Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Do not visit the hoverliths, for they carry a terrible curse.
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<XXCoder> less silly than some of mine lol
<umaxtu> those nose mounted engine pods are actually pretty clever goes they do double duty
<umaxtu> air-breathing propulsion and ballast so I can fill the tanks for the rocket engines
<raptop> umaxtu: I'm legit curious as to the rocket portion. LV-909s? T-45?
<umaxtu> i'm using the cr-10a from the cryo engines mod
<umaxtu> needs more pitch control when empty
<raptop> ah
<umaxtu> pretty engine plunes
<raptop> The main wings remind me of even though the tail and engines are very different
<umaxtu> just a bit
<umaxtu> the wings aren't quite that weird
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<Althego> spacex lasunch
<UmbralRaptop> … at 03:17 in my timezone >_<
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i went to bed around midnight because of that failed launch
<Althego> and woke up at five without even setting an alarm and caught the beginning of the irys-ina collab
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<Althego> two hosts upgraded to bullseye. i forgot most of these were on the same lxc host, extremely slow doing it in parallel
<Althego> would have been faster to create these from scratch
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<Althego> no launch
<Althego> two scurbs in half a day
<Althego> that is too much
<Althego> or many
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<JVFoxy> got bored... honestly didn't think I'd make it to mun orbit but.. was pretty tight
<JVFoxy> 11 ton station
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<Althego> hehe 3 terminal windows scrolling up the upgrade. hackereman
<Mat2ch> New Stream-Link ;)
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<Althego> guh
<darsie> .
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<darsie> RO/RP-1 is up to 1.10.
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<Mat2ch> 4 minutes till live stream of Astra launch
<Mat2ch> But launch probably in an hour or even more
<Mat2ch> got moved a few minutes back...
<packbart> they seem to be pretty confident about their stuff, numbering the flight 0006
<Mat2ch> well....
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> well, launch in an hour plus the waiting time for the final countdown
<Mat2ch> not going to watch that
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<JVFoxy> just noticed one of the guy's screens has googly eyes
<packbart> sort-of lift-off
<JVFoxy> wut...
<JVFoxy> nice power slide
<JVFoxy> released too soon?
<packbart> needs moar boosters
<JVFoxy> its going though.. but not sure that first moment was suppose to happen?
<JVFoxy> lol.. when the velocity reading gave a negative number
<raptop> oops
<JVFoxy> launch site got a bit .. burnt.. lol
<packbart> yeah, they didn't master the flip-stabilizing of KSP rockets, yet
<packbart> they do have the "too low lift-off TWR" down, thoughh
<JVFoxy> don't know.. seemed more like the clamps let go of it too soon before engines were up to speed
<JVFoxy> though I ended up noticing wasn't watching live, hit live and oh look its already sliding
<JVFoxy> lol.. spacex boargame now a thing?
<JVFoxy> *boardgame
<JVFoxy> watching playback, it popped up, but suddenly leaned one direction and kinda hovered for a bit.. hmm
<JVFoxy> guess that's one way to 'clear the tower'
* raptop laughs in Ares I-X
<JVFoxy> no.. Atlas with one booster
<JVFoxy> they were mentioning earlier about adjusting the fuel mixture.. wonder if something got messed up there
<JVFoxy> oh.. going back through video, noticed some panel got ripped off on the onboard video
<raptop> whelp
<JVFoxy> guess waiting game now
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