟩ It’s really weird for me
<queqiao-> ⟨S​paceFace545⟩ It gives me these insane maneuvers that cost thousands of m/s
<queqiao-> ⟨P​aculino (ŝi/ri/she/they)⟩ Does it really? I think it is just as intuitive as stock, except for rendezvous, which is far more intuitive
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<queqiao-> ⟨k​illerbanana_1⟩ fantastic game btw