Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<packbart> the DLL is just C# bytecode, so should be the same on both OS, isn't it?
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<Althego> hirys (with stickmin)
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<Althego> ohayollie
<Althego> heh, i cant listen to two streams on my phone, silly google
<UmbralRaptop> That sounds like it would be difficult to follow
<Althego> it is the morning, i can go up to 3
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<Daddde> hello I have encountered uun problem that does not allow me to continue to play, it concerns the commands of the sas, they have disappeared I only have "stability assistance" can anyone help me?
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<kubi> Daddde: do you have proper antenna and connection back to the KSC?
<Daddde> I have never used an antenna it all happened suddenly
<Althego> antenna only matters if it is uncrewed
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<darsie> 1337
<flayer> nice
<darsie> 1 s off :)
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<Mat2ch> S20 is also stacked
<Mat2ch> I wonder if they are going to lift B4 on the launch table and test it there
<Mat2ch> S20 will go probably on Pad B
<Mat2ch> We are going to see a flight this month
<Mat2ch> very very likely
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<Mat2ch> Booster B4 is lifted on the OLT soon. (At least I think it's going to get lifted there)
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* flayer scrolls the wrong way to zoom in
<flayer> sigh..
<raptop> *sad trombone*
<packbart> well, there's an option settings.cfg to reverse it... ;)
<flayer> I could've done that from the start?!
<flayer> dammit lol
<packbart> it doesn't change scroll direction in the lists (like part lists in the VAB), so it's good they fixed it
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<darsie> Yesteday I added 32 GB swap to my 8 GB, which helped playing KSP with some programs open. But it wasn't enough swap to hibernate. So now I use 64+8 GB.
<flayer> i'm going to build a new computer for ksp2
<flayer> this one is 10 years old
<raptop> shame about the videocard shortage
<flayer> i hope bitcoin gets banned
<flayer> they just literally found something even more fictional than 'real' money
<flayer> like whats the point even
<bees> flayer: and they even put fictional stuff on fictional stuff
<bees> and people pay for that
<flayer> 🤡
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<darsie> Bitcoin uses ASICS for mining.
<darsie> ASICs
<darsie> before that it used FPGAs.
<darsie> Before that it used graphics cards.
<darsie> Before that it used CPUs.
<darsie> Some other cryptos are designed for graphics cards so ordinary ppl could mine, e.g. dogecoin. But there were also ASICs made to mine doge, IIRC. Or was it some other crypto?
<darsie> Litecoin?
<darsie> Litecoin
<bees> darsie: everything follows bitcoin
<bees> in crypto world
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