Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<umaxtu> seriously Rogozin?
<raptop> ...what did he do now?
<raptop> ah
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<darsie> :)
<darsie> How did you get these small fuel tanks?
<darsie> Ohh, they're big struts.
<darsie> I'm so used to cubic stuts.
<Izaya> I'm very early in the tech tree and want a KSC rover :D
<darsie> struts
<darsie> ic :)
<darsie> You could just roll with the pod.
<darsie> Maybe a fuel tank on the narrow side.
<Izaya> I tried that with the spherical one and that resulted in explosions.
<darsie> reduce the authority of the RW.
<Izaya> over-engineering a goofy rover is totally my thing though
<darsie> But it just slips, right? Those tanks are not rolling.
<Izaya> they have servos so they roll
<darsie> ahh
<darsie> They're available early?
<Izaya> Apparently
<Althego> i just connect two pods
<Althego> after that i use the worse wheels and put the smallest jet on it
<darsie> Why not just roll with the pods RWs?
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<Althego> wah
<Althego> i will have to watch this tomorrow
<Althego> but i will start with irys
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